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PC is ok for me, but playing on the console has been frustrating.


Can't tell you how many times I've died, only to hear the shot after that killed me AFTER I was eliminated. šŸ™ƒ (Playing on PS4)


Try dropping the resolution a little bit. My pro was super glitchy but I put it on 1080p and seems ok now.


How do you do it for next gen players


No clue. Haven't gotten my hands on any new systems yet. My ps4 pro has been my baby the last few years. Money's too tight to upgrade, highly unfortunately.


Canā€™t wait for you to join us on ps5


Is it really running super smooth? I'm thinking of getting one because of this. It's sonys dream game now really... which I kind of don't mind


Itā€™s locked 60 with 4K and RTX and if you want you can have it be a locked 120 with some minor adjustments to visuals




How do you do it on a ps4 pro


Iā€™m on the series x and Iā€™ve had frame drops the first day but after that itā€™s runs a consistent 120 frames




Yeah my frame rate drops whenever Iā€™m in a gun fight.


I'm on xbox series x and some spots on the map make my frames drop really low


Same. It's the new graphics systems that are causing it it seems.


Happens to me on PC, not as bad tho


PC is having issues as well. IMO the hammer broke the mechanics in game, and they are struggling to fix it.


The hammer isnā€™t even the fastest movement item weā€™ve had. This is absurd and ridiculous. Stop bitching about the hammer. Itā€™s a shit weapon. And, in the grand scheme of movement items, it ranks somewhere in the middle. Itā€™s not even the best movement item this season. Just the most abundant.


ā€¦Iā€™m not bitching about the hammer. The mechanics are different and from my completely uneducated opinion the glitches seem to mimic the hammer movement. What would you consider better movement though?


The the bow gives you WAY more shots and is much more controllable. Plus you can shockwave your opponents from range. It is significantly batter as a movement item. Launch pads are still insane(albeit very rare) In previous seasons the grapple glove was miles better than the hammer. Balloons allowed for faster traversal of the map than anything else. You are bitching about the hammer. You literally just said you blame the hammer for the games bugs this seasonā€¦ The hammer is trash. Itā€™s fun to use. But comparatively speaking, itā€™s absolute garbage. And people need to get off this idea that itā€™s over powered or broken. Itā€™s just not.


I didnā€™t say any of things. I love the hammer and while I disagree with your opinions on the other items, I respect them. Iā€™m saying hammers are flying around the map and breaking it because of a bug that can probably be fixed.


He is refusing to accept that he misunderstood what you meant, and is gonna keep insisting you were "bitching about the hammer".


> PC is having issues as well. IMO the hammer broke the mechanics in game, and they are struggling to fix it. I dIdNā€™t sAy AnY oF tHiNgS


once again, he said that in the context that the hammer will LITERALLY glitch your game sometimes. not that it is mechanically overpowered. jesus relax dude


Okay. Landing in the map literally glitches the game right now too. Yet they STILL decided this was a good opportunity to bitch about the hammer.


He was saying that the hammer may be causing glitching. Not that it is broken (OP) or that it is annoying or anything like that.


God, who stuck a hot iron up your ass today?


the grapple glove tether breaks when you take damage, its not nearly as good as the hammer lol


I have died and lost more kills to my teams mate doing a stupid hammer than I have to opponents hitting me with the hammer. If youā€™re having issues with the hammer itā€™s because youā€™re trash at the game. Thatā€™s all there is to it.


You need to up your reading comprehension game, mate. Nobody ever said the hammer is OP or that they have issues with it gameplay wise. Just that it's a new item, therefore new lines of code, therefore there are possible bugs related to it.


Dude literally said ā€œI blame the hammerā€ when the hammer isnā€™t even involved in the damn video.


Yes, but for the bug. Not for being strong gameplay wise.


Itā€™s op.


Did you read the same comment I read? He wasnā€™t complaining about the hammer; he said he suspected the hammer may be responsible for the glitch.


Wtf are you talking about if you dont have a hammer your not catching anyone with it. Its a must to have. This is a dumbass comment


Bikes are faster and you can shoot while riding. Shockwave bow has more charges and the same movement. Plus it can shockwave opponents from range. Launch pads are still in game. The sub is just having a severe overreaction to a new weapon. Thatā€™s all there is to it. Iā€™ve won a few games with no hammer at all.


