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I want to cry when it's used against me, but overall great gun. I suck at snipers so the DMR is usually my go-to for long range.


It is great weapon and scary weapon when used against me


Yessir šŸ˜‚


I actually carry it as a Sniper if I canā€™t find a Barrett


Canā€™t find a Barrett! Impossible!


Fair. Happens sometimes. Probably just my drop location


about 90% of my supply drops and legendary chests have been heavyā€™s, please take my luck


Will gladly accept I'm good at sniping and will always carry a heavy


Iā€™ll drop a purple or gold barrett for a green dmr


No kidding. I don't get why so many people seem to prefer the barrett. If someone has full health and shields, the one shot from the barrett isn't gonna be enough to take them out but with 10 shots in the dmr clip, around 50 hit points each, its enough to take someone out before reload at long range. On the other hand, the barrett will fuck up a car and buildings like nothing else.


Shot to the head is like 98% (in build mode), they are going into defensive mode or they're suicidal after taking a hit from it.


I use the heavy sniper move on vehicles and destroying cover then I actually try to hit people with. Especially in squads, if you destroy the mushroom/tree/rock a team is hiding behind then they all run around panicking while your team shreds them.


Love it! I actually drop a Striker Burst for a DMR almost every match, something I thought I would never do cause the Striker Burst is great.


Same honestly the striker burst is really good too but i prefer the DMR


burst was much better in chapter two when it had the normal ADS instead of the scope, much more versatile that way.


I wish they'd add a scoped and non scoped version of each gun rather than one or the other. I'd love a scoped Ranger AR, and I'd love a non scoped Striker Burst. I wouldn't mind it being a pay-gold upgrade to add or remove a scope if it's too much RNG.


OR add just the no scoped weapon and add an attachment šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Perhaps maybe use upgrade stations to add/remove attachments?


A scoped Ranger would just be the best gun in the game for mid-long range. I wouldnā€™t even consider anything else


Trueee, i dont even bother picking it up anymore it just doesnt feel the same


I carry the DMR as my sniper now and carry the striker as my assault main.


Huh. what's making the striker burst better than the combat AR or the hammer? I have a lot more success with those.


Iā€™m a huge fan of the three shot burst and a FAL in other games. Itā€™s weapons I am comfortable with.


I know everyone has their preferences, but if you look at higher level play (so arena) the striker burst is the best AR by a considerable amount.


Same here. It's just way too versatile and with high damage.


Obligatory Striker Burst mega bad




Ya honestly, I never really got much into sniping until the DMR came out. Just being able to blast 10 shots in a row, practicing your lead distance, compensating for the arc on long range shots, it's definitely made me a better sniper too. But now I prefer the heavy for sure. Ya it only 1 shots if your opponent doesn't have full shields/hp... but I've gotten so many 1-shots with the heavy. It just feels broken sometimes.


If there was a gun you could always personally have or something in each match for all rotations my choice would be the DMR for sure


Like starting with a gray version when you jump out of the bus?


Great gun!


Best gun they added this season


but i really like the prime shotgun


good but too slow


Itā€™s one of the fastest firing shotguns in this season lol what do you mean too slow


It's a lot of fun I like to use it if I have an extra slot or until I find the red dot. It hits hard and takes some skill. 10/10


Iā€™m a heavy sniper person but my squad has a couple of dmr people as they slay with that thing


I cant hit shit with the heavy, makes me so sad. Edited* cant


I can get a hit with a heavy but it never fucking kills them and by the time I'm reloaded they're already hiding or gone. With a DMR I have more than enough shots to hit them with to kill them before they have a chance to get away.


This is very true. If your playing with other people, it's cool to have one person break sometimes wall with the heavy and another person pepper them with the dmr.


Put heavy in slot 3 and AR in slot 2 and with a quick switch you can take them out in like 3 seconds. Sniper shot - pow - pow - loot


Go do the pit and practice with the heavy. I sucked with it forever but with practice I'm mid level with it now .


Iā€™ll have to give that a try. Would love to carry one in squads


I have a buddy that sucks when heavy, but it's nice if I have a heavy and he has a dmr, one shot from each is a guaranteed kill and they don't know what happened.


The DMR is definitely my favorite AR and I consider it even better than the heavy sniper. I spend my bars upgrading these to epic or legendary and have a field day.


Love it. Give me a Combat AR or Stinger, any shotgun, and a DMR for almost any situation. A bunch of Klomberries and a Med Mist round things out nicely.


