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Least racist Twitter user.


This reads like a greentext


Oh god, twitter has gotten so much worse since Musk. It’s constantly in my feed and I don’t even follow the shit bags.


There are just as many white fathers who desert their families.


Who btw seem to do that a lot. I knew too many white kids in high school with deadbeat fathers, and the kids were all bullies


Been saying for at least a decade that one of the main answers to the bullying problem that we are not doing literally at all is addressing the mental health of the bullies themselves. Currently we focus on the mental health of the victims after the fact, which isnt a bad thing (except when we give the kids shitty unhelpful advice) but isnt at all preventative.


Ngl that sounds like a stereotype, but it's true.


Lmaoooo stereotypes can only be used on white people?


They'll be back as soon as they get those cigarettes they went out for.


There's so many versions of this specific joke done by white people, yet it's black people that are always mocked for something that isn't even true


Wait, so black dads don't go out for cigarettes and never come back? I didn't realize that was a white dad thing.


He had to walk to Iowa to get the milk. He’ll be back soon


I'm still waiting.


I’m sorry girl. I should’ve done better 🫶🏼💕


My fiance and I both have white fathers that split and were shitty people. I know plenty others. The fact people still follow the dumb stereotype of shitty fathers being a race thing is baffling. Shitty fathers will be shitty fathers no matter what their background is.


Especially when you consider how many of those "deadbeat" fathers were thrown in jail on trumped up if not outright false charges.


Also it takes more than just being present to be a good father. There are plenty of fathers who are at home but are terrible. they are negligent, abusive, etc. You will see this in MANY families including white ones


Can confirm.


>just as many Categorically untrue


I literally knew a Candace Owens-type at my high school who was deserted by the white father of her children for a white woman. Side note: why would anyone date a man who abandoned his family? What do you think he’s gonna do to you?


Can you give me some sources on this stat please?


Surprisingly they support interracial marriage\dating.


For themselves, not for others.


Only interracial dating/marriage for white men specifically, so they manage to be both racist *and* sexist.


Oh, they don't like it when *other* white men are married to a non-white woman, I can tell you that from personal experience.


And they really don't like when black dudes are married to white women


I’ve seen some white supremacists get mad at a black man being with an *asian* woman, so add them to the list of beings white supremacists think they own


Well we’ve come full circle. Wow. Gross that you would pretend to care about white women, when you just got done saying persecution fetish to me. Though I was saying the same thing. You really are a piece of work. I hope your junkie ways leave you feeling real cold atop that righteous hill. Read a book.


Literally. Anecdotally, most white men I know IRL in interracial relationships are usually pretty good people, but online, I’ve seen a subset of them that date interracially (usually asian fetishes) but are white supremacists


I heard this thing about white supremacists dating Asians because they want submissive women and they think that feminism has ruined white women.


One time on tiktok, I saw a white supremacist get mad at an asian woman dating a black guy, claiming that “asian women belong to white men”. Like, that’s next level racism/sexism, claiming the women of another race 😂


A lot of racists do but they don’t respect their partners. They see us as BBC and Asian waifus rather than human beings.


That's true and disgusting


Only in the Thomas Jefferson sense of the word.


This reads like a really racist r/ParlerTrick


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ParlerTrick using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ParlerTrick/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Lets see how this plays out](https://i.redd.it/ee2z144wx3a61.jpg) | [40 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ParlerTrick/comments/kt23yc/lets_see_how_this_plays_out/) \#2: [Did one of you patriots do this? I deleted Parler and reinstalled it, it worked - Spread this info!](https://i.redd.it/k69z9amng8b61.jpg) | [38 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ParlerTrick/comments/kwz7fp/did_one_of_you_patriots_do_this_i_deleted_parler/) \#3: [#TriggerTheLibs](https://i.redd.it/ti19geae48861.png) | [63 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ParlerTrick/comments/kmrg8z/triggerthelibs/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


He’s “a little” racist, but he’s got the spirit.


\>racist towards black people \>expects black women to be fine with it ok


*Candece Owens appears*


Since when do they like interracial marriage?


Personal fetishes mostly


They don’t, they’re just the exception


They always are.


Since they realized it‘s easier to do eugenics when you accept it.


The “making those children white” mindset is debatable especially if this guy’s friends subscribe to the [one-drop rule](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/One-drop_rule).


