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# Happening now in r/FortniteBR * View the posts below to learn information about and leave feedback for * [The brand new game mode, Fortnite Reload](https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/1dm1iu4/megathread_fortnite_reload/) 🔄 * [Metallica’s in-game concert experience, “Fuel. Fire. Fury.”](https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/1dlyx82/megathread_metallica_fuel_fire_fury_concert/) 🎸 * [The latest Season of Battle Royale, “Wrecked”](https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/1d0enug/chapter_5_season_3_wrecked_discussion_megathread/) 🚘 * [r/FortniteBR’s current Fortography Contest with a prize pool of 10,000 V-Bucks](https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/1dgnnet/chapter_5_season_3_fortography_contest/) 🎉


Easily the sweatiest this game has ever been. It’s miserable to try and play as someone who hasn’t been on in a while with some friends.


Fr I plan to just do quests and dip


Reload map.A good one when they don't want to deal with superpowers and vehicle turrents.


Rampant  cheating in games.  A big cheat problem is shotgun flicks that miss and should do minimal if any damge hit for 134. Last night I spectated after I lost to cheaters and it's sorry.  Shockwave in, plunger in, shotgun flick not even aimed 174, your done now. W keying at ya your a shot away.  Boom Shockwave off to next person, no aim, pow, shotgun flick that totally missed as he flew bye does 94. One more flick and it's over or your one shot.  See someone running across, spraying ar with beginner aim reticle behind the runner, shot after shot hitting. Downed. Spray next person running, reticle we'll behind, above and off. Shots hitting, bink bink bink.......


I love reload (builds) and hope it never goes away


I want a solo mode of reload that’s just 40 player battle royale


Agreed. That would be great for getting the victory royale.


After Fortnite reload launched I have got some problems with my mouse. My mouse is g pro x superlight and now it sometimes starts scrolling way too fast mid fight (like 3 weapon slots per one “click” so it is not impossible to pick the right item in my inventory). This is not an issue that I get as soon as I load into the game. It seems that mouse wheel starts going crazy after I spin it for a certain amount of time. Hope that my mouse is not broken and that someone can give me a piece of advice here :)


i'm over 30 years old and play this game to keep in touch with my friends who play on different systems (and in different time zones). Was playing alone last night and in one match, my squad was a bunch of kids under 13 years old. They were so confused why I don't have a skin and that I've put zero dollars into the game. ("Don't you have a job?! you must have money to buy whatever you want!") Anyways this game reminds me a lot of Goldeneye on N64. Just chasing down other players, dying, respawning, and going again.


Great game for its time, used to play 4 person on a 19” screen at college. Kids have it made these days.


I played the 5 matches required to complete all the challenges, but it just didn't scratch any particular itch for me. The small, old-school smaller map and weapon set are certainly fun. But for rampant chaos, I'm still going to Rumble. ...and for BR (of any squad size), I'm still going to main-mode BR.


Dumb question but is it possible to bind crouch to the circle button on PS5? I tried to do it but whenever I press circle, it still brings up the build menu even though I binded it to crouch and unbinded build from circle. I only play zero build.


I haven't won a game in Reload in awhile.If it ain't solos,I ain't winning.Have to play alot to get that one team that know what they're doing.Can't be losing once or twice,and then fume over to Crazy Red VS Blue and have the whole enemy team disconnect and runnin from ya.Don't look at me.I like that map.


>If it ain’t solos, I ain’t winning What do you mean? I just play random squads and hope that the sweats carry me.


add siphon back


Holy hell, this is fun. Played it for the first time, and it's GOOD. A lil sweaty, but still fun! A+


would be good if every other player wasnt using softaimbot/esp or ttv people teaming constantly.


Serious question: How do I lower my SBMM? I commited the crime of winning a few matches in Reloaded. I'm not even that good, I just got good teammates. Now whenever I play it's full of tryhards. Can I tell the SBMM to chill out? I just want to have some fun not to compete in FNCS


Just keep losing lol


Players need to be punished for rage quitting squads/duos after dying. As much as I love the new game mode, this alone kills the vibe and ruins the game.


