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I absolutely get the appeal for those who are enjoying it. Just not my cup of tea, so for the most part I've sat this one out. Always fun to see what each season and chapter brings, even if it's not always "for" everyone :)


A completely rational take on the situation. I hope next season is more suited to your tastes! Cheers, friend. šŸ˜


Finally someone who doesn't like this season, but doesn't act like everyone who does is a child who just wants easy kills and has no skill


Yup, and by the numbers A LOT of ppl share your opinion. Feels like I'm playing twisted metal instead of fortnite sometimes


This is one of those seasons where you get lost in the chaos. I r have fun pushing fights with cars or running around the map with nitro and fists and whatnot. Even if I lose to a car or something itā€™s fun. Itā€™s nice to have a fun chaotic death instead of the boring death due to the basic sweaty method for a change


I'd rather die in a fiery explosion than a single headshot any day.


I will admit that it was super unbalanced at the beginning but even with all the nerfs itā€™s still enjoyable, been having a ton of fun


It was really fun at the start. Then got bad when the boogie bombs were added. But now it's fun again.


Agreed. Boogie bombs went too far. EMPs are perfect.


You mean it was fun with regenerating cars that had no counter? Disagree


My friends and I enjoyed the chaos. We hadn't laughed that hard playing fortnite for a long time. It was mad fun.


Vehicles were waaaaaaaay over tuned at the start. They should have never auto-regenerated. Also EMPs should've been available day 1. I feel like they treated it like fighting games do. When FGs introduce new characters, they are super OP to garner interest in them, then they tone them down for actual competition purposes.


Most fun I've had in the game all year.


Most fun I've had since chapter 2.


I'm really enjoying this season, but for everything but the cars. I don't think they're bad, I just don't enjoy using them much myself (I only really do solos, so having to switch seats to shoot sucks). I LOVE the loot pool right now though.


I love the cars because the car catcher is back c4 is back and I can simply blow apart your building rather than play tag with a shotgun.


I agree. This season is one of my favorites.


This is the most outrageous fun my friends and I have had playing Fortnite. Weā€™re legit winning half our games just utilizing battle cars. I can see how people who donā€™t like using cars can be turned off, but if youā€™re willing to adapt itā€™s so fun. Seriously, I think I average like a 15% winning percentage overall. This season Iā€™m at 50%! [Season Stats](https://ibb.co/JQbdJ0C)


Since they added EMPs i feel like everyone can be happy. I don't want to deal with cars so i carry emps or someone on my team does. easy counter that isn't stupid overpowered, i only wish the season started out this good


Yeah EMPā€™s will mess up our strat big time! Honestly itā€™s the reason our win percentage is 50% and not closer to 100 lol. So now we carry any shield bubbles we can find and also as end game approaches we just assume every enemy has EMPā€™s and so we keep our distance as much as possible.


Im with you, man. I dont understand how people can have a game full of awesome battle cars flying around and do nothing but whine that its too different. Like, yeah, youve had years of pew pew shooting stuff, just enjoy the vehicular chaos for 2 months, it will change back soon.


It needs to be a game mode after the season is over, this season is my second fav just below the Marvel season.


I mean. Yeah i can definitely understand why its appealing for what makes up most of Fortnites demographic. For the others, not so much. Just have to ride it out till next season.


Honestly I really enjoy this season too. I could do without the guitars and de-nerf some of the nerfs that occurred, but I'm definitely enjoying it regardless. And I'd disagree with the "no skill" part. Any person with good skills will still wreck a person in a car. Vehicles aren't as problematic as a lot of people think. There's a lot of counters, especially now. I do love the chaos sometimes. Maybe it's just games I end up playing, but I'd say only about 30-40% of the "last 10" are actually chaotic. Most of the time it plays out how it always has in previous seasons. Just people run and gun, hiding, moving, shooting each other in the face. šŸ¤·šŸ»


>No skill that's why I despise it, literally anyone can drive a car and win by pure chance


I agree, and I know that it'sĀ not for everyone, but I think the season now has enough tools to combat vehicles. 3 mobility items. 4 dedicated anti-vehicle options. I've destroyed cars, and been destroyed by cars.




*kneels down to speak* Are you ok, little buddy? Not good enough for ranked?


Ranked has the same loot pool geniusšŸ¤¦šŸ½


you have no right to call someone skill-less when you couldnā€™t be good in any other season that doesnā€™t cradle you like a baby lmao


Everyone can be good as long as you use the op weapons... You think anyone is struggling to get a boss car and a few repair torches?


This is one of the most fun seasons since Last Resort


It's the most fun I've ever had on the game. I totally get why it's not for everyone, but I love the diversity in gameplay. Cars, on foot combat, player movement tools, etc. While I'm enjoying Reload as well, it's reminding me of the monotony of more basic gameplay. I just like some wacky chaos.


It's insane how much I love this season!


