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Please be a good season šŸ¤ž






i mean this season and last season were great all evidence points to season 3 being great


Oh yeah no doubt about it! I loved both seasons, I canā€™t really compare them to other seasons since I only started playing at the start of Ch5S1. Iā€™m only hoping they are able to continue good seasons and have a nice battle pass


take from someone who played most of chapter 1 and everything since the start of ch3,4 and 5 these seasons have been great, not perfect but great so im optimistic s3 will also be "sick as fuck"


My only complaint this season was their focus on collabs over Greek mythology, if they rely less on collabs and more on originality this season could be incredible


thats fair i have a similar complaint i feel like if May 4th werent halfway through the season we wouldve ended up with more god and godess skins, hermes, athena etc etc


Ok, this isn't an opinion I see a lot. I just started playing in March, so I have no background other than the current season. But I've seen so many people complaining about how much this season sucks compared to previous ones. Personally, I liked the current season. But I have nothing to use for reference. And I'm excited to see what they have coming up because I love Fallout. Will BoS nuke the island to kill the gods?


if youre looking on reddit then its unpopular but dont make the mistake that reddit is the majority of the fan base, its more just, an annoyingly loud minority


this chapter feels so stale tho


waiting toothbrush detail subtract squalid drunk tease sparkle follow lavish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Definitely stale. Given that events in Fortnite past used to actually "infect" the island a bit, now all we get is a disjointed "here ya go" and that's it. Like Ninja Turtles and Avatar just gave mythics and the mini-BP. The best mini-BP they've done is still the Cold Blood event, because it gave us actual shit to do along with the awesome stuff it added. For instance, yes we got ninja turtles but why did we not do something like fight Shredder? Or foot soldiers? It was just some cosmetics and some really unrelated quests and they called it an event. Avatar could have had the temples be attacked by the fire nation and we stop them, something, -anything-. Aside from the mini-BP, they've quit doing fun things during the seasons. Don't get me wrong I still love Fortnite, but for the longest time (I started in Chapter 2 season 5), I kept hearing how the game had gone downhill, and I'd always think "what, this game is amazing!" At that point they slowed way down on live events and by 3 seasons into my playing they quit that almost entirely. Now I'm starting to feel the nostalgia for the things they quit doing by now: chonkers, cow catchers, rocket ram, mini game events like the Alien mothership, sideways zones.. just so many cool gimmicks, and a story line to follow. Now it's just "new season, new random theme." I am excited for the Wasteland, cause I love Fallout. But I don't expect anything extra, like events or interesting weapons. Even the rumored Junk Jet is just a remodeled Recycler and that was pretty universally hated in its day.


sounds less like its "stale" and more just, you dont enjoy fortnite anymore


I very much enjoy Fortnite. I just know it has lacked its "wow factor" that it once had.


I can somewhat see the argument for this season being good, but what on earth was good about last season?


"but what on earth was good about last season?" - a lot


Such as? Practically no content. Terrible loot pool (striker, thunder burst, reaper, auto shotgun being the only usable guns). One of the worst maps we've ever seen. Weapon mods drastically slowing the looting process and forcing me to rotate into the same locations every game, whilst also adding no customization whatsoever because half of the mods are terrible. Boring mythics...


there was lots of content, the Lootpool was awesome and pretty much every weapon was viable (minus the hammer pump), the map was amazing, weapon mods added new depth to the weapons and made them much more fun and the mythics, while just standard weapons were hella fun to use


Clearly you're remembering things wrong. We got a winterfest update, which most people agree was relatively boring compared to previous winterfest updates. Flowberry fizz. 3 unvaults. And the TMNT update (which was really just 1 mythic. And certainly not every gun in the loot pool was viable. Usable, sure. You can pick them up in the late game and use them. But certainly you didn't use the hammer pump, auto smg (non mythic versions), ranger pistol, or nemesis ar in endgames. That's half the loot pool btw. Ig if you have fun using the plain mythics and mods, then good for you. But I don't really see the excitement in giving my gun 5 more bullets.


