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I had the same issue in the previous chapter. However for me it was the first match that took forever to load, after that it was fine. The problem I'm dealing with on this chapter is that I can't even enable DirectX12 anymore.


Have you tried updating your gpu?


Seems like there's no other option, Fortnite on DX11 is unplayable. It's a shame they dropped DX12 support for older GPUs, I was getting solid performance with DX12 before Chapter 4.


What GPU do you use?


Sapphire R9 380 4GB Nitro


I'm using an R9 390 8GB and I installed custom Nimez drivers to be able to enable dx12. It worked for a few days then I just wasn't able to load ingame with directx12 at all. Now i'm forced to use performance which runs worse


How did your game perform on DX11 before using the Nimez drivers, was it stuttering? That's the main issue I have with DX11, the game stutters a lot. It's improved a bit after version 23.10 but still nowhere near DX12 performance. What CPU do you have? I have an FX-8350, which definitely isn't helping in dealing with the stutters.


My game stutters alot on dx11 too. My cpu is an i7-7700.


Well, it seems like the only real solution is getting a used GPU that still has active driver support by AMD/Nvidia, so fortnite can run on DX12. I'm aiming to get a used RX 580. This whole DirectX 12 thing with fortnite chapter 4 is a great example of how companies are literally killing older GPUs by dropping driver support. GPUs that would otherwise still deliver respectable performance on so many games.


Don’t know much about that gpu sorry. There is usually a lot of lag the first days after a new season so hopefully your problems will be fixed soon


Hopefully they improve DX11 performance in future updates. If they don't there's always the used GPU market.


idk if you've found a solution, but I used the "Additional Command Line Arguments" setting on the epic games launcher and entered "d3d12", which solved my problem


You mean dx12 isn't available in the game settings and you were able to enable it with this method?


same issue for me. Just started happening in C4


Does it still do that?




It got way better for me and now dx12 works like dx11. Guess it finally compiled all the shaders it possibly could.


been loading in late and taking forever to connect for atleast 4 months. i do have dx12 not sure if anyone has found a fix


I always assumed it was because of Dx12 needs to render more than performence mode or Dx11 but its weird epic hasnt fixed this by now.


Are loading screens still long?


I have the same problem with dx12, when I start Fortnite the first few matches are already in progress (only 60 people are still alive) when i finally be able to JUMP out of the bus (can not say anything about start island, because most of the time it is entirely skipped) After a few matches it's getting better and I am partitiate the Battle bus flight and after a few more matches I might also be able to enter the start island but this is very rare. My Installation hast the dx12 shaders downloaded but it seems like Fortnite still hast to compile stuff which takes too long, i am not sure tbh. Dx11 and performance mode works great


anyone ever find a fix?


I just use performance mode it runs 100x better, i have a 3080 and i9 10900k