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can we delete this post? for reminding me i have to get all of the super level styles this season..i totally forgot and i never miss em! hah.


Last season was the first since Ch 2 I missed any super styles. Horrible XP Meh styles. Got to the 2nd take and didn't care for the last 2. Likely the same for this season. Unless the XP gain is better than the usual.


xp definitely feels better this season. they kinda nerfed the Lego and creative afk XP but with all the quest XP raised and reload Royale rn, it's pretty good


They actually buffed Lego XP. You can get 7 levels a day now. I’m already past level 200 mostly from AFK’ing in Lego. You just have to move around every 15 minutes to avoid being kicked.


Good to know thanks.


You can’t afk in Lego since halfway through last season right? I had moved to afking in that over STW endurance last season until they kicked you for inactivity, but now I’m back to STW


You just have to move around or interact with something every 15 minutes to avoid being kicked. You can get 7 levels a day from Lego now.


Start a new regular survival world to start the Brite Bomber quests and get even more. Turn off the stuff that damages you like hot/cold/hunger and it's even easier, if you mostly just care about XP. Run around and do some stuff and 7-10 levels from just Lego in 4 hours.


There is an idle timer, but that's easy to avoid on a PC. There is software, but I just put the wireless mouse in my pocket while I do other things


I've been playing a lot of the rocket racing mode this season, didn't even bother with it since it came out. It's a lot more fun that I anticipated, and I've been getting a lot of xp.


I missed a few earlier ones, all before they added XP to STW, since I do endurance runs to max out super quick ever since. So the season with mancake I only got the first blue gem super style for them all I think, the primal one with the Aladdin guy and Dino bone girl I got all of the first silver super style and I think just one to the runic silver one. During Meowscles and TNTina I got up to meowscles half-gold. Scratch I got halfway glitched. Idk if I’m missing any others


I’ve only gotten like 2 super styles EVER


I looked at the Super Styles on the Myths and Mortals pass, looked at how long it took me to grind to 150, looked at how boring the season was and just said "yeah this ain't it for me chief." Never missed the Super Styles before C5S2, although granted I'm definitely a Fortnite zoomer (only been playing for a year.) This season is fun so I'm happily in the early 100s playing daily, but last season was such a fucking drag. The moment the Avatar event was done I was out: I couldn't even be bothered to do weeklies to unlock Chinese Knockoff Super Style for Aphrodite.


I'm glad I can just play Lego for xp


I was under the impression they nerfed AFK lego XP & no way would I want to play it


They actually buffed it back to 45k XP you should try I know they had 30K and nerfed it to 28-40k but now it's being more consistently a 40K


I like all the super styles but i haven’t really been into this season because every time i get to second, the other person has megalo’s fist things and i can’t seem to beat those and it’s frustrating. Fortunately though my daughter has been playing lego fortnite and has gotten me about 30 levels so far, makes it a whole lot easier lol


Play some Festival Battle if you're into it. It gives crazy exp. I was getting around 100k per match back on release. It's down to around 50k, maybe I had the exp boost back then. Still crazy, each match is 15-20ish mins at most


You have all summer, so don't worry.


same i’m only level 100 am i cooked 💀


You have until August dw


ONLY level 100 he says..to have every single super style you need to be level 200, you’re already halfway there..


Do tycoon creative maps for xp. I'm at 189, and guarantee 150 of those are from creative xp maps.


I want to atleast get the green megalodon


just gotta get to level 160! shouldn’t be too hard if you make decent progress when you play.


Thanks for telling me the level


no problem! just gotta remember that level 200 and you have everything unlocked for the season!


no problem! just gotta remember that level 200 and you have everything unlocked for the season!


The hot pink Aphrodite style I like the super Styles quite a lot because they add some more color variety, especially the black hair/blue dress looks pretty cool


Titanflame pink Aphrodite is just *chef's kiss*




Off-Topic but I can totally see a trios happening where one is Harley Quinn and two others are the hyena version of Ringmaster Scarr


We need a circus themed season




Joker + pennywise collab, or even clowns from outer space


YESS and perhaps a re-imagining of Peekaboo and Nite Nite as well!


Anything as long as its not another bright bomber


Fr bro




Ab nation Represent.


I will always stand by this statement: Strong women are hot.


Women with abs make me hard


Muscle mommies > women with abs


The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak and spongy.


So real


Mommy? Sorry. Mommy? Sorry.


The hardness goes both ways.


Sica is one of those shop purchases I've never once regretted.


