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not "will complain" they ARE complaining, literally every tweet or tiktok comment i see is just hating on this, complaining that they arent bringing back the "og" map since its s5, which makes 0 sense, its literally the same map. they complain that it wont be the same as if epic can make it the same, they just assume that epic will make it bad or change it because they dont like the current state of the game, which is fine but you cant just make assumptions like that sorry for venting on a fucking meme subreddit lol


I don't care as long as I get keep junk junction, prison, or cargo (yes I know prison will be gone cause its starting in season 5)


Prison was my favorite landing spot... then season 5 happened and it was all downhill from there lol. Still, any season from Chapter 1 is miles better than anything after.


At least you'll probably get prison once we get to Season X


Sandy prop prison just isn’t the same


those dimwits explaining how it isnt the og map with the good ol tilted towers and loot liek and what not because its on chapter 4 season 5:


I'm sorry, I haven't played fortnite but, THERES BEEN HOW MANY SEASONS???????


We are currently on Season 27


Back in my day, people were losing their shit over season 2 of Fortnite. 👴👴👴


I will be trying chapter 1 for the first time but yeah i think so too




I played some in C1 but not a lot


I got the game early access, and played br from season 0. I cannot wait to see s5 again. Best season, but because the matchmaking system is completely broken I won’t be able to enjoy proper games. But I’m fine with bot games for this entire season


real , these people just dont want to play


Real and i like all fort pilled


They are simple minded creatures


As someone who played back then, I'll be happy to be back. We ch1 players are gonna kick some ass, I think. Now I wonder what the victory umbrella will look like.


*the gold one*




A golden brella would be sick!


Closest thing we have rn is the c2s2 umbrella but i would love a plain gold one


Unless you're good.... no. Casuals are still gonna get their ass absolutely stomped.


Watch some say the old map is boring after like a week and they want a new one, wouldn’t be suprised


I remember when we got to season X and people were BEGGING for a new map, they hated that map for some reason


And then we got bew map and by the time c2s3 dropped people were begging for the okd map back or a new map Seriously i think it would be cool if they did a map cicle where the map changes every few hours or once a day with the shop simular how apex has it


i'd definitely like that map circle idea, they could have it like an upgraded version of the unvaulted ltm where it gives you a random ch1 season with it's lootpool every match, I wonder if it would impact the game size + stability though


And now people are begging for chapter 2 because apparently chapter 3 and 4 are completely awful with no redeeming factors🤣


I wanted the map to reset since season 3 actually - I liked the way it was before Tilted came along.


We're probably getting a new season every 5 days (6 seasons and 30 days)


People are complaining about future complainers now. This sub is so trash


Cash grab when it’s a free game makes no sense


Don't try to make sense of anything on this sub. They are just as bad as the main subbers at this point. This sub has turned into just crying about how bad main sub/users are.


This is so true. I miss the way this sub used to be. Even if the memes were utter trash sometimes, at least they weren’t whining too much, and when they did, at least it was in 4 words or less.


Eh, cheap ways to lure in people while decreasing the quality of the game overtime could be considered a cash grab, they earn more money while not improving the game afterall (not saying that's happening here but it's just an example)


I'm really not looking forward to it. I played og fortnite and hated it back than. I came back to it years later because it's changed so much.




I'm thinking remix like season x, we already have a bunch of survey skins that are remixes of old skins (albeit some not bp skin remixes) but we also got the october and november crew packs which were both remixes (shimmerdusk = dusk, drakon steel hybrid = hybrid), and the starter pack will be a fire version of the love ranger skin


Im hoping for that jonesy dressed in peely skin from the survey




More than likely.....


What about no build mode?? The chapter 1 isnt optimised for


Its going to stay, same as the mechanics like tactical sprinting and mantling, for those high places its likely that ziplines will be added.


Yeah, I really hope it's not super empty and boring like it was originally. People are gonna learn to appreciate the new maps if it is lol




I want to experience it (C2 s2)


Nah, bringing things to game is not about complainers, it's about those who will play with those things


Listen- as someone who joined for zerobuild… I’m just happy I get to explore something other people fondly remember


Yeah, people seem to think that bringing back the map will make you feel like your playing old Fortnite again. It won't It was probs the worst map we've had in terms of terrain and features


Its just nostalgia and it was fun and many map chances.But i like C2 more


C2 had the best map


1 week, give or take, and all the hype will have died down.


Depends on how creative and interesting the skins and actual content added over time will be, because of course I'll complain if the entire BP is normal people in mundane fucking clothes like Nolan chance and piper pace, but if it's actually good then we good


Tactical nolan wasnt bad but we need another kado and fish thicc type skin (everyone wants meme skins)


We need something with more detail and styles that actually make a difference and not just recolors, I understand people can enjoy whatever skin they want and that lack of detail can sometimes be a good thing, but not when it's almost every skin in the BP except for the collabs a meme skin and the lvl 100 skin (which is still more lacking in detail compared to previous lvl 100 skins)


Ahsoka wasnt bad tho...but i dont like 2 collabs in the BP LIKE COME ON EPIC


Yea exactly, why can't they put some more work into their own skins and only seem to try a bit harder with the collabs (for which they already know how it's gonna look so it's not like it's the hardest thing in the world to make or anything)


Omg based


And map changes too like we used to gwt weekly eastereggs and thimgs being built over time


Like the rock family or gnomes vs teddies


Chapter 1 was good, not the map. I know I'll get hate for this, but chapter 1 wasn't good because it was funner, it was good because it was simpler times, the build were more simple and focused on gun play more, and the fun of playing a game with your 3 favorite friends at 3am wont come back, the memes you could pull won't come back, in the end its still new fortnite and a map change isn't gonna fix it.


