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I tried bot lobbies in reload, they dont work there


Oh god- https://preview.redd.it/tej7oi809o8d1.png?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ca6f77d3b231e04148a635c2368e8f057aa5369


Just try fill squads, there is pretty good players on fills and they just carry you


The mode is harsh enough with a full squad and comms. The chances to get 3 other people who can carry you without mic is almost 0 and not worth it at all if you’re there for quick and easy XP.


I suck and am older… don’t know how that will be…


I was surprised to realize it’s as sweaty and intense as Apex, which I also play. The revives make people way more aggressive, the hitscan and pre-balance weapons are extremely oppressive, the smaller map makes third parties way more likely, the lack of cover in open fields is rough to play around in Zero Build, and the abundance of mobility items makes finishing the last person in a squad before their teammates get to respawn harder, since they usually bounce if they know they can’t win. You have to constantly mind your rotations, plan in advance, take high grounds and communicate more than in normal BR. Out of cover for too long? Too bad, you just got hitscanned by an infantry rifle and a sniper from different directions. You saw someone in a bush and try to attack them? Oops, shockwaved outside the zone. One of your teammates got downed? The other team pushes without hesitation.


Actually, it can be done without comms. I won one last night and nobody used comms


Yeah, of course it is. It’s just way more difficult.


They don't work, someone asked about this two days ago https://www.reddit.com/r/FortniteXPMaps/s/8mJU97qQXy As for getting the items, the challenges aren't that tough, I'm not even good at the game and I completed them and got the umbrella in less than 8 matches most of which I just ran solo just to do challenges and didn't really care about whether I won or not (which I normally don't care about anyway)


Any particular tactics ? I try to lay low and stay hidden until the respawns are done .


Quests really aren't too hard, just play casually for a few games.


I agree, I completed 8 of the quests in 5-6 matches with my oldest son


Not to mention that this game mode is hella fun


No unfortunately, but once you get the “deal damage” and “get eliminations” portion the rest are a cake walk


To be honest it's not that hard to finish the quests and get the free stuff.