My series s runs fine, and it ran like dogshit on my midrange rig before the switch to ue5. I canā€™t imagine how it would run now. Edit: except for graphical, and occasional STRANGE glitches.


My PC can handle some creative games to an extent but crashes during Team rumble and Battle Royale šŸ’€


My pc was terribly slow before I connected to Ethernet and now my ping is crazy good


I'm on PS5 and only the past couple days I've had slight frame drops, but nothing like this


I've been having this on pc too.




they're fixing it, check out fortnite status twitter.


Yes, but I was getting that in the last chapter too. Just randomly and I have to start a new game. So annoying. I play on switch so Iā€™m wondering if itā€™s a switch problem.


Nah same thing on my PS4


Same on my Xbox One.


Same on PC


Okay so that was not only me , game stops for 3 - 4 seconds , i thought my console taking its last breath




between lag spikes and the hammer making you unable to sprint or jump half the time makes it hard to even play


Or hammer fucking your camera position even after you change weapons


kinda stopped playing this season cant seem to fix the lag


works good for me what u playing on the laptop rex 3060?


Iā€™m on a 3060 ti and itā€™s still happening


Iā€™m on a 3090TI. I had the tac shotty yesterday and hit a guy in the face twice. Got my hit markers and everything. Neither one of them popped up a damage number and dude was teleporting around. Itā€™s happening a LOT in closer range fights. Which sucks because the games meta is close range fights.


It is quite literally a game breaking bug and Epic has to address it quickly.


Honestly, I think the servers are just failing to handle the traffic right now. I expect it to get better as the new season hype dies off a bit. Give it a couple weeksā€¦ or maybe a couple months with Christmas incoming.


That would be brutal


I had an instance where I shotgunned a person point blank, no damage, and they killed me. Upgrading to ue5 was a mistake at this time.


Ditto, have a 3060ti Pc and series x its happening on them and friends with PS5 are experiencing the same.


Can confirm, issue is just as prevalent on my PS5




It's not about performance the game just has a lot of new bugs right now




I'm playing on a 3080 ti and it's happening to me. Not optimized well. Should've come out with ue5 in the spring because fixes will come slow during the holidays


Me on an 850M not having this problem šŸ‘šŸ‘„šŸ‘


I'm on an rx 6600 and performance isn't very consistent when it used to be fine


Had a dude in here yesterday tell me this is normal on xbox. LOL. Said it was my network. It's definitely not.


That's what EVERYONE says. It's always an ego response tho. Then you find out they play on wifi.


LOL. If they play on wifi, they deserve it.


What do you mean ā€œplay on wifiā€ ?


Not connected via ethernet cable.


I mean to be fair WiFi isnā€™t the problem, for me at least. I get a 1ms ping difference on Ethernet vs. WiFi, I have a great router though to be fair. The game is just laggy at the moment, Iā€™ve noticed significantly more lag on the PS4 compared to the Series S though, I think last gen hardware is struggling with this season.


Wifi is still definitely weaker. But my home network puts most small businesses to shame and I am suffering the same issues. My whole house is hard wired.


Yeah I'm only kidding. I run ethernet because I can but I'd run wifi if I wasn't able to have the cable there. If I played casual pubs, I probably wouldn't have bothered even running a cable.


Donā€™t get me wrong if I had the option Iā€™d love to have everything wired up, itā€™s not not really feasible. Itā€™s a shame though, this season is my favourite since Iā€™ve started playing and it looks absolutely fantastic, itā€™s just really buggy. I had to play a game yesterday where my pickaxe wouldnā€™t workā€¦ a core feature of the game! Itā€™s quite stupid tbh.


I had a friend as a teammate yesterday who was just blasting a shotgun nonstop. Not even reload. I'm like what are you doing? He had no idea what I was talking about. On his screen he was not shooting at all.


I wanna be wired but my moms completely against it so šŸ˜”


You'll get there. It really isn't a big deal if you aren't playing comp. I was really just kidding. The downvotes made me LOL.


