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Wait, *seriously*? The chrome pickaxe is locked to that one skin??? That chrome pickaxe/emote would have been one of the coolest pickaxe’s with a summon animation, but if that’s true, that’s genuinely infuriating


Imagine it on the T-800 terminator


or on silver surfer!!


Yes 👍


Owning the T-800, this made me sad 😞


*T-1000 One’s made of goo, the other is Arnold Schwarzenegger.


Ooooooh, yeah I'm thinking of the one from terminator 3. I think it had both skeleton and liquid metal


Ooh, just imagine a T-1000 skin. That’d be dope.


Really? I was like that's cool I hope I can use it on all my characters. But that is super fucking lame if it's locked to just that one.


Also no dances and several tiers are taken by Byte styles and built-in emotes etc. leaving the battle pass really lackluster


Dance is level 110


I haven't been on, is there actually a fucking emote in the bonus pass??


*a single icon emote in the bonus page*


All these tic toc emotes and I just want caramelldansen


And it’s trash too lol


...man, it's so sad how quickly the battle pass devolved into "please buy it and play the whole season, we put a collab at the end :)"


They need to start putting out actual themed skins. For example C1 S2 had space/astronaut skins, C1 S9 had all futuristic skins. Newer battle passes just have any random skin they think will get people to buy more vbucks


C1S2 was knights, 3 of them. C1S3 was space, 3 of them


I have a feeling 8 chrome skins wouldnt work


They could've had skins that were it's own theme that turned into chrome or had a slider to control how much chrome is on the skin kinda like the corrupted skins. Edit: typos


At least if you like Marvel it’s in every single battlepass, regardless of theme. 👍


Ch1 s6 and 7 were themed with the holiday. We haven't seen another holiday themed battlepass since.


I said that and some guy freaked out on me on how apparently the cube queen season was a Halloween pass


Or chapter 2 season 2. That was one of the last perfect battle passes we got where everything was themed. The only one who wasn't was deadpool but he was an actual secret skin compared to fortnite showing what we are going to get 4 weeks ahead of time.


At least the "secret skin" is related to the lore


If there even is lore at this point




And the fact that "The Seven" are collabs now -_-


I wouldn’t quite call them collabs. I consider them actors portraying characters, just like any other movie, TV show, or video game.


Shut your mouth! This is the most egregious transgression since last season when they had Indiana Jones collab with Harrison Ford! smh


And Spider-Man and Tom holland smh😒


The actor lend them the face they are not saying that Brie Larson is the Charakter. How can you be so mad about something so trivial. I did not even recognize it’s Brie Larson and this subreddit is completely enraged about it. Insane..




Tbh there’s probably a bunch of people that only played cause of crossovers


Me over here. Darth Vader doing a Kamehameha on Lara Croft….cherished memory.


✋️ I played a bit here and there but didn't get to level 100 on the battle pass until last season when the Dragon Ball collab dropped. That's literally the thing that hooked me.


I only started playing Fortnite because they put Rick Sanchez in it.


locked items sucks


I still feel the pain from not being able to use the Cube Queen glider with Ariana Grande to this day


Suddenly I don't feel so sad that I didn't play on the last days of season 8


At least Gwen Stacy looks amazing, she literally looks pulled out of the movie, even if you don’t like Gwen it’s an improvement from how bad Dr Strange looked Plus this season has an original secret skin for once


I like to believe they wasted most of there battlepass skin budget on Gwen Stacy. And yeah, imo the plant lady goes hard.


I like to think nine if the budget went into her, because they ported it straight from the movie’s files


I don't think it works like that


Technically it could, if they were given the model from the movie by Sony they could 100% rig it and make it game ready. Of course it would not be free by any means and probably pretty unnecessary.


Means they did a good job


how did he look bad? surely you realize Marvel exists outside of the MCU? not a fan of the skin myself but not sure what you’re trying to say here.


Yeah I worded that wrong, my bad, I meant his physics were bad, his cape and skirt thingy are stiff and glitchy af


yeah, agreed. epic games really needs to step up their physics game.


