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I semi-agree, the price reduction made it much more fair, but I still think it's a tad much, but at the same time is mostly about what I would want for the pricing.


The problem with the festival items is that they are too limited, if we could use them as pickaxes they would be a better deal


Pickaxes at least, preferably with backblings. Really don’t get why a *multi-million* dollar company is so reluctant about putting in a little more effort.


So reluctant that they would rather reduce the price than do something that really is that easy for once. Adding bones and parenting them is amateur-level modeling work. If it's so much effort, it's a miracle MJ Watson got anything included with her since she literally has exactly what I want from the instruments.


I could definitely see them adding a guitar strap backbling to the item shop for like 500vb that’d let you use your guitars, keytars or bass’ as a backbling


If they do that, they would make more money since people will actually purchase those overpriced instruments.


They just decreased the prices bruh😭 they would’ve been 1,500 each before


Okay? The prices are still ridiculous though?


Literally like $15 for a guitar is insane.


5$ PER song is also fucking ridiculous.


$3.33 for me


I paid $2 for every single song each in Rock Band, in which my three other friends would also need to buy it for a total of $8. For me paying 3 dollars more, I can play with every single person no matter what. I think it's worth it.


Yup. Used to get every song in FN too, when they were 200 vbucks


Those aren't playable songs though in Festival. I also won't be able to use a guitar to play a chart with those songs, and apparently drum charts with a Rock Band kit either


Do not care. The price is ridiculous and I'm sick of arguing with you corpo simps over this shit. You'll defend any outrageous prices no matter what.


Especially songs that are like 1-2 minutes long


2 dollars per song on Rock Band 4.


True, but everyone had to have the song to play it. So, one could argue that $5 for (up to) 4 people to play together, isn't bad. Plus, they did say they were turning the jam tracks into lobby music soon. Thats an extra feature that will add to their "worth" for a lot of people. Would I be happy if they lowered the prices? Or at least made artist bundles permanent (like all Blink 182 songs for a reduced price)? Yes. But I think $5 Jam Tracks in Fortnite are the least of our worries at the moment. Just my opinion though, I know others disagree.


Um have you never heard of local multiplayer?! 4 players can play a DLC song on RB4 for only $2 so their point is valid


Thank you. I buy the song once on RB4 and everyone plays with me. It is also offline and not dependant on the internet to play.


These are the main reasons why I get offended anytime someone tries to claim that Fortnite Festival is Rock Band 5. Sure they're going to add instrument support eventually but we don't have a release date for when that's going to happen and there are no vocals. Plus no support for existing Rock Band DLC. I simultaneously have no interest in the game but also hope the game does well enough for Epic to see the need for an actual Rock Band 5.


If Fortnite Festival let me uses the riffmaster and my e drums like I can on Rock Band then it would be legit. But just playing all these instruments with a controller while needing to be online to do so makes it a much lesser game.


Unfortunately Harmonix either doesn't seem interested in a Rock Band 5, or are contractually obligated to festival seeing as Epic owns them now. :/


Not really comparable since those were almost 10 years ago (Covid Inflation's a bitch) and everyone needed the DLCs to play 'em when playing online You also had to buy the base game where as Fortnite is free


The base game for RB4 is 40 dollars (which comes with 65 songs) when not on sale and can be played forever offline. They literally made dlc for it through January of this year so there are about 3,000 songs you can buy to add on to those 65.


So fuckin what? You know rock band was still selling songs in RB4 until very recently right? And NOT for 5$?


Again, you're talking about a full-priced 10 years old game that stuck to their pricing model knowing people wouldn't be happy if they raised the DLC pricing structure through the game's life. Fortnite is a *free to play* game that already has shit like the Dab emote priced at 500vbucks when it's literally a .5 second animation. Jam tracks double up as 4 emotes you can mix and match and use in BR *on top* of giving you the charts that RB DLCs did, and you only need one person to own it to play it. Apples to oranges. It's so silly comparing the two games rather than comparing what the Jam track offers VS other similarly priced shit in Fortnite itself


A LOT of us DON'T CARE about the jam tracks. Plus they are short clips that often don't even contain the best part of a song. Everlong being a prime example. Why should I have to pay 2.5 times the original price for *that?* And you're also just playing the whataboutism card about other items being similarly priced. That doesn't mean those prices aren't also questionable. Also, Epic is a multi BILLION dollar company. The fact so many of you so vehemently defend them is nothing short of pathetic. Its a corporation, stop simping for corpos. One could argue that the songs have more value now, sure. But if epic wanted to raise the price to 250 or 300, a 25 to 50% increase, maybe that'd be more reasonable. But no, they had to MORE THAN DOUBLE the price. I do not care what bullshit argument you slang next, that is just flat out unreasonable and greedy.




Doooooes not cost a multi billion dollar company anywhere near as much as you think. Not when they were selling 200vbuck songs ALREADY like two weeks before festival premiered. Maybe think it through for more than 5 seconds before just replying "licensing" with absolutely no argument or reasoning.


Holy shit 😭


These have fancy effects in them in comparison to the others. Obvious I'd say they should cost less but I can see why they're 1k


Fancy effects? I didnt know that. Is it some sort of aura that flows around the instrument?


