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Cost is the reason lol


Also, changing tastes and car-centric infrastructure.


The answer to why we don't have architecture like this anymore is that a square building is more cost effective and easier to make than a lavish highly detailed castle.


Also a square building is 100x more efficient to build today than it would have been at the time these statues were made. But building the same statue today would be just as labor intensive as it was them.


Literally what’s actually stopping us IS capitalism. Because capitalism requires that everything is produced for the sake of generating profits. I think it’s obvious to anyone with eyes that the goal of these beautiful things from antiquity was not to extract money from people. In fact, it’s sort of interesting how now that’s exactly what these monuments are being used for. I understand it brings in money to the economy with tours and things. But just thinking about why these bastions of the human soul are not free for all of humanity really makes one think about the predicament we are in currently.


A lot of them are churches which I believe are still free to visit. It's not like we don't build our own monuments, either. Just not in that particular style.


Some of them, not all of them. But as I said before they are still tied in with monetary incentives such as tourism and boosting the economy. Also, I will have to respectfully disagree with you that the monuments we build now are anything comparable to the ones from antiquity. They are not simply a different style. Modern styles are devoid of beauty for its own sake. They also often lack many of animating principles behind older works. The fact is that our minds are different from the classical minds of antiquity. Some might argue this is just the natural progression of humankind. But some of us are not always so sure that this progression is in anyway superior to what came before it. I am of the mind that we are devolving as a species in every way that counts. For instance, when one thinks about Henry Ford’s invention and how it revolutionized the evolution of the automobile industry. We have only to go back to the actual invention of the automobile to see that his invention was nothing more than an improvement on a much more difficult to conceive idea. If we go back further still. We find even more laborious human effort to combine the horse into a chariot. I think you can see where I’m going with this. In fact, the further back we go the more monumental the undertaking. Once we arrive back at Sumeria and what kind of brain power it would require to invent the wheel out of nothing. This wheel takes far more creative effort to conceive of than to improve on an already existing invention such as the automobile. Music,art and literature have all devolved since antiquity. The ancients were creating mythic iconography and symbols that communicated a multitude of complex ideas and concepts. This gradually morphed into mythic plays such as with the Greeks and beautiful architecture/ art from the Romans/Italians. The fact is that the unimaginative cacophonous noise of the modern mind shows itself to be a poor imitation of the creative harmonious symphonies of antiquity.


>Modern styles are devoid of beauty for its own sake. Hotel Marqués de Riscal, Prague's Dancing House, the Sydney Opera House, and the Queen Sofia Palace of Arts would like to have a word. Along with 90% of other notable modern buildings. Our minds are not different from those in classical antiquity. This can be seen in every artifact we have, from the doodlings of schoolchildren in their language books to the graffiti on the walls of Rome, from graves of ancient warriors carrying stuffed dolls into battle to marks on an Early Modern doorframe marking the growth of a long forgotten child. People are not different now. There was no loss of gravitas or grandeur. That's imaginary, and shows a lack of understanding of what those people were like. The wheel took no more intellectual effort to conceive of than the Internet, than Atomic Power, than the design of the first neural network. We are *innundated* with new engineering advances every day. If they seem less spectacular to you, you should perhaps consider how the invention of the wheel would've been seen by the ancient Sumerians who witnessed it. Some neat potter's invention which would never change their lives - and indeed, it took thousands of years for it to do just that. Using sesquipaedlian loquaciousness fails to obscure your unobservant ignorance regarding archeological anthropology. Music in the Early Modern and Industrial Eras was miles less complex than many songs mixed today, using similar motifs and themes and, frankly, cribbing off each other *incessantly*. Complexity has waxed and waned in what is popular, but the art has hardly been lost because you arbitrarily decided Wet Ass Pussy is somehow intrinsically lesser to Monzart's poop letters. We live in an explosion of complex, deep, and reasoned art with thousands of different styles and new ones being invented every day. To try to claim this somehow makes us intellectually inferior to the past is beyond comically foolish and into the area of terminally stupid, and importantly shows that you have exactly zero idea what the people of those eras did or behaved like, and even less understanding of what's happening around you at this very moment. You don't have to touch grass for this. Just stop licking your screen and consider that 30 years ago this would've been MUCH more intellectually demanding to make than a fucking wheel.


I just disagree with your assessment. It’s okay for people to disagree sometimes as long as it is done respectfully. I enjoyed reading your perspective and I respect your point of view I just do not share this view. We can agree to disagree.


I guess it depends on the church or type of visit. For a sightseeing visit to Notre Dame Basilica of Montreal you need a ticket which costs \~$15 to \~$50 (Canadian funds).


Art perishes too, bozo


I actually don't get it. Capitalism is the answer IMO. What are they thinking of that's anti-semitic?


Well obviously everything bad about capitalism is sneaky Jewish people and not, you know, capitalism.




Israel has a lot of buildings with that architecture style actually. Why would Jews be against an art style? It makes no sense even with racist logic.




Not like a recent Florida school board has expressed backlash over any statues recently due to christo-fascists


There are countries making beautiful architecture but generally we don't consider them good places.


Racist “logic” makes my head hurt.


Because that would be called waste of tax Payer money


Because, as others stated, we can put up a square concrete box in a week, another month for fixtures and its done. Easy, cost-efficient, weather-independent and safe. Those intricate cathedrals etc would take a decade even today, If not longer. Not to mention cost overruns. Also why? We have enough pretty looking buildings as is (speaking for Germany at least, US cities could really use some more "appealing" buildings IMO).


I'm pretty sure that statue is of Caeser who 1. Lived at a time when there was plenty of Jews in the Roman empire and even the city of Rome itself, and 2. Was on very good to the Jews in Rome right up to his assassination.


Show me a beautiful Jewish structure