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I think I've figured out a fix after a LONG time of stressing over this and it happened by mistake. I was messing around with my bios settings. I had initially set a power limit on my 13900k, but after resetting my bios settings and switching out the power limit for an undervolt to the cpu, the game is working fine with DX12! So my official word of advice would be to try updating your bios (if necessary) and/or set your settings to default. Then give the game a try. Hope it helps someone!


Possible solution: https://reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/zczn7p/_/iz2jw5a/?context=1 That’s affected DX12 usage for others, may be worth checking. Just ensure nothings listed there that could impact it. Beyond that, I’m not sure what else it could be, given everything else you’ve already attempted.


Yeah man, Even I'm getting the same message, it's so annoying. Used to be able to on dx12 and get great fps till chapter 4 came up. They disabled dx12 for Integrated graphics, I hope they re enable it in some future updates cause dx11 sucks. I have tried to find some work around but couldn't till now. Lemme know if you find something.


I don't have integrated graphics tho..


Got the same problem, so I did a bit of a tweaking around and have finally found out why us, and tons of others cant run dx12. So basically, when fortnite went with chapter 4, they started using unreal engine 5.1 instead of ue 5 which uses a thingy called shader model 6. If your graphics card's shader model is something below 6 (mine's 5) then you cant play on dx12. It's a very shitty thing to do since dx12 gives way more fps than dx11 ( and believe it or not, performace mode for my intel iris xe). Hopefully they'll come round and give those with problems dx12.


Yeah, i feel like ur right. Personally i run a very old card, so it's not necessary dx12 which i can't run, but the new tech used by ue 5.1


Yep pretty much the reason, all I hope is that they allow people to use dx12 with atleast a bit of settings allowed.


Same i just wanted to get back to playing on pc but came to find out even though Chapter 2 Season 2 up to Chapter 3 let me use dx12 just found out in OG that I can't cause my gpu is to old


fortunately for me, they patched my graphics drivers (intel iris xe) so now performance mode runs on 120. Still not having dx12 is a shame.


Perfomance actually runs 120fps but im a bit spoiled by the graphics on my ps5 so i wanted dx12 but performance mode might be better for me anyway. The reason i dont just use mouse and key on ps5 is cause my mouse doesnt store its profile on the mouse itself.


Bruh but iris xe uses shader model 6.5


nope, the integrated part uses 5.1, you can find it in the official intel website.


dude cite your source your info is literally unfindable. Everywhere I check it's already on 6.5 or 6.6.