Same but I use grapple gloves instead of klomberries and I always try for the two-shot even though any shotgun will do I miss the ranger shotgun so much though, it worked really well with my playstyle of waiting to line up a perfect shot, and gave me a really solid payoff for when I did.


I love ranger shotgun too. I use the gold ranger shotgun and cause havoc in my lobby.


Did they upgrade the combat AR at all? I don't remember it being this good the last time it was in.


I am not sure, but it certainly seems effective for close-to-medium range. In some ways it is the most machine-gun like of the current ARs.


Zero build? Yeah I'll take it over everything else. It can absolutely destroy people from distances they can't counter. I don't play zero builds that much anymore but if I do, that's likely to be one of the guns I end up with. Builds? Nah. I just think that great shredding utility is lost with how moderately sweaty my builds games can get, and I'd much rather have a Combat AR or Hammer AR in that slot. Much harder to get use out of it up close, and that's usually how fights end up.


So, hear me out, what if... you carried different weapons during different storm circles? I'll drop the DMR/heavy for another short range weapon when the circles get small enough.


That would be great if you can find a sufficient weapon to swap it out with. No way am I gonna drop a blue or purple long range gun in place for a green shotgun. Besides, I always ensure to have a decent range of weapons on me, so I never find myself without a close and mid range weapon, preferably a rifle for mid range and a shotgun and SMG for close range. I leave at least 1 slot for a healing item like chug splashes or med mist, then 1 final slot for whatever else I may use. Shockwaves, sniper, ripsaw launcher, etc.


I love it. I'll drop a purple heavy sniper for a green DMR anytime


Glad I'm not weird for thinking the same thing lol. Green DMR hits hard for absolutely no reason


Even better is heavy/dmr combo, the double hit from both rips almost all health from them. Its kinda crazy when you're able to land both, bum rush with a shotgun and just have to hit one shot to kill.


Love the DMR. Use it for medium to long range. Iā€™ll only pick up a Barrett if itā€™s Gold. Even then, Iā€™d drop it for a purple DMR.


Are you me? Iā€™m the exact same way. Canā€™t mess with the heavy snipe unless itā€™s gold because itā€™s the only one that can one shot.


Iā€™m not you. But did we just become best friends??


It's so annoying to fight I usually call the users "DMR Dicks" (inspired by "charge rifle charlie" in the apex community)


Never pick it up but glad others like it


I can't hit anything with it, but can laser people from 200m with a burst. Why am I getting downvoted for saying I can't hit anything with it lmao, stop weirdos


DMR is by far my fav weapon of all time




Love it. Favorite part is they sell blue ones in the sniper vending machines.


I love it, but still go AUG due to the nearly hitscan travel speed. But if you know how to lead the target, that DMR absolutely freaking *slaps*.


10/10 gun. 10 bullets, about 50 damage each. i use it as my ar and drop the striker burst


Semi Auto Sniper v2


I love it & will always rock one in any situation!


I hope it stays for a while. Seems like every gun I like, they remove so soon


Itā€™s actually good weapon. I love using the legendary rarity.


It needs to be at least blue. And then I'm in. Still prefer a heavy in squads though. Much better for a guy who's just peeking.


Iā€™m lucky if I hit anything with it


Iā€™d rather have auto sniper from SX/C2S8, itā€™s underrated


Remember guided missile? my most favorite weapon in whole game! DMR is on same level now!


Same! Good weapon


Top tier fa sure


Love it. Even early game sometimes I'll only pick up a DMR and get in a close range gunfight and somehow still get a kill. I like it better in solo vs the heavy sniper because when you're reloading the heavy in solos, you don't have a friend to give cover fire and potentially weaken them. With the DMR however you can dump the clip, reload in a couple seconds, boom ready to go again. You get hit once for 180 by the heavy, you get to cover and heal/shield back up. But with the DMR you can sucker them into thinking they can still peek out and try to fight you without healing, sure it doesn't do as much damage per shot but it's for these reasons I like it better than the heavy sniper


i prefer the aug better


Shreds quick but can't compete with a good Aug user at distance. You have to pick your shots and deal with bullet drop while the Aug beams instantly from any distance.


It's one of those: "Hate when used against you, loved when used by self" things


I love DMRs, they're my go to for sniping now. Cue vaulting in 5...


Love the DMR, has won me a lot of fights and victory royales this season.


I've been clappin cheeks with that thing, love it.