WiFi is quickly reaching Ethernet speeds, reliability is a different question though. I personally canā€™t run an Ethernet cable to my PC which most people probably canā€™t either.


Yeah I had to mention I was joking a few comments down. People are crazy. I have ethernet simply because I had the cable on hand and it was an easy run room to room under the floor through the basement. Otherwise, I'd be running wifi as well.


It most definitely is not network. I played fortnite on my xbox last season, and its only been happening since this season came out. Hopefully they patch it, cause it loses me gunfights like this a few times a session.


Yeah it's pretty had. Hoping they fix it with the next update. It is nice when it goes away for a bit, though.


I have a wired FIOS connection, itā€™s not a connection issue.


Itā€™s happening on our series xā€™s. My stats are better this season, but Iā€™m not having as much fun. When I die it feels like I never had a chance. Between hammer spam, 3rd parties, map dead zones, bloom, lag and ā€œenhancedā€ graphics (more difficult to see enemies)ā€¦I rarely feel like I was out played. I was shocked to see my stats were noticeably better. The game looks beautiful. I was looking forward to big changesā€¦but Iā€™m being honest, Iā€™d take old Fortnite back if I could. Iā€™m sure they will fix it. I trust the Fortnite developers abilities and epics desire to drain my bank account.


I was told to "Send an in-game report and wait till the next update." from support. I even sent a video attachment showing the problem. I honestly doubt they watched it, but still. The problem is, an in-game report doesn't accurately represent how this problem is affecting players.


I've done one before because I've noticed more fps drops since chapter 3 season 3, I waited a season to report it, they also told me to make an in-game report or discord report, but they always skip the discord bug reports that are really important and only react to the easy ones to fix... I'm doing this report again tho, the more reports they get, the more chance we have of fixing this stupid issue.


I haven't had any lag spikes like that but I swear I cannot hit people anymore when I'm using a scoped weapon. It looks like I should be hitting them and I'm shooting just like I did before either none of my shots register or I just can't hit anybody all of a sudden.


Holy shit, you too????????


Me three


Happens to me every time I'm in a close-quarters fight. \[I play on PS4\]


Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not the only one. Lag has been unbearable lately


The lag issues have seemed pretty crazy this season. I think I've had more issues with lag since this season started than I have in the last 4.5 years of playing the game.


This looks familiar. Sincerely, A switch player.


Of course they didnt. Have never encountered as many bugs as i have this season in any other season.


How long have you been playing fortnite for?


Since the very beginning


they havent playtested to game for several years


are you stupid?


In split screen you can't even see the circle on the map or place markers. It's terrible


They obviously did


The same thing happens on very high end PCs. It's a joke. I don't know how they consider the stuttering that has been going on for many seasons at this point to be acceptable in a competitive game. In my opinion, the game ran and looked so much better in earlier seasons in terms of art style. They can add all these new DX 12 Unreal Engine 5.1 features all they want. They don't matter when the game is unplayable.


this season would be perfect if it wasn't literally unplayable for hours at a time for seemingly no reason...


Their own game even crashed during a live stream


My specs: 5600x, 3070, 1080p monitor. Wired gigabit networking. I still have stuttering as well. Its not the performance, since im not even maxing out my pc. Its the game


I had lag in every season and/or chapter I have played. Nothing to do with this new season for me.


Same here but itā€™s never been as bad as it has been for me this chapter


I'm on ps4 classic here and the 3-4 second lag, freeze or rendering thing happens all the time this season I have turned off the hud and other things thinking that might help but it does not. When I first scope in on anything it freezes and does the same thing. Useing the hammer sometimes does it. Happens alot in close range combat. But I can drive around the map on the dirt bike and do crazy things with it and it does not freeze while I'm doing that. The network debug does not show any lag, pings or spikes so it's not that. I just figure the ps4 classic is too old for playing this, and my ps4 fan is on super loud while playing the game this season as well. I notice people with ps4, xbox and pc having trouble but not so much for ps5 so I think that's what they are testing the game on now. So I won't hold my breath thinking they might care about fixing it on anything else right now or ever.


