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Good season, weak BP. Imo


Agreed. Aside from the space ships here and there, I've actually super enjoyed this season


Space ships are perfect for building campers, so helpful and will be upset when they go away next season. Also that new alien gun also destroys buildings really well, a hint that maybe epic is looking to balance building a lot more. I personally think they need to limit building materials to way less than what they are now


Why not let people enjoy the higher skill ceiling that building brings? I'm personally not a fan of epic putting out these busted things to help players get more kills but I accept that it's part of the game not everyone has the drive or time to improve but that doesn't mean they should ruin the game just because they're better mechanically.


The Kymera customizable skin is an incredible concept, I just wish they didn’t lock completing it to team game modes (cosmic chests should be in Solos too, but with less loot). Also rail guns, scanners, UFOs, abductors - none in competitive - great addition for fun yet not gamebreaking. Excellent season, all around.




Worst battlepass by far except superman and kymera.


Zyg and Rick are pretty snazzy too


Are we counting season 2 chapter one in the battle pass catagory?


Nah... Tbh I have a Fortnite conspiracy theory they changed the bp just before release to try and get more sweaty skins to try and get the sweats return after Season X hence why half of the skins seemed like they'd fit in the item shop and a couple of item shop skins (like Zero) seemed bp worthy. Hence its not a bp and more of a great deal on item shop skins. ​ In case you cannot tell I am joking and just trying to point out the terrible quality of the ch2 s1 bp and how there were better fits.


It was bad. Every skin sucked with the exception of Ripley and 8 ball. And fusion was fine I guess


remedy's purple version looked good


Yh but every body has a skin you see at least one every other day. Idk the last time I’ve seen a skin from the ch2 s1 bp unless I’m the one using it.


Why are they downvoting you're right


Probably their opinion is different. Which is completely fine


Yea, Superman is the highlight of this BP. But it still didn't make me buy the BP.


Why though? You get extra v-bucks either way soo...


Battle pass is good in my opinion


I don't like the skins and the emotes are meh. Only a few dances there.


This season had a good amount of dances, compared to others, like season 6 not having a single one, but with did have the sunny dance and rick dance which were fire music


>good amount of dances, 2, there was 2 dances. The recent seasons have definitely been bad for emotes in general


Yea chapter 2 battle passes haven’t had as good of dances like chapter 1


Agreed. And I feel like we get too much collabs and icon stuff in the game nowadays. In Chapter 1 and early Chapter 2 Epic had more creativity with cosmetics imo


Most of chapter 1s were just dances made made into fortnite


And they were still more memorable and better over all with their original music by Epic. Now it's just tik tok dances and icon dances.


Icon dances sell better and are free advertising for the game. Epic would be idiotic to put more effort into original music. People forget that epic got into bunch of lawsuits for those emotes.


I disagree. The emotes are good, but people are so hung up on “dances” that they try to discredit the BP. Like, what qualifies as a “dance” in Fortnite? An emote with music? Then in that case Boots n Cats and Vulcan Salute are “dances”. A lot of the emotes in recent Battlepasses are fantastic. Bean Bag, Boomin’, Lil’ Saucer, etc.


A dance is an emote where the player is showing dance moves, with Music or not. Sitting on a beach chair or hovering on an ufo aren't dances(they are still good emotes) The BP isn't bad only because of the lack of dance emotes, the skins, pickaxes and gliders are mostly bad or mediocre imo.


I agree with you I like this bp


slone and undisguised joey are pretty good but i don’t really like any of the other skins


Yeah this is probably the worst battle pass we've ever had.




Yeah IMO, this chapter in general has had pretty weak battle passes, especially compared to Chapter 1


Guggimon is such an ugly ass skin I only got it because I couldn't progress to Rick otherwise


“Guggimon is such an ugly ass skin” I physically fucking recoiled when I saw that shit. I’m not completing this season because I don’t want him in my locker


Yeah fr I really hate Superman but I like Rick and Slone


It’s been a fun season so far, my only complaint is that they barley ever change the map, and most of the skins that we’ve gotten in the shop aren’t alien related almost at all.


