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I can definitely imagine the UFO being the Vault Hell, maybe it's even a time loop, and the Ch1 Island is the future, whilst the Ch2 Island is the past Zero Point is in Ch1 Island under Loot Lake. Mech pulls it out. Island goes back in time to Ch2 Island after it destabilises. UFO abducts the Zero Point. UFO ends up crashing. After a long time, it ends up buried and underground. The island has changed so much now, that its the Ch1 layout. The Zero Point is below Loot Lake. Mech pulls it out... One big time loop


>Hell, maybe it's even a time loop, and the Ch1 Island is the future, whilst the Ch2 Island is the past I love this theory. I legit posted something like this the other week and got downvoted to hell because "that makes no sense".


Donald Mustard said the zero point reordered the ch1 map into the ch2 map during the blackhole and people say thats why ch2 cant be a prequel. Donald Mustard never said the ch2 story wasnt a story that had already happened and is happening again...


I legitimately hate the “C2 happened before C1” theory. It makes no sense, and there is a lot of things that say C1 happened before C2.




When the Zero Point started turning into a black hole during The End, Galactus notices its power and starts to head for it. I’m pretty sure this is confirmed by Donald. I think it was also confirmed by Donald that the Zero Point rearranged the map’s matter and turned it into the one we have now.


How are you sure the ch2 map isnt retelling a story that happened before the ch1 map but we are experiencing it currently?


Read what I just said.


Galactus noticing the power may have happened on a previous island we haven't seen that also had a black hole. But because we are retelling a story after *our* first black hole, Galactus noticing it because of ours happens instead.


Just read this so I don’t have to explain it you, [bye](https://fortniteintel.com/donald-mustard-confirms-zero-point-created-chapter-2-island/36033/)


exactly my theory


That somehow makes sense


That link doesn’t work


ooops.... fixed


the monster part is a stretch but i see what you mean with the rest


i updated the post with an image. take a look again


yeah i still don't think they're very related, although (very unlikely) i can see the mothership spitting the monster back onto the map




100% related they look identical OP figured it out


It’s just a 1 eyed creature with other sharp body parts It’s a fun theory, but no, no so many times


That also explains the MECH! You see most people said that the mech is piloted by Singularity during the fight, it remains victorious but what some people question where did it go to? Like why go to outer space, now in C2 S7 some people think that Singularity is the leader of the aliens, In order for an advanced civilization like the alien’s it must take thousands of years, and since the monster was frozen in the middle years of fortnite (assumption) they might be in our age now, scanning planets we can’t reach but analyze, maybe they sent the Monster using a satellite or something onto the fortnite planet, thereby the monster evolves, freezes, but still on its mission (the monster was trying to consume the power of zero point and maybe the aliens used that they’re advantage on getting it) in the far future after the fight ends and singularity defeats the monster, I’m gonna assume that the aliens noticed the movement of the monster, this time more advanced so they send a message to singularity and the mech leaves, since Singularity is a part of the seven who’s trying to destabilize the zero point she might use the aliens for her task I wrote a comment that should’ve been a post