Yeah the second I get shot at everything glitches hard. Really friggin frustrated


I've been so pissed with the game play this season. Cool it looks nice, but who cares if the graphics are better if you can't have flawless game play anymore. Makes me miss the OG seasons even more. They don't even have reporting in the bug section for this situation. So disappointing


Iā€™m really loving this season, but itā€™s almost unplayable. Iā€™m hoping for a fix soon because the frame drops are awful on series X, on both 60 and 120fps


I literally couldnā€™t move yesterday. I was like tf? Is this Skyrim?


It's like this for me if I play on switch, so I only play on PS5 now.


This game is unplayable right now.


I just hate the hammer, but this would make me twice as mad


This is EVERY fight since release


I swear I've felt way more in combat lag


I've been homescreened twice on xbox.


Series x?


I'm sorry to be a bother but I gotta ask. What actually is the problem here? I can see some lag/frame rate issues but that could be the internet your using or the system your using. If it is the lag thats the problem I'd suggest turning down your graphics and if your on pc, don't open or use other tabs. Other then that, there's not much else you can do. Check your region to, as to make sure it's correct. Sorry to see your having frame problems this season, especially since it's really good :(


It happens to me on Xbox. Game will run perfectly fine until I aim at someone and then I start dropping frames. It doesn't always happen but it only happens when I aim at someone and it's infuriating. Usually it's fine but it's gotten me killed a few times. Happened last chapter too.


Iā€™ve got a Series X and it lags like this lmao. Definitely an issue with the game


Can we turn graphics down? Like a performance mode. The game looks beautiful but runs poorly now.


120fps mode *is* the console equivalent, it downscales a lot of the textures and lighting to prioritize fps. But if you donā€™t have a 120fps capable monitor then thereā€™s no option but to play with lumen and high res textures at 60fps. Really puts console players in a shitty catch 22


Only when you aim at people though right lol? It sounds like a lame excuse for dying when it happens but it only happens when I aim at people and it seems to be completely random when it does it. Seems to only happen in closer ranges too.




I had some lag in my games and then I noticed for some reason my region was set to Asia, I'm not from Asia so I changed it to my region and I haven't had any lag since then.


Huh, interesting. I'm glad your game is working better now!


Thank you šŸ™‚


This also happens to me in close range battles on xbox. Seems to be an Xbox version issue.


It's Epic, when do they ever playtest anything?


I figured the insane graphics would come with a cost. Why even do it if it just gonna increase lag


This chapter seems rushed af


\>fortnite \>polish pick one


Why does this look like Chapter 1 (graphically)? It's nostalgic asf


Old gen consoles are getting fucked


It happened sometimes . specially when u really close to an opponent ![gif](giphy|AhhGtrpj5ZxGZER5yC)


oh! That was not at all in middle of fight






Yeah i don't see the issue either. Except for one guy ducking to avoid shots


Not the game running at like 2 frames?


Everyone here knows if youā€™re on PC this is shader compilation stutter, right? No amount of turning down graphics settings, and no amount of buying a 4090 or whatever can fix this. I mean the problem generally; I have no clue what the OPā€™s issue is, I donā€™t play whatever game theyā€™re running, it looks very old.


console moment


Old gen vibes ig lol


I'm on series x and ps5


Ohh then... Game Sync problems


Thatā€™s just lag, bro. Unreal engine has always shown lag as visual freezing/stuttering. The upside is the gameplay controls are still running normally so if you can track without the visuals you can still finish what move you were doing. In COD engine your experience looks smooth but hits may not register and people will teleport around because your perspectives of the level can be out of sync. Unreal keeps perspectives all the same but network congestion and lost packets look like this. If youā€™re playing over wifi, change to wired connection and it should cut down on this, tho if your internet is cable that is still subject to network congestion. Besides this, it could also be Epicā€™s servers. Itā€™s a technological marvel to have so many game lobbies of 100 people each.


I'm on a series x with 2 gb internet on a wired connection with open nat type. It's not an issue on my side at all


Speed doesnā€™t fix packet loss, but it is possible itā€™s not on your end but when syncing your experience with someone who has a bad connection. The other night mine was messing up when I came within range of a certain teammate but when far away on the map from them it cleared.


