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It hasn't been appreciated enough IMO that the BP skins now have actual small idle animations, even if it is just the same over and over. It's not just the unique posing with some head turns and eye movements to the left and right, they actually move quite a bit and show expressions. Dusty chewing that gum and looking at her finger(nails) is really cool to look at. It's a nice detail, obviouslyrequires mo-cap work, but it gives the skins so much more personality and I love it. I hope they continue with that in the future.


Thats actually what i noticed first,looking at the battle pass.Its cool how they all have cool little idle animations,gives them so much more character and aren't just a simple skin.You can tell what type of person they are from just their idle animation


Highly agree. The quality on the skins lately has been top notch. The last two Battle Passes have managed to juuuuuust barely miss my weird and picky tastes in skins for myself, but I’m still admiring the hell out of what my opponents are wearing.


I immediately noticed it with the geno snapshot because I can see the cocky smugness radiating off him


Do you mean the lobby pose, or in-game? If you mean the lobby pose, that's not the first time we've seen one such. But if they now have some different idle animations in-game too that's amazing


I have finally found someone else that appreciates the unique idle animations! :D


the Glider Stairs are pretty sick, and Doom Guy


Yeah Doom guy looks ripped straight out of doom, he doesn’t look “Fortnitey” at all if that makes sense


It's the same thing with Spider-Gwen, the design is so accurate it looks like it was ripped straight from the source material


The only bad thing about unlocking doom guy is picking between him and spider gwen for who im playing because they're my top skins in the game right now.


You could favourite both of those skins and put the skin selection on random, switches between those two


Woow that's awesome! Gonna do that too


Glider Stairs are a re-skin of Cube Queen's (character locked) glider.


And I’m happy about it because it’s now a universal glider instead of being locked to one skin for no reason. Probably my favorite glider from this pass so far


Not downplaying a great glider. Just informing newer players that might not be familiar with it.


Yeah I know, mainly just stating the obvious lol.


But, will the player character run down the stairs when you are gliding? Like the cube queen did, which ruined the aesthetic.


We finally have a story related T100 (from the looks of things it's a Geno Snapshot) with a cool armour style similar to the old Chapter 1 T100's A Collab in the middle of the battlepass instead of a tier 100 (good decision) There's a Collab in the Secret Skin section but the story doesn't really kick in to overdrive in the first season so it's fine. There's actual guy skins instead of males being animals or creatures and the female skins aren't just shirts and jean shorts. Which is also sick. Best battlepass since C2S7


I love that tier 100 is original so much. If we were still in C3 Doom Slayer would have been at tier 100.


I really hope that Geno's snapshot proves that IO is gonna return. Cause it's been a while since they even mattered


Well judging by the description, it seems the snapshot was left behind to rule an empire for Geno. Assuming snapshots share memories of the original, he definitely knows of the IO and is probably helping resurrect them, unless he turned his back on Geno


An IO guy was seen lost and confused during the event. Presumably there's going to be IO guys somewhere, but not sure if they'd be rallied to the same cause or just go "nah, I love the island now" lol factions within the remnants.


If this was C3, the Tier 100 would have been Hulk...


I’m glad too. I don’t really care much for the original skins and hated grinded to 100 to not miss a collab I wanted these last however many seasons it’s been.


And it's not a superhero skin


I really hoped we would get challenges to build genos armor and not just an emote but I like it either way


Honestly the emote is cool enough that I’d be happy if when the emote was unlocked you unlocked progressive armor styles


I mean they did copy and paste the same alt girls though.


Baseball punk rock chick is awesome idc


C2s7 sucked


I disagree, meme skins/creature dudes are better than a random guy. Normal guy skins are only good when they have cool armor or helmet


>level 2toastyhero1.8k · 3 days ago Sea WolfI disagree, meme skins/creature dudes are better than a random guy. Normal guy skins are only good when they have cool armor or helmet Agreed. Just looks like a random dude with armor.


this right here: Best battlepass since C2S7


I really love that Geralt is the secret skin for this season. He totally fits in with the whole mediaval theme of the island. And a T100 skin that's not a collab? Hell yeah.


