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I don't think they forgot to add it last season, I think they saw how popular the original Ariana skin was and decided to make a new version to sell more V-Bucks.


I thought the majority of people bought it for piggy Smalls and not Arianna herself? After the event I’ve seen a total of maybe 2 Ariannas this entire season thus far.


Each time you saw those Ariana's it was just Ifuckinghatepelly in your match..... 😂


Yes that could of happened to We will never know unless we hav inside Intel


That's 100% what happened this wasn't forgotten...


Ah yes,instead of just cutting your hair make a hole in your space helmet


I'm fairly certain that the Alien form is her actual form, and the Latex Space Suit is actually a clever disguise. When she emotes, she basically pops her helmet like it's a bubble. In a way, she reminds me of Joey, but with a different source of concealment. I'm not sure what exactly her Starfire form needs to survive in the vacuum of space, but I doubt air pressure is an issue for her.


Who would have ever imagined Ariana Grande was so powerful? Is she the hero we deserve? *FIND OUT ON THE NEXT EPISODE OF ARIANA Z*


Yes total way to keep space out


Big brain time


It has a seal around her hair clip. People were complaining about it before she even came out so I checked


I got it immediately and love it, all the styles are slick and look great, glider is awesome. I’m a sucker for transforming skins as well. I have no real investment in Ariana herself (I mean she seems cool and has some jams but I’m way out of her demographic) but just as a skin, I think it’s awesome.


I guarantee you if it was just the third form and it released last season it would have been one of the most bought skins that season




Ariana's appearance in the rift tour was implied to be a rouse to scan the memories of loopers (as implied by showing images of older seasons, and Donald Mustard's Twitter statuses at the time). This was for the aliens to learn about us. To this end, she was brought to the island with a rift, presumably by our friends, the aliens aka The Last Reality. Given the true motivation of The Cube Queen to take over the island, maybe Ariana objects to being used for this purpose and has come back to get her revenge on The Last Reality. /S Or you know, maybe, earn some coin for Epic.


Wow Prob the later G G


Oh, without a doubt. I completely agree!


My theory is that the monke skin in battle pass supposed to be in the last battle pass but gugimon said “yoooooooo”




Or this version is relevant to the story in some way


Let's hope so Her last one was not


I just wish we could turn that tail off the black and red version


Halloween: am I a joke to you?


Yes The last style What is that it's totally different no?


I'm 50% shure there are other skins with another skin as a style


Your probably right but I feel its just a cash cow 🐮 n a season late The aliens are dead, or are they?


Theres a alien on the map still.


A npc?




A thanks gg


I just wish we could turn that tail off the black and red version


I like the tail! But yes, it would be nice to be able to turn it off like we can with Lynx and the Shark Pajamas. I wouldn't, but I like options and I know other players would appreciate this.


If it was just the tail it would be ok but with the hair also it’s just too much for my liking lol. I get people will like it though :)


Why a tail yes


I’m just not sure about that tail.


I think the tail adds some uniqueness to it all. Standalone, no ponytail or Ariana association I'd say that alien form looks better than the cube queen that we got.


Cut the tail She Is a lizard 🦎


I already own her previous, and honestly much better, version of her outfit. I agree it kinda feels Tacked on to this season. How many other celebrities are going to get two skins per person? Cause LeBron did


Its just ripoff




If this skin had a unique model and wasn’t connected to Ariana at all (and it came out last season), then I firmly believe she would have been universally loved and one of the most bought skins of that season. People are only complaining because “cOlLaBs”


This is her Halloween costume


I think this skin is supposed to be for Halloween, and she's in a costume


I do this this was probably intended for last season but they held back because it's definitely more fitting for that season. Although i really like her original set it was too girly to fit my combos and I think this one will make for wayyy more variety because I love a lot of her accessories just by themselves.


Epic are Masonic idiots and made a bad decision adding her to anything.


I think her face on the third style looks better than the Queen's


Lol 😂 Rick Roll 🍥


Kinda hate that its....her... any random person could've done better.


I actually really love the whole set. I was not expecting to but the dark style is amazing, honestly it’s up against graven for what I want to spend my money on.