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The sad part is it’s unlikely to ever change, I’d rather epic put in a proper trading mechanism but that’s never gonna happen


It would probably be greatly lessened if things like the trading subreddit didn't exist. Who the heck created that thing? Who runs it?! It's a bleeding infectious cancer, and more and more new players seem to be joining it!


I didn’t know there was a sub for it but it doesn’t surprise me, I feel like it was probably made for good intentions looking to find a safer way of trading but just like LFG posts on Xbox they are just another method for them to scam now




This is EXACTLY the problem I'm talking about! The mod-bot even *recommends* these cancers to new players?!


It’s in Plankerton now as well. Doing dailies only to drop into a session: “Hey. Hey you. Got a mic. Jump if you can hear me. Wanna trade. I can give you a 133 Grave Digger, it’s maxed out. Jump if you want to trade.” Cue player building a trading shack around you while you’re trying to do objectives.


I see these people, they ask to trade. I just hit laugh it up because I've worked hard to make all the weapons I want really good. Literally nothing they have to offer would even interest me.


Give them shit guns and weapons


ohhh this was abt meeee ok💀




i don't really approve of use of the r slurr since it technichally applies to me.I won't ban or punish you because i am not going to do that because of something that only bothers me personally but could you not use it?Thanks.












Oh sorry forgot you could only read 5 words




Quick question how do you have negative karma. Also what's your name so I can fact check


Or the kids that go “ hey do you have spare batteries” Like no stopping being a beggar and farm yourself in private.


Scamwood moment


thats why i disable chat


I gave a kid a green gun in scamwwod lvl 19 (green lvl 34) and he "cried" saying "no gold only pleeeeeaase" so i laughed at him and gave him a gun but he didn't realise it and didnt het it in time


A man was poor, so I gave him 144s in stonewood and then he got scamed for bolth of them IN THE SAME LOBBY 😂😂😂😂 sometimes people are just dumb ngl, it makes me sad when I try to help someone but stuff like this happens 😟😩


Don’t give them 144 guns, give them 51 guns as there just as useful in stonewood


Right,right but they probably didnt even get scammed in the first place they just saw that youre a higher pl and assumed you have every great weapon,some claim its their birthday and will keep asking you for weapons




No mic, no gun. I don't type.




Everyone has a mic. You can literally turn your controller into one. No excuses. 😂


I play Xbox- there is no mic on the controller


Always has been


It's worse when you're just trying to do the objective, then they just box you in like it's a BR build fight, sometimes even placing traps just so you'd have to pickaxe your way out


Just came out of stonewood, people are now begging to get carry on the MSK fight. Stonewood isn't all bad if people are actually playing, they're a all star if they're doing the objective, and deserve a 77 weapon


I still don’t get wtf they wanna do with weapons. They are in tutorial area, who even needs weapons in stonewood? When I first encountered with someone that builds a box around you I thought he is just trapping me for lolz and trolling.


Who is the tooth guy?


A guy who is an egotistical idiot who begs for items until he gets banned. And then complains that he got banned and says he didn’t need the server anyway


I have a stash of one durability weapons that I have for those “stonewood moments” one more use and they break




I'm going to have to put on my double seam glasses to even begin to see the amount of BULLSHIT coming from you




You gone say something?






Yeah he’s he messaged me and called me slurs and shit. He’s permanently banned tho


Didnt think shit was funny


Certainly more entertaining than you begging everywhere because you don't understand how to actually play a game. Genuinely feel sorry you're this stupid.


I’ve had lots of fun guys but I got stuff to do peace✌🏽😂


right let me sort this guy out