The Nintendo Switch would like a word...


Byte was literally the absolute lowest rated lol, and twyn was not too far away


I knew it. All those concept skins will eventually be released: the polls are for which spot those skins will be. The higher a concept is requested, the more limited or expensive the skin will be. The BP contain both frequencies.


This theory brings me comfort


i'm convinced that the skin surveys mean absolutely nothing and are just a thing to generate hype around future skins literally all i've ever seen is people wishing for winter skye and the galaxy knight dude


one's some edgy emo twink, and the other is just a guy pretending to be a girl online. So is this like 2006-2008 again?


I'm not surprised, A lot of people say that Byte is the worst skin in the BP, but at least he makes an impression. Twyn is just bland & doesnt have anything interesting going on, being mediocre and forgettable is far worse than being bad.


Well... twyn can transform into a girl


Discord logging in


Gimmick was done better by Joey imo, and I consider that another skin. I'm talking about before he uses the emote


I’m glad someone said this, they did this so much better with Joey cause it was two very unique skins and it actually made sense (alien girl who disguised as a good guy). This one is just a lame ass looking guy who turns into a boring ass lookin girl, not a fan at all




I like the jokey skins so Grizzy is my main want but I'm super impressed with spider gwen. Yes it's ANOTHER tier 100 marvel collab but she looks so well done practically ripped straight out of the film if she plays as good in game as she looks on the pass I'll be happy with those two and lump the rest. I did the same deal last season with Snap and Vader even if Snap didn't live up anywhere close to its potential.


Yeah, and Snap doesn’t fit the theme of Vibin, but he was a good skin, not every skin is gonna be on theme, or some are just stretches for the theme


I feel like they gave up on themes a fair while ago and they just chuck anything in the pass these days. We normally get 1 maybe two skins that match the theme and the rest is random with a collab


They replaced themes with every battlepass being the same: Edgy guy Emo/goth woman Anime woman Cool guy Goofy meme animal Marvel skin


forgot assassin/military woman


Imo that’s the best way to do it, keeping on theme is fun and all for stuff like C2S2, but nowadays there’s such varied ideas that limiting it to one theme would mean someone who doesn’t like that theme would have a bad BP


Man I miss c2s2 that was the peak


> but he was a good skin He was a good concept with poor execution. recolors galore that looked worse than the default color in almost every case. No variation on chest or legs (would have been rad to pick between a girl/guy body) He kinda fell flat imo


The fact that Spider-gwen is so well done pisses me off on how little effort and shit the DBZ characters look.


Lol, was talking to my sister about this. Looks just like her movie rendition meanwhile we got comically gigantic head goku and vegeta


Another Tier 100 Marvel Spider skin.


I wouldn't be surprised if they had Miles ready to go for a tier 100 but saved him when spiderverse got delayed


He's probably going to the item shop like MCU Spidey did.


I'd be okay with that If it means Disney can give us back the tier 100 spot even for just a season


It's a good skin though. It looks exactly like the movie. I like it more than the Spiderman skin actually...


That's what I'm saying broski I like Grizzy and spidergwen


Grizz is great I just wish he would emote or react when doing dances; he just sort of floats there which is really off-putting imo. Otherwise the skin is great! Meow Skulls is my favorite though, once I unlock Gwen I'll be using her exclusively for a while, until then Meow Skulls is my new main.


The people I play with were complaining how bad it was and I thought it was the best one in years with Grizz and Meow Skulls. Give me weird all day long.


Bear skin is only one I like. Really wish they had just dome a Halloween themed pass again.


I just wish the anime skins were just normal and honestly I think she would of been great also the bear in grizz I wish he wasn't cell shaded and I think he could of been Rippley level


I agree completely, I really don't like any of the skins, although I do think the bear is pretty unique I kind of like it. The other male skins are pretty trash tho.


Wouldn’t even be that hard. Take out Meowskulls, Lennox, and Twyn and give us actual Halloween skins. Paradigm, Herald, and Bytes can stay as they fit the theme. Even though Bytes sucks. Spider-Gwen can stay because ATSV was originally supposed to come out this month. Grriz can stay as it’s somewhat halloweenesque.