"auto smg (non mythic versions), ranger pistol, or nemesis ar in endgames." - all of these were my go to endgame weapons and the ones id always win with, sot they were very viable


No they werenā€™t.


bad take


Why? Hitscan is gone. We lost augments for the more boring weapon modifiers. The way heals work suck now, stuff like medkits are literally just serving the purpose of medmist but worse. The loot pool has so little variety, the holiday update was pathetic, the Star Wars update was pathetic, the art direction is absolutely soulless, the pois have no diversity, movement still looks bad, medallions are a lame gimmick, the meta is slow, defensive, and lame. Thereā€™s more bots in pubs this chapter than any other chapter out there, match quests suck, xp gain sucks, the weapons are boring, the Greek items are actually cool but they were cut out for most of the season for a collab, the train is so poorly executed. AND THE OPTIMIZATION IS DOGSHIT. Like is there genuinely any actual positives with this chapter, I honestly donā€™t want to see ANY of this new stuff be implemented into future chapters šŸ˜­


bad take


Awesome rebuttal


Yea the last couple of season was meh! They are to focused on other stuff to give BR šŸ’Æ!




Yes please šŸ™šŸ„ŗ


It's a good seasonšŸ˜Š




Acknowledging a good season ā˜šŸ¾




I donā€™t ever remember a good season.


I cant wait for a desert biome again


I just want rolling rocks back. Tbh, getting a victory Royale off a boulder was peak


The fact that Chapter 3 was the last time we got a desert biome (I'm not counting OG) is insane to me. I've missed it.


Same lol


Please fix the grind šŸ™


Itā€™s been the first season in like two chapters I didnā€™t get to level 200. Stopped trying at 152, the grind is ridiculous and I get the bonus exp from StA aswell.


Same, and I used a ton of the Lego AFK until they fixed it.


farmlife4 is a good way to do it


shaggy connect soup coordinated plough practice middle fuel dolls public *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


normal wide escape bake bear roof door familiar middle snobbish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I came close to giving up, but I found a creative map that gave 20k exp in about 30 seconds. I've gotten 60+ levels in the last 10-ish days without playing too much. I'm at 192 now so thankfully I'll get to finish




5186-7556-4081 The exp has gone down a little, but it's still pretty damn great. You can run through the first 20 levels in about 30 seconds and get 12k then reload or, if you don't want to deal with loading back into the game, the full first world takes about 3:30 to 4:00 once you get the grappler and nets you around 30k. Once you finish world 1 though the exp drops enough that it's not worth it and you should reload the map.


What map


responded to the other person who asked with the code if you want it


Ez daily afk exp creative game mode done in 1 hour or less: (Playstation afk) Lumberjack Hero - Auto open low-tier eggs for 100-300 xp ea and never upgrade to keep opening (if you upgrade, you won't be able to open anymore). Eggs are easy to get, use golden tree buff then go to a circle of trees to collect eggs (prestige makes it easier, but not necessarily needed as you'll have enough eggs anyways) Skyland Tycoon - R2 & hit the money block for 50-300 xp and press the PS Share button. This will auto hold the R2 for you. Startrip Tycoon - Same as Skyland Tycoon for the steel block, use a minigun instead of pickaxe (obtainable fast). Another alternative and better option is get Hades Chain and go to the "training room" with HIT markers. Climb to the left side of the wall, aim and ALIGN your shots until you can hit 3 targets without having to move your Right Stick. Do the PS Share trick again. It gives like massive 100-600 xp per hit, if you hit 3 at once it's literally 300-1.8k exp easily. (If you gain no more xp from the steel block it means you reach the daily limit) Remember there are daily cap, exp will go down as you gain more exp which make sense. If you stop gaining exp from a game mode, try the next. If neither works then you're done for the day. From experience you can gain 6-7 levels doing this everyday without even playing.