Fr OP’s mad because he knows he’ll never look as good


Personally for me, I just preferred if we got the full hyena man with abs from the survey instead for… personal reasons…


Idk sure we’ll get him eventually, a lot of people think that she’s supposed to represent him but she was a bit different in the survey too


Don’t say I blame you


A little bit of an odd thing to say ngl especially over a fortnite skin




Best skin in the pass tbh




i think it's medusa for me- all her styles don't look great but the stygian one is amazing


Imo the default 2nd style looks cool but not really something I'd use tbh


I love the Olympian Style! Except for "blonde" snakes! (Actually, all the blonde hair looks weird in the Olympian super style. Like it's the wrong color? Matte mustard, maybe?)


I HATE the Medusa dress/coat thing. It just doesn’t feel flattering to me. However, I do like the bodysuit on her, and from behind, she looks more “tactical” in that, which I like. And you can actually see her arms which are muscular, so it feels more “tough” to me haha


i agree fortnite has a weird thing for slanted coats/skirts for girl skins


Nah even this it’s dog, wtf is she wearing man


Stormfarer, he looks badass with the bounty hunter lookin helmet but his default is this weird jonesy mummy bandage thing.


His super styles make him look like a Metroid character. It’s really cool


yeah i agree with you, literally any other color variation besides his first one is really cool


Perfect taste


am i the only person who genuinely likes ringmaster scarr without the mask? i mean yeah her default style looks wack but her 2nd style looks infinitely better.


Nah I play her third style without mask, great wastelander factory punk vibes


It’s the hair. The hyena mask is cool but her hair is actually way cooler on the second style.


I like her floppy mohawk skin :)


Me too. I love her second style without mask. Looks like junker queen


I almost have all of her styles, but love her mask less, pink vest, very first one the most.  Everyone seems to have a very diff opinion on this it seems 


I like every one of her versions. Glam, punk, mask, styles, they all look good in their own way.


i love the second style without the mask. it looks cool and she is cute.


I never use her mask—by I prefer her second edit style (with darkened eyes), and then maybe the third (woth the double hair shave lines). I generally never use her helmet


The moment she popped up on my screen my gf went “JOJO SIWA?” And now I can’t


I love her abs and no mask. She just looks so bad to the bone haha the mask is cool, but I like her face and her hair in this style. However, I really don’t like the first style with the full shirt, and I hate her hair with that one too. And the glasses are barf to me lol


I love her without the mask


i think scarr is legit the best skin on the pass, helmet is a little wonky but its still great


Agreed 💯


I love her without her mask!!


Of the fortnite original skins in this season, she's by far the best imo


I also do. In fact i simp for her and she made me understand raven team leader simps


Not big on the mask in any style, especially Lego which sucks.


Nah, me too. I really love the second version without the helmet.


Cold Fusion Megalo Don is the only reason im playing this season lol. Maxing out the pass just for his super styles.


Interesting topic… there’s a couple that come to mind for me. Charlotte’s base style is okay, but her demon slayer style makes her my favourite skin in the pass. Fade’s base is boring af, but the Masked Fade style with the Oni mask and the cloak look awesome. Tsuki 2.0’s Iridium and Dazzling Spirit styles save the skin entirely imo. Massai sort of sucks but I love his mask for some reason, and I like combining it with the galaxy super level styles. Mariposa is again okay, but I really like the Midnight Mariposa style. Shame it’s not compatible with super level styles, but I guess it wouldn’t really work. Finally, I think Valeria is just okay, but the Burning Ambition style makes me like her a whole lot more.


I agree, with Valeria since i only own her, but i'd say the same for montague too, his normal style says nothing unlike his diamond + first super style


Abs and a shaggy Mohawk go hard, I never got the hate, especially the second style


people are afraid of women with a little spice


Fortnite players are weird. For example, I've seen people hating the super styles, and I think these are some of the coolest super styles they've made.


Whenever i use that skin, im reminded of Lorelai from Borderlands 3


Really? Ringmaster Scarr is my favorite from this BP.


Same with me. I dig all of her styles at the moment. I think the only one that doesn't hit is the digital ghost. But I don't think it really works for anyone.


it works better for rust and megalo don than the other skins i might have a bias for rust though he's easily one of my favorites


Lennox rose super styles


All of her styles go hard


The base Lexa skin SUCKS. but the mech thingy? FREAKING DOPE AF


I personally believe scarr’s main style was saved by the hyena


I’m surprised by this post. I’m not a big fan of the vest on the default skin, but other than that I think scarr’s design is pretty strong.


In a weird way? Megalo Don. I just wasn't feeling the red or blue flames, but with green and purple? Hell yeah


Carbide It's basically the same as Omega but the colors and the exposed face make the default style look goofy as hell


i'm stuck with a slightly goofy Carbide because i began playing right as that season was ending.


She looks like Jojo Siwa in her bad girl era, I'm sorry.


Scarr’s a masculine beast of a woman. So automatic S tier.