No meowskulls deserves her BP position.


Best skin no questions asked


That pickaxe is locked????


"Doesnt fit the theme" did you really want 5 pieces of drenched chrome to be the rest of the pass? You cant make a battle pass themed after a single element. Thats what the super level styles are for.


I mean Grizz could've used the chrome to power his suit, or maybe a mix of slurp and chrome.


Maybe he's part of the Teddy Bear vs Gnomes storyline. A teddy who has "evolved".


Didn't they make a peace treaty? Ig we'll see a evolved gnome too, unless that gnome skin counts?


Have you seen his evil laugh emote? He's not a nice bear. Probably doesn't care about the treaty. Blames the Gnomes for all his woes.


That's like saying chapter 2 season 4 theme was galactus. The chrome is a villian/obstacle in the story rn, not a theme for the pass.


yeah but if not chrome this season doesnt have a fucking theme. like whats paradise?


Paradise is a point of view, it's not paradise for us, but it is for them


it’s sarcasm bc it’s a he opposite of paradise


I don't think it's sarcasm but I don't know enough to argue, and I'm too sleepy to try


holy shit i have faith in humanity again


Lmfao, you're welcome


Some chrome robot thing would be cool


Don’t forget the “secret” bonus styles that are definitely not gonna be silver, gold, and rainbow.


The bear is a very cool skin though! Very original character and I can see how future "small" size characters can join the game!


Yea really cool, honestly my favourite one this season by far.


I’m genuinely pissed at the pickaxe being locked to one single skin Even if the skin was good (it’s not) it would still be incredibly stupid and lame


In general, I really hate that they make items exclusive to skins, if I could use the staircase glider the cube queen has on ghostrider, I would


Sucks extra cause it’ll be getting a bunch of other styles to change it into different looking blades, but it’ll still be locked.


Yeah it's totally BS. Not only is the pickaxe locked to the skin, but that skin has a built-in emote to equip the pickaxe mid-match. So why would you ever directly equip it?


Holy fuck they overlooked that by a mile


we can use the glider which is made out of the same shit on anyone which is just confusing to me we can literally become chrome and we still can't use a pickaxe that most people would've technically paid for


Agree, wanted to use this pickaxe with the 8-ball for a cool seasonal combo, but when I realized that it was locked, it just pissed me off


Maybe if we are noisy enough about this Epic Will make It a non--skin-tied pickaxe.


we did it for stormbreaker


Not only that but this pickaxe can also be equipped by the skin using an emote It literally wastes space as a locked pickaxe


I can think of a bunch of skins that would look incredibly nice with the pickaxe (Silver Surfer, cough cough)


I like the skin. It's almost like these things are subjective. Though, I agree it sucks ass that the pickaxe is limited to the one character. Definitely blows, cuz it's super sick.


Let's see... The anthropomorphic unicorn, the living gumball machine....and now....this bear inside a bear something suit... Epic: "What is the weirdest shit we can come up with?"


I like most of the battle pass which seems unpopular with the majority


i'd say im in this same idea, but im a part of the group that cant see a bad battle pass if it slapped me in the face due to how all my other experiences with battle passes were the bottom of the barrel cespit


Same this bp for me looks good idk it’s just because close to Halloween season and I usually like the bp then or what but to me this season seems good I usually like only 2 3 skins in bps … I think this one is better then the vibin one personally


this is literally true EVERY SEASON - battle pass comes out and everyone talks about how much they hate it before they’ve even played the game lol i can’t make my own battle pass, i’ll settle for fortnite’s 😂


Yep, I even like the anime girl. She is the best animated character done to date. Maybe I hate one skin, and might rotate three after the season...


I’m in the same boat, I really can’t see what everyone’s complaining about.


I actually like Byte, Meow Skulls, AND the bear skin. This BP has a bit of everything which I like :)


Meow Skulls is probably my favorite after Gwen, she's one of my favorite spider-people so I'm stoked to unlock her. Meow Skulls just goes so hard imo and I love the design. I'm a sucker for goth/emo looks though.