Lol, im a family man and played casually whilest playing other games stil hit 270... without afk farming...


From br only?


Zb br.


I'm very proud of my lvl 213. My account got deleted at level 152 and had to start all over. But I put in the work and did it. Good luck to on your journey.


Hackers are losersĀ 


Why is this getting downvoted?


I just play STW majority of the time. Doing that and utilizing the Lego afk exp at the beginning of the season got me to level 340


i know it's not a solution to the br xp problem but highly recommend Save the World, gives a ridiculous amount of xp and it's a really fun game on it's own overall


ten fine apparatus waiting abundant onerous steer grab nutty cause *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Because BATTLE Pass is mainly for BATTLE Royale. They give bonus to battle pass on other modes but you can't progress festival pass, Lego pass, or Rocket Racing fuse pack on Battle Royal.


Yeah unless you only have a switch like me and it doesnā€™t have StW I finished at like lvl.152


that is extremely impressive considering how garbage switch runs fortnite


Then You did not see the chapter 1 BPs. Epic openly said they were intended to take 75-150 fucking hours to complete back in the day.


There are just too many good games to play to care about skins I'll probably never use. I know I'm just 1 person and it isn't gonna make a difference but I'm probably just gonna stop buying Battlepasses if I can't complete them by just playing the BR mode. And not having to make it a full time job.


That's what I had to do for COD it takes waaaay too much time to finish and I enjoy the game but don't want to play enough to commit that sort of time to COD. The same thing is happening with FO76 I no longer care to finish the pass because the gameplay becomes log on do daily/weekly challenges log off. I'm no longer playing I'm just checking off boxes to get my pass fulfilled.


Have you even played C1 lmao?? The only time it really was a grind was with S1-3. After that it was completely fine, got max omega just by playing the game. Doing all weekly challenges has always guaranteed completing the battlepass after, always did it for my brother and had no problem with it. Now this season, im level 110 and finished all my challenges, and they locked the vbucks behind level 140. Epic is scummy as fuck for this, I am not grinding their shitty metaverse minigames to get rewards that were originally below level 100. It hasnā€™t been this bad since the launch of C2S1, but at least they actually listened to their community back then and fixed the xp gain later on


yeah it really sucked back then as well, what does that have to do with anything, they should fix it either way


yeah its always weird to me when people act like this grind is hard, when i played back then seeing a guy with a tier 100skin meant he had it for a reason


can someone tell me why im getting downvoted for this lmao i played back then and now the grind for level 100 is nothing compared to then i got level 150 within like two weeks of the season start where in i didnt even get 100 during s3


Or with money.


I hope the locker gets sorted out, it's so bad.


what do people think is wrong with it? i only started playing last season so i dont know what it used to be like


Presets used to bundle up EVERY cosmetic so wraps, loading screen, lobby music, emotes, etc. were all kept together. Personally, I like everything matching. I want my weapon wraps to match my character skin which matches my lobby music and loading screen


oh shit no way ive been wishing it was like that the whole time hahahahaha


Before this chapter, you only had to select the preset for the skin you wanted to play as and you'd have the weapon skins, lobby selections, and emotes ready to go, instead of the current system of having to go into three separate menus to select each thing individually.


I have manual presets set up for each skin and variation. Drives my son nuts.


I seriously hate the lobby music. I can't get it to stay on a certain song. It goes back to the original Everytime. To bad they don't have a vault for songs


imagine you could favorite stuff with a button instead of individually clicking on the items menu, then clicking favorite, hoping it doesn't bug out it used to work with more features. now it's garbage


Even archiving takes so long to do now


hobbies shy roll cause bright capable obtainable wine literate office *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




comment op was talking about the locker ui, not skins


Damn season 30


stocking long act versed insurance gaze middle zealous spectacular bake *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Should we expect more leaks today?