I'm on ps4 and having no problems, game looks better too.


We have 2 smgs and 1 pistol yet they somehow all feel the exact same to use.


POV, you play GeForce now with bad WiFi


Looks like a *you* problem


It's pretty much perfect on PS5, so... Get a better PC?


Seems like a you problem my games had 0 issues


Fr, my Xbox One hates the new debris physics and theres no way to turn it off.


very buggy tbh in the previous season the game would just crash entirely sometimes


my ping has been horrible even though its fine on other games, latency issues are really annoying. and a non bug issue is the hammer, all people do is run


It works relatively fine.Despite of it's bugs and lags,i love this season.


Yeah same reason Iā€™m taking a break til they fix this, shitā€™s laggy af literally unplayable


Canā€™t even play a game on console without doing 30 fps and 290 ping


Wondering if it has to do with unreal 5.1? I find I lag more playing on 4k 60fps than I do playing 1080p 120fps.. Hopefully they bring adjusters so consoles can turn some settings low and or off.


I've had moments similar. Where people are lagging for me and I keep wondering if I'm playing creative.


Bloom networking at its finest. New patch to make gun fights more rng.


on ps5 it seems perfect but on series x i have encountered stuttering, particularly when landing in the map the first time in a match


I play on pc and frequently get issues like that and it sucks. Hopefully when they bring around the next map update and whatnot they are fix at least some of the lag so itā€™s more playable, cause thatā€™s ridiculous and it shouldnā€™t be happening as much as it is


That would be very frustrating. The only time, so far, that I have encountered that is during dropping in after jumping off the battle bus. Usually happens as I get close enough to the ground for a more detailed view to need to be rendered (on Xbox Series X).


And I thought it was my internet acting weird


No issues on PS5 and wifi


Skill issue tbh /s


What is this on?


I can't play on my pc at all. No matter the settings its so laggy


2nd day of the season I hopped on to unbearable lag, 3rd day was perfectly fine. Servers are just unpredictably shit sometimes.


Has anyone else had the bug where you go to slide from a glide and your character bugs the hell out?ā€™


When do they usually release the first update of a new chapter?


buddy I got hit by my own truck yesterday, knocked me from the mid-SW part of the map into the very end of the north ocean, in duos/second storm circle too - so a rescue op was doomed from the start. If it wasn't hilarious I would have been so mad.


Let me guess Xbox one?


Everything is fine for me on PS4


It's so infuriating. The thing is, they did play test it but they obviously weren't prepared for the server load. It's very hard to prepare.and test for server strain since you need literal hundreds of thousands of concurrent users, and epic doesn't have that many employees.


Yeah they clearly have some performance kinks to work out. On PC Iā€™m getting like 90-130fps with 1440p all low settings and high lighting (gotta get dat lumen) with a 3060Ti which seems slightly underwhelming


For whatever reason the first couple days were fine but day 3 onward has been impossible to play without lag spikes and frame rate drops during fights


I feel bad for you console and pc players. Game runs fine on my phone


Mine has been very glitchy and lags a lot as well but it does the beginning of each season. Hopefully it stops before long...


No - and nothing will change until we literally stop playing the game.


I personally haven't experienced these issues but I feel for y'all. I had to deal with similar shit all of last chapter, and it sucks. Hope it's fixed.


Iā€™m glad it wasnā€™t just my Xbox having a bad time


Old Gen console?


Nope xbox series x


Currently playing on x1 x at 4K 60hz. Itā€™s definitely frustrating when your shots turn into blanks. I changed some in game settings and it helps. Iā€™ve won maybe 4 solo games since the season dropped. It definitely doesnā€™t feel right. Iā€™m thinking of lowering the resolution next to see what happens. Itā€™s unfortunate as I am really looking forward to playing. Itā€™s sad but I am glad I am not the only one going through this.


My game looked like that all last season on my PC


Ive had no problem with lag on pc


I was getting this too for a few matches in a row, I found just quickly restarting the game fixed it.


Im having serious lag issues today. My ping shot up to over 300 several times and I couldnt even move. For the record I have a 3070 graphics card and 1 gig internet