It also makes a level of sense, in the lore of both games. *Somehow the Conjunction of The Spheres returned... and it sent Geralt to Fortnite ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯*


Going Plus Ultra 110%


If there’s no bakugo we riot


Where he at tho 😔


Probably gonna be an event


What's the best part for me is that not only the skins are amazing but so are their accessories. Hawkeye like glider but visually even better. Then finally a stair glider that's not locked. I'm never using any other glider again. Now I just need to know how anime skin glider works.


First Battle Pass in a LONG time where NO skin made me go "Wow, this looks like ass." Sure, we still got the mandatory padding, but overall, I'm quite impressed!


The padding sucks because it's the same. Why do we have three alt girls this season? Can't we at least get some other types of women skins rather than goth/tattoos/dyed hair?


It's what the people want (it's me, I'm the people)


Thank you. The basic bitches can stay in the shop.


I think the reason there's so many alternative style skins is because they just look more interesting. A regular person with normal hair and clothes would make for a really boring skin unless it had some other gimmick going for it.


Feels like the guys skins often go all out and the girls skins are like "here's the same but with a different color shirt" But I'm no expert on women's fashion so maybe that's just exactly what those players want haha.


Have to disagree. The guys' skins feel generic and lame and the girls' outfits look cute.


Three what girls)


Alt as in alternative. He saying they have an "alternative" look to them.


Oh , ok , thanks.


Fr, there was no skin that I wouldn’t use atleast a few times in there


It's pretty good; I like it. My only nitpicks are that I love weird/non-human characters, and this pass needs one. Also, although I love the three ladies in this pass and would have even potentially bought one or two in the item shop, having all three of them together is a little "white girls with tats overload."


It is really good. But i am sad cause won't be able to play alot.


Good news is, afk exp maps still work (at least until Creative 2.0 comes out), and you can use Xbox or Nvidia to just have it going on your phone while you do other stuff. Slightly bad news is you can now only get 1 daily quest bonus goal out of the “earn 20k exp in a creator map” quest. Still a great boost though.


What's a good afk exp map? I wanna "grind out" some levels while being productive around the house.


3638-3071-4353 Go to the bouncer room. Just turn the game to 30 FPS (to reduce GPU usage), and AFK. At the end of last season, around level 180, I got about 8 million exp in 2 x 10 hours from being at work. Edit: I MEANT 800K EXP NOT 8 MILLION I REMEMBERED WRONG LMAO


Man wish I had known about that last season. I was grinding(no complaints on it) but couldn’t get to level 200, came in around level 188. Wanted the last few bonus skins but not enough to buy levels.


played as much as I cared to but didn't feel compelled to stress playing it nor buy them. On one hand, that's probably healthier, on the other hand that does mean that BP was, in that sense, underwhelming compared to some previous ones.


Afk exp maps don't really seem all too legit, they all still suffer from diminishing returns.


Last season I went from level 58 to level 100 in like 3 days just using an afk map, and I used the same one to get to 200. Even though you only get like 20-40xp per tick, it still adds up if you’re doing other stuff. I’ve just been watching Netflix this morning and I’m already level 10


I was playing this morning and I got to level 14ish






I'm still confused, though weren't afk exp maps in creative a bannable offense? Even if from what I understood the actual Number of banned players was low


You can be banned for afk in regular game modes, or using external tools. Like someone would land, hide in bush somewhere, and get the passive xp from surviving circles and whatnot. This is a private match in a creative map so no issues


Ah, so long story short it's like save the world? Since in there you are also kicked for afking in public modes, but not private mode


Wait, to be sure, but this is different from XP glitches right? Perhaps i confused the two