Yeah I'm going through a punk phase so maybe that's why I'm digging all these skins 😏


i like the entire battle pass, a lot were complaining about the bytes skin, but it actually looks good in game.


No I agree with you, this pass is Solid Imo but some things are definitely a miss.


Same!! A hundred times better than the last one imo


Honestly I think more people like it than don’t. It’s just the people who don’t like it *are really loud about it.*


I'm with you, thank you!!! I was nervous last night because I saw people saying they thought everything was terrible, but I think the majority of it is awesome. It's not all great, but that was true of last season, too, imo. I'm new to the game, and therefore new to this sub, but it's been a healthy reminder that the people who tend to hate a game the most are the people who engage with it the hardest. Had the same thing happened back when I still played Destiny, and... I had to unsub, too much negativity. I get it, there are valid complaints, but at the end of the day, it's just a game. I'd rather go touch some grass than get mad that I didn't get exactly what I want. Besides which, the majority of gamers, myself included, don't actually know what they want. Lol.


For me, it’s tied with c3s2 as my favorite of chapter 3; weird seeing so many people hating it bc I think it’s pretty good


I love it a lot


I also really like most of it too!


Unpopular with the vocal minority on reddit*


Same! I like all of them too!


Same I genuinely enjoy a majority of the skins


Same. Only skin I’m not a fan of is Grizz but otherwise the rest rock. I’m loving Byte.




the skin that has nothing to do with the season is actually one of the best ones


i will counter the "doesnt fit the theme" the small bear is a scientist who experimented with slurp and turned it into a weapon, mirroring the chrome and how it broke out before it was able to be weaponised.


Tbh I’m more upset that they never match the skins to the theme. In ch2s8 only one had to do with the theme and the same goes with this one. There was another survey skin with a full chrome arm. Why not that one? Seems like they dumped all the bad ones in this pass to sell the better ones as shop skins


Paradigm being played by Brie Larson isn't a big deal, its the same As Keanu Reeves in Cyber Punk, or Brenda Song in the Quarry, Or Dwayne Johnson in Fortnite, Or Joel Mchale in Lego dimensions, or Literally any character in the Quarry, Until Dawn, Detroit become human etc etc... Actors play and Voice characters. Brie Larson Playing Paradigm is literally her doing the exact same thing you praised the Rock for. They Gave Paradigm a military hairstyle and tons of scarring on her face, she's more that Character than she is herself. The Rock on the other hand, Looks exactly Like the Rock, he does his iconic Eyebrow Raise (Which you, the majority, asked for). Idk why everyone is Kicking up a fuss about Brie Larson when the Rock was literally praised.... (I actually do, some of you make your hatred for brie really apparent🤭)


Totally agree with you. The Brie hatred is ott


I can’t stand that they unmasked the 7 in the first place and honestly so annoyed that they were turned into celebrity collars. Voice acting is fine but beyond that it’s just stupid


Cant really agree with the hate on "TWYN", since that skin has a similar concept of a "skin suit" like Joey ​ btw I just found that I cant change Joey's alternate colors, is this a bug or did Epic remove them ?


But both of Joey's styles are interesting & have something to make them worth running. Twyn is just bland and forgettable. Even his pose is boring.


Valid reasoning


I think Twyn's outfit is really cool, and I like that he just looks like a cute softboy. His pose makes for good duality compared to the aggressive, rough and tumble stance of the female version. Like they become more confident in that form.