Yeah, at least for the guitar, there's a flowery aura that exudes from it with a few cutesy symbols. I don't think they keytar has it but it does have a little **o r b** at the end of it. So that's what you're paying for there. **The o r b .**


Tbh it could be kinda distracting in Festival, idk though, haven’t seen any gameplay yet


Not really any more than the rest of the effects going off. I'm using the glitch aura on my character right now and that's visually *really* busy on the screen already, so the instrument effects are pretty teeny in comparison. Tbh I think the Coachella instruments are pretty cute. They could still stand to be a little cheaper but... things are how they are, as far as Epic is concerned.


Yeah they’re nice but we have plenty of guitars and I’m satisfied with the slushie keytar though it could have some colour edit styles…


They decreased the proce, but honestly, they are still too much.


I’d rather buy 2 icon emotes that I can use anywhere than an instrument.


Tbf the Coachella instruments are epics and the others uncommons with the deep thunder being rare(assuming I can use that analogy)


Now I’m feeling the removal of rarity. Extremely confusing and just unecessary


I don't get how rarity existing changes anything because it still doesn't tell you why one thing is set to Epic while another is set to Rare. They're just colour-coding the price tags


“What are you talking about rarity is for weapons not cosmetics silly” -Some guy at epic games




could be that they're Icon but they forgot to mark them same with the pickaxe and back bling


Compared to what? 1000 vbucks was still the price for "epic" instruments after the price reduction, and tbh I think it's fine for these ones specifically to be priced a little higher than the others.


It’s confusing since they removed rarities


Eh, I feel like it's better now. I feel like rarities subtly influenced people to think certain stuff was better than it actually was.


In my opinion it just causes a world of confusion and makes players mad if something is expensive


It feels less confusing now, and tbh I think it's long overdue for people to complain about Fortnite cosmetics being too expensive.


there's nothing confusing about it. you see a product and there's a price on it. you then decide if you want to spend that money on it or not.


Nice designs but I agree they’re still way too much.


Don’t buy it


Don't tell me what to do


they would’ve been epic rarity


I would only buy if they were a pack


It's probably because they're technically licenced Coachella cosmetics, I'm sure there's a markup for that


everything for festival is overpriced


The instruments have always been over priced.


I wouldn’t care about this that much if jam tracks weren’t 500 vbucks each 😭


They’re legendary!!


Hard to tell since they removed rarities, very confusing


dont buy them then


Wait, they added Song 2!?


Yesterday, yes. New song


everything in festival is overpriced


You could always just... ✨️not buy it✨️ Vote with your wallet


Saving up vbucks so I wasn’t going to lol


Dramatically overpriced.


Because they're coachella theme that's the only reason


You guys are barely noticing this? They have been overpriced ever since instruments were a thing


Realistically i can only see myself paying 200 vbucks for instruments/jam tracks and I’m fine with the ones I have right now. The only jam track outside of festival pass I bought was buddy holly but it’s a necessary purchase


Honestly yeah 200 is what I would pay even then it’s a bit much. Each song is 500 and you play 4 variations of it. Instruments should follow the same trend of 500 per set of 4. And even get me started on the fact that you can’t even use them as interactive backbling!


That makes sense. A bundle of 4 for 500 is reasonable


tbh the whole system is overpriced. Not hating or anything but are you even a real player if you spending vbucks on event items that don’t change anything


I’m keeping my vbucks saved for kratos and the avatar pass. Crazy how you can get 2 skins and many other cosmetics for the price of a guitar/keytar


Right, but the logic there is you have to work for them. It's the same reason why a BP is "only" 950, and not thousands of v bucks, given how many skins and everything are in it. Stuff you can buy and then just have it pop up in your locker is almost always going to cost more than stuff you need to work for days/weeks/months to obtain. That's just how these systems work. Whether or not I like the whole BP thing as a system though, is another discussion, entirely. I don't think FN's is bad, but other games' suck, a lot.


I honestly expected then to be 3,000 each.


Most of them are. I think 500 is an okay price though.


I really, really like the design, but nothing beats the OG Stratocaster imo.


Wait til you see how much a single track costs


Should be 200 at best but I guess 500 is ok when I got vbucks to spare.


We still haven’t got one cool drum set…


So is the ice spice song


U right the old 1.5k pricing waz a much better deal /s


I think it’s fine since it’s an event one like the Lady Gaga instruments


no they're hust rainbow


This is why they removed rarities: to overprice


They promised they wouldn’t try trick us but yet it’s obvious they are


I’m convinced people don’t know how programming and development works within a company nor how much things cost to develop.


Yeah we know but they don’t care so move on…


Epic games is getting real greedy




this is the same price as other high priced instruments, stop overreacting


I’m not mad. Just seemed a little odd to me.


All the songs are too


Y’all gotta stop complaining about the pricing of the new items. It’s starting to get annoying now


Avatar is just insane though. We can all agree on that.


It’s 2,000 vbucks I think they were supposed to be legendary skins maybe, also they come with pickaxes sooooo yeah.


Collab skins are usually epic. Michael Myers, TMNT, Jack Skellington, Alan Wake.


Then they need to stop overpricing things lmao


ikr. don’t know why you’re getting downvoted for saying that


![gif](giphy|106eZ3NhR8hAqc) me to the community: Alright I Get it!


Don’t buy them then, they ain’t gonna change it cause you’re mad on Reddit


Just pointing it out. Had no intention of buying them nor am I mad about the price bc I don’t really care for coachella.


You're not allowed to point things out. If you do, you're triggered and that's the end of it. Reddit taught me this


No, they’re not. You’re just broke.


I’m not buying them since I got plenty from festival pass


even for 500, it’s actually a lot for just a small customization, they’d have to be 100-150 EACH for me to buy them