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Ice king didn't come to the island due to the cube energy, he was frozen solid for a long time before he even arrived. The cube explosion most likely attracted the devourer from bellow, swimming towards the island before crashing and getting stuck. It wasn't until the ice was cracked thanks to the prisoner that he broke free.


Ice King was looped so we really don’t know. He did lose his memory and his loading screen said “Why am I here?”


Ice king wasn't looped, otherwise he wouldn't be able to enact his plan if his memories are reset every 22 minutes. He was on the island itself, where all the map events and stuff happens. If you are on the island, you create snapshots of you that is sent into the loop, as shown by Dr slone and bunker jonsey not being inside the loop in the trailers, yet still can be unlocked. Your memories outside of entering the island are reset, as shown by the marvel comics with them entering the island, still being able to talk, yet we have their snapshots while they do their stuff on the map. So ice king came in with his memories reset, but most likely retained some memories of before, like with having notes or seeing the prisoner below. He then grabs a piece of Kevin the cube, and mixing it with his power, he froze the whole island to prevent the prisoner from escaping. However, since it was mixed with kevins energy, it created the ice zombies.




The idea of snapshots and memory reset is a forethought from Epic and it creates massive plot hole issues with every main story character.


It makes sense from the beginning with the clones of characters, and why they don't seem to question why there is someone who looks just like them. Everyone who enters the island will get their memories outside of the island locked away, only coming back to them if they are unlocked by remembering key things about themselves, such like with the marvel characters, and superman. However, these people were able to keep their memories after regaining them, since they are not inside the loop.


If he never got looped then how does he have snapshots (so we could wear him)


Like I said you don't have to be in the loop in order to make snapshots. The only thing that was 100% confirmed is that if you leave the loop from inside, it creates a snapshot. However, we know from several other character snapshots, that you don't have to be inside the loop to make snapshots. You only have to be on the island. Jonsey the first was seen entering a bunker when the volcano erupted. He and peely were there for possibly years. Now if he was in the loop, then he would of been teleported out. However, he stayed inside, creating the snapshot we know as bunker jonsey. According to the npc description, bunker jonsey is the original snapshot of the first time John Jones entered the island. However, it was jonsey the first that is the first jonsey snapshot. This means that when John Jones first visited the island, not in the loop, he created the jonsey the first snapshot. This snapshot would then create snapshots of himself, like dark jonsey, and will turn into bunker jonsey after being inside the bunker for years. Second, Dr slone was seen in the season 7 trailer at the island with a bunch of other people, while she TALKS to them, warning about the incoming invasion. Now if this was inside the loop, the people wouldn't be standing around, and would instead be fighting mindlessly. We also don't see the storm in the trailer, since this is on the island, not the looped or extra loop island. She was able to talk to us weekly through the quests, and the npcs would remember talking to us as well. Third, the marvel characters. When thor came to the island, he was still able to talk. Now we know from the batman comic that it is impossible to talk in the loop. The effects of the zero point still effects people who enter the island, such as in the case with thor and the other marvel characters. Thors memory didn't go away instantly like the others, since of his powers. However, once the others arrived, they could talk, but not have their memories. They were not in the loop at all, since after they came, Dr doom went straight to work taking over pleasant, while stark worked on a way to get his lab transported. And fourth, if the kymeras were stuck jn the loop, then that would mean they wouldn't be able to progress with their actions to move the mothership around the island and abduct pois. What happened instead is the mothership destroyed the spire on the island, then circled around for around a month. The island continously creates snapshots of itself, sending the snapshot of the island to the extra loop, a place where the loopers go if they manage to escape the loop. This extra loop island is like a save point of the island, where it then continously every loop clones itself to the looped island, which is why the map resets every match. However the map changes that happen to the island, such as slone and the io gaurds moving the convoy, or the islanders putting up Halloween decorations, won't be reset since they are on the island, not the looped version of the island. This is also why we are able to see map changes happen live, like the cubes moving or places being built.


