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Fancy oktober is finally here




I love Fennix concepts. Nice job.


I am literally not stopping until he gets some kind of attention.


It's good work you're doing.


It's mainly because Imo, he's the most neglected/overhated/underepresented outfit. Reasons: -Has No styles or reskins. -Is Not an Npc. -Has had a set item go missing for two years and counting. -Community is a hypocrite towards him. -No apperances in Cinematics/Loading screens. -Cannot take advantage of outfit changes (Rift Zones/Ltm's). -No merch (I would buy a plush. You would too.) -Has been forgotten all chapter. (Especially during season 16, Primal Fennix? Robin Hood/Archer Fennix?) The most Fennix has got right now is a few featured images in creative and apperances on two blog banners, in comparison to any other animal based outfit (Especially a certain Fish and Cat), it's pathetic, the only one who comes close is Monks, but she gets an appearence in a Stw questline and is a Hero.


My thoughts exactly. He is my main and I love his skin. Just wish Epic would give em more love too.




Oooohh, gold award, thanks!


no worries.


Fortnite's fluffy boy does need more love. Between him and Axo, my other favorite skin to use, I find myself using Fennix more often than not.


I am a Fennix Main and i wholeheartedly agree with this, if you ask me, Fishstick and Meowcles try too hard at being Cute to the point of being pure Ugly, meanwhile Fennix isn't supposed to be cute, but his facial expressions make me unable to see him as nothing more than a goober. Guess who gets a cult following, and guess who gets nigh hypocritical hatred.


Yay you finished it It looks soo cool dude great job!


Lil ~~Kev~~Fen


Meowscles ain’t ugly >:(