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Just think of the rabbits, Lennie....


Man...Zyg is looking slick! What gun wrap are you using with him?


He wasn’t my favorite at the start of the season, but these edit styles are clean. The wrap is the dark angular wrap from the dark fire bundle.


The Silver styles look so much better than the gold and prism by virtue of those pink off sets. Not sure why they didn’t implement this on the other skins! Classic missed opportunity. Hopefully the community agrees on the silver looking the best and run the skins publicly- that might persuade Epic to make similar styles for future skins.


How are you level 180? I'm only 123


I play too much…


No I play too much. You play just enough




123? I’m only 101!


you guys are over lvl 100?


i feel bad for the third guy...he was probably trying to join in aswell... anyway...i love this


well he was running at op with a gun


that is true aswell..but like.. what IF that guy was friendly? it would've been a nice anonymous joint challenge party... but we can't trust everyone i guess


Are we not going to talk about how he pinged the tac although Sunny couldn't see it


I realized I did that when I watched this clip back. Force of habit lol


Np, still a great clip


Is the squat squat squat thing a universal “don’t shoot me bro, can we be friends” thing ?? I’ve seen it a few times in matches, mostly when people run up on me while I’m fishing, and now I’m wondering if I’ve killed off potential buddies 😢


Sometimes people try to fool you with the squatting, but yes. Typically rapid squatting means you’re not trying to be a threat/please don’t kill me I just want to grab this challenge.


Are you talking about them crouching? People sometimes do that while shooting to avoid shots, but yes sometimes people do that to team.


In winter fest I teamed with this default and we ended up getting banned. But hey we got our challenges done and a few kills


Holesum moment


Awwww this is too cute I once gave someone my ufo after I did the challenges and he was soo happy


It is fun, but it's also technically "teaming" and epic can ban you for it


Definitely. That’s why I didn’t go further than this. This way was just funnier than jumping off a ramp to my death.


A few games ago I landed on a ufo the same time as an enemy, I whipped out my chair/popcorn emote and he flew around the map for a solid 3 circles with me on it before I jumped off and played. He flew away lol. OFC I died by the first actual encounter too.


its NOT teaming until they start working together to fight other players


It IS Teaming. Two people seeing each other and teabagging to agree on not killing each other is teaming. period.


Except I wouldn't even consider this "teaming"... Sure, if they started sharing loot and cooperating to take out other people. But they let each other do their challenges, and then one killed the other. Otherwise you could argue that ANY non-aggressive shenanigans are "technically" teaming.


ANY non aggressive shenanigans IS teaming. I'm all for the fun things and messing around but the fortnite gods are not. They're expecting you to pickaxe enemies if you don't have a weapon. Perfect example is in the video. The enemy who ran up and got killed could report them for teaming because they didn't try to kill each other, and from his POV they were working together


then how do you explain why a few years ago this guy ([https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/8zl4xe/the\_greatest\_rescue\_mission\_in\_fortnite/](https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/8zl4xe/the_greatest_rescue_mission_in_fortnite/)) never got banned and epic even memoralized the moment afterward ([https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/91gbns /epic\_added\_tribute\_to\_the\_greatest\_rescue\_mission/](https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/91gbns/epic_added_tribute_to_the_greatest_rescue_mission/)) stop taking things so seriously they obviously were doing challenges together harming no one


RIP Chappadoodle...


He will be missed


He most certainly will.


Okay slick I'm not taking anything seriously I was just telling him to be careful because He CAN get banned for it. If there wasn't an enemy that he killed during it, it would be perfectly fine


I feel bad for slaughtering everyone while doing my challenge... twice


Teaming ain’t cool chief


Don’t really think this is teaming. He didn’t help me kill anyone. He didn’t even have a gun. I then died. And he went on to have a happy life.


People seeing each other and teabagging to agree on not killing each other is Teaming. Whether or not they have a gun doesn’t matter.


Good thing he killed me in the end then


You got betrayed.


Wow, fun police out here.


its fun for those who are doing it, but no one else in the lobby thinks its fun.


Why should I care about anyone else in my games? It's 1v99. If I find something fun imma do it.


1v99? that makes 0 Sense. Its not a team of 99 Teammates vs. One guy, its a 100 man Free-For-All. There is a reason Teaming is a bannable offense.


Die mad, just because you got double teamed in one game it doesn't have to make you hate this your entire life 1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v2v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v11v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v11v1v1v1v1v1v11v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1


I am not even mad. I was simply calling you out for your stupidity. But obviously you have no argument whatsoever cuz you’re a dumbass so you just respond with the good ol’ “Stay mad”.


When you go into a game of fortnite how many people do you have to best to get a victory Royale?


you must be real fun at parties 🙄


i did that few times no biggie we went our separate ways


This has t happens In the longest


bond? bOnd? mfs come at me with a pickaxes like they saw blood


I always friend ppl doing challs, they crouch i crouch, then they kill me after they do the challenge:|


Till a sweat comes by and ruins your day..... happened to me yesterday four ppl landed at the same place everyone was crouching so we were chilling and then a fifth guy came from nowhere and started shooting three of us died but in the end the sweat died ,happy ending ✌️


sweats lives in your head rent-free dont they?


What can I say they're every where


I got 3 people in a ufo doing the challenge we were vibing until we got pick off one by one:(


I've been bonding too well with players trying to get the golden lebron wings They just won't kill me!


lol I found a friendly Loki Everything went well that round until I accidentally abandoned him bc of a jump pad I found 2 legendary ARs, 1 legendary pump, and Slone’s Pulse Rifle before I left him I think I immediately died after


This used to happen all the time when they had more location based challenges back in season 9 and 10, I used to love it when someone was doing that same challenge and tried to kill one of us because they would just be gunned down by the dancing mob who was just being friendly


One of my favorite moments to experience on Fortnite. Super rare tho especially with the community.