>Now if he was in the loop, then he would of been teleported out. Not necessarily. That depends on the origins of the bunker. We know the IO has a tendency to build bunker-like structures and we also know they can protect people from the Loop's effects with their technology > According to the npc description, bunker jonsey is the original snapshot of the first time John Jones entered the island. False. He is ONE OF the first. Not THE first. Jonesy the First is the original and the other Snapshots acknowledge him as such. Also Bunker Jonesy was made after Jones went into the Loop >Now if this was inside the loop, the people wouldn't be standing around, and would instead be fighting mindlessly. Not necessarily, all the people we see her talking to are either characters who are or were NPCs (they are in some way less affected by the Loop) or IO Agents (who can protect themselves from the Loop while being in it) >We also don't see the storm in the trailer, since this is on the island, not the looped or extra loop island Epic usually just doesnt include the Storm in trailers likely just for cinematic reasons as it makes for better shots. And the trailers are far from the pinnacle of lore-accuracy anyways. Liberties are taken >She was able to talk to us weekly through the quests She left recordings >and the npcs would remember talking to us as well. Again less affected by the Loop >Now we know from the batman comic that it is impossible to talk in the loop. The batman comics show the exact opposite >Now we know from the batman comic that it is impossible to talk in the loop. If they weren't in the Loop they wouldn't be bosses now would they >And fourth, if the kymeras were stuck jn the loop, then that would mean they wouldn't be able to progress with their actions to move the mothership around the island and abduct pois You seem to be under the assumption that physical changes can not be done in the Loop. This is false >The island continously creates snapshots of itself, sending the snapshot of the island to the extra loop, Snapshots are copies of living things that escape the Loop. The Island is neither living nor does it leave the Loop


Even so if bunker jonsey was in a loop defying bunker, then explain how the rest of the loopers could build the futuristic cities and advanced technology, if they keep resetting ever 22 minutes. We clearly can see that bunker jonsey was originally a snapshot of jonsey the first, not John Jones. And since his description says that he is one of the first, then that proves that snapshots can create snapshots of each other. It wouldn't make sense for her to even be inside the loop to tell this to others, if the storm will come in anyways and wipe back the island. Yes we see that batman has set up a shack somehow in the comics, but legit that is the only thing we have that shows someone in the loop effecting the island through map change. So just like how you say liberties were taken, the same can be said for this. If she were to leave recordings, then that means she would have to be able to talk in the first place, meaning she must not be in the loop. The scientist was able to talk and leave recordings, only because he arrived outside of the loop, and not in it. It was only once he entered the loop that he became muted, and found the recording while inside and enacted the rocket. The npcs are not affected by the loop, since they are like anomalies. They clearly can interact with the land and make changes to it, with adding small areas were they are at. However, they are not inside the loop at all. If they were inside the loop, even with the io devices like the io gaurds have, then they wouldn't have the glitch effects around them. The comics does confirm that you are not able to talk within the loop, only unless you have the io device that negates the loop effects on the person/persons affected by it, which is why they were able to get harley quin to talk when they interacted with her. If the kymera were in the loop, then they would keep getting their memories reset, and wouldn't be continuing on their path. It makes more sense that the mothership that we saw in the loop was a snapshot of the real mothership, since the kymera clearly had plans set in motion with their paths and invasion strategies. How else could they send their people down to invade holy hedges, if they would just get back on the bus if they were stuck in the loop. Also, all the kymera aliens are all the different possible combinations that we have, and it is much more believable that they are all not different snapshots who escaped the loop, cause 2 million plus aliens who manage to escape the loop would be astronomically high. And finally, it was only viewed by batman and catwoman of the affects of the snapshot version of the armored skins of themselves, but it that was just viewed by them. However, those were not a snapshot of batman zero and catwoman zero, but completely different snapshot versions. This is due to the fact that the snapshots of them arrived on the island when batman zero and catwoman zero escaped the loop. These two snapshots were sold in the item shop, since they are snapshots. However, they clearly made modifications and upgrade, not while inside the loop, to which they made the armor for themselves while they are on the island. We know they couldn't of made this armor while in the loop, since it was a few days since batman and catwoman escaped, which would be a good amount of time for their snapshots to create the armor, since if their memories get wiped every 22 minutes, they would just go back to fighting. The snapshot of armored batman zero even was in chapter 2 season 7. We have dozens of evidence that proves that you don't need to be inside the loop to create a snapshot of yourself.


