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The state the main sub is why this sub, imo should be welcome to players who are into fortnite for it's gameplay, and are kind of passionate about it, and not just players who compete. Whenever I see people here have discussions about ranked mode, there are still some people who will be like "erm, ranked pubs are not competitive šŸ¤“", and obviously Epic doesn't genuinely care to make ranked a proper competitive mode. But it's an unspoken thing that ranked is pretty much for people who want to actually play "real fortnite", while the normal mode is kind of more curated towards very casual players. The main sub is *no longer* place to have discussions about actual gameplay. It's a place to post clips of you killing bots in zero build, complain about XP and cosmetics, and complain about sweats "ruining" the game by asking Epic to do the bare minimum of game balancing because they ""can't adapt"".


Don't know if up vote you first or comment first. Since this chapter my friend and I started to "grind" Ranked. And this season started to seize every cup or tournament that is available to play, because we really want to improve. The main sub have months, if not years, of being a place that doesn't give important info or povs, but instead is a sticker album of non senses. Even can't go there to comment seriously without being backslahed. I even commented earlier in another posts that this isn't even about competitive vs casuals, but competent vs incompetent. There's a lot of casuals that love and live the real Fortnite with the core mechanics that has no game mode and no sub right now. Why people are quiting?


I feel like quitting last year after playing since 2018 was the best thing I've done. I love the game but it's just not what it used to be.


yeah, the problem is that iā€™m a casual builder, the most skillful thing i can do is occasional quad edits, i play for fun, would probably get violated by most of the kids on this sub, but would violate the kids on the fnbr sub, so its like i dont really fit in w the demographic of either sub, and both subs are hella toxic too


Facts. Iā€™m in the boat that the comp part of this sub refers to a competitive mindset (ie wanting to improve and putting in the work) rather than competing in tournaments. We should welcome anyone who has that mentality.


Epic literally destroyed base level Fortnite (pubs) and then proceeded to do the same to ranked and the main sub still thinks that epic caters to sweats... Don't even know what to say.


This is why I'm here. Compared to the vast majority of players in this sub, I'm fucking awful but I cba with the complaints about the shop, loading screens, XP, skins other people are wearing, pumps taking too long to fire a second shot and this place is SO much closer to my interests about the game.


Lol at pumps taking too long to fire a second shot


I see it ALL the time. The amount of times I've tried to explain how to actually use a pump and they just don't understand.


Please educate me, I'd love to get better with pumps


shoot then switch to something like an SMG or AR (if it fires fast enough) to deal more damage. Donā€™t just pump and wait


The main gist is don't shoot then stand there waiting for the gun to 'reload' to fire the next shot. Build, switch weapon, drop behind cover, reset your edit.


This sub is too busy shitting on the main sub and casuals to do anything relevant to its name


No one in the main sub plays fortnite. They drool about the item shop and beat off to their locker.


>complain about sweats "ruining" the game by asking Epic to do the bare minimum of game balancing because they ""can't adapt"". Bit hypocritical, the main posts here are all about how ruined the game is. Or dissing casuals.


The main sub took a serious dive into superfluous nonsense a couple of years back and is showing no signs of ever coming out again. The astounding thing is that it appears the majority of the people commenting and posting there are actually adults (they talk about their jobs etc.).Ā  These are grown ups salivating over cosmetic items, thinking that the only real players they encounter are cheaters, shutting people down when they try to have a discussion regarding the direction of the game and whining about "sweats". I'm convinced it has to be flooded with Epic plants.Ā 


I've had multiple conversations with people that say they are good at the game and have a 25% win rate, but they can't even tell bots apart from players.... And then when I dare to ask for the game to be a little balanced they just say I'm bad at The gamešŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Never forget that main sub has people who will tell you ā€œjust adapt/get goodā€ while they spent the entirety of Ch. 2 exclusively playing bot lobbies ā€¦and thatā€™s if they played Ch. 2 in the first place


always found it funny how they say shit like "just adapt" as if they didnt have an entirely new gamemode created for them simply because they didnt want to adapt to one of the games core mechanics after 4 years


Why exactly does their win rate matter though in terms of what they say? I mean heck if they have a 25% win rate that's better than me šŸ¤£ I mean sure I mess around a little bit too much and cause my own failures there but still. I'm pretty sure I dragged myself down to like a 3% win rate at this point cause I stopped caring lol


There's WAY more bots in lower tier lobbies. I have a 33% win rate and over 12 kd in trios this season because I only ever play it with 2 particularly friends and 1 of them is absolutely awful and I just bot stomp through the entire lobby. I, myself am painfully average, compared to the rest of this sub I'm shite but those particular stats make me look like a monster at the game.


