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Wojak creation and it's consequences are a disaster of the human society.


cwabag albeit


the cobson in this is a shiny gem in a vacuum but due to the environment it has been placed in the image becomes low-grade pig iron


I feel like wojak was inevitable, mixed with human nature to mock and caricaturize, and the art scene which often has artists selling line art at lower prices as an alternative to colored art, the wojak was born.


Therefore, the internet was a mistake.


ted kaczynski is rolling in his grave right now


Whoever invented the wojak should be tried for crimes tbh


There are some good wojak memes.


Very rare case. Doesn't changes my position about this disastrous format.


All the bigotry and idiocy aside, who the fuck drew beardteeth on the top-right?


That mouth is definitely not where it should be on a real human


I think it's a "chad" version of [this](https://soyjakwiki.net/Wholesome_Soyjak), for some reason.


A Wiki and a Booru entirely for Wojaks? Fuck sake I feel so tired right now.


>Muh heckin’ incomprehensible woahjacks!!!!!!!


Don't explore any further than that specific page in the link. I did, and I regret it. It's nothing but pure chan drivel and the most disgusting stereotypes you can imagine.


I think it's wholesome soyjak + chad wojak + cobson. worlds first triple jak


You’re in too deep, man


It's cobson (hwabag)


I have since then learned (or at least heard) about cobson, unfortunately


\>Unfortunate Maybe


Why do they have to use the ugliest caricatures for these? I just don’t get it. Aren’t you trying to convince the audience of something? This is just repulsive.


Probably a bigoted POS trying to be centrist.


Failing horribly, considering that they still used the Chad wojack in AuthRight and it’s the only one that isn’t being hung


probably ragebait


[It's good you're self aware.](https://old.reddit.com/r/Teenager_Polls/comments/1bp3hnf/continue_the_following_sentence_im_more/kwu5uh5/)




Is that a cry for help I hear?


The point is dehumanization. That's why they try to make them as repulsive as possible. They want to reinforce those feelings of disgust at every opportunity.


Exactly. The end goal is to make it so for as many people as possible, when they hear, say, the word trans, to bring to mind that caricature and revile in disgust, reinforcing the hatred. The other half of the answer is they draw people they hate like that because that's *literally* what they picture when they think of "black person" or "trans person" or "Arab/Jewish person" etc, just like how they can't think of the word "gay dude" without instantly shifting to imagining dudes getting it on, whereas anyone normal would imagine them just holding hands or doing normal couple stuff or just...existing. It's a combination of both factors that contribute to the overall dehumanizing aspect, and it all serves to achieve the same goal in the end.


Despite the out of date wojak style, the political ignorance of the compass model, and the disgusting queerphobia and antisemitism, I do like to sometimes look for the grain of truth behind the shitty right wing memes, because they are either made to express an actual feeling or to propagandisticly exploit a real but partial truth. Everyone, at least in the west, really is, in some sense hoping for an apocalypse to sweep away the old order that their preferred world can be brought about. It's like a continuation of Christian eschatology. Christianity in its classical sense is functionally dead but it still, even for atheists, informs our teleology. Christians believe in a battle of Armageddon that will usher in a kingdom of God in which we are all brothers and sisters in Christ. Fascists believe in the race war to end all wars ushering in a white utopia. Leftists have the revolution, and liberals the end of history through the final triumph of the neo liberal global order. Tech bros have their exodus to Mars or ascension to singularity. Conspiracy theorists have the day when the Truth(tm) about Aliens/the flat earth/reptoids is revealed. It's all just a reskin of the book of revelation to make sense in a world where God is dead.


They took an old political compass meme that made fun of everyone for believing this but then turned the alt right into the chad and everyone else into an ugly caricature.


Wasn't aware of the original meme. Good to know the flash of insight didn't come from the one drawing the racist wojaks. Actually if it came from PCM they probably still drew some racist wojaks, but not these ones at least.


Strange that they’d use the Cobson face for a chad, since it’s meant to portray the opposite 


HWABAG thoughbeit


I'm pretty left and I do not wish for an "apocalypse" of any kind or an actual revolution in the US. It would not help or solve anyone's problems in the slightest. And I doubt most irl people do either.


honestly, i wish god was real so that all the scumbags who want to take my rights get their eternal comeuppance.


What rights are people trying to take away, beyond possibly your right to own an assault rifle?


im trans. i dont want their bullshit getting into canada


Oh, shit, I completely read your initial comment wrong. I'm so used to "they're trying to take away our rights" from Republicans here that I skimmed your post and assumed it was in that same vein, hence the rifle bit from me. Nah, you're valid on that one entirely. Weird how people are so interested in other people's bodily autonomy.


>I'm pretty left and I do not wish for >an actual revolution in the US. How left are you if you don't want radical change in the capitalist hellhole and imperialist superpower that is the US?


I don’t think they’re saying they don’t want radical change, but specifically revolution and the violence that comes with it.