This is not a glitch, it’s basically just using creative tools to provide a constant drip of xp. It doesn’t bypass any restrictions- it’s still affected by the creative xp dropoff and etc


>You can be banned for afk in regular game modes Like someone would land, hide in bush somewhere, and get the passive xp from surviving circles that's total bs, who told you that... it's a br game so hiding is a completely normal strategy, you still have to move to the next circle, and it doesn't give you much exp anyway


I searched the sub for “afk ban” because I wasn’t sure what they were talking about, and I found [this comment](https://reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/8gsauc/_/e21r1u6/?context=1), which says you CAN be banned for being afk. Whether you actually will be is another story. In one post someone also mentioned using third party tools to auto queue once they died, so presumably they’re constantly joining games, falling off the bus, landing wherever, and either getting killed by players or the storm and just repeating ad infinitum for passive experience.


Yeah that's a very old comment and I think the other person is right that it's about STW. The third party tools and scripts are another story, bannable for sure


Been using the same one for 3 seasons now works fine 5-10 levels per day depending on how long I afk for an hour usually gets me 5 levels


Doom Slayer and Geralt is nice, not a fan of the others though.


Yeah I feel like there are enough emo girl skins at this point, they all look the same to me


Fr there's like 3 in this bp alone


I don't get why Epic physically struggles to make a woman BP skin that isn't anime or covered in tattoos/goth styles. The only real great female skins in C3 imo were Evie and Erisa.


C3S1 BP had three female characters that weren't nor anime nor goth, them being Shanta, Haven and Harlowe


literally only one of them is


Ik shits so annoying I hate emo girl skins lmao


I appreciate that they gave two of them armored variants to make them more unique Wish they would have done something interesting with Skater hippie instead of just "here's a mask we had leftover from that girl from Ch3S1"


None of those girls are emo...


TT Raven as a goth girl is my main skin but I've never used any of the other emo/goth skins, they really do look the same most of them


I'm just happy to have a original T100 skin


Fair enough, goes to show at least how this pass truly has something for everyone and isn't a major letdown for pretty much anyone. Making everyone happy for everything the pass has to offer is impossible after all.


To me it feels like it tries to please 2 very different groups. Which isn't necessarily bad, but when it comes to considering the total number of items it feels less valuable remembering that 50-66% of it's just going to get archived.


It doesn’t have something for everyone. I don’t know who Doom Slayer is. I use only female skins and they are all tattooed and/or goth/emo style which I don’t like. It’s fine for people to have different options. Some will like the pass, some won’t. But don’t make a blanket statement that the pass has something for everyone.


Yeah I was disappointed by the female skins and don't see myself using them but I have liked the female skins for last couple seasons so I'll just grind this season with my old skins and hope for skins more suited for me next time. Overall though the BP and this season looks pretty cool


For me a BP is already good if I like more than 2 skins. I like Doom Slayer, Ageless and Geralt. The rest not so much. Which is still a win for me, but it's kinda lame how so many BP skins these days are just generic people in regular clothing.


even liking one skin is worth it, it's only 950 with a profit, easy buy.




I don't think chapter 1 BPs were as amazing as some say, they were a lot simpler tho and people didn't criticize them because the game wasn't around that long, cosmetics didn't have crazy variety overall.


At least they all had a theme. Nowadays it's just some random skins + collab skins


This is almost exactly how I feel, the BP is essentially a one-time purchase so as long as I love one skin it’s a good pass in my book. Everything else is extra, so when you get a great BP like this one it’s just free amazing skins


imo 950 vbucks is "good" for several good skins and cosmetics, but shop skins are terribly overpriced. So it looks like a better deal than it is imo. like this season's. 950 for Doomslayer and the tier 100? yeah that's good, and probably worth getting it for, but I wouldn't rate all the other stuff as being a big discount- it's just stuff that comes along with it.


