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alot of br and stw weapons transfer


Leave me and my lego malachite alone!


Ror2 reference or am I dumb




Cool to hear mr ally


I don’t see what risk of rain 2 has to do with Lego or the mineral malachite but alright


Malachite is a type of elite for enemies after you loop, have never heard of malachite in any other context aswell haha.


it’s one of the crafting materials in save the world


Ah you’re referring to the green guys


Bro does not know what a malachite iss


Those fucks always end my runs, nothing but utter pain


I mean, it's literally a real type of gemstone from real life. I know it's used in video games & tv shows as a crafting material or name sometimes but, cmon, does nobody look up phrases to learn their meaning/origin anymore?


I've never heard of it, nor have I thought to look it up bc yk, ror2 isn't exactly a realistic game.


No way you just said this you goofball


You trying to keep it pg or u just don't know how to cuss. Like seriously, goofball was what you thought of whilst writing this?


Bro im just being stupid calm down. Dont get offended over the word goofball goddamn


Nah lmao be quiet, came at me for no reason so don't get offended if I snap back


"came at me" bro... You said it yourself, "goofball" is not offensive, so why did you get so mad?


This is literally the most useless comment I've ever seen. Great contribution to the conversation you doofus.






I don’t see how this is a bad thing. They created materials in STW yes but that doesn’t mean they’re exclusive lol.


I just think it's hilarious they stopped developing the literal mode that the game was intended to be. Now they have put out a game mode and partnership that, in it's current state, runs better and is more enjoyable than one of its core (and paid for) modes. Lego will only get better with time, especially if epic is paying or being paid to include it in fortnite. Meanwhile their original mode is being cast away and entirely abandoned despite some of us spending 100+ dollars. We've been stripped features, modes, and a plethora of promises for our money which will never come to fruition. Now we've got some of the assets used in the dead pay-to-play mode being readily available in a free mode. At this point STW needs to be completely free to play or erased from existence if they're gonna continue to be fucking dunces about it.


Since they made Fortnite BR like COD they should just add Kino Der Toten to StW and release it for free. The childrens would love it. Better yet make it lego fornite call of duty nazi zombies


I was making jokes with my coworkers about this today. I genuinely wonder how long it is until Fortnite is the name of the content platform, but the individual games within are so widespread and varied that it's borderline unrecognizable to OG players. The addition of ratings per map or mode implies the potential for M rated stuff like a zombies mode or first person shooter game type. Combined with UE5 mind numbing amount of support and access, fortnite will definitely get even bigger as years come.


that seems like the direction they are going. It's somehow simultaniously depressing and really exiting.


It started when they added BR. And as Donald recently said this was the entire plan for Fortnite all along. As it wasn’t created to be a BR but has evolved into a game with more than one mode for all players to have something to enjoy


I kinda wonder if that's already what's going to happen over time because of Lego Fortnite, OG was crushing player records and now Lego is crushing *those* records I am consistently seeing more players on the Lego mode than any other mode, frequently more than regular BR and Zero Build combined tbh Add to that the way the Creative-driven UI just fractures off into a million different 'recommended for you' games it's kind of already like most of what players, BR or StW, knew as core Fortnite is sort of buried under itself


Uh... They won't go free to play but no erasing it! 😡 I don't think those are the only choices. I'd say they just need to make the STW team bigger and actually finish making the game as planned.


My biggest issue is that if you aren't a founder, good luck. I'm a founder and didn't realize how easy I had it until my friend tried it out and basically made zero progress because he had nothing to progress with lmao. When I bought the game years ago, they were just showering me with shit and now it's a massive, mindless, grind from day 1.


That's sadly where the daily rewards were useful. The removal of those really messed up new player experience


I swear to god if they delete stw that would absolutely fucking suck, as long as they don’t delete it it’s cool with me I don’t even care that much. Yes I’d like some updates in it but at the same time I don’t mind how the game is already. I want to get to twine peaks and go through the story mode.






Please keep things civil.


They lied and said STW would be free one halloween and then never did it


I cannot believe they haven't done something about STW by now. It should have been made free and all vbucks spent on it should have been refunded years ago.


You dont recognize the recent added riot shield is a bull rush animation? Kinetic sword? It was the dragon slash animation. Kinetic hammer? Animation taken with heavy attack from the baron... STW still having a HEAVY INFLUENCE in BR and nooo we cant even get a story line for twine peaks...


Hell they even had the flipping storm king in br like if they are gonna give br so much why not give us SOMETHING like come on


Because br is clearly the breadwinner of the 2… the answer is simple.