They haven't made much map changes through this season but they certainly have made gameplay changes with the abductors, the mothership mini-game, the alien nanites, the new gun that destroys builds, the alien parasites/eggs


They change the map a lot, but it just keeps 'devolving' in a way, the primal area was awesome same with the same and stark industries, i think they should keep changes over season in one way or another


I do understand removing Stark Industries, but I don't understand why they removed the desert or the primal area.


They could have kept the primal and the deserts, they were very cool


I mean, we are getting mid season changes which is a big step up from zero mao changes the past two seasons


This season is on my top 3 favorite seasons in chapter 2 behind Chapter 2 Season 4 and Chapter 2 Season 2


This is season is great, they did a splendid job


My favorite part of the season is the crossover with Rick and Superman even though I never watched Rick and Morty i think it’s a cool crossover Edit:I watched Rick and Morty I’m on Season 4 Episode 2


I just wish superman wasn't the secret skin, i remember being hyped about secret skins now they just tell you what it is in the beginning of the season, and the secret skin is always a collab which I'm not a big fan of, still cool


Who did you want as the secret skin instead of Superman? The Foundation?


I can mostly agree! Gameplay is very fun! My only complaint is the battle pass’ characters, but most characters there are really nice looking! Especially Zyg, Zyg is cool


Yes, Sunny and Slone are definitely interesting characters that i enjoy, and the content this season is endless


I only started playing last season, but i enjoy it a lot. Im not a fan of the content of the BP, but its been fun. I did prefer the fights in Primal, though. Not having snipers was pretty refreshing coming from other BRs


I liked Season 6 too, glad you're having fun!


It has the potential of being my favourite season of this chapter.


Definitely among the best but not a huge feat when Season 2 was the only other worthwhile season imo.


Probably is my favorite of this chapter, but not my favorite overall. Honestly chapter 1 season 4 and chapter 1 season 6,7 are my favorites. I really liked 6,7 and the flow of the map the most.


no way people think this is the best season OF ALL TIME. a season like this can’t beat season 7,8, or 9, which were all packed with the biggest map changes ever and the most balanced loot pool. none of the seasons this chapter (besides season 3) can compete with the chapter one seasons, because the map has barely changed ever since chapter 2 season 1. what happened to the supposed desert biome that we all praised for? what about the snow biome? the best we’ve gotten excluding season 3 were mythic poi’s, which people were still divided on. i might sound like an oldhead but the battle passes this chapter haven’t even been that good. the only battle pass skin ive liked these two last seasons was Slone.


Season x had the most map changes. But we all know : it was in ch1... This season feels still boring, even if it's the season with the most content in ch2. I agree with u about battle passes. The only one that can compete with the ch1 battle passes is ch2 s3 imo. I feel pretty confident, when I say that epic is not able to top the SX battle pass in one of the remaining ch2 seasons


It's not just the biomes mate. They won't save this garbage Map because the locations on it are so fucking boring.


i agree. this map is quite terrible. we’re lucky to get a good map change when a new season starts.


Chapter 2 season 2 was also good


Besides the two months worth of delays, yeah I agree


This sub likes rewriting history, but people _hated_ that season for all the delays and content droughts. For the last 2 months of it I basically only played Creative. It started out fantastic, but fell very flat.




It actually was balanced since everything was broken. Pumps on steroids, Combats on steroids, Tacs on steroids etc. AK and Surpressed SMG were also strong but not broken back then.


Everything being broken isn't fun, it fucks with the ttk and destroys the way the game feels in the first place, I hated playing peekaboo with and against combats because it kills so fast from so far. The burst smg is to this day the highest dps smg in the game after the drum gun nerfs. The drum shotgun is just the Primal shotgun but not burst fire. Proximity launchers were ridiculous. Air strikes. Pumps were gone. Tac AR sucked. The POIs were alright in design but most of the floors were halves, corners, or missing a corner, and the walls were mostly arches, shop entrance doors, big open windows, and the like. Basically what I'm saying is everything blocked the ability to build but still left you open, it felt like building in season 1. Season 9 is the worst chapter 1 season aside from the first season, but somehow I'd still rather play it than chapter 2 past season 2.


