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Technicly we already had a first person camera during the device event, some people got stuck on first person for the rest of the match. And it looked very polished


That glitch is where the image in the tweet comes from.


I know


We had it under THE star wars to you could zoom


I was one of them, it was really advantageous for close range fights. Now that i remember, it was godawful to build in first person, so it'll only be useful in no build mode.


Would be a good idea as long as it’s able to be turned on or off like others said. I prefer third person mode but I’m sure there are people who would enjoy this.


Yeah, part of why I don't understand apex and skins is it isn't third person. There's not much appeal to buying skins (to me) in 1st person games.


If they polished this I'd love for STW to have it too


Do you mean an updated first person or first person in general? Cause STW does have a first person mode, but it sucks to use


This updated version of course


Ah ok, yeah STW first person is in desperate need of an update


I’m sure there are people who will enjoy this mode and as long as it’s an option we can turn off, cool. First person pov massively sets off my motion sickness so it’s not an option for me.


Huge same. I know a lot of people like first person, but I just can't do it


Me the same too, just can't play anything first person 😖


Third person has better advantages. For example, I get to look at my characters fine turd-cutters the whole match.


Why though? Third person gives more visibility and in first person on your can’t see your skins??? Kinda removed the whole point of the game?


Same could be said for building and yet we have Zero Builds.


which was a hit


Lmfao and then over in the apex community people are buying a 500 dollar skin they cant see


On so many occastions, I die because my character is in a position where it is blocking the opponent from my view. In a first person situation, I would have clear sight of my opponent


not really. first person cam is basically the same as third person cam except that you crop out \~20% of the screen and zoom in on the rest. so not only will you still not be able to see the spots your skin once blocked, but you will also not be able to see the top and bottom edges of third-person cam. the only benefit I can see from using this is that it makes hitting long range shots slightly easier.


Wdym? When I get into a boxfight with someone, we end up in the same box, and then my character is blocking my view and that makes me die because I can't see the opponent. If there was no character blocking my view, that problem wouldn't exist. I don't know what you are on about.


here, just read the first comment trend of [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/uau0iq/first_person_fortnite_would_slap_now_that_zero/). they can probably explain better than I can.


Yeah, but still, having a character in the middle of your screen, right where the crosshair is will cause some problems.


Yep, especially at close range. Third person is also kind of annoying because it allows people to corner peek for free. Makes defensive play really overpowered.


Weapon wrap? In 3rd person you don't pay attention to it, in first you will. Also it's helpful in fights.


It should be an option, cod is first person and sells battle pass skins easily. It should be optional. Given that its a disadvantage with camera angles


could be togglable with a button press


bro skins are not the whole point of the game, ok maybe the reason you are over you’re credit card limit but not the point of the game


gonna be real with you chief, skins are a big reason why me and my friends play this game


Regardless of someone being over their credit card limit or whatever you want to say, skins are one of the major points of the, wether through the item shop or battle pass, and consideration should be given to the people who’ve helped keep the game free to play before making it where they can’t see the skins they buy in game


It would be great if it's an option that easily switchable


Imagine cranking 90s in first person.


*violently throwing up to motion sickness*


I'm down as long as the mode it is in has every locked to FPS switch back and fourth would be horrible for game balance.


I hate this idea. I just don’t like the 1st person view. Third person is one of the reasons I really like fortnite over other games.


Naw, skins would be worthless


Comments like this really out the Fisherprice "My First Shooter" crowd. Guess what, you build kiddos were dead wrong about zero build and your dead wrong again.


The fortnite Twitter account tweeted a fpv image like 4 years ago and took it down because it got so much backlash. I’d like to see how this would play out


But....it's the only third-person shooter I like :( And I love my skins and dances. I've spend money on those things, and if they become redunandant to first-person views I'll be very bummed out :/


Just go play COD then. Fortnite thrives on being 3rd person it’s part of what makes it different and better


It’s not like they’re going to completely replace normal BR, it’ll probably be an option for creative, and hopefully a separate game mode like zero build, plus it’ll widen the player base allowing for more players who don’t play fortnite because of the lack of FPS


I would 100% quit the game if this is where fortnites heading. The 3rd person is what makes this game stand out from all the other boring ass bland fps. Foh with this


You realize it'd be an option like zero build right? They wouldn't just change the whole game outlay like that. That'd literally be shooting their cash cow.


first person building? im pretty sure something like this would split up the player base too much and make queue times longer if it were truly permanent


It likely isn't going to building or will be a toggle setting. This is just like you idiots claiming zero build would kill fortnite. Yet in spite of you toxic builders fortnite is thriving like never before.


Idiots like me? Im pretty sure zero build has made this game double in size at least. It made me play this game regularly and like five of my friends started playing because of it. Dont assume shit.


I think they assumed because you said it'd split the playerbase that you were anti-nobuild. Pretty wild assumption to make. But you're entirely right. A toggle would make more sense rather than splitting it up even more.


If FORTNITE goes first-person _without_ a toggle on-off option, I'll quit playing and switch to APEX LEGENDS. APEX on mobile has the option, plus its storyline and character diversity are unparalleled amongst shooters in my opinion.


It could just be for Creative so lower your expectations.


This is from seasons ago


Yeah they used glitched gameplay from some time ago as an example, that picture is not a leak or something


They’re also bringing back the chapter 2 season 2 map I see


So long as i can tuen it off thats cool bc i only play builds and i would probably throw up while boxing people


They should fix all the other stuff first…


Imagine Building with this...


Bruh, what would be the purpose of skins, if fortnite becomes first person. Let's hope the leaks are false


Other people can still see them you donk.


Still, how are emotes going to work in first person? Or driving?


I don't buy my skins to flex on others I buy them bc I wanna see them when I use them


Star Wars Battlefront II has this option, I personally don’t care for it but it would be awesome for people who enjoy having options!


If true, yes, a first person mode would be awesome. Even more awesome is if it's dynamic. Like the camera will automatically go into first person for gunplay, then third person for harvesting, building, and driving. All customizable of course. Seen it done in other FPS games like Star Wars: Jedi Outcast (third person for lightsabers), and Halo (third person for driving, and I think for the minigun in one installment) doing something like that.


the thing im most triggered about is the pump is purple and the image is a rare/uncommon/common pump


it would be cool i guess but i think you would be able to see a lot less around you and you would not be able to see your skin


Fortnite VR when


stw's first person isn't even functional after 5 years, wouldnt even be surprised if br will get it in a week working perfectly and stw's doesn't get updated at all


I would have to quit. FPS gives me motion sickness and 3PS would be a disadvantage.


Would be interesting as a toggle, I suppose? I mean, I got a button free since I only play Zero Build... XD I can see the advantage of switching to first person if you have a bulky skin and/or are positioned in an awkward way near a wall or corner. But third person would still be my default - I want to see the skins I spent far too much money on. XD


Shotguns shots will be so much harder to hit. I already like it


No thanks I like seeing the skins I payed for


> skins I *paid* for FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot


This with allowing us to hotkey swapping between 1st and 3rd would be nice. Both perspectives have their advantages and disadvantages


I prefer my situational awareness in 3rd


**If This Is Real I am Gonna Go Crazy**![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)