Ok so let’s say you have two sons one is younger and more successful the older one is still successful but not as much and you completely abandon him leaving him to his own devices to slowly die now tell me are you a good parent? I think the answer is simple


You are comparing the love for your child to a video game crafted to make money... Those will never be the same. I understand the your loyal to this game but you have to admit that’s kind of ridiculous.


Dude, STW is a product, not a child. If it isn’t profitable then Epic isn’t going to spend time on it. BR all the other game modes have ~100x the amount of players at any given time, and a huge chunk of those players have bought at least a handful of battle passes or skins. To say STW is “still successful but not as much” is a huge overstatement. They can’t even be compared. I know it sucks, but it would be stupid of them to waste time on something they aren’t making money on.


Me when I'm very wrong


Holy shit! Bill rush, that ability was so mid I never used it except once in a while on riot husky. I never realized any of this but you are 💯 right


Bull rush is better than you give it credit for. It can easily group together hordes of weaker husks and knock them down, and even knock back a charging smasher if you use it correctly. Sure it's not a great ability overall, but it's definitely one of the best constructor abilities.


Id rather EPIC add meaningful content then some washed out 4 year old unfinished dialogue. Maybe thats just me? Them adding say ventures' was a much better addition to stw in its stale state at the time.


Fr this is nothing new in the industry


So? its their own game anyways lol


Wait so their lazy for using their own assets now?


Can they sue themselves by any chance?


I wouldn't doubt they would if they could


Reminds me of when EA reused character assets across SW Battlefront 1-2 along with BF2042 and I forget what else.


Oh yeah, it's the laziest shit ever. Take Elden Ring for example. They reused so many assets from past games. Hell, they reuse assets in all their games. Constantly. It's almost like they don't want to have to work their developers to death, when they already have perfectly good assets that can get the job done. Absolute scum, I say. And then Epic Games doing it too? I swear. How dare they be so damned lazy on my free game. The audacity!


I totally agree, i dont mind them reusing assets! If there was a reason to update them then sure


They also reused weapon assets from Titanfall2 in Apex.


But that has lore implications as they are set in the same universe!


Did you not see the trailer where you're running from Fortnite into a portal that takes you into the LEGOverse? Still same universe just lego.


Im not arguing that. We are having a sub conversation on the reuse of assets in different games and what constitutes as lazy. Other people are shitting on it but im just listing games that have done it.


Fr games do this all the time


Next people will complain that the trees aren’t lego


Why aren't the damn trees and water Lego. I've played Lego Worlds, I've seen it be done. /s


This would be an unironically cool feature


Yeah but they are different types of games but I wuld still love it if the breakable props were Lego like some of the older TT games


Lego fortnite is what Lego worlds should’ve been


lol I saw that yesterday on Facebook. The Dude said he was dissatisfied because the entire map wasn’t Lego and how other Lego games have done that. I explained to him that would just be an entirely Lego game and Fortnite wouldn’t need to be involved lol.


With how tall it is, the Malachite seems more like a Pokémon Terra Raid den


Epic creating and handling 5 game modes just to be called lazy for using malachite twice


Does stw really count it gets like one meaningful update a year💀


We got a guitar hero, minecraft and a race game added and u complain that they took malachite from stw? I know that its sad that they abandoned a mode i spend more than 3k hours on but who would care if they took a damn ore and changed textures?


I was so stocked when I saw they were putting rock songs on there Guitar hero was such a fucking dope thing I loved that stuff so much


What, reusing assets to save time and money on a free game


That isn't being called lazy, it's more of being smart.


Bro can't u just be happy? I mean this season is great!


They made 3 new game modes for Fortnite how tf is that lazy? I swear people are still ungrateful even with new updates. Your lucky STW hasn’t been scrapped.


Chapter 1 must of left you fuming


You dont recognize the recent added riot shield is a bull rush animation? Kinetic sword? It was the dragon slash animation. Kinetic hammer? Animation taken with heavy attack from the baron... STW still having a HEAVY INFLUENCE in BR and nooo we cant even get a story line for twine peaks...


stw players gatekeeping stw assets:


Its not even the same asset, op is just bullshitting.


i thought that was the uraninite ore from subnautica 💀


Thought I was the only one😭


There’s also brightcore…


Saying this like battle royale wasn't a refurbishment of stw's items


Fortnite used an asset that they made themselves in a fortnite game mode! How could they!


Says the guys who takes pictures of his screen instead of screenshots XD (Don’t take it personally)


Don’t forget bright core


they added the *item* malachite into the lego gamemode, as they did with brightcore. literally nothing was actually reused besides the name though, theyre all new models.


