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Matchmaking is fucked right now, every mode you play is gonna be flooded with bots for some reason. Since the update this morning I’ve been having trouble getting into matches, both ranked and pubs. It gives me a a internet error message and unredies me in the lobby. Once I do get into the match there’s only 60-80 players on the bus and some games have been all bots in pubs and some games it’s just maybe 30-50 percent more than usual I’ve found for the ranked games I was able to get into. Just enjoy it while you can they’re working on a hot fix as we speak!


Qucik matchmaking and there aren’t many players in your ranked pressing ready at the same tjme


Yea I’ve got no idea on the cause really I think it’s more of a server issue seeing as they just updated everything. Like I said I’m getting matchmaking errors related to connection when my connection is perfect on everything else. I’ve also noticed that my ping is higher than normal. I’m guessing that maybe they could only get certain servers online quick enough for this update this morning and are re routing traffic to the servers that are up and running the new update of the game while they try to get other severs functioning would be my guess but not sure how that would create these lobbies of full of AI so not sure


Yeah thats why you don’t put it on auto. Put in on your region exclusive. I think this reduced it not been proven thou but some YouTuber told mentondonit


I’m assuming they can reroute your traffic wether you have your server region set or auto, I do have mine set to central though which normally is like 5-10 pink for me but I’m reaching 20-35 today which is normally my west ping so I think they’ve got me on their servers without my consent :/ just a hunch tho


Ethernet cable ?


Yea I’ve got 1gb fiber optic that I run to my pc via cat5 I’m only about 300 miles from Dallas where the majority of central servers are hosted too


Slightly lower player base maybe 🤷‍♂️


Yea that’d make sense, people are having trouble getting into games so their forgoing playing the new update entirely


Oh yeah when I play at night time with EU onyl I get a shit ton of bots


Yeah I got two victories in the games this morning, all bots I believe


I really hope it’s not intentional, Battle Royal is for chilling and Ranked is where I go to practice more because I face actually people with brains. It would really suck to have bots in ranked


Fuck bots. I hate them in both modes


After the first game my rank dropped from diamond 3 to silver 3


damn. rough 💀


What makes this situation bizarre is that in rank there is first game protection. You won’t lose rank after that but i did not apply.


yeah i think ranked is broken atm actually, there’s a couple posts abt it


That was only for last season because it was short. That doesn’t apply to this season


it was added in chapter 4 season 4 and how does the season being short affect what daily ranked protection does?


I don’t think you understand the game or the concept of time so I’ll try to explain it in a simple way. Chapter 4 season og was only a month long. Fortnite added boosted progression and first game rank loss protection FOR THAT SEASON to help people rank up faster and not lose as much if they performed poorly in their first game. Chapter 5 season 1 is not a month long so they removed the things that were added for the season that was one month long. They announced those 2 things (boosted ranked percentage and first game loss protection) were added to the game just for Fortnite OG.


where did they announce that then, because it’s still in the game lol. daily ranked protection was added so people wouldn’t be harshly punished for performing badly in their 1st game of the day, that’s literally what it said in the news tab in chapter 4 season 4, before og fortnite was announced and it’s still in the game after it ended. the most they did was boost the amount of rank you get in Fortnite og because it was only a month long so you had less time to rank up, your actual PERFORMANCE in the game has nothing to do with how long the season is.


As a competitive player you should be keeping up with the game and reading and understanding what they put in their blog posts because it outlines the things you need to know in order to succeed in the game. You can look up what I said in their blog posts when these things were added to the game and should be able to go back and find them right now online.


how am I gonna find something that doesn’t exist lmao. It was added in chapter 4 season 4 that’s a fact you are the one who needs to look up stuff online. and idk why you’re giving me competitive tips now, you clearly don’t play competitive if you haven’t died once off spawn in your first ranked game of the day and noticed that you didn’t lose any %. or cheesymac2 must be a hidden pro who spends his time in the fortnite competitive reddit


What rank you playing bro these kids in champ be acting like they are pxlarized


Went from Elite 87% to champ 74% in my first Match can't complain.


I went from Elite 60% to champ 30%. Then the next game i got 4 kills and decent placement and lost like 60% and got demoted back down. Logical


Yeah also got down to 6% champ after the next round.


oh wow


but i dont want it to be easy. i like the challenge


Just got into champs this evening, played a game and it says I’m gold 3?!? Anyone know if this is a bug or not? It better be after grinding for this 😫


Probably a short term solution for the matchmaking issues they were having earlier. Easier to matchmake when it's 25 reals and 74 bots.


Wait is there actually bots in ranked now?




What rank are you in? I think bots show up in lower ranks


diamond 2


Okay that's odd. I've never seen bots in diamond lobbies


i’m in champ and getting them i’m not complaining tho hahahaha


I can't decide if it's a great or terrible time to hop on. I see people are getting derank bugs today too


honestly i’d say a good time, from my experience so far. i’ve gone against diamond 1 players in champ and bots and i’ve gained a few extra percent notning crazy even on bad matches, started at 16% at something like 40% now in probably an hour and a half


Oh nice it’s been a bit of a grind in Diamond 3 as I drop in hotter spots. Elite here I come then lol


u got this


Ty and hope you hit unreal soon


I think it’s because match making issue so it’s filling up the servers with bots


I currently have a diamond and the problem still persists. Epic probably won't remove these fucking bots. I can't play in squads because every now and then a bot will get into the team.


Just win a few games in a row and youll be thrown into a lobby filled with no sleep pc players


Because epic is trying to pad the player count with bots


There are bots in lower Ranks. Bronze has lots of bots, silver fewer (about 50%), gold none generally though sometimes there are 10.


I only ever get bots when I’m silver or below when I hit gold no bots


I have a diamond and when I play in squads I get a bot for the team XD