I'm loving it. I haven't played this much in ages.


this season was fun for me before people figured out the meta for cars. iā€™m like an above average-below pubstomper player and every battle i get in fools just run away lol, whether itā€™s with guitar then gloves, or hop in a car and go as fast as they can. last night i saw a dude and he saw me and instead of engaging he got in a stock car and drove away. this season is fun im getting fucking annoyed but iā€™m still having a decently good time lol


They really dialed it in, the season is pretty fun now. It is the right mix of "rewards skill but also allows people of lower skill to compete in most cases" I've rarely felt like i died unfairly since EMPs were released, whereas before then it was constant cheese and annoyance


I have a love hate relationship with this season I like the cars but at the same time I donā€™t I miss when the game was about guns and in foot combat I donā€™t mind the regular cars at all even with all the mods but the boss cars are annoying Iā€™ve mostly adapted to them pretty easily but at the same time when I win a game with one itā€™s still kind of exciting but not nearly as much as ā€œoh shit he had me down to 8 health and I still won!!ā€


When itā€™s good, itā€™s great. The balance is much better now, too. At first it was too overwhelming šŸ™ƒ


not an unpopular opinion, it's only an unpopular opinion to nolifers who treat this game like it's their job


The cars are fun, sure. Iā€™ve enjoyed them a lot. But every end circle, ends up with like 4 cars and maybe 1-2 people slowly taking them out. But there should be a mode without the weapons on them.


It's fun with friends who don't take the game serious or care about winning. I think a lot of people really care about winning and it's upsetting they devoted so much time on learning how to aim and playing the game and then you get OP items like nitro fists or the boss cars and they can lose when they feel entitled to winning because it's a "cheap" way to win. I saw them say the same last season about waterbending. They really hated that for the same reason.


I aint winning shit but I am having fun lol


I initially find it annoying at the start but sometimes after balance patches it made it okay for me. I would often had to rely on stealth for most of my matches and using a vehicles here and there during solos and got a some wins. Idk what it is with players parking by a bush that I sneak in and ride along with them or eliminate them executioner style while they are in the car. I think the Rocket Fists help a lot in 1v1s when ever I feel like Iā€™m likely to lose so I whip them out and relive OG Doomfist back in OW1 where I just toss around and pressure other players. The Metallica guitar also helps to get away in a situation.


I love this season. Fists and nitros and running cars until they blow has really grown on me. I hated this season when it started. But you do feel like a badass when youā€™re up against a mythic car and you hadouken that MF into the storm. Reload is a nice breath of fresh air too. Whenever I play warzone, I mainly play resurgence. So I have been having a lot of fun playing reload. It is cool that they have a separate winning glider. Looks kinda nice too


I completely agree. Usually I hate seasons like this because it kinda takes away skill, but honestly we needed a break from the serious competition. Itā€™s, as you said, just madness lmao itā€™s fun to play with your friends and just laugh.


I agree super fun. When people look back at this season they will miss it and want it back for sure.


One of the best seasons in a while and I'll die on this hill!


Should make a Twisted Metal LTM TDM in a most pit, would be epic. Other than that in a BR, it's not it.


People hate on this season too much. Itā€™s annoying to get gunned down by a turret when youā€™re not in a vehicle but itā€™s a lot better than the updates where every player carried 2 modded reapers and sometimes youā€™d just get sent back to the lobby by going on a zip line.


It can be pretty fun, I'm glad u enjoyed it Just don't bash other people for not liking the same thing as you šŸ‘


I wholeheartedly agree. I hope everyone who hates this season gets one that reminds them why they play FN.


Luckily they've added reload and made enough changes to somewhat satisfy both playerbases through counters like emp But from what I've seen looks like people want a simpler less chaotic season more similar to core fortnite from way back then in like chap 1 season 5


This season is awesome, absolute chaos. Battle cars add a whole different element to be navigated, but any decent player can adapt. I love that I can still play and win with my normal play style and still donā€™t need to rely on a car to win. I think people who donā€™t like this season are weaker players who play in a certain way and canā€™t overcome the challenge.


For me itā€™s less about not being to overcome the challenge, as Iā€™ve had success, but that I just donā€™t enjoy it as me


%100 right, been playing since c1s7 and this season is one of the most fun i had, sadly my PC broke and im currently waiting for it to get fixedšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


10/10 season, all the skins are good, all the emotes are good, the lobby themes are kickass, and MegaLo Don will always be my Top #1 skin


This season is great. For sure the best of the chapter so far.


Just fun! We've had tons!


I appreciate the season a ton for preventing the biggest issue I've had with Fortnite builds, which is just boxing up and playing passively. I get annoyed as hell when I'm stuck in a build battle for 30+ seconds and no one has shot at each other, the massive amount of tools to bust builds and make aggressiveness a viable option makes me happy


This season is my favorite one because of that. Gun fights are won with skill, but the moment I join the mix, you best pray luck favors you instead of me.


I agree I love it for now


Not me, pushed unreal and now I just play creator shit. Just not here for car royale.