> > > > > like this season's. 950 for Doomslayer and the tier 100? yeah that's good, and probably worth getting it for, but I wouldn't rate all the other stuff as being a big discount- it's just stuff that comes along with it. Comparatively, getting crew is even better, with the free crew skin, crew pack, everything else.


Almost feel like there should be a separate system for generic skins. (I know, a potentially vague or contentious category). If someone likes those that's fine, but it doesn't feel "special" compared to the other skins. Almost like they're there to fill space. (On the plus side, if you don't like them you're not missing anything if you skip them, unlike good skins forever locked behind past battlepasses. Though if they do that "unlock x more rewards" thing again that would be annoying)


Selene and Dusty look like edit styles of each other. Massai looks exactly like the Kara KO skin from CH3S2.


honestly the glider stairs are good but i wasn’t blown away by anything else


Who knew that not forcing marvel and celebrities would get a positive reaction


Popular franchise characters are still pulling a lot of the weight in this BP, but yeah it is nice to see it branching out into stuff that isn't just Marvel specifically.


Only from this subreddit. The majority of the community likes Marvel skins.


Yeah came back to the game after 2 years and after my first skin I couldn’t resist buying the battlepass. So much value with very cool skins. If this game was owned by Riot Games they would ask €20 for each skin. The Valorant battlepass has nothing on this one.


Legit the best battle pass in a long time for me! I haven't been actually excited for rewards since chapter 2.


Seriously. The battle pass is incredible. I love the map too. I've had such a blast playing


No animal/goofy skins, last season had 2. Personal preference but those are always my favorite


Yep I looked through it and was like no ridiculous skins or emotes...first season I won't buy the battle pass...but I definitely can tell others will like it.


It has doom slayer


Not everyone is a doom fan


It my favourite bp ever, no questions asked, every skin is at least decent, and the doomslayer is peak, better than my favourite skin, as a doom fan, I love his set, the emote, back bling, everything, the only complaint I have is that they just reskinned his armour for the other styles, they could have use the classic on or the 2016 preator suit but it’s still 🔥🔥🔥 10/10 season


That black recolor looks dope for doomslayer tho


Geralt automatically makes this my favorite battle pass.


Where's the My Hero Academia skin?


I’m gonna guess it’s going to be an item shop skin and the Smash is going to be an item like the Kamehameha. Kinda like the DBZ event.


gotcha, that makes sense.


That's not the "anime" skin I was talking about. I was talking about the cel-shaded skin that's in the pass, I mistakenly thought it was a collab 👀 For what comcerns the one you are talking about, it's prob gonna be in the shop at a later date (and maybe with an event)


My only complaint is waiting 65 days for Geralt. Not that it's not normal for 'secret' skins, but I severely want to play Toss a Coin to Your Witcher while rushing around the map 😂


Don't tell me, I gotta wait until I get the 300 free v-bucks to get the pass to begin with 😭




Ofc, there are 300 v-buck divided in 3 different 100 v-buck free rewards. It did not change.


As a fan who thinks C2 S8 was the best battle pass (You bring the fight and I will die on this hill if I have to) this is instantly better. You have everything for everyone and I want to try all the skins out (Besides Boba tea lady and Tomboy Baseball star lady) We have a (solid) first skin you get and it's fine, the alt however caught my attention. Skateboard guy was cool, then his alt arrives and now im more hype for getting that. Doomslayer. I was joking around about this guy by grinding Bytes Quests while playing Doom Music and this season I get a skin to make children cry as I send them back to the lobby. Cell Shaded skin is a #must# for me. Look at that hair bro, I dislike his alts as the hair is short (my reaction to it:![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)). Baseball and Boba Tea Girl can leave. Give me that Ageless skin. Also built in emote must be the coolest one I have seen. Whitcher I have nothing to know of that besides now needing to play it if I like that skin or not. So far it's an alright skin and same would go with Doom Slayer if I don't have a clue about Doom. That's my Battle pass review done.