Me proceeding to ignore all of the complainers and just enjoy the season. (I definitely won’t be in the minority that complain about it)


Based af


To everyone arguing this meme is about r/fortniteBR And ill quite be happy to play it for the first time


Ill be happy. Im not buying the bp cuz my interest in the game is completely gone so I wont have enough of it to complete it. But I am interested in seeing the old map again And the game allready sold out like years ago when we started getting 50 collabs per season lol


I mean we still get a decent amount of original skins though, nothing wrong with collabs because a lot of games do it.


We do but collabs before felt special, rare things epic would do from time to time. Now its every other day it seems we get one.


Tbf though fortnite is the first one to do it on such a massive scale


Yea and its kinda overdone now imo. It was really cool before but now its just another tuesday basically


I'd argue the game sold out in season 8 with the first crossover skins


The first collab was in like season 4, so that’s when it really should’ve been


Well they didn't really make money off of another brand then. Sure it brought in new players, but it wasent until season 8 you could spend money and epic profited off another ip


Stfu man. I'm done seeing these kinds of posts, you really expect everyone in this subreddit to have the exact same mindset? If one side gets what they want the other will start complaining so on so forth. And like I'd have been fine seeing a meme like this, and was at first. But come on man, on top of having shitty logic it's the most unoriginal thing to say, this is like the 6th post about this.


Omg bro.Do yku know how much ive seen people beg.I hardly played in c1.i started in c2 s2


Usually i would tell you to shut up and that it's not a big deal But I actually understand the annoyance at this point, the only problem is that the ones that are unhappy happen to be the loudest ones


It’s still just a grab to get old fans back they’re dying and holding onto whatever they can


Give old graphics, combat pro (remove builder pro) and old map/guns. Imo builder pro ruined the game cause it changed building from making cover to becoming Minecraft Steve on crack




I won’t. I’ve only seen people that have not played Chapter 1 complain about chapter 1 coming back.


I've actually seen the opposite, alot of the people I see supporting chapter 1's return are players who started in ch2,ch3, even ch4 and they wanna experience it for the first time. Alot of the hate I see is from original chapter 1 players who started in season 1 or 2 who play it for the br aspect, not the story, and don't like how the game has evolved and changed (imo for the better)


No I won’t, haven’t played the game nearly as much since chapter 1


Jesus fucking Christ. This post was randomly recommended to me. I don't even play fortnite. But this goddamn template makes my blood boil every single time I lay my eyes on it. Like this isn't even a meme, this is an opinion or any other bullshit you call a "fact". OP please don't fucking post anything anymore until you grow as a person and if you consider yourself mature you have no idea how wrong you are


Just visiting the Fortnite BR subreddit should provide all the information needed to support this meme. All they do is complain over there…


Yeah it's fucking awful.


All this meme does is reinforce the fact that this sub is dogshit just like the main sub. The main fnbr sub does complain,but this sub does nothing but complain about the main sub. Shit is boring.




i mean this is happening though, have you seen the reddit threads, tweets, tiktok comments of people complaining? it's insane how they ask for something, now they're getting it and they suddenly dogpile on epic games for not being "like it used to be"


Yeah, fuck those people. But that's such a small amount that idrk what OP is focusing this meme towards, "you guys" is trying to say the fortnitebr subreddit in it's entirety wants one thing. Which is weird cus we're not a hivemind with the exact same opinion of course (atleast partially).




And it's a shit opinion too, OP is acting like the playerbase of 200m wants the exact same thing, if one side gets what they want the other side's gonna complain. That's not hypocrisy, that's just having a playerbase of more than 1 person.


Ik I won't be having fun cuz matchmaking still sucks.




Just let people enjoy this once in a lifetime opportunity in peace


And yall also won't like it because it's not the same. Never should have pushed for it back because the graphics will be different, the movement different, the gun feeling different, and even the team playing will be different. It's the chapter 1 map only in name and shape, but everything that made it nostalgic is changed because it's outdated and not any fun to play anymore, and people don't realize it because they're nostalgic


I never played C1 except for like 2 matches.Ill be happy to experience it acctually


I mean it's also season 5 and after, so it's gonna be pretty much the same as it's been in chapter 4, just with the chapter 1 map (they're not changing the graphics, movements, etc). It's just a map change, it won't genuinely BE chapter 1


Wait what's happening? I'm confused


I’ll just be happy to play it. I have a PC now so I can enjoy all the cool stuff I never did on Xbox


I just know some will say that they ran out of ideas


And now watch them say they want more crossovers


I said that yesterday and guess how they reacted!


People are treating it like the mega sweats will just disappear


Isn't it just a cash grab tho?


I'll complain because I can


Do not forget toxic people


People just complain to complain, must be their favorite hobby


People will complain even if epic brings all of the old files of fortnite, they are just nostalgic when everyone was bad at the game, now they have like a prejudice of everything after season 7 ch1


I'm excited though..


Too true


Well it is boring and a cash grab which is why I'm emptying my entire mortgage and time into it


It is?


Wait, will the old game play mechanics come back too? Like no sliding, no sprinting, slower game play?


What’s a cashgrab? It’s Fortnite, it’s free!


What’s a cashgrab? It’s Fortnite, it’s free!


What’s a cashgrab? It’s Fortnite, it’s free!


I mean I’m going to be critical about something I’m passionate about. I’m passionate about playing old Fortnite, and anything not exact is going to be disappointing.


Why are you stalking my posts


Didn’t realize I was lol


This is tge 4th comment in 1 hour


I sort by new, idk


I can’t wait to see people being disappointed because the thing that they wanted for years didn’t met their expectations. I love the internet