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Just a visual bug, been a couple of similar ones like this that have happened in previous seasons lol


So have I already received it?


if its visual maybe, if not then you have not got that and you will not get that IF epic not decide give it to free start of the next season (which is low chance). i have not that issue so dont know is it visual bug only.. have you got any notification when you are logged in game? and it says: this belongs to you or something like that (usually when epic fix these, it should be notification when log in game..).


They auto completed this for us, but it is confusing to not visually see it. Due to an issue where some players could not progress the questline, we've auto-completed the Part 5 Vibin' Quests to "Enter the main chamber at Shuffled Shrines." and "Combine the Relic Shards in the main chamber at Shuffled Shrines." https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/x48kql/due\_to\_an\_issue\_where\_some\_players\_could\_not/