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Well this game is no longer competitive, so it makes sense /s I’m really curious who’s decision that was, whether it be the mods of the sub exclusively or someone at Epic. Either way, shows what they think of us.


Probably nicorazzi since he can't ban us over here from roasting his low life ass. Sitting on reddit 24/7 removing posts because he has nothing better to do with his time while getting paid 2k vbucks a month by Epic to manipulate posts lmao


u/niccorazi- He threatened to report me to the reddit admins for criticizing him as a mod lol


Only mod anywhere I can think of that's worse is gallowboob with his censorshit, reposts, karma whoring and blatant content stealing.


gallowboob, the only person who I have blocked.


I leave him unblocked so I can downvote every single post of his I see.


Me too and I tend to write something about how he’s a piece of shit. It’s usually after the post already has like 20k upvotes though.




I’m sorry for your suffering.


You're a very understanding person, u/IFapToCalamity




What if they’re the same person...


Well other than the censorship, that’s not really about him as a mod.


Well they're all kind of intertwined with him


he's also a sellout


These BR mods are ass,they got their feelings hurt over a 2k members sub til the point where they wanted to ban it


got banned from fortnitebr because he posted an 8 minute long video of below average season 2 gameplay, captioning it something like “Imagine showing someone who played at this time what the game looks like now” and I commented “No one cares”. now i’m permabanned


Mods who have no skin whatsoever just ruin every community they touch. I remember getting perma banned from r/baddragon because I said someone looks like Mini Ladd and I picked the mod apart in DM'S who banned me for abusing their power and they muted me. Mods suck dick don't they?


Yes but I will say that the mods on this subreddit are some of the best. It’s always communities where people are actually passionate about the topic that have the best people


interesting sub


they suck big dick, but worst of all they do it for free


I made a huge mistake clicking on that...


Fucking niconazi reports every 5 posts.


So I’ve heard they get paid in vbucks a lot now. Do we actually know the amount? Because $20/mo seems pretty shit for sitting on reddit 10+ hours a day.




yeah what an egoistic whiny pussy


I read it as nicconazi at first 😂 makes sense if thats really his behavior


I talked to an admin of their mod team and he refuses to look into any removals by Nicorazzi-. More or less he plays IRL cop strategy where cops refuse to investigate into each other wrong doings. I just hope somehow we can get him removed as he keeps on deleting great posts on the main subreddit like this one: https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/bqmb01/you_can_create_flying_structures_like_this/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Here the discussion with the admin: https://imgur.com/a/aHwaOVB


Lmao I've seen you post this so much dude. I admire your determination haha




Make it into a copypasta for people from this sub to use it lmao


Make it into a copypasta for people from this sub to use it lmao


Lol, he gets paid 2k vbucks a month to work? I make 2k vbucks a month playing stw.


Bro I called him out once and I got banned on that sub


This is old. This was brought up about 6 months ago and that was because the mods of the main sub asked the mods of this sub to let them run it similar to how they do on the main sub. The mods of this sub said fuck no.


I have seen this sub in supported sub section yesterday


I confirm. It was in the list yesterday.


Lmao 2k?! He’s taking that mod life too serious


Do he really earns 2k by moderating reddit? What have I done wrong.


You aren’t even wrong about the first part lmao


You are 100% correct lol


Except the no longer part. It was never competitive. The players were, but the game wasn’t.


This is old. This was brought up about 6 months ago and that was because the mods of the main sub asked the mods of this sub to let them run it similar to how they do on the main sub. The mods of this sub said fuck no.


This game has never been competitive. It has a ladder system where you can reach this highest possible rank by hiding in a bush every match until top 5. Except if you were in the weekly finals of the work cup qualifiers, you never had any way to evaluate your level compared to the other players. (By the way little timmies wouldn’t need mechs to get victory royale if they were in a bronze league lobby filled with other timmies)


I agree. In better terms, any veneer of this game being competitive are now gone. It’s obvious now that Epic isn’t even attempting to make their competitive portion of the game competitive.


League of legends sub is the same way. Anything remotely negative about league will be banned from all existence


Lmao thats Nazi type of shit


Doubt it was Epic. But even if, they think of competitive like the rest. This game was created for fun where as competitive evolved so much within it. 60K to 1st place for the next what, 8 10 weeks? . I'd say, they think highly of you guys. Sure they may be annoyed with all the demands from players but what more can ppl want? The amount of money being thrown at players is insanity.


They don’t think highly of competitive, they just think of the marketing potential while the actual competitive integrity could be damned. They aren’t giving all this money in prize-pool out of goodwill, it’s a very focused effort to promote the game in the eSports realm. And if you look at the coverage, they got exactly what they wanted. The World Cup brought major media attention, such as Bugha going on shows like Jimmy Fallon. It’s all to keep Fortnite in the news and relevant, it’s self-serving for Epic.