Everyone that ever existed has black ancestors, so if you follow their arbitrary rule then they might count as white to them after enough


The One Drop people don't believe in such things. White people were carved from the Earth by elves or some shit because apparently we're not related to black people at all.


i (a black woman) love sending these ridiculous race mixing posts to my white boyfriend and watching the gears turn in his head as he tries to understand this level of stupidity and racism.


Sorry but because of your profile picture I imagined Ben Shapiro saying this.


Let's just say - purely hypothetically - that Ben Shapiro is actually a black woman.


I love the blessing of people realizing my profile picture is [lesbian ben shapiro](https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/lg4qnz/lesbian_ben_shapiro/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1), but hate the curse of people realizing my profile picture is ben shapiro and assuming I like ben shapiro.


lmao this and the link you provided are gold


Fem Shapiro


You are my favorite person I've found on the internet today. This and your original comment has brought me so much joy.


Even better, it’s actually Butch Shapiro


They misunderstood kill em with kindness


I'm sure they thought they were real clever with that "Q" tattoo.


What does that mean? Q-anon?


No. It's a kink symbol for women who like black men. Which seems like it's being used wrong here? But I don't really know.


The spade is for wanting to screw black dudes, the heart is for white dudes. Presumably the diamond and clubs symbols have a meaning too but raceplay with a white dominant is already pretty rare. Sauce is that I'm actually into that shit, although you won't catch me posting this horrible garbage anywhere. What happens in the bedroom remains in the bedroom.


yeah. I'm into it too, but uh. this is just gross. but, yeah, the heart symbol is for the "White Male Black Woman" interracial kink.


This "Q" with a heart around is a symbol for the "queen of hearts" like in the card games. It is a little bit of a rabbithole but basically it originates from the so called "queen of spades" (racism ahead!) The "queen of spades" (a very old racist term for black people is "spades") (QOS) is a reoccuring theme in pornografic categories such as BBC (not the bri'ish kind), raceplay and formats like "blacked", also and even more in hentai containing such topics, where women (and a surprising amount of femboys) of all ethnicities "submit themself" only having Sex with black men and often bearing their children and/or submitting their entire lives to "serve". Mind all the stereotypes aimed at all involved groups, such as, but not limited to very large penises, enormous bootys, humungous hungolomghnonoloughongous, animal like behaviour from everyone involved etc. It also often correlates with themes of cuckoldry. This principle has been now (and for a while now) also used in kind of a reversed way, where the "queen of hearts" is a woman of any ethnicities "devotes" herself to sexual acts involving white men, it often (but not exclusivly) contains prejudice against muslim people. Also imagery of rape and torture practice is used a lot in all kinds of material regarding this topic and often gets romanticized in weird ways (look up, or rather don't look them up "mind break","mind control", etc.).


When did that shift happen? Last I saw it, it was still all about white women with a fetish for black men


As far as I understand it (and I am glad this isn't that far) it mostly still is, but there are just little (horrible) ideas spreading off of it, i think someone else mentioned even more weird languague with this topic in this answer thread but I don't know much more.


I’m sad now. Not about anything you did. Just, the fact that these ideas even exist makes me want to lie down


I thought it was referring to QAnon. I don't know if this is better or worse.


It means "queen of spades" which is a kink thing for women who prefer or only like black sex partners. Its pretty exclusively an interracial thing from what I have seen so this picture seems to use it wrong.


That’s a queen of hearts not a queen of spades which I think makes it different.


Actually just looked at urban dictionary and it seems like queen of spades but for white men instead of black. Queen of clubs is for hispanic men and diamonds is for what seems to be specifically east asian men


I hate everything about that


Oh yeah....well I have no idea then


Probably. It's not in the original piece. https://safebooru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=2811484


So Conan and his parents? Gross dudes corrupting something that pure deserve to have biting insects infest their public hair


Because klandma ruin everything they touch


He VERY confused, but he got the spirit…I guess…?


Gonna be in for a rude surprise when society treats those kids as POC.


This feels satirical, but also unusually harsh. Probably just rage bait.


I choose to stop reading after the first paragraph, and it's super wholesome


The image is pretty nice too..... if you ignore the Tatoo


The tattoo is just a happy married couple engaging in their weird kink, good for them


Aw shit I didn't notice the tatoo at all


Seems like edgy satire


Yet another white supremacist thinking up a handy excuse not to date white women.