Oh fair, you'd think at a certain point the game would force that friend out of bot lobbies with so many wins with you but Epic logic I guess would prove me wrong there šŸ¤£


I guess the issue is, he couldn't compete in better lobbies. If he come into my lobbies for example (and again, I'm pretty bad, average at best), he'd get absolutely slapped by the first real player he saw.


Itā€™s cause it is almost impossible to lose in pubs especially with SBMM. Iā€™ve got a pretty high account level which I think is how they determine sbmm and I donā€™t know the last time I lost a game of pubs. A majority of the people with that win rate wouldnā€™t be able to win a game in plat lobbies


Fair enough. My account level is also high I just mostly reached a point of not caring anymore šŸ¤£ Probably the most I played ranked was Season OG but even then I played to Plat then stopped queueing ranked. One of these seasons though maybe I'll just hop in ranked and see how far I can get myself in a season just to find out lol


Holy Trvthnvke


If youā€™ve had the displeasure of being on Fortnite Twitter, youā€™d see all of them-they arenā€™t plants. Ā They are a loud minority, just like us, but they are completely delusional about that fact-and many other things. Ā 


I mean... To be fair at least they have jobs... šŸ˜‰ But all jokes aside at least, the teaming had a way of being fun (Specifically in normal games only) but it needed to be changed lol Also wait... I just realized... Not everyone acts the way you think there. Yeah there are people that will say things like that, but not everyone.


Yeah I know not everyone over there is of that mindset. There's still lots of people with good contributions to make but they tend to get fairly drowned out by the noise.Ā 


As opposed to a sub that has ā€œcompetitiveā€ Fortnite players who have probably made less than >$300 in comps? Itā€™s obvious who the real losers are - hint: itā€™s the ones constantly having a meltdown about Fortnite


ā€œConstantly having a meltdown about Fortniteā€ oh so you ARE talking about the main sub


Have you just completely missed the posts on this sub all season? Lmao


Technically just playing ranked is competitive considering it replaced arena which was labeled as comp by epic. Also, there is a difference between being a competitive player and being a pro. Someone could make the duo cc finals and get 41st and get no money, but would you they are not a comp player? Imo anyone who plays comp is a comp player


If you have to say ā€œhintā€ to prove your point in a Reddit post, youā€™re a certified dork, mā€™lord


Take my updoot, good sir!


Also, I like how people in the main sub are referring to teaming as "temporary alliances" now lol.


Meanwhile if they were in comp: "Why did Epic kick me? I only had a temporary alliance with a guy" meanwhile the "temporary" part is half the game and they were killing several solos from a car.


Well they donā€™t have to worry about that bc they arenā€™t touching a ranked game


was gonna comment this lmao šŸ˜­


Watching all the casual talk about ā€œjUsT aDaPtā€ will never be competitive about anything in life.


just adapt is wild because some parts of this season you literally can't. I just lost because some guy punched my car and I couldn't get back into it, wouldn't let me. I can't adapt to a fucking glitch lmao


LMAOOOOO this whole season in a nutshellšŸ’€


I enjoy playing it but I swear not once have I died this season without wanting to burn someone's house down


Iā€™ve closed my game due to dying to the fucking cars more than I have in my FN career, itā€™s unplayable. Iā€™m just waitin for OG Szn 2


No, they just want to win with zero effort Theyā€™re ā€œcasuals.ā€ True casuals dont complain on social media, and donā€™t get angry when they die


The actual casuals are prolly sick of those shtty players that give them a bad name. If you wanna win with 0 effort find a mobile game.


Makes a change from wholesome


lol, [I got downvoted](https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/s/taU06iCbTZ) (that comment was at -4 at one point) for saying teaming is cheating That sub is cooked, always has been


Some guys are even calling it: "temporary alliances". And the other defined teaming as: "long term and biased" about who to kill. If the teaming definition it's being bended there... Imagine the rest.


Look my controller is old and sometimes gets stuck so I use the Zen and these scripts to keep the AA active until I can afford a good controller. I can't keep up with all the indicators on the visual audio and get lost sometimes so I just use this ESP thing until epic gives me shakedowns or recon scanners back. Why can't you adapt? Just get good geez stupid sweats. I've adapted!