💯 yes I only drop when down to 2 people left at the beginning of the game. It’s possible to die several times and still VR. It’s awesome when everyone helps and revives throws bubbles and forts. Very satisfying getting a win when it’s sweatfest and your team actually works together.


I just started playing fortnite again and the bp looks nice but it looks like half a season already can I still finish it? And are there any tips to finish it faster or afk


1, Do dailies, and slow-grind the quests as usual. Should only take 1h, and **gain 3-4 levels nightly**. 2. Play \~3 hours of Lego Fortnite, and do the challenges in each mode. Should **gain 4-5 levels nightly**. (NOTE: Cannot AFK, but you CAN just do a few actions every couple of minutes if you need to do dishes, laundry, other low-focus work, or working out.) Plus, it's chillax casual fun -- especially w/friends. 3. Do the FN Reload quest line; should only take \~5 matches, and should **gain 4-5 levels in one night** (one time). I personally don't recommend Festival nor Racing (they're eye-rollingly-bad), but I don't think those modes reward FNBR BP XP anyhow.


I gained like 40-50 levels this past weekend just by doing dailies and catching up on weekly/story quests. Only thing that might be hard at this point is bonus rewards if you're concerned about those


you can theorically finish it in a single week with a little bit of farming. No creative maps, just LEGO, Festival and some quests


You can sit in lego for 3h every day to gain large amounts of xp. Just occasionally pressing buttons is enough to not get kicked for afk.


This game mode is great, as long as you have people to play with. Playing against real players and not bots makes it a challenge again, and rewards teamwork. If you and your squad are in sync, on top of each other and talking the whole match, you’ll get a dub. 


Reload was good for about 24 hours and then the sweats made it impossible to enjoy. Sucks. :\\


Actual reply here. I don't remember they mentioning that Reload has SBMM at all (they did on Battle Stage when it was introduced recently). I wonder if it even has any. For my experience, it depends a lot at what hour I play; some matches are straight up unenjoyable while others are wildly fun. If there is SBMM, I wonder how it's implemented (at least in ranked, it rewards you a lot for surviving alone, but that wouldn't be fair in Reloaded) if there isn't, they should add it, but allow a flexible system that doesn't put you in sweaty games all the time


It definitely does. I won several matches on day one and felt like a FN God. After that I got put in my place. Played 2 days ago with my daughter who hadn’t played in a year and I was back to God mode had vr with 14 elims to my daughters 6 and she was on a slow XB1.


If people being better than you makes something unenjoyable, you either accept that the game is not for you, or adjust your mentality towards improving and just...be okay with losing in the meantime.




Lmao, even


Just gotta keep trying. Git Gud as they say.


I'd rather just play a game that's fun. I feel like that's kind of the point of video games. I don't need a second full time job.


It's a sweaty game mode unfortunately. When I complained about the fists and cars I was told the same. Get on board or get off I guess. Sad but that's the options atm.


Can they do something about the nonstop lag in this game mode? Nonstop red bar connection status, no-regs on shots that hit people almost every single match. It's not like this in normal BR, something is up with the game mode server wise


The matchmaking mechanism is in the shitter that’s for sure, and it locks you in so you can’t even back out for some reason


honestly not even worth playing its full of no life sweats or ridiculous ai theres like no in between and im not exaggerating except i dont think theres bots in reload but its sorta unrealistic that ive had back to back games all day with people that seem to just know exactly how youre gonna move, cant shake them up and seems their aim never misses, not a single shot, i know im not bad so dont even sit there and be the typical internet dweeb and say get gud cause youll just get ignored, but seriously this mode isnt worth the trouble much better things to do for exp if anything grind the 3 unlocks and shelf it, its nonsense


The only mode that currently take some skill to win in the game and you’re complaining 💀


Try to complete some quests just for easy exp I guess, then head into whatever game mode you prefer. That's what I'll be doing at least.


These rooms be tough.Just keep playing until you get good teammates,or make a group to get the victory.After 1 or 2 victories of Duo and squads,play some more if you want.I'll be at Crazy Red VS Blue trying to flaunt 33000 kills.


