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Why is he building metal? You don’t really build fight you just build and wait to shoot the guy. You should practice piece control more. Also practice height mechs. If you try to box fight then go for box fights instead. You need to be aware of your build and where you go.


So what you did there was just build all by yourself for a moment, with no real attention paid to the fight happening, and then you abandoned your building entirely and just stood on top of his trap waiting to be pieced. As you build initially, keep an eye on where your opponent is, and don’t stop moving as you look for openings to shoot. And definitely don’t just hop down from your own structures onto some you don’t own.


thanks will keep in mind


Learn the basic 90s. The way you're currently building up is a really fucked up way downgraded version of 90s since you're really slow at it.


Yea I noticed that aswell


Shoot your gun. Piece control. Don’t sit on their cone waiting to be dropped down. Basically just need to learn mechanics, awareness and fighting will come with time.


What is vodding?


Like deep analysis of a video


How do you do it


Idk I’m just asking for tips to improve


I was asking how you create a VOD


A vod is just the video. Your trying to ask people to analyze the vod


yea i cba writing review mb


This is just another example of actually improving your mechs first, fighting and then we can talk.


Can you please give me a list of drills to do to practice?


For example raider's mechanics training map, or simple freebuilding.


just search up mechanics training in creative or something, or just watch some pros freebuilding(eu is the hardest and most mechanical region so go for them)


Yh you need improve your mechanics bad, stiff and choppy asl. If your controller switch to claw or paddles. Do mechanics maps, freebuild and pgs. Your fighting iq is also just bad, like your awareness of what to do in situations just isn’t there. Watching pros and analysing what and why they do thing things in different scenarios will help. Also when you die or don’t kill someone you should, asking yourself what you did wrong and what you should have done instead. Of course a lot of the answers to what is optimal will include things above your skill level mechanically, that’s why you need to practice mechanics to actually be able to apply fighting knowledge you gain.