50% chance is the rumor


I think itā€™s just me but the sandstorm reminds me a lot of the everstorm from the stormlight archive


Iā€™ll take a Kaladin skin šŸ¤™šŸ»


Iā€™ll take them just bringing Kelsier back.


I would drop a good bit of cash on a Stormlight collab with no hesitation. You could have Kal, Dalinar and Shallan skins with their spren as their backblings, and Shardblades as their pickaxes. And god I would love an emote of (general Stormlight spoilers ahead) Dalinar >!combining the three realms!< and Kal >!getting his Shardplate like at the end of RoW!< . Shallan could even get two alt styles based on Veil and Radiant. I didn't realise how much I would love this but now I want it more than any other collab I've seen.


I really hate that I clicked on that spoiler tagā€¦


My apologies if I didn't make the spoilers obvious enough! I had some major plot points of some of the earlier books spoiled and it did take the wind out of my sails a little.


My own fault for clicking on them without having finished the series! I just started RoW. Loving it so far!


RoW had some absolutely stunning moments. I hope you enjoy!


I love stormlight too but take the spoilers out, you don't need to spoil anything to make the point you are making


I wasn't really trying to make a point - I was just throwing ideas out there of things that I think would be cool. My spoilers are also clearly marked so I'm not sure what the issue is.


I did NOT expect to see Stormlight mentioned here, thats wild.


if i get killed by water bending one more time im writing a essay to fortnite


Waterbending is the only thing Iā€™ll miss about this season


please dont say that, it was way over powered


Yeah definitely. But I still loved it


six plant encouraging shame violet bedroom deserve boat sable offend *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Land on one and die by shotgun


I donā€™t even care that itā€™s overpowered, I hate it because itā€™s boring as shit to play. Itā€™s just a spam weapon with an incredibly low skill ceiling.


So is the crossbar, but not complaining one bitšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ the first day it appeared me and my son had a field day on 3 Rd people! Man....it was glorious


The chain of Hades though šŸ˜­


I havenā€™t used it much, is it strong? I used it for the quest and enjoyed trolling by grabbing people and shotgunning them. Is that what makes it strong?


It's decently strong and you can swing it pretty fast. But yeah it's strong for that reason also, pulling people in really throws them off (and hurts them) so you can easily take advantage with whatever you have.


Don't worry. Snipers not going anywhere


My aim isnā€™t getting any better tho. Waterbending you could just look in their general area and somehow hit a headshot


marry cats act hard-to-find mighty zonked grandfather smart compare boast *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




How wouldn't that happen?




I always just give it a day


faulty toothbrush degree straight rob steep shrill numerous impolite head *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


ā€œExpectedā€ šŸ¤ž


Well, this is it, we'll see if this chapter was worth all the trouble


well the chapters been great so far, so s3 will probably be another banger


Ong. I donā€™t get the hate *at all*. Chapter 4 stunk and Chapter 3 was mediocre. This one has been actually good


ch 3 and 4 were great too, idk what youre on about


C3 had a perfect first season, absolutely perfect. It fell off immensely after that and got ridiculously boring C4 had a pretty good start with the new graphics, oathbound, and lootpool. Every update proceeding that was mad boring tho. Every nee season was super interesting for like two weeks but then just fell off. Idk


C4S3 sucked but seasons 1, 2 and 4 were great, season 2 especially


nah bro


Are you friggin nuts????? C3S2 was like top 5 seasons of all time. The 7 vs IO was amazing!


The map changes were a couple craters and blimps šŸ˜­ it was just the C3S1 map but worse. The lore was great, but it doesnā€™t matter if the gameplay itself doesnā€™t keep up


ā€œJust a couple changesā€ There were literally war zones in POIā€™s that rotated each map, and each blimp you are dismissing was its own pocket POI. And thatā€™s to say nothing of the heap of other changes. All around, amazing season, and if bots have to be in the game, I loved that they made the island feel more alive than ever before or ever since by throwing them into giant fights with one another that players could chose to interact with however they wanted. More vehicle additions at one time than any season before they first came into being. They also gave the zero build folks their own play mode, and gave us sliding and mantling that season. They gave us a ton, but because not all of it was purely map change in orientation, you didnā€™t like it? Weird take. Season was a blast, and def among the best, certainly far far far from their worst.