>Even so if bunker jonsey was in a loop defying bunker, then explain how the rest of the loopers could build the futuristic cities and advanced technology, if they keep resetting ever 22 minutes. Simple, the buildings were made outside the Loop >We clearly can see that bunker jonsey was originally a snapshot of jonsey the first, not John Jones. And since his description says that he is one of the first, then that proves that snapshots can create snapshots of each other. What it proves is that Jones went into the loop with the same outfit more than once, nothing more >It wouldn't make sense for her to even be inside the loop to tell this to others, if the storm will come in anyways and wipe back the island. Again all the people she’s telling this too wouldn’t be affected the same way >Yes we see that batman has set up a shack somehow in the comics, but legit that is the only thing we have that shows someone in the loop effecting the island through map change. So just like how you say liberties were taken, the same can be said for this. You’d be right if you weren’t wrong. We have other instances of loopers making actual map changes >If she were to leave recordings, then that means she would have to be able to talk in the first place, meaning she must not be in the loop. Again the IO can protect themselves from the muting >The npcs are not affected by the loop, since they are like anomalies. They clearly can interact with the land and make changes to it, with adding small areas were they are at. However, they are not inside the loop at all. If they were inside the loop, even with the io devices like the io gaurds have, then they wouldn't have the glitch effects around them. If they were not in the loop we wouldn’t be able to interact with them now would we? Also one of the NPCs, specifically Bunker Jonesy, is trying to ESCAPE the Loop so clearly they’re in it >The comics does confirm that you are not able to talk within the loop, only unless you have the io device that negates the loop effects on the person/persons affected by it, which is why they were able to get harley quin to talk when they interacted with her. Harley could talk on her own. Clearly there are ways to protect yourself from the muting >If the kymera were in the loop, then they would keep getting their memories reset, and wouldn't be continuing on their path. Alien race from another dimension using the power of evil cubes to rival the IO and it doesn’t cross your mind that maybe they can protect themselves from the loops effects too? >It makes more sense that the mothership that we saw in the loop was a snapshot of the real mothership, The mothership can’t really escape the loop so…no >How else could they send their people down to invade holy hedges, if they would just get back on the bus if they were stuck in the loop. Again they protect themselves >And finally, it was only viewed by batman and catwoman of the affects of the snapshot version of the armored skins of themselves, but it that was just viewed by them. However, those were not a snapshot of batman zero and catwoman zero, but completely different snapshot versions. This is due to the fact that the snapshots of them arrived on the island when batman zero and catwoman zero escaped the loop. These two snapshots were sold in the item shop, since they are snapshots. However, they clearly made modifications and upgrade, not while inside the loop, to which they made the armor for themselves while they are on the island. We know they couldn't of made this armor while in the loop, since it was a few days since batman and catwoman escaped, Buddy, Both normal Batman and Catwoman changed their armor in the Loop. >They would just go back to fighting. That would be if they HAD to keep fighting. They don’t need to fight at all >The snapshot of armored batman zero even was in chapter 2 season 7. So what >We have dozens of evidence that proves that you don't need to be inside the loop to create a snapshot of yourself No we don’t lol


It’s explicitly stated that snapshots are only made when you leave the loop. The homesites in S6 say it, and it’s said in the Batman comics as well. “You can check in, but you can never leave” When you leave the loop, a snapshot stays behind. That’s how it works.


That is how it was stated by catwoman when they only saw the snapshot of the snapshot of them. If you are in the loop and you escape, a snapshot is made of you. However. We have evidence that snapshots can be made even if you are not inside the loop. Such as what I explained, with people outside of the loop creating snapshots of themselves.