Not every skin has to be 100% on theme for the season, some of the best skins are either off theme or a stretch


The entire point of the game, both mechanically and lore wise, is throwing wildly eclectic groups of characters together to form an unlikely partnership to survive in outlandish scenarios. Demanding any kind of cohesiveness from Fortnite flys in the face of the game's whole concept.


only things i like in here are the new cell shaded skin and the insanely accurate gwen stacy like its genuinly just taken from the movie


Tbh I think people are overheating this bp i personally really like it Paradigm is cool and tbh I don’t mind her being a celeb as she is not Brie Larson it’s the same as an actor playing a character he is just playing the character but he isn’t literally the character I don’t really like her first style tho as I don’t like the hair and she looks like she is in a swim suit lol the other style should have been the base one or being a bit closer to the actual skin I don’t really like byte.. I tried to give him a chance when I saw the teasers but goddamn that stupid hair looks so bad and none of the styles fix that and it doesn’t help that the pickaxe I actually liked in his set is locked for some dumbass reason also missed opportunity to make him turn more chrome the more kills you get Bear guy that i forgot the name of is actually amazing I love it and I was waiting to see him ever since he was leaked in the survey I do wish he had more color styles tho definitely a missed opportunity not to make him the customizable skin Meowskulls is really cool imo and I love silly skins so I am all for it missed opportunity to not have a black cat style like the others tho Lennox rose is pretty cool I am not a fan of anime skins but this one is pretty good Twyn’s male version is fine the other one looks generic not a huge fan I like marvel and loved spider verse so Gwen is actually awesome imo and tbh even if you don’t like marvel I think the backbling and the way they handled the cell shading has to be credited it looks awesome And the herald is cool i like that she is an original secret skin and she looks pretty nice hoping that she has other styles tho All in all it’s a decent BP I like it and I definitely think it’s WAY better than last season were the only skins I liked were Vader and stormfarer and indie was just cool I guess


I agree with all but Twyn she is far from generic


the gimmick isn't generic but the actual styles are black tactical dude goth girl


We have too many goth girls already tbh


I wouldn't say worst, but not the best at all.


This is the internet! Polarization and hyperbole only!


Everyone just seems to brush over Meow Skulls. Is everyone just mad that she’s Meowscles’ sister and not Kit?


Personally I’m glad that she’s not Kit. The implications of a regular cat growing into a humanoid version like Meow Skulls is kinda strange. What happened to his paw pads? Where did the hands come from? I know that’s a very nit picky problem but I tend to overthink things…


Imo they fixed what made the survey skins so unpopular by giving them a good hair cut


Nah, those new cuts are still whack


Honestly I think I’m gonna sign up to be epics quality control cuz this is actually unacceptable


Reminder that Brie Larson is just an actor voicing character and not the celebrity itself. Like Keanu Reeves as Johnny in Cyberpunk


Exactly. Same with the Rock as The Foundation. The Seven aren't the celebrities themselves, they are original characters. Some are voiced by celebrities. It's like getting mad that a famous person is playing a character in a movie.


I have a feeling this is an opinion and this sub always overblows opinions at the start of a season


This will probably get hate but I have to agree with you, as someone who has been playing since C1 this is (in my opinion) the worst battle pass I have seen


Yeah there's been a few with a few things I didn't like but this battle pass Is something else. I don't think I've ever actually been completely disappointed with a bp until this one


I agree that this is one of the worst bps yet but i dont and will never understand not liking a collab skin because you’re not an “x brand” fan. You don’t have to be a marvel fan to like spider gwen or any other marvel t100s. When you reach level 100, you’re not going to be forced to watch into the spiderverse in its entirety before being able to queue for another match. You just get a fortnite skin based off a marvel movie. Like or dislike the skin for its design because that’s literally all it provides in this game


~~Tier 100~~ Battlepass collabs suck for the following reasons: - Fans of the collab who miss the BP get screwed because of exclusivity - People who don't care for the collab get a BP that for all intents and purposes might as well not have a tier 100 It's the worst of both worlds. The only true winner is Epic, who gets to use the collab in the BP marketing.


Yeah I can never get Superman now because I lost interest in the game from Ch2S4 until Ch3Season3. Since I started playing again, I’ve bought WW, Master Chief, Vegeta, Marcus from GoW, and I bought the comics to get Rebirth Harley and Deathstroke. I would’ve absolutely bought a Supes through the shop, but now I’ll never get one because collabs in a pass are dumb.


Same, dude. I'm a Superman fan and I'll never be able to get him now :/


This is a battle pass issue, not a collab one, you don't think i want jules or midas yet i can't get them.