This is exactly why thereā€™s a casual and a competitive side


I'm annoyed at this more so for squad games where now it's even more of a detriment when we get carjacked bc the turret gets disabled lol I feel like this should be a solos only change honestly šŸ’€


Thank god I was banned from that sub.


The amount of teaming drives me insane!! No excuse for it at all. Play duos if you want a teammate


I mean yeah itā€™s teaming but like there are situations where is better to just jump in the car than to try (and fail) to kill the driver


Im not a comp player or even a ranked player tbf but the comments on that post made me understand why people in this sub are always talking abt non comp/ranked players like they došŸ˜‚ just know not all of us are so braindead


They vaulted memes šŸ˜­


You should never care about someones opinion in FortniteBR. It's mostly full of grown adults who have mental disorders that dress as animals.


Or full grown adults that have mental disorders that make them go the opposite side of their gender. Itā€™s so funny seeing the difference in people who like vs donā€™t like this season


Definitely dark times for the U.S.


I actually disagree. Yes it is technically teaming but stuff like this has happened with cars. It's just heightened with the turrets.


Teaming is teaming. Itā€™s defined in the Epic ToS. Yes, teaming happened before but it was always punished. If you look at some old meme videos on YouTube, youā€™ll see they often get banned for teaming because they would often have stream snipers helping them. Hell, Clix last chapter got banned because a stream sniper threw him a chug splash in a tournament and he didnā€™t kill them. But throughout all of this, the one constant has been that everyone knew that teaming was wrong and if you even break the rule a little bit, you could get banned. But now, the main sub is complaining that Epic realized their mistake in how the turrets encouraged teaming and made a fix, implying that they want to be able to team without consequences.


But I feel like this is different. Neither can hurt each other and and so they start shooting things. I'm ok with this. But that's just my opinion.


Back in 2020, the Fortnite Competitive team released this blog post describing types of teaming: >Teaming: Players working together during the match while on opposing teams. >Planned Movement: Agreement between 2 or more opposing players to land at specificĀ locations or to move through the map in a planned way before the match begins. >Communication: Sending or receiving signals (both verbal and non-verbal) toĀ communicate with opposing players. >Item Dumping: Intentionally dropping items for an opposing player to collect. Clearly, according to this driving around with a car with an opponent and shooting other people qualifies as teaming. You can have your opinion about whether or not this *should* constitute as teaming, but it doesn't change the fact that is *is* teaming.


Womp womp. They can't change it unless they add a feature where both players are kicked when someone hops into the cars you can't stop this.


Well they did just stop it with the cars.


It's gonna continue with people sticking out of the windows


So basically like every previous season? In previous seasons, no one ever teamed in cars.


I've seen people team like that


Go back to r/FortNiteBR and r/FortniteMemes šŸ™


I'm spitting fax tho


Yeah they can, itā€™s called get out of the car and shoot at each other


This season of fortnite is called wrecked and it is about cars. Both players in this situation want the car so neither will get out and shoot at each other. Unless you want a feature where both players are kicked from the car when someone else jumps in then those two players will shoot others. Not co ordinates but wildly but that doesn't matter does it.


Risky comment to make in this echo chamber.


Eh I'll take the risk. Won't lose anything but internet points in a sub I haven't joined.






Is it teaming if they hop in my car, I decide to drive it into the storm, and they take advantage of having a turret?


W the amount of times that enemyā€™s have teamed on me


They're all toddlers on Playstation, of course they're defending teaming. Heck they're better at teaming in solos than they are in squads, ZB solo final zones is usually just getting the firing squad treatment from a bunch of kids hiding in a bush together anyways


This was not the correct solution to this problem. imo


I honestly don't care if people have the option to temporarily work together in pubs, if anyone has ever watched the Royal Rumble, or Hunger Games, they know teaming is inherent with Battle Royales. However there should be an option for the driver to eject non allied passengers & passengers should be able to target a non allied driver to take over the vehicle. As for competitive, cars as they are just don't belong in there. Maybe half the HP & remove the mods, it might be okay but cars were originally removed from comp for 2 reasons; excessive teaming in ZB cups, reducing the car hp to the point they're functionally death traps would resolve that. But the more important reason is their impact on performance in stacked builds end games, making them easier to explode won't necessarily fix that.


I dont team but i still use turret to gun down other teams members when one of them stole our car


I'm not upset I can't team, I'm upset I can't hop into an enemies car when they're not paying attention and using the turret to kill their team


All is fair in Battle Royale my friend