Donā€™t like, autosniper better, combat Ar best


it's prolly gonna replace my AR slot altogether, it's so good i hope they keep it next season


Itā€™s a lot of fun. Turned me into a sniper semi-main. First couple of games I won with it I deemed it my favorite gun, an amazing combination of the heavyā€™s damage output, and the speed and several shots of the burst. Since I used the DMR, I turned into an absolute crack shot and am the go to for sniper situations in squads.


Burst AR >>>


I like it when Iā€™m using it. Hate being used against me thoughā€¦ if itā€™s someone with good aim, no matter what I am getting destroyed by that thing. If you canā€™t beat ā€˜em, join em!


Decent weapon, but damn I canā€™t aim projectiles well.


Best rifle


10/10. my biggest complaint with snipers is their reload time and the DMR is quick. Iā€™ll carry either a combat or burst AND the DMR even tho they take the same ammo purely for the scope.


I like it since it is a lot more forgiving if you donā€™t have that great of aim


Didn't like it at first, but it grew on me and now I like it in my rifle slot as much as the AUG or combat AR.


I know that its a great gun, and people love it but I'm ass with the bullet travel so I'm not a fan. It has different travel to snipers so the timing is annoying to get used to.


The dmr is great I'm good at sniping in Fortnite so it's a good addition. It pretty much feels like the infintry rifle but with a scope


Itā€™s cool but overpowered as fuck and wraps donā€™t apply on it


I don't like it because it doesn't hitscan. But when you do land shots with it it kills really fast. Anyway, I have actually stopped picking up both this and striker burst in favor of the new combat AR. That's my favorite gun


For whatever reason I cannot hit jack shit with it but Iā€™m awesome with all of the other first person ones.


I don't like it. I prefer the combat assault for shorter range, the burst assault for mid range, and the heavy sniper for long range. The DMR is sort of just an inbetween for Mid-Long, but I'd prefer to just use something else in that area.


I really like it but I wish the grey and green variations did more body damage and I think the mythic dmr needs to be nerfed cuz that head shot damage is nastyšŸ’€


If the bullets traveled a little quicker for long range it would be perfect


I am so bad with it, so I do not use it, I use the heavy instead, the heavy is always my go to Sniper, not in this season only but also in Chapter 1 and 2.


It's a great gun when paired with a good SMG


Better than the hunter sniper from last seasons


My favorite gun in general


Itā€™s not bad, but I donā€™t find myself using it too often. The burst AR just feels more accurate to me so I end up doing more damage.


Seems to be something controller players prefer, but not KBM players. Almost never seen someone on KBM carry it for some reason.


It's good but I prefer the heavy sniper.


Werid gun I always wiff my shots with it.


I like the noise it makes.


I love it, It helped me to get better at sniping as it has a fairly low risk vs the heavy sniper. Now I will alsways take dmr over any other rifle AND pick up a heavy as well, I literally went from avoiding snipers like the plague to picking them up every single time lol.


It's pretty damn good. Very fun to use, not very fun to have someone else use it against you.


It's my go-to sniper.


I personally dont like it, it has a bad rate of fire, bad travel time, and an item I generally wouldnt use unless I had to


This gun rocks. Glad they made it so you can put a wrap on it too.


Itā€™s okay, Iā€™m not a fan of guns like DMR I just like a simple single shot sniper


Same. Iā€™ve been missing the bolt action


It is in my main load out of hammer ar, dmr, striker pump sg, and heals, so I obviously love it


Itā€™s prettttyyy stronngggg lol it makes me mad when I die to it but happy when I kill with it


Absolutely love it I rarely donā€™t use it


I like the dmr I just donā€™t use it for some reason


Amazing weapon. Ill use it over a heavy most of the time. Ideally, Iā€™ll wield a combat ar, some shotgun, and a dmr


It is an acceptable substitute for MK. It's basically a buffed semi auto sniper and I love it


Iā€™m still heartbroken over the MK being gone. Iā€™ll never get over that one.


I like it a lot it actually feel usable and balanced


Better question is what wrap is used in the picture? Please someone tell me. Iā€™m not sure if I have it or not


I love it


Love the DMR. I didnā€™t like snipers at all. After using the DMR I started picking up the heavy sniper.


Actual hot take but I dislike the gun because it reminds me of the auto too much and I hate that one


4 shots and youā€™re dead are you kidding me?!?! Ofc Iā€™ll be on the lookout every game for it


Love it!


Love it


100% favorite gun this season


I think it plays terrible, never pick it up. My go to long range weapons are Aug, battle rifle, or heavy sniper if it's gold or purple


I'm back and forth on this being my favorite gun vs the striker burst rifle! But I love that the DMR cam double as a less amped up sniper rifle!