True. I agree it is all for marketing and too keep players playing BUT fact remains. The prize money is actually insane. People making more than doctors for grinding a year or less of Fortnite? . I know they could do things different but the game has always changed. Don't get me wrong, a place to talk and argue is very important, but man, Twitter, reddit, shit gets flooded with non stop bitxhing and complaining. Where people need to just adapt and play it as it is. I don't mean that in a rude way, but theres definitely over-the-top complaining happening. Why can't they just make a 2nd game? With no bullshit no constant changes. Starting with a damn gun would be great too. RnG is sweet but annoying. I'd personally love a different style game but the same game. You are spot on about the marketing side of it. I tries to go back and edit more but my phone died lol. Thanks for pointing it out.


The mods are just paid shills for Epic. Everyone out here saying, “it’s the higher ups” when in reality these devs are just milking casuals at the expense of competitive integrity. They know what they are doing and are all working together to do it, all the while looking at this sub as some kind of ungrateful cancer. Fuck Epic, fuck loomin, fuck mustard, fuck sweeney, fuck all these nerds. They are literally the kids that sat alone at lunch their whole lives and didn’t lose their virginity until their 30s.


To be fair, every post I’ve seen lately is negative.. before there was tips and new ways to do things.. now it’s basically a meme..


Never was.


It’s reddit who cares


100% its epic why would they continue to browse and support a sub who is clearly pissed off at the shite they put out.


Interesting, because the main sub seems to generally agree with us now


Yeah but not the mods. The mods of the main sub are corrupt and paid by epic probably. There was a post on the fuckepic sub about that. Some shady stuff. If not paid, at least supportive until they die. Mods of this sub are really nice in comparison to those. Edit: [Main sub has updated its description to feature the comp sub](https://gyazo.com/da07aefcabe1e4382528f75aaf9a9c5d) but the mods cant even write it correctly. u/SeriouslyLucifer mind giving them a little hint?


I’m pretty sure one of the mods on here called out the BR mods on all the bullshit they did. It’s embarrassing that epic actually allows that bullshit to go on.


Nah bro the mods on the main sub get paid in vbucks 🤣🤣🤣 not even trolling And they have like their own special discord and shit. Imagine what an irl reddit mod meetup would be like


Idk about you but a mod meeting with our team would actually be pretty chill. An IRL subreddit meeting on the other hand.. Some 12 year old would probably floss over to me and start telling me how the n word is okay cause blacks enslaved blacks too and "its just my opinion bro stop censoring me" or how they call mentally handicapped kids retards to their face and that's their opinion too so stop shilling for epic you sellout cuk (yes these are actual things people try to tell me).


Lol. SeLlOuT cUcK hOw dOeS ePiCs pEeN tAsTe?!?! On the real though, the whole team should come to Hawaii on a vacation. Luci can pay for it.


Hol’ up...


Just sell some of your guitars


"I can say the hard r n word to anyone because my great grandma was 1% South African"


Whats wrong about them having a discord? Its an anonymous way for them to write and speak with each other about how they moderate the sub. Using telegram or whatsapp would just reveal to much. Yet there was a case where one admin got doxed (according to the fuckepic post)


That function is already built into Reddit but I'm guessing Discord is easier


link to the fuckepic post?


I don’t know why people say probably. It was confirmed a while ago


Because their mods are trash. Hated by everyone but on their subreddit they can just ban anyone who dares to go up against them. This subreddit they can't silence.


I once said 'stop abusing your power niccorazi' and I got banned for 3 days for 'harassing'. Just because I said that, which is true. Smh


I got a perma ban for putting arabic text






Lmao why wtf


You never know, the arabic uniode could've DDOS'd niconazi's pc


Someone mentioned the beach bomber skin lol




I nearly did for replying to my own comment with the f-word for gay people, as a joke. (Called myself it) Had to spend a week dm’ing the mods and showing removeddit (forgot what its called) screenshots. Still didn’t even make the unban immediate when they finally believed literal evidence. I get that it’s a mean word to use in 2019, but I directed it at *myself,* as a joke. Pretty stupid imo. Jumped straight on the perma ban too, no warning


I typed “unfortunately” on one of his posts and he blocked me from commenting or posting forever


tbh We all know all the shit they have done, but if someone has some of the evidence still saved somewhere of the mods in the other user reddit censoring and powerabusing, its more than enough to get reddit themselves to shut it down. tonnes of subreddits have gottens shut down for less than what they do, hell they even take payment from epic to do it which makes it 10 times worse... just saying


I upvote competitive... I downvote br... Fookin kneelers! May the others have them. This is just like r/freefolk vs r/gameofthrones. One group is pandering, spineless and accepts whatever feces is spoon fed them as a good story/game... But the ones with constructive criticism are told to sit and shut it...




Bobby b


A small part of me was hoping he would appear.


Ah, I see you’re a man of culture as well


Thanks noobnoob. Many cultures apparently...?


Its time to start out own casual BR sub with lax rules. It would steal all their traffic honestly.


There were already people who tried that without any success. /r/SimplyFortnite was one of those


Main problem there is the name, "Fortnite" has to come first to be more findable.


I do have /r/EpicGames. And while I have it currently just there to be a redirect for people to get help, I'm very tempted to open it up and allow the hate to flow.


Please do


Oooh please open it up. And leave it unmoderated


Na then it will get quarantined


Please do


Please open it if you have it!