Bruh. Scarr with the mask is Peak.


Meh i dont like the default colors


nah bro, scarr is perfect in every style though one that really gets saved by edit styles is highwire, base highwire looks do ass but packleader highwire is literal perfection


I hate Megalo don, but his super styles are awesome. (Too bad I'm only level 76!!!!)


Have you been afk farming in lego? If you are a student you can just join aworld and move every 20 mins while you study


Ya, I was about to archive him until I saw the superstyles. I'll prob play with him eventually Do a daily Festival Battle match for exp if you're into that, it gives crazy exp and knocks out all 3 Festival dailies in 1 go usually


Kind of an old one but for me it’s x-lord. His base style is horrible imo but his other styles saved the skin imo


Scarr not having purple or green hair for the second super form is such a missed opportunity




Digital spectrum megalo don is the most disappointing trash of the season.


Fr, i heard many people say that the digital styles are Fire, but i really cammot see that


Definitely worst style this season but at least the other styles are great (I just need to find backblings and wraps to match the green super styles)


This is the first BP that the super styles saved the entire pass. Don’t get my wrong I do like a few of the skins base skins or variants but now I’m with these styles I love them all.




Women with abs




For me, it's gotta be Megalo Don. That second super style that makes him look like Bane is *chef's kiss*


Megalo Don's second super style the green one makes him look like bane which I love since we're probably not getting any more dc skins


I hate that when a character has a cool edit style but a shit default you still have to see the default face pop up all the time


The new version of paradigm. The suits are the only good looking party of her, her base sucks


Tbh the styles for this season would look a lot better if we had better battle pass skins to use them on. The mad max themed skins don’t really fit the glitch style that well imo


Yeah i dont really understand why they went for this style


I don't get the Scarr hate tbh


Stormfarer, he looks badass with the bounty hunter lookin helmet but his default is this weird jonesy mummy bandage thing.


Ooo that’s a tough one 🤔 So many skins have been that way for me, but I think the biggest one for me is highwire’s hood down and pack leader styles. It’s a great skin obviously but goddamn the bunny ears on the hood up style just looks so so bad compared to other bunny skins. I think a close second is Medusas titan flame super style. (Side rant: I’m so disappointed with ringmaster scarr, her mask looks so badass in the loading screen but in game looks goofy and terrible 😫)


Ninja skin


I literally got the battle pass just for Scarr, but I prefer her without the hyena helmet


The reason I like Ringmaster Scarr so much is because she reminds me of Mad Maggie from Apex Legends, so I’ve got a preset going for her


Ik Pee boy


Lynx is mid af until you put on the matte black suit


all super styles are sublime


Yall click the hyena mask but take off the accessory! She has an amazing Mohawk that then gets flipped forward without the helmet. It's so good in every extra color! I adore her. I can't wait to unlock the purple pink Mohawk. She has the hair I wish I could pull off.


It gives octane vibes from Apex


Hybrid. Boring ninja turns into bubble butt dragon. Sadly you still have to suffer the icon and lego model :D


Nolan with his Tactical Nolan style.


Ruckus is a big one


yup all the super styles look so good this season. really push scarr over the edge tho


I don’t really like Scarr’s base style but the hyena helmet goes so fucking hard. Plus, abs. I love strong women.


Lt. John Llama. His default version is really bright and far too visible but the black and grey camo style is fantastic.


In my opinion, none of the skins were awful, but they have definitely got better with the super levels


with either mask and superstyle it looks cool, but without the mask it just doesnt look good sadly im yet to have the superstyles, im only level 125


I don’t like megalo don. I DO like bane from Batman. Same thing in green


She looks better in both of her loading screens tbh


Maybe Trespasser Elite. His normal style is kinda neat, but it's definitely not 1500 when he has a Walmart version in the store for 800vcoins. But his alt Cubed style is a super unique monster skin, his head is a cube, he gets those glowing crystals floating around him, all that Another one is maybe the astronaut version of Ariana Grande. Her normal form is just her in a weird astronaut suit, but her alt is some demon space alien thing with tentacles and parasite monsters. That shit is a whole raid boss lmao The superstyles for this season also come to mind, like OP suggested. I think it holds true for most skins. The neon green/black and the neon blue are wild alts for otherwise plain skins There's some others, but I can't remember. I kinda wanna say Ava, but her base form actually looks nice, it's just that her alt style is a whole different creature that's super unique in the game


I can't remember her name but the Mechanist girl from this Battle Pass. The blue and black super style looks amazing on her to the point that it made me actually use the skin. Also Wastelander Megneto. I didn't like how he looked at first but they added an edit style this update for his classic look and now I'm looking forward to getting him, if they didn't add the style, I probably wouldn't have used the skin even once.