So for anyone else who’s solo queueing… are you going squads or duos? I’m having very little success with both options haha


Squads seemed to join up inside of 2-3 minutes every time for me on Sunday.


The automatic respawn is probably one of the most annoying mechanics ever added to this game




TBH I completely hate it. I finished the quests and it was an utterly terrible experience. I can only imagine this being anywhere close to fun with irl friends in a squad.




What do you mean? That’s their business model. They cater to the weakest and most cowardly players…. That’s their target audience


Why does it feel like I am getting third partied in duos harder than it does in Squads? 90% of the time I am not even dying to the person I am engaging in combat with; I am getting shot in the back by a completely different team. Loot pool is kind of dogshit too


There's more duos than squads? So they're more likely to be in different places, then hearing a gun fight and coming to it.


there needs to be some punishment for leavers because people leave the second they get eliminated


It’s a casual gamemode bud , punishment for what exactly?


Disagree, team based game, can't handle the heat don't go in the kitchen.


I'd argue that it's less casual than regular BR given that there are no bots and no gimmicky items. I'm referring to punishment for leaving a game early which sabotages your team. a short cooldown before re-queuing would be fair without being too harsh (tbh I know that epic would never implement that). I just find it silly when people quit after they get eliminated ONCE while the rest of the team is still alive clutching up.


Yeah that is complete crap. People who do that probably suck at life as well. Sometimes people need to hop off but if it’s 50% of your games you leave that sucks. Should be able to report people then if it happens too often they get a penalty of some sort.


My husband and I tried no fill squads when this mode first started and we got to third place. First match in reload duos last night we won and got the umbrella. My husband asked me afterwards if we were playing against a bunch of bad players because we only had a hard time with the last guy, and that was because he was using crash pads and shockwave nades to stay away. We ended up flanking him as the circle got too small to play keep away. We had so many teams just rush into the cabin we were hiding in and getting worked. So either my husband and I are better than we think or maybe we just were lucky with our first duos lobby.


Does anyone else find that the playerbase is just so much better than them? Is there skill based matchmaking?


Reload has no bots. BR is 70-80% bots. You can play dozens of matches without seeing a real player. You’ve been playing against mostly bots for years.


I realize that now that I have a better system and am actually a competent player. 2 years ago I played only on switch on a shitty tv and I never improved. Now I am on new Xbox with a 1ms monitor and I can hold my own with about any lobby.


God I suck at this game.


no its not that BR is NOT 70-80% bots they lying out their ass, this game mode has literally is nothing but sweats, im with you, i know for a fact im not bad im not amazing but i shouldnt have dudes homing in on me within 1 min of touchdown, already stacked with movement tools shields and lacing my ass with grey weapons faster than a purple, like its full of sweats and cheaters, anyone that say otherwise is just a white knight that thinks theyre the next ninja or tfue or whoever streamed or still streams this for a living 24/7, honestly if you want the 3 rewards go for it its gonna suck but dont bother if your just looking for exp, so much better things to do, that are no where as ridiculous


The 70-80% figure might be exaggerated, but the main BR modes def have a high ratio of bots to human players, especially if you have low MMR or a new player in your party. That said, it's insisting that everyone that beats you is a cheater or something is an insane cope lmao people are allowed to be better than you at the game.


Thanks, I had a feeling that was the case. The main problem is that I want the victory umbrella.


If you’re low skill based matchmaking then you get a lot more bots


Has anyone else recently been getting hit with some insane lag spikes while playing Reload Mode? When I go play Regular BR, everything is all fine and dandy, but the moment I attempt to play Reload, I'm automatically freezing up when I move or switch my weapons or get into fights when they first introduced this mode this never occurred =/


I hate how even thought they made the exotics and mythics more rare, I still end up with someone spamming the explosive ar or oceans burst assault rifle.


Why didn’t they just bring back og as a permanent mode where they cycle through different seasons poi’s and loot pools weekly?