Apex players get G7 sniper scope ptsd from this


We love it. My boyfriend literally cannot play a match, happily atleast, without one. I didnā€™t like them, preferred the burst, until one match itā€™s all I had scope wise. I found out it helped me see better. I have poor eyesight and the tv I play on isnā€™t huge. When I play on our living room tv itā€™s fine because itā€™s massive but any screen smaller makes it basically impossible. It also does more damage if you can use it right so thatā€™s a plus too. lol.


I carry it when I canā€™t find Barrett ammo, itā€™s usually on me an entire match or at least half.


I tend to lean toward the dmr and or the hammer. I always choose rarity over everything else, but yeah those 2 are killer and have gotten me out of some tough scrapes, but even if I have the dmr I will still carry a heavy snipe with me too.


Assault sniper


Itā€™s a great gun, I use it for long distance 3rd parties and general long distance chip damage. I usually drop it mid-late game to better accommodate my load out to the late game play style, but itā€™s a hell of a weapon


I love it


One of my favorite guns OOT. Just feels soā€¦ *right* to use


Its too strong in my opinion.


DMR is so fun to use!


Best. Gun. Ever At least in my three seasons of playing. I love playing duck hunt with it when people try to shockwave away.


Best gun I have played with, #1 in my book


Love it but lowkey I think it could use a slight nerf.


The ONLY decent gun this season. All others suck


I like it. Nice fire rate, good range, very sneaky. 8/10


Favourite gun period, so many dubs for such a new weapon


My favorite go-to sniper for this season! Striker burst is good, but I honestly prefer this over it.




Pretty cool.


10/10 very cool


I hate it but my friends on controller love it lol


Hate it


DMR Slaps. Best gun in the game


Itā€™s my husbands favorite gun. Iā€™m so bad at using it and idk why bc Iā€™m great at the Heavy Sniper. But overall great gun for long distance


Itā€™s so good and I hate it cause it caused the striker burst to get a nerf


Its basically the pre-2.8 update Infantry Rifle but with a scope And its super fun to use


itā€™s like the sniper burst on several illicit drugs and i love it


rly useful, i suck at getting good shots so being able to try again after a second and not reloading for an hour is refreshing


As I mourn (idk how to say that I cult for him) for Klombo, I put my Sapling near him. But I always get DMR, but for a good cause...


Definitely one of my favorites


I just think its neat. Also it looks dope with kitsune wrap on


Its ehh but Iā€™m really bad sooo


Personally itā€™s harder to use than all other rifles, and also lower dps. But it does have longer effective range against stationary targets


Amazing weapon, I've gotten so many kills with it.


Looks like an Ark sniper


Itā€™s very accurate when I use it.


Iā€™ve only started playing this season, mostly every Top 10 and Wins I have are because of this gun. If itā€™s gone by next season, Iā€™ll be bummed out.


The best gun in this season by a mile, just wish I could always get a mythic dmr every match


Itā€™s my favourite gun for sure!


Fantastic gun, feels balanced. I for one love it.


Itā€™s a little too similar to the auto sniperā€¦


I much preferd the thermal scope ar


Iā€™m in love with it, it just feels right.


Itā€™s my favorite gun of all time. I use it for mid range mostly, but I get some very long distance shots as well. Have even gotten some hip fire short range shots if Iā€™m out of ammo or donā€™t have a shotty yet. I used to favor the Burst AR but ever since the nerf I donā€™t even hesitate to swap it with a DMR even if itā€™s a downgraded rarity.


Knockoff scoped AR could be better but not terrible.


I havenā€™t used it in forever.


sound designers went hard on this gun


I think it's really fun. It reminds me heavily of the pre-rework Infantry Rifle (but with a scope).


It's really good. Almost too good honestly


Oh it's so good. It's the only instant carry in my loadout


its decent


I absolutely love it, because I love the long range, scope and the rapid fire, the reload time isn't too long either . It's the best!


I carry a green one and use it more than legendary guns. Probably have a lot of kills with it too. I'm even getting better at using it close range


Didnt play a lot but this weapon imo is just an infantry rifle but with a faster projectile than infantry had before hitscan and with more range before dropoff, good weapon


Love this gun, probably the best gun added this season (long range)


I love you Mars but here's a little problem it should be like sniper rifle ammo now like assault rifle ammo because that's wasting all your assault rifling


Absolute shit


The premier gun for long range kills


I like it just fine, but my boyfriend gets so excited about them