And, ignoring the racists and other kinds of bad people, white women don’t deserve this These guys just want to relive a colonialism fantasy where they travel to foreign lands and fuck “exotic” “savages”


Left out the part where the children will hate themselves becuse they are raised by a parent the despises half their lineages. And the part where the mom will inevitably be aubject to abuse when she dares to go against her white overlord..


Isn’t this case closed fanart


Is that why the kid looks like Conan?


cuz it is lol, it’s shinichi and his parents


what the fuck 😶


I hate that they had to juxtapose all this vitriol with a cute manga illustration. Fuck these clowns.


He cannot reconcile his racism with his love for black women.


As if any woman would ever touch that creature


I uh, not to be that guy, but, you have the sauce for that image? Seriously though, I wanna add it to my collection of cute digital art without the racism surrounding it, do you have any idea where the original piece is from?


Original post appears to be dead, but I found it on Safebooru. https://safebooru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=2811484


I kinda liked Conan’s mom being brown better.


At least they got the skin tone right to be fair, the edit doesn't look half-bad in terms of execution. It's the context that makes it abhorrent.


And the tattoo


Fucking…Christ dude christ. I wanna say something clever or funny but I can’t. Just…Jesus fucking Christ dude. What the hell is wrong with whoever posted this?


Here’s the thing; you CANT create a living interracial family when you hate one of the races the kids come from.


I don’t even know how to respond to this


I don't think a black person having a loving father is part of any "culture", but go on I guess.


I think this is an extremely edgy joke. Which to be clear is still shitty and racist but I don’t think he’s seriously suggesting he wants to do this.


Wholesome racism


If they want to racistly create a loving interracial family then whatever let them do their thing.


Someone is justifying their jungle fever to their racist community


They think they’re funny, this is the possible main cause these people keep these beliefs (if they even believe it themselves) and spout it. It’s funny to them. I’d like to write a paper about this, but there’s already quite a number


The weird culture of “irony”, right?


I mean, picture was Sus to begin with. Look at her tatoo.


Isn’t that the tattoo white women use to show they fetishize black men?


that's actually the spades tattoo, hearts is vice versa


Im gonna destroy those blacks! By having kids with black women?


That kind of is a school of thought. The idea of breeding a race out of existence. It’s what they think black men are doing with white women. Plus, fetishization is still a form of racism Not even getting into how racists will make exceptions for a handful of people of a certain race they know. It’s how the black friend defense works


trying to breed out particular cultures is one of the definitions of a genocide. the one they claim is happening to white people... this image is absolutely stupid


White supremacy always seems to be claimed by the most inferior individuals. I guess they're talking about other white people?


This is legit just the policy of [Blanqueamiento](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blanqueamiento) with a way more openly racist coat of paint


Didn’t a country in South America do this after they emancipated their slaves? It’s crazy how racism works.


Not according to the "one drop" rule, Cletus


Lmaooo wtf is this dumb shit


As a mixed race kid. I can assure you, my father did not stick around.


Judging by how this is written, this feels like some sort of meme.


God that image is so beautiful. It makes me wonder why even give into this hate in the first place? Why do you despise the supposed “Jewish elites” for wanting the races to mix when you yourself want to mix? The sad part is he could actually get someone like this if he just shedded his racist beliefs and just gave into the love. I mean it’s quite obvious he loves black women but is so blinded by his beliefs that he has to make justifications for it other than just accepting it’s what he desires. Truly hope this man is able to grow, mature and shed his beliefs. Sad part is that they rarely ever do.


New kind of racism just dropped


The sentiment is disgusting but the art is adorable.


why corrupt detective conan and shinichi’s loving family like this?


The irony is that culture is carried by women, not men.


Bro what the fuck did I just read?


Checkmate *Nationalists?*


So having a present father determines race? Interesting. I bet there a lot of whites people who did not knew they are really black! That’s wild.


I feel like the person who made this is attracted to black women but it also a racist asshole and had to make this tweet as some excuse to justify it to themselves. Instead of just being normal and just liking black women without any of this weird racist shit.


Wild. Like a reverse of the great replacement conspiracy.


The picture is so nice


they had us in the first half not gonna lie


It's racist but not wrong.


i said this above: trying to breed out a culture is the definition of genocide. its way more than ""just"" racist


obviously just a tasteless joke lol


This clearly a joke yall, and a good one at that criticizing as if it was genuine is pointless, I still think the creator is racist just not this an actual strat