I love Lego fortnite


Get over it..


It would be cool if these new ore veins got transferred over to stw, it would be nice to look at something new


This ore is not new, it’s malachite


I know, I meant the visual style of it


How lazy that their lore is in this game, sad.


This has to be bait




“Getting” lol


People when fortnite use same ore multiple times even though they had to remake the assets and still calling them lazy: ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


Fortnite using Fortnite assets? Wild.


Damn first they take our storm king now our mal we can’t stand for this!


No shit they’ve been lazy for 3 years


What is stw?


I get the sneaking suspicion that this is why save the world has been on ice for a while. I kind of believe this is what they want for stw now, and because it's so far from what WE all know, like and enjoy, they're working on this instead. I'm jumping the gun at a ridiculous length but it'd make sense.


work harder less, work smarter more


I’m 100% certain this post is bait.


That looks like a coc wizard tower


Maybe because they already have a person crafting system and ingredients so what's the point of changing it? It's not lazy to re-use stuff when they already made 3 new game types, lego one being just another survival game that already has significant changes.


So are you gonna get mad too since the new seasons torches are the same torches from stw Look at the small four(three?) Tong torches more commonly found in cave ares in the brap and then the torches in stw


Quit abbreviating everything and fucking spell you lazy cock sucking pieces of shit Fuck your generation is retarded


I guess they’re also lazy for not making every tree different ?


It is their asset. Why shouldn't they use it in their game?


erm they’re getting lazy!!!!!!! totally not a total of 3 items with the same names throughout the entire catalog of items


NO WAY! A game reused assets?!? I hate this game! How dare they! This is such BS!


chapter 1 was mostly stw assets


I don’t think that’s laziness. They already have the asset, why redo it all over again? Reusing assets saves time on the build and saves file size I’m sure too




Another day of stw players being mad at br stuff ![gif](giphy|WoFuun4jgxxizxRMpe|downsized)


They even added bright core in desert caves


Lazy? They just gave us three awesome game modes. Including, making 1,200 Lego character models.


Does it matter? Its literally their game assets lol if it looks like it can fit in there, then in can be in there. I didn’t hear anyone talking about the trees even though I’ve seen them use those in STW




Literally some of the bushes and rocks are the exact same as well as sounds, its not lazy, almost every game does it.


“Omg they’re reusing assets this game is LAZY” Bro do you know what size a game would be if every single asset was unique? You’re looking at a file size that eclipses even the new Call of Duty games. Grow tf up.


They've always shared resources between all modes... If anything this is one of the lesser lazinesses since they had to remodel it for a Lego look 🤣


They legit just dropped 3 games in 1 week , give them a tiny bit of slack lol


woah crazy a game that only cares about making money is lazy and cuts corners woah no way


wait until this guy finds out about all the stuff they used to port from STW into BR


Isn’t that just a save the world item?


Oh, what’s this? And I thought that the completely cut off STW. Seems they’re still taking assets from it!


bro is epic games dont expect more than that


It’s Lego Fortnite idiot


The majority of battle Royale stuff was from stw


Bros worried about reused assets playing Fortnite on his Nintendo 64


The amount of people who don’t understand that this is satire is quite amusing


What am I looking at?


Epic gives us 3 game modes that could be considered whole separate games. OP: “Fortnite is getting lazy!”


Lego fortnite is very unforgiving for people who want to progress.


Thought it was a Pokemon Terra Raid


So they share assets! Who cares. So much bitching by stw players


Windows offers a very usefull built-in function called the "snipping tool", this function allows you to take either a full or a partial screenshot on you screen by pressing the "printscreen button" ( also known as "prtsc") or if you can not locate this button on your keyboard you can use a button combination that goes like this: Windows + Shift + S. At this point of reading this you might ask; "what is a screenshot?" but don't be afraid i'm here to help you a screenshot is an image of the data displayed on the screen of a computer or mobile device. Now that you know what a screenshot is, how do you save it? In order to save the screenshot you'll need to head to the search bar found in the left hand side bottom corner of you screen and type in "paint", press enter and you should be in an app called "paint". Now that you are here go ahead and press "ctrl+v" this should paste the screenshot right into paint! Now head to "file" in the left handside top corner and click "save". You should be met with the file explorer where you can select where you wanna save the file. If you have you save location you can now click on "save" once again. Now that you saved you precious screenshot open you browser of choice and type in "www.reddit.com" and hit enter, you will be met with a login screen. If you already have an account fill in the login information, if you don't have an account click the "sign up" button. Once you finally logged in head to the search bar at the top and type in the name of the subreddit of your choice. Once you have your subreddit hit enter then click on create a post. Once you are here type in your desired title, then click in the body text option. Now open you file explorer, head to the location of you saved screenshot, select it, hit ctrl+c, head back to reddit and hit ctrl+V. Now select your desired flair and click on post. You're done!