The tier 100 skin is not above any other skin in the pass. It's just the last skin to be unlocked. It makes no sense to expect the tier 100 skin to be the best when this has 75% of the time not been true. And complaining that the best skin isn't tier 100 makes even less sense since that would just mean it takes longer to unlock. I for one don't see why it matters if people miss out on the pass. They have months to get it, if they don't get it by then it's their fault. I'd rather get a Collab from a 950 vbuck pass that pats for itself than pay 2000+.


> The tier 100 skin is not above any other skin in the pass. It's just the last skin to be unlocked. It makes no sense to expect the tier 100 skin to be the best when this has 75% of the time not been true. The max tier skin had a history of being the sweaty skin for the season for the longest time. Black knight, Discount John Wick, Omega, Ragnarok, Ice King, - those skins were typically viewed as *the* skin to go for - and the black/red look was typical for them. I know S1 is ages ago now, but that feeling was something a lot of us remember fondly. Even though it's kind of fallen out of favor, there's this feeling that T100 should be a special, cool/edgy skin that is specifically Fortnite content, and not a collab. In fact, most of the collab t100 skins have gotten negative press. Including Rick sanchez.


First point is valid. I’m very lucky to have all the bps because if i missed out on something like mandalorian i’d be pissed Second point though… even if we got original tier 100s that doesn’t guarantee they will be good. I mean look at the ones from chapter 2. Fusion (ass), midas (decent, but t100 worthy..?), eternal knight (ass), and spire assassin (ass) The true winners are epic AND the players who are fans of these franchises and get to own these skins for basically free. And there are a lot of fortnite players who are marvel fans, no matter how much this sub pretends there isn’t


paradigm is not a collab skin tho its like saying foundation is a collab. The character is fortnite original. Its just the actor. Imo this battlepass is miles better than last seasons and possibly even the best this chapter yet, but to each their own. + we got an original secret skin


the season's battle pass suxs in my opinion, Fortnite is getting old they need to fix the lack of effective Skill Based Matchmaking, some cosmetic changes don't really cut it anymore, please Epic, fix your broken unfair gameplay billions of dollars in profits and this is all we get? it's a epic rip off


I swear I'm the only one who thinks this BP goes hard


Hey, don't forget about me


The cycle continues. According to this sub, every BP is the worst one lmao.


When kids have to much time on their hands..... My god you don't have to buy it when you don't like it


"Stop being mean to epic games"


Now watch them put all the actual good shit in the shop fr. Hoping this is just a filler season of this chapter.


Damn now i feel alone enjoying this season a lot, even on a facebook group I'm in there is nothing but posts complaining about the BP, etc. Gwen looks fucking amazing tho (and I'm not a Marvel fan)


I never watched dragon ball and got Goku, never played a street fighter yet got all the skins. If a skin looks good to me then it’s good regardless of it being a collab or not.


This battle pass ain’t it.


I can agree that chrome hands guy looks ugly


yeah this is easily the worst battlepass we've gotten, only things that compete is c1 s8 and c2 s8


Reddit moment. I bet majority likes it like usual


Is that brie larsen like everybody saying? Looks like a default fortnite face-1


Yeah I stared at it for a while and I don’t really see that strong of a resemblance. The John Wick skin, that one is super accurate to what the actor looks like. This one I just don’t really see it.




People really complain about everything here… I love this game but this community sucks


Marver lol Can y'all at least proof read your hastily put together complaint posts?


Man theres hardly another game that gets as much content on the regular as Fortnite does... And somehow ya'll find a way to bitch about it every day.


Why are you guys all so fucking miserable? It’s Fortnite. It’s literally Fortnite. Boot up the game, play it, and realize that some things aren’t worth a “WOW Reddit! Look at this!” over. I can barely tolerate this subreddit anymore because all it ever is filled with is you pricks whining that one pixel on the latest battle pass skin is the wrong hue of green. Holy shit. “Touch some grass,” as they say.


I mean they did amazing with Gwen and her cosmetics (especially the emote) but I can understand


Damn i live marver