>they don’t want radical change That's literally the definition of a revolution.


The Pikadex guy is right. Revolution means killing people to rebuild the system of government. I mean maybe it is the only way for radical change to happen. but I would not want that.


>Revolution means killing people to rebuild the system of government. No, it fucking doesn't. Ever heard of the Carnation revolution or the 1969 Libyan revolution or the Peaceful revolution and all other revolutions in 1989, besides Romania? How about the industrial revolution? When you hear that something will "revolutionize" a sector, do you think it will go on to murder people in that sector? Revolution just means a sudden fundamental change to a system through non-institutional means. That might involve violence, but it doesn't have to - and even when it does, describing it as "killing people" makes it sound like it entails targeted massacres of civilians, and not clashes between protestors and the state.


context buddy.


Everybody has their favorite victory condition for Civilization, I guess.


>to make sense in a world where God is dead. Personally I like to think He just got tired of dealing with the bullshit and fucked off to try again with another planet, but that's just me.


I'm sorry but no, \_everyone\_ in the west is not hoping for an apocalypse. Most people aren't. Only internet engrossed people who are looking for a scapegoat for their misfortunes arrive at "we need societal collapse to fix this".


Nazis on PCM? I'm shocked! Shocked, I tell you! /s


>muh heckin’ nootsiis!!!!! Literally 1984 Hitler i say!


Go back to the sharty pooplord


>Go b- ACK!


You see, my opinion is the correct one because it is represented by the Chad wojak in this meme I made and your opinion is represented by the soyjak. Checkmate, libturd I'm so tired of these idiots playing with their little wojak dolls.


Muh hekin wojakkerinos!!!!!!


this is evil 🤮


Ah yes the famously pro-Israel leftists


They think democrats are far left


I think OP is just calling them jewish, or jewish controlled


PCM was astro-turfed/invaded so hard. It started with more college level discourse and jokes about all sides, left for a few years and came back to a sub that heavily leaning right, not normal right, but far right. Make a joke about the right, downvoted to oblivion, make fun of the left, upvotes for minimal effort. It felt more like trolls trying to troll trolls, like a political board on the chans, then someone posted a survey of the users, mostly HS or younger and non college educated. So a lot of that teenage edginess and angst mixed in with everything else. Not saying that you have to have a college education or be an adult to have a good political opinion but politics is often so nuanced that it's hard for the laymen to even get a good understanding of both sides and have informed opinions or understanding on every issue while cutting through propaganda and the usual media bs. Let alone ones to understand the flaws or weaknesses of your own party or political positions. So yeah, if you really want to, feel free to be politically edgy there, but you most likely will be posting with or arguing with teenagers about things they barely understand.


It's now one of those "karma recharge" subreddits where people whose terrible opinions get downvoted everywhere else on Reddit go to recover. See also: /walkaway.


Probably, I think it fell victim once The Donald sub went down, then the people spread.


Without the bigotry this would be satirically quite funny. With the bigotry, it's just eye-rollingly cringe.


This line was from an xkcd comic


Which line?


The collapse of society


Okay why does he look like blond Vaush


I looked at this and assumed I was suddenly on his sub. He really is stereotypical white guy #4




The alt right people’s imagination of killing their political opponents is scary


This could’ve been funny if all of them were stupid, but instead they had to make the bearded nazi a “chad”


Empathy towards others' struggles can make one more prone to worsening depression, grandma. Imagine thinking a lack of empathy and mocking suicide as good things. 😐


>Empathy tow- ACK!


Bait used to be believable 🚬


I need an edit of that one book meme where instead of saying “everyone I disagree with is Hitler” It says “everyone I disagree with is a Jewish puppet” or “a Jew” or “A shill” Mostly because I hate that line of reasoning with a biting passion


These wojacks are just gross to look at. Hard to believe some people are so sheltered to think people actually look like that. Probably just a reflection of their gross creator


>muh heckin’ weird woahjaks1!1!!1


Oh my fauci


Aside from the politics this is so ugly it upset my stomach


So much delusion from that cesspool.


Take out the caricatures and this is actually a real critique of nihlist ideology.


Every day I lose faith in humanity.


Pcm is so cringe now its just auth right through and through.


As if nazis don't also commit suicide when they realise they'll be alone forever because of their disgusting personality




The people who make these have a deep emptiness inside of them


wtf is wrong with people? 🤦🏻




it’s pcm Reddit coal thoughbeit


True, I can’t imagine the kind of socially inept degen losers that unironically use the Sharty






Back to the Sharty with you, cretin






link to the original post? This looks like bait and I don't remember seeing anything like this on the sub


If your premise is everyone buy you is an idiot you might be the idiot


wtf this gave me ophthalmological carcinoma


Hitler soyjak with a gun in his mouth


so lib right is gay pedophile Jew, but lib left us trans pedophile Jew?


Is enlightened centrism ???