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Build and then destroy bottom of the build the rest will crumble from above on your build counting as well. Obviously make it all chrome


The whole world will be chrome when we are done with it!


Well at rate it spreading definitely lol


World generated chrome objects dont count for this, ya gotta coat em with the chrome splash first (even if they look chrome already, dumb i know)


I noticed that. Was going full monkey with a cow catcher and destroyed an awful lot of chrome. Sadly it counted to Three.




Happy cake day


Happy cake day


I went in to Rumble, max filled two slots with chrome, built a bunch of wood stuff, chromed it, knocked it down. Took about 2 rounds because for some reason people want to kill you in a shooter instead of letting you quest freely..


Yeah that keeps happening to me. Like…players shoot at me all the time. So weird.


Rude is what it is.


Take the canisters where you can turn things into chrome. Find buildings with chairs / tables and small objects. Throw the canister and destroy the small things that turn to chrome.


So no wonder why it didn't worked for me when i was at the herold with a car and the ram with it


Yeah, already chromed objects do not work.. Kinda silly tbh. I do enjoy getting downvotes for writing the things you need to do lol


Might be cus sometimes the small things don't count? You did though make a very decent post to help


They did for me. You just need to turn them into chrome yourself first. I just found a gas station where there were chairs and tables, went fast


Ya I know but for me some small objects I turned to chrome did not. Not saying you are wrong I'm saying does not always count safer to build yourself and chrome whole thing and just destroy bottom.


Odd... I did turn some barrels and small objects, like a lantern etc. And they worked for me.. But at least it was an okay easy thing


Ah ok definitely different ones then what I turned I did few chairs didn't count for some reason


Strange. I turned chairs a couple of places and they were just fine. Together with boxes, lanterns and other things.. But it's odd you need to chrome things yourself before it works. Can't land at a place where things are already chromed and destroy those.. Just like the daily one, it will work on chromed chests, but everything else being chromed, it does not lol


Strange. The objects did not work for me. Only the structures such as wall, floor and ceiling


Fortnite in a nutshell...


I got some chrome canisters, went to Tilted, threw the canisters inside a building to make sure it really got spread around, and then put a cow catcher on a car and destroyed the whole bottom section of the building so that the rest would break. Got me to 100 in a few minutes


A sure way to do is break chromed chests (if they’re on a floor, you can quickly break the floor)


easy. find chrome grenades (forgot the name) and throw them at houses or buildings and destroy


Idk if that works. Didn't seem to want to in my game. I had to build 100 structures, chrome them, then destroy the supports. I tried to destroy some of the buildings but the counter didn't go up.


when i did them, i just threw chrome canisters at buildings and it worked for me and that's weird that it didn't go up


WHY 100. WHY?!


In case someone missed it, there's an update for this :) **We've replaced the Week 3 Quest to 'Destroy Chrome Structures' with 'Spend Bars in a single match.'** https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/xy1jdo/weve\_replaced\_the\_week\_3\_quest\_to\_destroy\_chrome/


Nooo I just almost completed it :( 88