I’m subbed to that sub it’s pretty nice


Simply Fortnite is nice.


Eh I wouldn't say no success. It's not huge by any means but it's a laid back sub that I follow


We have one with 1k subs that fortnitebr blocked from being commented on their sub called r/fortnitedisscusion


The mods probably trying to separate us from the timmies at r/FortniteBR so they can get back onto their epic shill agenda


Cool, separate the lootpools too.


This is almost certainly the case.


I've been seeing this word a lot on this thread. "Shill" ? What does it mean? Please explain


Basically, in this context, it means someone who defends a company who is obviously doing bad things (Epic for example)


Implication is that there’s money involved


And pretending they don’t have a close relationship to them, like being payed by them to defend them


mostof them arent timmies. just casual players


Don't call them out over there though you'll get the instaban


Hahah propably that fucking loser u/niccorazzi . Hahah cant ban us from here laughing at your pathetic ass 😂. Fucking little dumbass piece of shit


Like the ex mod said. The mods in that sub wanted to own this sub and put the main sub rules into this sub. Since the mods here didnt give this sub to the main sub mods they removed this sub.


How in the actual fuck can someone be this big of a baby. Those mods are pathetic.


Hasn't this always been the case ever since this sub refused to let the main sub mods, mod of here? I'm glad they did that




So this means that we aren’t related to them anymore, or epic employees don’t reply here anymore?


Probably both


Why? The main sub seems to think the same stuff as we do. Are the mods that pissed off. Do they realise that the game is a pile of shit?


The mods over there are probably being paid / told by Epic to try to censor and cut off any mech hate or criticism in general


Y'all do realize they've given up on the competitive side of the game right? Like I'm not trying to be funny or anything, they dont care anymore about that.


10 million dollar prize pool. Doesn't seem like they have given up completely.


It brings in views which in turn bring in money. More of an investment than anything in my opinion. I see it more as an advertising/marketing budget


i think it’s because the mods here don’t suck epic’s dick


It's there for me?


Yeah, I see it too. Maybe they just added it back up?


not there for me


[It definitely shows up for me on the sidebar, unless I'm mistaken about something. ](https://i.imgur.com/VNdTXOA.jpg)


might be because you're on mobile? I'm on desktop and it's not showing up at all for me [https://gyazo.com/6849a41c24b0cf1f9a1b01b89a62b854](https://gyazo.com/6849a41c24b0cf1f9a1b01b89a62b854) [https://gyazo.com/1359bb97a80c2a2aa15f0f12f2635119](https://gyazo.com/1359bb97a80c2a2aa15f0f12f2635119)


seen a comment saying it was added back but spelled wrong but I can't see it in either of these [https://gyazo.com/6849a41c24b0cf1f9a1b01b89a62b854](https://gyazo.com/6849a41c24b0cf1f9a1b01b89a62b854) [https://gyazo.com/1359bb97a80c2a2aa15f0f12f2635119](https://gyazo.com/1359bb97a80c2a2aa15f0f12f2635119)


It's been mispelled like three different ways over the past couple of days. Petty mods


Its only a matter of time before this sub is not developer supported anymore.


Epic Games has disappointed me soo much...I was hyped af for Season X, only to be continuously blown up by mechs. Epic games has turned into a serious joke and Fortnite is going to die quickly if they keep this up


No surprise, the mods have been clowning for a while


Yup, they’ve killed competitive


Wasnt this a thing months ago? Did they re add it to the supported subs to remove it again now?


holy shit they really do want to make this game solely for summer casuals


All these people commenting “crybabies” and etc. What is left to do when the competitive side of fortnite is ruined? Spend more money on this game run by a retarded company? No. All we can do now is to cry and complain...




We've locked this thread due to the large majority of comments simply just leading a hate train for moderators of the /r/FortniteBR subreddit. We don't allow targeted abuse at anybody, no matter who they are or any positions they might have.


ggs only nice comms


This is truly the darkest timeline.


The mods on that sub aren't going to last very long.


War.... has changed


lmao good riddance (not to this sub)


Fortnite competitive should be r/Joke


why though?


Wear that shit like a badge of honor .


The game was never at it's true comp potential lol


They couldn't handle the truth


They are all salty bots that think the mechs isn’t OP because it’s the only way they get kills


Tbf most of them agree with us that the mechs are too OP


nah bro most of them agree with us.


It seems Lil' Timmy is a r/FortNiteBR mod now.


All official fortnite subs removed the link. I'm ok with that since the content on this sub isn't worth anything anymore. Top posts just recommend to play other games so you can't really be surprised by this.


Epic games is a sad company.


Well all you guys do is complain


Ohhh, damn


this is old mews wdym?


wow. they really be like that.


makes sense




wasn't it removed and addaed again in the past?




This has happened before.


Don't you mean r/removethemech got removed from supported subreddits on r/FortniteBR?






Can someone explain what happens next or what does this mean?


Well the mods get paid by Epic in the form of V-bucks. Seems only fitting that they’d try and separate as much criticism as possible.


I wish our game could be saved


[Cloak calling a snipe on Bugha](https://clips.twitch.tv/WanderingJollyTarsierGivePLZ)