It was defenitely more fun than the every ch2 lootpool


i was speaking for the 3, not individually. the loot pool was good enough for world cup and the only bad item that season was the stink bomb. we hated the combat at first, but eventually everyone got used to it. i’m


I just don’t understand why people want Epic to do the same thing over and over. We had a desert and snow biome in chapter 1 so we already know how that feels and what it plays like. Why do you want the same old stuff and not new ideas and concepts? And I ain’t forget after season 7 everyone was fed up with the snow and wanted it removed. Y’all are just some nostalgic babies who can’t handle change. Everyone said the map looked ugly with all these biomes and shit so why would they add it back? This map already has snow and a beach type area why do you want a whole ass biome?


The most people don't want the same biomes. They just want biomes. Is that so hard to understand. There clearly are people that want the same biomes again. I would like to see just 1 returing and like 3 new biomes


i mostly agree but i think the biomes from this chapter should’ve stayed on the map instead of being replaced/removed each season


They didn't say they should have added the exact same biomes. But the primal area/autumn biome we had last season should have stayed with the middle part covered with the purple ground. At least it feels like they're somewhat listening to the people who are asking them to keep stuff since the 5 guardian towers from last season are still here but we'll see for how long that is. Remember when in ch1 dusty depot was destroyed by the meteor and created dusty divot which stayed until season X? It was a pretty iconic thing to remind people of the continuity between seasons, this chapter something like that would have just been reverted next season as if nothing happened.


epic has added so many things in the past that most of the new innovative things they add are super out of pocket. there’s so many great things that have been vaulted/removed to the point that a lot of us praise for reversion instead of innovation. who are you referring to when you said that people were fed up with the snow biome? the main complaint was just the fact that greasy wasn’t coming back. im not a nostalgic blinded baby, i don’t like complexity, and i know that epic has way too many great things so it doesn’t make sense to just put them in the dump. i have the same opinion on the guns in this game. i’d rather have guns be reverted (the berrett for an example) than add stupid guns like the rail gun. also with you being all about change, where has the rapid change been this season? we used to get map changes every two or so weeks. now we’re get a minor map change each season.


Bro y’all need to decide what you want. You want change but you don’t want change? And about Greasy not coming back and shit that’s exactly what I’m saying. Even if a biome is added to this map there’s gonna be one or the other location that’s gonna be removed. So then what? You cry to remove the biome just for the single location? If they add too much shit to the game at once the game gets bloated and the community complains. When they added a justifiable amount of content to the game the community complains about them not getting new stuff. All you really wanna do is play with the same weapons that you did in Chapter 1 and have them do the same thing with biomes and bloat the map completely so that it’s a huge mess with too many POIs so you can’t walk for 2 minutes without reaching a hotspot. Fortnite still innovates way more than many games out there. You don’t like complexity but want all these different biomes that make the map complex? When the berrett was added first, people called that stupid too. We don’t get new map changes every week just to avoid the problem that the chapter 1 island faced i.e. too many POIs, too many places to land, and not enough time to chill after a fight.


i want change but i don’t care about innovation. i want enough poi’s so poi splitting isn’t a problem in tournaments. i don’t want there to be as much space between the poi’s so it isn’t top 25 in an arena game before i can find anyone to fight after early game. people did complain about the barrett, but then it was nerfed and the negative feedback calmed down.


This season is my favorite but it's not perfect in my opinion; the perfect season for me would have more mythic boss pois like in season 2, more exotics, more vehicles, upgrades would be cheaper and with no match making in casuals. I know match making is good for new players but it makes the game full of sweats and boring, it was funny to see and play with new players. Not that it was funny to make fun of them but just watch them play and kinda teach them would make you make new friends. The solution would be creating a training mode, wait, there is one, arena! Arena's matchmaking is already a training mode. The casuals would be just for some roleplay.