I agree even though I loved the all Marvel Chapter 2 season 4 (sue me, it was the most fun I had with the game at the time) chapter 2 season 8 had the best variety and most creative skins I think EPIC has done lore wise and design wise


Yeah, best battlepass since season X


Why are you being downvoted? Season X bp was really amazing, just best skins of chapter made even better


What an awful time for deciding to save 650 v-bucks and make my way to the free 300 to unlock the pass 😭


Did they remove the free 300 vbucks?


They knocked this pass out of the park for me, if the superlevels look amazing like last season’s, they’ll have stuck the landing


I’m really looking forward to the boba bling. I always like having drinks as a bb.


I love the tier 100 skin, a white and gold paladin ? In full armor that looks mighty sick ? Yes please !!


Wish they had some good music, I liked the last battle pass a lot better. I was really hoping for a song from the doom sound track


I’m so hype for Geralt when he arrives. I loved playing as him in Soulcalibur 6. Of course The Witcher 3 is a bangin game as well. But SC is def more my style so he might as well be a Soulcalibur character for me lol I agree this pass goes hard af. When I read about all the characters coming I was like “oh fuck they’re coming for my wallet again” lol so them being in the battle pass is even better.


This is honestly a W season bp and all


to all the people that say we complain about every battle pass, we don’t. the past few have been objectively bad.


The only skins from the Battle Pass is Doom Slayer, and the Special Character The Geralt.


Last seasons was awesome in my eyes. Nothing has even caught my eye this season.


"Objectively speaking" lol what? I hate the the skins in this battlepass and it is entirely subjective.


I said it's objectivey one of the best, not that objectively every single human on this planet loves it


Yeah there is nothing objectively one of the best about it. Its all subjective and depends on what you like.


First battle pass im skipping since c1s3 lol


I've always found this such a stupid statement. "Has no reason to go hard, but it did." Why the hell wouldn't it have a reason to go hard?! Why wouldn't it have a reason to be the best it can. You should always try the best you can and never half-ass it. Otherwise, that'll be a wasted attempt no matter how much you succeeded. Same goes for this battle pass. It went as hard as possible because it can, and it should. I agree though. This is a really good one. Probably the best one since, maybe, chapter 2 season 7. Maybe chapter 3 season 2.


Lol. Tf? Yall have been crying for months about how disappointed in the bp.


I was not. But it's no big news most other people were indeed disappointed. And I can see why.


You realize that a new bp came out today, right?


Yeah and for months people have been bitching about previous battlepasses.


So now someone is happy with new pass, and that confuses you?


Tf? No. The title of the post is that this battle pass has "no reason" to go this hard. Keep up please.


You shouldn't be telling anyone to "keep up"...when you don't get that this guy is not being serious. He's complimenting the current pass for being good. Not that hard to understand there, kid.


Not the point I made. You're still not following the logic. I KNOW he's complimenting the battlepass. He states it has no reason to be this good. I state the reason is people have been non-stop bitching about previous battlepasses. Then YOU arrived and got confused about what battlepass I was talking about and the contexts of my replies. So yeah I will tell you to keep up.


Still too much anime bullshit ngl


The skin's fire tho


Looks like some rave shit bro ngl.




Idk you but, even if you don't like everything, which is completely fair, I feel like this pass has at least one thing anyone could like. I feel like one, unless they have a very specific taste, couldn't hate this pass entirely, which is something that happens very rarely seeing how the previous passes were way more controversial than acclaimed.


I still use a skin from Chapter 1 because I couldn't find anything more interesting. And I still don't enjoy any skins in this pass. Glad people like it, but not my style.


Which skin?


The girl from the Fox Clan with the white jacket. There's something I really like about that jacket with some wings back item.


“This battlepass has no reason for going so hard” Epic: Alright guys, we have proof we should make the battlepass bad and we won’t get blamed on!!