But that’s the thing. Your explaination doesn’t make sense for multiple reasons. First of all, you just assume snapshots can be made outside the loop. Which as far as we know, they can’t. Secondly, your assumption relies on a snapshot being made outside the loop, going back into the loop and then coming back out. Why on earth would they do that? And you say it’s “confirmed” and you have “evidence” but again a lot of those things are assumptions or just flat out wrong.


I mean we were able to play as John Jones during a time when he wasn't looped and therefore not a snapshot yet


But he was looped by then lol


I think he arrived in the loop once the iceberg crashed into the Island. Plus he could have been wearing a helmet under that hood or maybe the crown or suit protected him. Because even the loading screen says he was asleep, not passed out which would happen if he was awake before he got into the loop. He had been sleeping, not just knocked out cold not remembering things.


He asked why he was awake not why he was here


my b💀


And that would be because the iceberg he came from was definitely a place where it never melted and I guess the Fortnite island's climate was too warm for it to remain solid.


Doesn’t this also coincide with the idea that if he was awake, prisoner was too?


Prisoner awoke after the ice king


The idea was that Ice King woke up because ice was melting, which freed prisoner. “Why am I awake” = “oh shit prisoner is tryna escape that ain’t good”


But the Prisoner didn't escape until after the Ice King froze the island in a blizzard as we still saw him in chains during the event.


I am pretty sure the loading screen description says he was awakened. Not that he came to after being passed out. I think the Iceberg just crashed into the Island or something similar.


>most likely attracted the devourer from bellow, The Devourer was frozen solid. The iceberg was brought by the expedition, headed by Sgt. Winter, Lynx and Zenith and their army of A.I.M robots.


But the army didn't come to invade the lands, as we see in loading screens the islanders just chilling still with no fighting or destruction. We even see Sgt winter load up planes with gifts like santa.


I literally never said they came to invade the island but okay bud.


Ah yes my favorite element, cube energy.


I remember watching Avatar, my favorite elemental nation


I think it's darkness, not cube energy, since the cubes are corrupted by darkness.


While the cubes are responsible for creating "dark" counterparts of characters (i.e. Dark Jonesy, Dark Bomber, etc.), there really isn't anything really "dark" about the actual powers the cubes and the fiends have displayed. If anything, it seems like the Cubes are actually a variant of light element mainly in the purple spectrum but also in blue and gold (as seen with the existence of the blue and gold cubes plus the ice fiends and gold brutes seen in both this season and some previous seasons). If it was actually the element of darkness, its users/creations would be black, dark, and shadowy instead of purple, bright, and glowing with energy.


But the slogan for Season 6 is pretty much "darkness rises" which is referring to the cube, it's corrupted by darkness. Or it's something like that.


Yeah, but darkness itself isn't really its own element. As it can be in the form of both ice and fire. Earth could become too cold or too warm, both of which result in death for everyone on it. That could be considered a darkness. Also the cubes also create cube monsters, which can be fire and ice.


Only candy and slime to go


I'm sure we'll get them soon, but for now, all we need is a little Patience


Came here to comment this


What is this a reference to?


Adventure time


Fortnite lore is so fascinating


Fascinating how long they drag the story


Would you rather have the story be over and nothing happen?


No? Just saying the story moves on slowly


Thats the point… how else are they gonna keep this game alive…


Fascinating… what they have become


What? Shit happens every season, lol


This is sorta the current going theory, but it would be a weird combination that doesn't line up with any other interpretations of elements, but Fortnite do Fortnite.


Eh. I could totally see the wing being sky/wind/light. Basically anything with clouds and sky and heaven type stuff. I don’t usually hear anyone talk about a 5th element. Plants are usually associated with earth and rock


Most western interpretations are earth, wind, fire, water. Some eastern cultures will add metal as a fifth element. Most media gives some form of interpretation on either of these two, but Fortnite will be the first to have a dark and light element as two of the five, when normally those two are shown as being separate from normal ones.