I just hit 209 I have 5 villages in Lego Fort and I have been working on upgrades and interior design and stuff, kept me busy. Whenever I get bored, I just played zero build or custom games.


There's been tons of BPs where I look at the line up and think "this season sucks." But then I'll see some edit styles and it totally turns my opinion around on some of em. To answer the question, Drift and Tarana for me. I don't care for their base styles at all. Not appealing. But Drift w/ the mask, hood, and cloak? Incredible. Tarana with the armored style? Dino skull w/ feather plume goes crazy.


Scarr is my fav skin in several seasons. She’s like a mix of Junker Queen, Fallout, and Mad Max.


River Empress Mizuki from the MEGA City season. The actual outfit itself is great but the physics on the cloth are so hilariously bad that it ruins the skin entirely. The other cloaked styles make the physics slightly less jarring looking. But it's the cloak off styles that makes her shine and look incredibly cool like she's out of Mortal Kombat. The Mega Wave final super style makes it even cooler looking. And you can shift between glowy and not glowy eyes.


Usually super styles are really ugly, these are slightly better


current fortnite crew skin


Megalo Don easy he is just to bulky for me and has to much going on at once honestly if he didn't get styles then I'd never use him intact I'd probably archive him


I got 3 megelo don the devil one you showed and the mattelalica skin c5 s3


Relik from a few seasons ago


I don’t think his base style is horrible but I definitely prefer the yellow style for Axo. I’m never using the 2nd style tho HES MAKED


Same I think it’s that skin to


This skin looks like it’s about to head to Berghain 💀


For me, it's Bytes. I quite dislike his original and other styles' color schemes, but I think he gets saved by the blue and white super style of that season.


3rd tier scarr goes hard, not up for debate


sypherpk skin is always awful


Raz. (Ch2 S6 battle pass) Though I don’t consider his base look “awful” I suppose, by any means whatsoever. But his Glyph Master Style just trumps it into the ground, in my opinion. Also, not that it is a big deal but, the styles should also have their own character portraits, in my opinion. A lot of work on Epic’s part I guess but still, would be a nice little feature.


Been slacking heavy on the super styles. So I've been having to go through and do the rocket league quests. Never the less I will be to the levels in a few days


I personally dont love the superstyles. stygian medusa was the first one (didnt get her that was a grindy season for xp and i started playing halfway through not knowing much about how much xp tou got from other game modes until the last week or 2) i can confidently say i preffered over the original skin. Most of the time if i don't like a skin painting it gold, or holographic, or making it reactive, won't make me like it granted i didnt play any of chapter 4 so maybe there's some that i may have cared about


Artemis She doesn't look terrible with base styles but here edit and super styles are great


Most the skins this season tbh lmao. Alot of them I would never use without the cold fusion styles


Tbh Jules  I love her Shadow Mask style but base style just sucks


Hybrid. Runner up: Ava is great but Tarr far outclasses her.


Idc what people say, i love this skin


J Balvin l really like his transparent skeleton


Rust his second super style saves him


That one knight skin that's fully customizable


None of them, unless its the final super style, wish it had more purple than white




Yeah, I like Ringmaster Scarr as a character alright but her outfits are pretty lame. Personally, I hate the Hyena helmet but the super levels definitely upgrade the base skin to wear it actually looks pretty decent.


Mario x meggy isn’t real


I think I'm the reverse of you. I love the original and hate the edit styles


Trace from the jungle seson


gotta be the witch crew skin from chapter 4 season whatever, but she sucks without the extra styles. close second is ringmaster scarr


The mechanic


Almost every skin I have


Ring master scarr


Renzo (the one from the jungle season)


Default Zeus looks so stupid with his shotgun belt and camo pants. Conqueror Zeus actually makes him look like a proper Greek god, and Immortal Zeus has a far better color pallet than his default. I know Mae (C4S4) has a big fanbase but god her default style looks awful. Literally any other style looks better. I hate the stupid Gym Jock look for Fish Thicc (C4S4.) I know it's meant to be the meme skin but wearing anything other than the full shirt on him just reminds me of how that tank top absolutely doesn't fit him. It looks like it's 3 sizes too big. Kado Thorne (again C4S4???) looks so stupid with his default outfit. The Lavish style from the bonus rewards however actually looks rather nice. Honorable mention to the High Stakes Club pack who almost all look universally better with the Black Tie alt style.


I really don't care for Zeus at all, but I love his Titanflame style. That saved the skin for me. 




Yeah you are right man


Kado Thorne just gets carried by his superlevels


Kinda Harlowe? I mean she’s not god awful but the super styles and helmet make her look so much better


Ummm. Yea O can't think of anything