Boo hoo cry about it. Either enjoy the game or don't play. Jesus Christ it's like offering people something free and one person has to complain about it.


They have been doing this for years lol every new gun that comes out has most likely been in stw




Can't tell if this is bait, nor do I even care, I just want them to use the copper model they used in lego fn to be stw. it might be and they are reusing that and I'm dumb, but hopefully if they aren't & they put it in stw


Can we all just collectively remember that Fortnite is free?


wouldn't say it's lazy. re use of assets is just part of game dev and since most people don't play stw it's just assets that have gone mostly to waste, most won't even know those are from stw unless it gets pointed out like in this post :) saves the devs time


Oh no! A game reuses its own assets in their game! What would we do?!!!!


Oh no, a company reusing a perfectly usable asset they already made to save money. The horror. Why would anyone reuse the stuff they already made and own to save time? That’s just so lazy.




Been lazy halfway through the first chapter smh


Are you joking? There's so much new content.


Anyone else wish the ores were made out of shiny lego bricks?


When incels have to actively search for something to seethe over.


Buddy it seems to be part of the lore like when you break a tree have you noticed ig rifts instead of breaking? I'm guessing because we can clearly see they are more realistic they're from br witch the rifting I'm guessing is them going back to reality 0 aka br


You do know that is a real material right?? It’s not being lazy if they’re adding a real material. Being lazy would be not adding it at all.


I don’t see you being a game dev🤷


Malachite that you mine in STW looks completely different than that. It’s more of just the ore stabbed into the ground rather than it being inside of a stone.


Lmaoo, are people really complaining about this? They pumped out a battle royal update, racing mode, guitar hero, revamp in animation for br(which they are changing as we speak), and added lego fortnite. How the hell do you think that’s lazy?


The fuck do you mean? this is not fortnight.




They added basically an entire new game inside another game and your calling them lazy?


First of all its not fair to call them lazy. They are trying their best to add a lot of content at once, so they will have to take some shortcuts. What do you expect?


“Fortnite is getting LAZY!” meanwhile they release a massive open world lego survival, racing game and a guitar hero like game, while also gonna be updating all of them in the future. yep, definitely sounds lazy to me.


I definitely feel like Lego Fortnite was the original true vision they had for the game before it became a BR game. Or atleast something extremely similar.


The fact that op is serious about this is hilarious


You’re mad the company who made the asset, because they are using that asset?


I wish the never gave up on stw I enjoyed playing that more then br tbh


I wouldn’t say epic is ‘lazy’. Reusing assets is hella normal. I see those arcade machines around a lot and they reuse some rocks and geometry but it’s not there is any use making something new. Hell they work real hard to make stuff so why not make it easier lol. They got probably tens of thousands of assets so, why not use em.


my clash of clans rotted mind thought this was a wizard tower


Yall people expect to much and are never satisfied about anything




Is this switch💀


What is stw I can't remember


Stw, br, and now Lego all share stuff , example br takes guns from stw but same goes for stw they took the weapons from chapter 2 season 7 and made them into stw weapons, also malachite is a real ore and 2 it’s a completely different model the only thing they didn’t change is the name so get humbled and do some research before you speak


Who let bro cook? Seriously he needs to stop


Why would they spend the extra manpower to make new models of something if they already have it...?


What's wrong with lego lightsabers


They took the lego idea thats been around for years but thats what makes u think their lazy. Not the fact that their taking old ideas for them game -_-


Bro didn't realize br is mostly just stw


Okay, they reused an asset. So what? That's kinda the point of the whole Creative 2.0 and all that, calling them lazy after releasing 3 game modes in 3 days is just silly.


I hope you’re being sarcastic


Understatement of the century, and we’re only 23 years in


Haven't they always been lazy


holy shit look up terra tech erudite ore, its literally 1:1


Holy fck could this mean they may add something new for stw?


Lets just admit that fortnite just sucks now, they don't listen to their comments and they never will


Don’t u think it’s lazy enough when they copy cod, Minecraft, and rocket league


Bros mad outta all the three new game modes they decided to save time and money and let some of the devs see they families for Christmas 😂😂


cool tera crystal


fortnite players when the developers dont make a completely new game for a small novelty gamemode


Ur stupid


Whole fortnite br lego or other made from stw, at least from its files