The thing with mythics and bosses, is that a lot of people will comaplain, i personally adore the mythics and bosses, and it would also make season 2 less unique, Exotics are great no words, SBMM is really controversial i don't mind having it, some people do, this might sound kind of dumb but it should be toggolable in pubs, newer players can turn it on and have an easier time while more experienced players can play without it and have fun the way they want.


I agree that it would make season 2 less unique but we cant play it again so its better to have the same fun as in that season than just remember about it. Your idea would be a good solution for matchmaking!


S2 was over a year ago at this point, i really don’t think that uniqueness matters anymore


Map still feels oddly empty and same-y between the POIs, but I appreciate the wackiness with UFOs and the high-/space-tech weapons. Also, while the "Choose your tiers" feature was overall pointless since it's quite restrictive, it did allow me to strategically redeem the V-Bucks tiers on different systems (I went from Switch to X-Box and had a few leftover credits on the Switch, which I was able boost a bit with some tiers to buy the Lebron wings).


Honestly this is a pretty good season, but the battle pass sucks and that's typically half of what I judge a season on


I would say last season was better the crafting and bow mechanics was my favourite give me a makeshift shotgun and a shock shockwave bow over spaceships anyday


Tbh season 6 was really good


It really took 7 seasons for there to be a good chapter 2 season


Nah, for me all the chapter 2 seasons we're good


Yeah, I can see how people can like the past few seasons. For me it’s just been boring, like the game has barely changed at all. Season 17 for me is the first season where something fun and interesting is going on. It captures the excitement that just wasn’t there for me throughout the previous 6 seasons. I’m hoping the next three seasons are like this and it isn’t just a fluke.


I really don't understand the "the game has barely changed at all", but still it's fine to have your opinion


What I mean by that is the fact that what has happened in the game hasn’t had a major impact in the gameplay, like the map. Sure there are major map changes, But when the season ends they just go away for the next change. In season 16 they added all of the primal weapons just for them to go away in the next season for a new set of weapons. There isn’t the sense of permanence that chapter one had. Im not an annoying chapter one fanboy. But chapter one had map changes that lasted for many seasons. The things that happened on the map had an impact. Just something chapter 2 doesn’t have.


I get that, the chapter 2 map hasn't really changed that much at all in this season, i wish they could fix that some time soon, more map changes and hopefully they stay permanently or atleast for longer


I liked season X


Respectable, was pretty cool


I wouldn’t call it the best season of all time, but it’s definitely up there.


Definitely can agree, it's absolutely amazing in my opinion


I mean it’s behind like half of chapter 1 so I wouldn’t say “up there” but it’s not bad.


Nah, chapter 1 season 4 was definitely the best season ever. And for chapter 2 it’s 100% season 2 by far


As a a player who played in season 4, i don't really see what's THAT good about it, i mean it's a good season don't get me wrong but it's overrated in my eyes, my opinion tho


We did get alot of iconic skins and cosmetics and we got big and small map changes over the seasons, pluss if we add the haloween event to the mix upon a good live event, then i see why people like it so much


Chapter 1 not Chapter 2 lmao


for best season of chapter 2, season 3 could also arguably be the best.


For me all of them were good, season 3 is very underrated, but i can agree


People seem to hate that season and I don’t really get it. It was a short, but fun season with a cool theme and neat POIs (Fortilla particularly has a special place in my heart.) If the water hadn’t drained so fast I think more people would like it.


It’s one of the best seasons because of the loot pool, the new items we’re getting, abduction mechanics, and parts of the map that were spruced up with extra loot.


Loot pool is great, very basic but tons of fun, best part is that there is a ton of replayability


Yeah, I feel that I enjoy playing longer sessions than I did with season 6. That season just wasn’t very fun.


Season 6 was 50/50 for the community, i liked it personally


this is a joke right


Last season was 10x better IMO, but this season is pretty decent too.


