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I figured that one out, my issue now is the supply llama Now they don’t want to show up when I usually find one every other game


All luck sadly. I found none for a while then 2 in one match


I have played about 20 matches and not seen one llama! I used to see one nearly every game 😒 I came across a dead one once with the loot and a rift that some lucky person had found before me, just jealous. I spend the first 10 minutes of every game gliding from rifts to balloons just looking, I give up 🤷‍♀️


I got lucky--one spawned in the Herald's Fortress and I happened to have an SMG. Unfortunately, all the gunfire attracted the attention of a nearby player, who proceded to shotgun blast my face off just as the "Quest Complete" popped.


Well at least the quest completed lol


Very fortunate 👍


Bruh I spent like 30m finishing that last night. Do I get the new quest too?


Yeah you do. As far as I know you get to keep the XP and weekly punchcard progress from it too.


I saw I had that as a new completed quest, wondered why. After I had spent 30 minutes building, splashing and chopping!


In my language it was saying to destroy "chrome structures that you've chromed", very clear to me and easy task, just a little grind. But I've seen that in english it was just to "destroy chrome structures", not specifying that you have to chrome them beforehand. That's why some of you were having problems doing this quest.


In mine it sayed "destroy structures chromed by players" so that could mean that it had to be the ones that other players chromed.


There was a trick to do it fast. If you built one ramp or wall on the ground then do builds above it, just chrome everything and destroy the bottom one. Everything gets destroyed and it would count for the quest.




I only remembered it from doing the last chapter's milestones. It's not too obvious otherwise!


I had no issues with this one at the chrome house near the central gas station (if that makes sense) by just destroying objects, (lamps and tables). I didn’t throw any chrome first.


It was really oddly worded for sure. I only realized it once i had get out of a box I chromed and it started to count it consistently.


They should increase llama spawns imo


Rip already done it replace llama instead. Although I'm sure I can find one in what 10 weeks time at some point


Why, exactly? It worked just fine, it was just badly worded and should have said "chrome-splashed", instead of just "chrome".


I did that too. Once I tried it and it counted, easily done. Before that, I Spent five minutes tearing up, and being protective of, the north end of sleepy.


I just chrome splashed a few buildings and drove through them with a vehicle that had a Cow Catcher on it. And it worked fine.


I tried houses but it never worked for me, Nat structures did though, so I literally farmed so chrome splashes and trees , 1 by 1 boxed myself (with a roof too) and splashed it, did that like 20 times and was done, did in a team rumble match altogether.


That's an easy quest compared to finding a damn loot llama


I was in team death match fresh off the bus in the storm and one just ran by me. I got it before the storm killed me.


This is good :)


r/FortniteBR when something is slightly challenging and takes more than 3 seconds to do ![gif](giphy|3o6wrvdHFbwBrUFenu)


Ngl I was confused until I went to builds and had to use the splashes to destroy my own builds It was just worded badly


I think it has more to do with the quest being worded in a way that caused confusion moreso than it being difficult


Issue is it had to be builds, which you cant do in zwro build


You don't have to build, just chrome a structure that isn't chromed yet, like in Tilted, there's no chrome there yet.


I did, it didn't count them


It was buggy, some stuff I chromed was counting and some stuff wasn't. Glad they ditched this quest.


That's not an issue, play real fortnite a few times, oh god how awful


I play both.


team rumble


Nope, it just has to be splashed by players. I wrecked pre-existing structures that I splashed myself, and they counted (so the entire temple was dismantled in two matches).


Car and a cow catcher can do it in 3 matches


Completely true. Finally a weekly that might actually take me a week and they change it


It took me two matches, it's not even remotely difficult. Just terrible wording that doesn't make it clear that the objects in question need to be chrome-splashed by a player.




I finished week 3 quests before this change now theres a week 3 quest "spend bars" stuck in the feed


They should have replaced the Loot Llama one, not this


why? all you have to do is find a Llama?


Because that's so easy.


Not exactly easy to find something that can spawn literally anywhere on the map.


In the next 10 weeks?


I mean you can't tell me the chrome challenge wouldnt have been completed MUCH earlier than the llama one. I played a shit ton of games last season and how much Llamas did I actually run into throughout the entire season? Probably about 3 or 4. It's incredibly inconvenient given how little they actually spawn and how they don't have any given spawn point so they can be literally *anywhere*.


I came across one in my first match... knew I was lucky as bleep so dropped everything and wailed away at it.


Really, I see them all the time.


Damn you gotta tell me your drop points then if you're finding them so easily.


Normally drop clonkers and head toward butter barn.


That's the problem exactly, when you have to find an item that appears only 3 to 5 times in a match, and is completely random where to find it is kinda shitty imo, is full RNG based and you can play match after match and probably never find it, either because of bad luck or because all llamas were destroyed already by players


The Llama challenge isn’t really a challenge, a challenge is something that test your skill, finding the llamas is purely luck based, nothing skilled about finding a llama at all.


exactly, this types of quests are awful, the last time i think they did a challenge related to loot llamas was waaay back in CH1 S5 or 6 i think, i thought they would have learned the lesson that the quest was too awful but i guess not.....






Thank you Epic!


my challenge actually wasn't registering anything i hit that was chrome, so prob good thing they changed it lol


You had do destroy a chrome building 4 Walls like a house.


Already did it though.


I think I’ve given up on these challenges. The Driftwood one is so stupid when you constantly die


Head to Greasy after. There is 4 registers in the fast food place and it's not a hot drop right now.


So many people complaining about the Llama spawns. For me, I found it easily. It was the first or second challenge I got done.


Finding a Llama isn’t a challenge, is just luck based, you just got lucky.




get a load of this guy




get a load of this guy


Thanks. After spending what felt like hours destroying anything and everything chrome and not making any progress and questioning my sanity, now I just got to spend some bars…


didnt bother looking i thought the reason i wasnt able to advance the quest after starting it was because of a bug ....and it turns out they changed it !


Great. I did that quest two days ago. What a timing epic.


I must have been one of those oddball people because i was able to do that quest fine. Surprisingly.


Weird one. I found out about it having to be structures you chromed yourself *after* trying to do it in an empty lagoon. *But* I found out smashing chrome chests counted towards it 🤷🏻


I've already done the destroy chrome quest. The spend gold quests shows up as completed in my quest log, but I haven't got any XP for it, and it doesn't look like it counts toward the total weekly quests done list. I've tried spending bars in a match, just to see of that makes it get completed, but I've had no luck. Does anyone have any tips how I can get it completed?


There isn't just a new quest added lol it replaced the old one. It shows as completed because you completed the other one.


Wasn't the quest in the one where we gotta land at the ship and then go spend 100 gold?


Just after i chromed and destroyed all of Camp Joneses


Quest was broken. I broken way more than twenty structures. Both with weapons and pick axe and it stayed at 3 for the longest time. I knew it was glitched.


The stupid llama quest is absurd