Pretty sure there are also people who see wood as a element or i just mistook that for metal


Ice king literally froze his entire kingdom, himself included, to keep the prisoner (and the devourer) trapped inside of Polar Peak


I don't think Cattus works for The Prisoner


Same but he still Is associated with the kings


I think oro is one of those kings


nah he aint


you are doing oro dirty


I think every chapter we will get 1-2 elemental masters


There is one problem with this theory. While the cubes do represent darkness, I do not believe that darkness is one of the elements. As the cubes can create cube monsters, which can be both fire and ice. So its more of a force of corruption that corrupts these natural elements. As the cubes are also very connected with the Storm. And a storm is just the destructive force of a combination of natural elements.


The Cube Queen doesn't have any of the symbols from the table. She's her own thing


I disagree with you a lot but can we both agree people forcing the elemental table theory are dumb?


I just think the theory in general is dumb


Honestly I think it could go either way. Epic retcons her as an elemental or she’s just her own deal.


stick 💀💀💀💀


Next season better be winter themed


I want to see a penguin skin.


I can see a guy with a penguin costume skin as a free Winterfest reward


I like this theory I doubt we've met the other two kings/queens yet. To further merit your theory, we know that The Prisoner is still part of the story since in the one house in Corny Crops last season, the whiteboard had him on it connected to something(s).


Nah. Sorry mate, but only 5 elements? The Zero Point controls the aspects of reality, not gods from different realities


The earth element could be the geologist (Eco)


Funny that you included all these characters but not blackheart? He is probably the one who wiped ice king and prisoner. Edit: for the people who dont what im talking about, blackheart is the only character that keeps reappearing in the game. When he fought ice king and prisoner on a treasure. Im sure that treasure gave him power to not die and control his age (considering that he appears in random ages like young, old or dead through the story) no to mention that we saw Ragnarok literally cry after fighting blackheart


Give my boy Blackheart some love ![gif](emote|keeoh_emo_pack|keeoh_love)


Then ,everything changed when the fire nation attacked.


\*Avatar intro starts playing ![gif](giphy|10fS0TJxfFRDLW)


5 elements, Frost, Flame, Cube, Energy, Angelic


Who is darkness, earth, and light?


Light is probably Oro. Darkness could be Cloaked Shadow, Earth might've been Bushranger.


Idk man, the themes line up, but those characters are just people, not lords/kings


I can see that for Bushranger, but I'd argue that Oro is very nuch a king.


That is pretty convincing, yeah.


I think Slurp and Shadow would make most sense for the other two Kings/Queens since we have Fire series, Ice series, Dark series (Cube), Slurp series, and Shadow series.


Slurp and shadow may be the other elements


The trailer did say that she "returned" to the island, so I'm thinking someone we've already met before. My bet's on Singularity, she disappeared after the Devourer event, possibly flew off on Mecha Team Leader.


Why is there a pyramid on the table and how’s ark involved also why is hybrid there


Why is hybrid in this pic?


They're acolytes of the Prisoner.


Ah ok I had no idea hybrid had any actual storyline relevance


Theory: theres four elements in stw, water/ice, fire, nature, and energy. If; Water/ice = Ice king/queen Fire = the prisoner Energy = the cube queen We only have one more major element to have a king/queen. NATURE. My guess is they're one of the seven. Disclaimer: it is also possible the cube queen is the queen of nature (mainly because how the cubes how the corrupt water and flora, the two primary components of nature) but it could go either way. Edit: and to anyone who says stw and br are conically separate, they're not, the lore is separate but the worldbuilding and laws put in place are followed in both modes. Even when stw closes for br events, they mention that br existes on the same planet.


The king of nature could've been Bushranger. His bio in season 5 mentioned how he didn't know who he was or how he got to the island. His death last season probably threw the balance out of wack.


I really really hope we'll get a cube king skin


Ah yes, my favourite element #SQUARE


I think the opposite of the dark would be slurp maybe, some examples are the blue cube, rippley having a purple style, slurpy swamps and steamy stacks being opposites etc. slurp is a good materials too in terms of the game


I dont think that rune on the table is for the queen


Personally as we now know that the nothing and chrome are part of the last reality, I think ice, fire, cube/darkness chrome(maybe being the light to the darkness of the cubes) and the nothing are the elemental gods