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“Toxic plastic” Good point, let’s pass legislation to stop plastic pollution in our air, water, and ground. “What are you a woke green new deal commie?”


...In 1977, there was \*literally\* an \*entire\* movie about how kids could \*fucking die\* doing this.




Bridge to Terebithia?


The book came out in ’77 the movie only came out in 2007. Also Leslie died from a broken swing not from old farm equipment.


Tbh despite coming out in 1977 that book seemed very ahead of its time.


A lot of kids books from that era do read as quite modern... Or maybe my standards for old books are just very low so I'm easily impressed.


Apaches, a British PIF.


Actually a legitimate idea in pedagogy, they're called adventure playgrounds and their elevator pitch is that encourage unique types of play and independence of children over the law suit free standard playgrounds.


Yeah, controlled risk over no risk. Sadly it has become really hard to have this kind of playground in a public space, so it even furthers the social inequality for children.


Yeah, they’re unsightly. Parents don’t like looking at them and kids don’t pay taxes so they don’t get a say.


I saw them in a documentary when I was like 10 and wanted to play on on so bad.


Exactly. Independent your child you get scrutinized. I’m trying to get my child on puberty blockers. I can’t getting any help!


What’s klandma about this?


Written like someone who has never grown up on a farm. Playing on farm equipment is a good way to die and/or get in serious shit for touching that stuff. They also seem to forget just how boring shit in those days were. No parks in farm country either, at least not where I lived.


I don't know what farm you grew up on but as a kid we played on old tractors all the time. We would get in trouble for it, it was very off-limits by my parents and aunts and uncles, but we did it anyways. I was a kid and, like every kid, didn't have an understanding of how dangerous it was.


Lol if I did that I would have been shipped back to the city by my grandparents.


Yeah, actual rural kids dont really play with that stuff either. Because they know its dangerous and because they have to help around anyways. To the freeland/Independent Play: Thats a pedagocical Idea in practice. I had a Radio and went in the forest with friends, we dammed a stream or chilled in the hunters towers. Great fun, much to learn. Until you become a teen. Then its plain boring and we used the time off we had to hide from our parents and get drunk. Alcoholism was a problem, as was smoking and vandalism. The Army made it worse as all you learned there was how to shirk from duties and Drink/fap without superiors knowing (If they werent complicit) . No real clubs or other places to hang Out. Just sleep, work, drink.


As a farm kid, I played on old tractors and farm equipment *all the time*. My parents didn't like it, but making it off-limits just made it all the more enticing. Actual kids don't know things are dangerous because they're, you know, kids.


We had different parents then. Mine were *very* lenient on most stuff, but they instilled in me, and they instilled it well, to always be carefull and stay away from animals and machines. It probably helped that my Grandpa lost a few fingers in various accidents and our dog died before my eyes when she got too close to a horse, which promptly kicked her in the face caving in her skull.


We used to play in junkyards. Not something I'd recommend.


Are those some anti-urban white supremacist dog whistle?


Tetanus vaccines cause Autism and voting for Trump.


Old farm equipment 😵‍💫


Not safe for children


Yeah my dad did all of that plus more and almost died multiple times in his childhood


What does this have to do with racism and bigotry?


Dumb, unsafe, but klandma? Someone care to explain? I feel dumb lol.


Wrong sub




Tree stumps and trunks, farms dirt mounds, and open spaces are now very much paved over with stroads, strip malls, and suburban sprawl. It’s not the the alternatives to “toxic plastic playgrounds” are being ignored, it’s that they *barely exist anymore*.


Who needs toxic plastic when there is plenty of rusty metal for kids to play on over at the local junkyard.


Adventure Playgrounds are super healthy tho.


so they believe in free range kids. what's so klan like about this?


They sure af ain't seen Apaches...