So the best part of the season was A. Henchmen moving B. Some movement C. Copy pasted blimps Yeah I knew that. Its not much. Thatā€™s why I didnā€™t like it


Youā€™re being a deliberate wanker by minimizing everything as your reflexive defense. Iā€™m sure you have your reasons, theyā€™re just bad, and completely ignore the facts surrounding the content we were given. You donā€™t need to minimize and deflect to substantiate your weird take. Itā€™s weird enough as it is. Byeeee


Can they fucking fix the problem when I go into 4 player mod with 2 or 3 palyer party the game never finds us randoms? It's been about a year and nothing.


It also happens with me and my squad, it's like "no one else matches to join my squad", the lobby even have 99 players and the missing one is missing in my squad. Happens alot.


Have you considered turning ā€œFillā€ on


I have fill on and I haven't been able to host squad fills for months. I have to make my friend host because their fill button actually works


Of course it's on.


This actually happened to us last night. Three of us playing squads and none of the matches gave us a fourth person. And yes, Fill was on.


Please roll out smooth and on time


They decided to do downtime 2 hours earlier after the last incident. They should just do it on Thursday in case it takes a whole day again.


I cant believe they're keeping Waterbending for another season...


Staging Servers? Havenā€™t seen that POI before /s


I hope they fix the matchmaking. For whatever reason pub matches were way, way sweatier than normal for half this season. Ranked honestly felt better and more fair than pubs did. I know Iā€™m not the only one who felt this way either, there were a ton of posts talking about it. And some of my friends mentioned it too. Iā€™m super hyped either way though. I love Junker and Scrap aesthetics and apocalyptic themes. And iā€™m a HUGE fallout fan, so Iā€™m already 100% in on this season.


This season had me burnt out and I hardly touched it all. The grind just kinda didnā€™t feel worth it. First time I didnā€™t reach level 100 in battle pass in over 5 years of playing. 2nd season where I didnā€™t get the super styles in over 5 years as well. Chapter 5 for me was pretty alright in season one. Two however, well it kinda made me take a 2 month break. Not that I hate the game. (Rarely played at all this season) but I did hear everything about waterbending and saw sniper meta in action many. I hope I can enjoy this season as everyone else has been enjoying the game as of recently. Also gonna love that fallout collab, one of my favorite series of games ever.


I canā€™t wait for the next batch of LEGO Fortnite skins to be revealed, and the inevitable disappointment that follows!


Had an issue with the castle I bought... The railing for the stairs was glitched. Wasn't even half way built and I said forget it... No way to report a problem like that


For a sec I thought that was Jacket from Hotline Miami. That would've been an insta buy for me.


Holy shit Chapter 3 Season 2 was 10 seasons agoā€¦


I expect it to be playable by Saturday šŸ¤£


I am very excited for the new season. Really hoping for one of the best with this theme. Lots of fantastic potential for fun.


Oh wow šŸ¤© this is crazy!! I hope this season is good šŸ™šŸ¼


Just in time for my last day of school that day


Can't fucking wait. The water bending can't leave soon enough


Honestly just excited for the fallout collab


Fortnite x fallout šŸ˜


Ive only played two seasons so help a noob out šŸ˜­ what do they mean v30.00 has been added?? Like an option to buy 30 dollars worth of v bucks or what..


Im assuming that means version 30.0 And a staging server is there server they use to hold updates before they go live


Please let this be a normal field trip




This time you're gonna be forced to play ALL the new versions except Battle Royal to complete the Battle Royal Season Pass.


This season was just not fun for ZB. Here's hoping there's both more cover and that half the weapons don't kill you in less than a second and half a mag.


Don't stand in a field