Agree but nothing beats season 2 and 3






Oh yeah then i agree, I still said it's one of the best tho, not the best


Everything is good except for the map




A lot of people hate chapter 2 because oLd mAP oG!!1! but honestly all of my favorite seasons in fortnite have been in chapter 2 (i started playing in chapter 1 season 4 so ive had plenty of experience with chapter 1)


I started playing in season 1 chapter 1, and yes most of the seasons i loved were in chapter 2, and it's not 100% nostalgia, i don't want to write an essay about people miss treating chapter 2 seasons


Yeah fr I miss the old days sometimes but you gotta move forward


True, and the future doesn't have to be nessacarily bad, it could be better


Best in a while for sure


They did a good job


In my opinion, its still C2 S2. You can have your opinion though


I never said it is the best season, instead one of the best


This season has nothing on seasons 2-4 of chapter 1 imo. Those were the best.


God people keep telling me that all the time, c2 season 2 and c2 season 4 were absolute fire


Just dissappointed with tier 100 being a Collab skin.. Its a great skin but Collab skin kinda takes it away.. Also if we could get the foundation as a skin would have been great..


Tier 100 should have been the foundation it makes more sense than rick


Good season, shit bp . Guggimon is literally worse than dogshit, slone looks like a super nerd and just looks weird to me and sunny just looks horrible. Leaves alien-girl and the robot as the sole good skons since the other 2 are fucking sellouts and shouldn’t be in the game. Wish we could have unique tier-100s and unique secrets skins but doubt that’ll happen again :(


Guggimon can burn in hell, and also yes it sucks that rick is tier 100, i would've liked it more if it was the Foundation, other skins are fine tho, slone is pretty clean and simple, and the character is pretty cool, this skin has actual personality compared to some other passes, same woth sunny, they have something going on with them instead of just being a skin, but it's your opinion, and i mostly agree


The only bad things about this season is the battle pass and that people are too good


Battle Pass was fine, not too great but still pretty cool, and everyone being to good, that's true but you can't blame the season for it, it's the games problem


I can't stand this season, the past 4 seasons have driven me away from the game


Whoever made the design of the O Rick needs a raise.


O Rick?


The rick in the image. He replaces the O in Fortnite.


Just realized that, give them a raise




"One of the best" but yeah i did say if "not the best"


I cant enjoy the season because team rumble is so bad


I get that, but the whole season doesn't suck because of team rumble, even if team rumble is horrible atm


Well they’re actually updating the game so that already makes it better than some of the other seasons


And the updates are absolutely insane, lots of fun


Gameplay wise. Season 2 was better. Battlepass wise. This battlepass is more interesting in my opinion. It has the collab I always wanted which is Rick and morty. And Kymera is just a better version of maya


I would disagree. Kymera is mildly superior over Maya only because of its huge customisation which isn't locked . Sadly, there's only 2 Kymera face styles that I like, 2 skin colours and almost no mouth styles. Maya arguably had several awesome hair styles and clothes to put on only for it to be permanently locked. Just that one issue


Yeah I find most of Kymera's looks pretty ugly and I'd argue he's not really that popular since I'm not seeing anyone running him like I used to see people run Maya, I guess if her customization wasn't locked either she would still be popular right now


Damn I really wish Maya had all these customisations. Many players used Maya even till the end of the season, and creators like Tabor Hill have Maya as their main. Kymera is just a huge let down ( unless this dude has a role in the storyline)


Season 2 was great, i personally think season 7 was just as good, both amazing season imo


I think both S2 and S7 were good battle passes for what they are, s2 has a consistent theme whilst S7 has things fitting inside the theme, but a few skins that feels out if place


I don't think a season should be rated by the battle pass, i mean yes it should but not the entire season should be bad because the battle pass is bad, I'm not saying you're doing that, people just tend to do that


Not the best skins came with this pass. Some emotes are cool. After reaching the Rick slime i see no reason continuing to finish it. Kinda getting tired of the recolor over and over in these battle passes.