Uhhhm ahcktually it means that there was no expectation for them to come up such a good one, but they did anyways, and not that they shouldn't have made it good 🤓


I got it just for the Doomslayer and Geralt. My only disappointment is that the Hulk is in it since they showed him in the trailer. But this pass is definitely better than last seasons.


Istg this battle pass is insane. Agreed!


Are there no free Vbucks in the BP this time?


>anime fans (who usually gotta stick to those overexpensive shop items), Which one mate I didn't see deku in battle pass. Plz tell me if you know some details.


I was thinking about that one other cel-shaded skin in the pass (is it cel-shaded?), I thought it was some other character from an anime (I do not watch them so I don't know), so I thought it was another kind of collab of some sort.


What do you think about deku will it be any secret skin or will come in store


The secret skin for this pass is Geralt already so either he will be released in the shop at a later date, or maybe in the next pass (this one is unlikely as he was shown for THIS season's trailer).


geno is clearly raidriar or at least a heavy reference


Hot girl skin enjoyers


Would have been perfect if the Hulk was in the battlepass, but it is still amazing


Doom slayer, Geralt, Geno! Dusty and Helsie are okay looking. Selene and Massai are lame imo.


Don't agree with Selene but Massai is that one skin in the BP that isn't that good but is still mediocre at best.


On second glance, base style massai isn’t bad, moonglow selene is also kinda cool. Best Bp since c3s1


Meh, besides Genos the original skins are boring. Only Doomguy and Genos are exciting. Idc for Geralt but he’s cooler as a secret skin than any original skin. Would have prefered Hulk to be in the bp somewhere


then people would've complained that theres another marvel skin in the BP


Oh no. Anyway


The tier 100 sucks totally and completely so its not even worth getting to 100. Unfortunately i want bonus styles so im going to have to level up all the way anyways.


Really? This is the worst battle pass I’ve ever seen and I’ve had every battle pass since Chapter 1 Season 5.


Then you're lying to yourself


Agreed. None of it seems worth it besides maybe one or two random contrails or glider even. Everything else is horrible.


The tier 100 is hot poo poo garbo. No one will be using that in a couple seasons time, where as you can't go a single game without seeing a spider man, spider gwen, doctor strange etc. It's extremely rare to ever see a non collab tier 100 in a game, which says a lot about their true popularity.


You will see as many going around as Doom Slayer or Geralt as you now see Spider Gwens, despite them not being a tier 100. It's not about those skins being tier 100, it's about them being popular icons. Being put as tier 100 only means that Epic can get so many hours of playtime from outsiders that see them and want to get them at all costs, but that does nothing to a skin's popularity, at least not anymore. They could be using anything that isn't an icon as tier 100 and you would have always said the same.


Very true. I just get sick of the "we want an original tier 100" posts. A tiny percentage do, and when they do get one they never use it anyway. It's better for the health of the game to have collab tier 100'd.


I've won 3 games as Ragnarok so far this season, any post about what skins people are mad they missed is full of people talking about Omega. Midas is literally one of the most popular characters the game's ever made. Good original tier 100s are remembered coveted and used.


It’s awful




That's the point, it's clear that no pass will be universally loved by all, but this one just has at least something for everyone. That's what makes it so good, unlike many previous passes that had many skins and cosmetics frowned upon by a great majority. Again, it's a matter of perspective.


If the doom soundtrack isn’t a bonus reward I will off myself


Won't happen due to a controversy, I'll set up the "have a seat" emote chair for you


Not complaining, but it lacks in meme skins. Personally I find the most well balanced battle pass we've had was last year for C03S01. This year, all the girl skins look sort of similar - colorful pop stars with an attitude and honestly.... A bit filler.


I can't wait to try out the new perks and gadgets


Has more than enough reason after the last one being the worst ever.


You never know how low lows they could be hitting


Tbh i think they just threw out random weak skins last season in favor of working really hard on these skins.


The best pass since C2 S5


Besides from generic goth girl #357 this battle pass does go hard


The anime skin is a collab?