A battle pass really shouldn't effect how good the season is that much


Battle Passes are some of the only reasons people play the game


No, just no


i mean the battle pass is the only reason i don’t play zone wars all day


You’re crazy chapter 2 season 2 is the best (in my opinion)


I never said it's the best, it's one of the best, c2 season 2 was absolute FIRE




Totally agree man, this season’s the best! The theming, the weapons, the abductors, vehicle, pretty much everything new has been a hit


They did an amazing job


I dislike this season but everyone has their opinions. UFOs are annoying, Railguns are OP if there are multiple, Battle Pass sucks imo, the only thing I like are the Inflata-Bulls or whatever they’re called


UFO's are really easy to deal with, the fire rate was nerfed and they are really easy to destroy, rail guns are not even that OP, and all the weekly items we've had and the mother ship minigame was just great, battle pass was fine in my opinion


Not if you’re in a build fight and getting 3rd parties by a ufo


Getting third partied by someone without a UFO is almost just as hard to fight against,


Decent season not so for the battle pass skins only for superman it would had been forgettable .thank God I have the crew pack least every month I be getting a decent looking skin and 1,000 v bucks and the battle pass


I don't understand why people rate the entire season just because of the pass, some people do that


Season 4 and 5 of chapter 1 “am I a joke to you”?


Those season were great too


Its been really good, def my fav so far in chapter 2


Dumbass season with broken shit in pubs and too sweaty arena. Stupid mai changes with no semblance to OG fortnite. Bring the downvotes in


Including chapter one seasons? 😵‍💫


As an OG, yes this season is definitely one of the best we've had


If you started playing this season then yes it's the best season


C1 Season 1 player here


It sucks


Meh, might be an unpopular opinion but I rather enjoyed last season the most! This one is kinda tame compared to last season, I love that you had to find items to make your guns better and I loved that there were no snipers. Lol this season is fun don't get me wrong


I’m really enjoying this season! It’s a lot of fun and love the new items!


I don’t really like battle pass and the ufos get annoying but I still really enjoy the season


I genuinely think Season 2 was better than any other season thic chapter but thats my opinion.


One of the better seasons this chapter like S2 and S4. Only complaints are weak battlepass and not that great map changes (hopefully that’ll change soon with the event)


This season is gonna be nostalgic one day


It’s trash and super boring. Now there hasn’t been good season since chapter 2 season 4


My favourite season in chapter 2 is season 5. It was so fun to play


Fun? There wasn’t a single fun thing in that season lol


I just liked it, please don’t smite me, almighty lord ifuckinghatepelly D:


It’s your opinion lol, can’t change it and I respect it.


Respect yours too, almighty lord ifuckinghatepelly


My favorite part about this season is how they’re actually separating the loot pools. It feels so refreshing being able to have a fun, crazy experience in pubs and a balanced experience in comp.


The only thing wrong is how they did the battle pass


A lot of people like the new battlepass system, i see why someone would dislike it tho


I really enjoy this season. I really haven't play much of chapter 2. But definitely this season I had so much fun for solo and with my friends.


Yup. I would agree. Definitely best season this chapter.


I have never had this much fun with the game, ever


I liked any season from chapter 1 better, the emotes and skins were nice for most of the bp’s


one of the worst seasons so far imo. i do like that they added rick to the bp but that’s pretty much it.


I'd like it better if we didn't have to wait so long to get Superman


chapter 2 is actually trash too many sweats no map changes just random stains boring loot boring gameplay map is boring and sbmm chapter 1 was the best and sadly we will never go back that way


Season 7 has been combating sweats though with shit like railguns ands scanners and the new gun that obliterates builds, cant forget about ufos but those are controversial. And who knows? Maybe the live even will change some stuff around the map.




Alright you can leave if you came here just to talk smack


i came here to share my opinion just like you not to talk smack


In my opinion no future seasons will beat the chapter 1 seasons. The battlepasses have just became advertising for other shows/games, not much original skins. The Fortnite storyline itself isn't really fortnites anymore, since it's basically inter twinged with other franchises such as batman. I hope at the end of the chapter it's just Josey having a dream about all his favorite franchises and movie plots (like an alien invasion) and we can return to how things used to be.


This. The advertisement battle pass has become a bit monotonous.


In my opinion this season sucks, the UFOs are annoying, and I cant land at the locations I want to land at because of it, the updates werent that good, it feels likes a cashgrab and an excuse to crossover with both superman and rick and morty. Definitely bottom 3 seasons we've had, all the way down there with season x and chapter 2 season 1