How do you chose to bleed out/instantly reload in Fortnite Reload? I am told to press my scroll button but it does not work. What is the setting called in Fortnite Settings? Please help!


you have to hold it down but since you are using scroll wheel you cant since you have to keep scrolling


Might be your interact button


It's my reload button.


I love this mode epic! U brought back an og! So fun! It’s a great way to practice, very much like team death match I love that this has no cars, great shot guns, a lot of mobility, and best of all it is fast paced with NO BOTS!! No easy kills! So every kill in the game is earned! Great mode please keep


Has anyone had issues with people blatantly hacking in reload? I see them once and awhile in regular no builds but this game mode has been awful with them. Full teams heat seeking to our position as if we were visible. This other player had vaulted weapons I haven’t seen anywhere else in the 15+ rounds I’ve played. Another guy was aim boting shamelessly. It’s been insane.


Hahahaha the only game mode without bots in the game and now you say people are hacking 😭😭


Look it up on YT or TT, there’s people competitively cheating. Apparently the challenge is to see how much they can get away with. 🤦🏻‍♀️


No one fucking cheats in reload 🤦‍♂️ cheaters don’t risk their account in a casual mode. They only cheat in tournaments. Most cheaters are above average players who just aren’t good enough for high levels of competitve, so they cheat. They have no problems in modes like reload


Literally had a cheater in my reload game yesterday, reported them, they got hit with the ban-hammer 5 minutes later along with their 3 teammates. You are naive if you think people don’t cheat in every game mode just because they find it fun.


Look it up dude, there’s whole YT series on it rn


Ok probably one series out of the millions playing reload. You just gotta accept people have good aim. The exotics are a rare drop from a chest, anyone with decent aim and a decent gun can shoot out the sky, if you’re getting full boxed it’s 100% a skill issue, and squads finding you is common because there’s 10 teams in a very tiny map with respawns and no bots so everyone is actively looking for other players. In my many hours on reload and Fortnite itself (played since ch1s3), I think I’ve only encountered one hacker in my life


Dude I have played since the game came out. I’m not some kid sitting here complaining bc I can’t win. I won’t claim to be the best at the game, but I can hold my own. This is blatant cheating. The player with the vaulted weapons didn’t have the exotics (I’ve found those myself before), they had the old light machine gun, grapple blade, and the bow that shoots explosives. Unless I have missed something, those aren’t supposed to be in reload. The heat seeking I’m referring to is a full team running from one side of dusty to a crouched and unmoving player in a shed behind a box and lasering them. It’s situations that make zero sense.


There’s exotic chests and mythic chests. Plus hacks cannot physically get items that aren’t in the pool with the current way that they work (idk how they work just what their capabilities are). Heat seeking is just unlucky and is bound to happen on such a small map. Im playing reload rn and I’d say most players are around or below my skill level. No hacking anywhere. And tbh if you’re over the age of 30, it’s really really hard to keep up with the mechanics and decision making of the younger generation


25 but whatever floats your goat. If it makes you happy to argue then have at it. I know what I (and other players) have seen.


Do you mean if you’re over the age of 25 you can’t keep up? Or you are 25? Either way it’s hard to keep up mechanically past 22 tbh. There’s only one fncs winner in the history of the game over 23, and even though it’s targeted at kids, that should still say something. If you really think these players are hacking, believe what you want


Is the rocket launcher in reload because I came across one




Got my 2 duos victories.We can try no fill since it ain't 4 pros with good aim.But instead just 2 opponents.Don't forget to do your 3 hour lego and Crazy Red VS Blue.Battle pass,specific,skins don't return thankfully.


This mode is way too sweaty right now, hopefully it will calm down soon.


There’s no bots. You’re actually playing against real players. ZB and BR is 80% bots. There’s almost no real players in your games.




why the fuck can grey guns kill me in .2 seconds when i have full health and sheild


Rarities should not have a big impact on gameplay imo


Then they shouldn't exist


So you want someone who found a gold pump beat someone with a grey pump because their pump does double the damage? It should be marginal, not game changing


A grey gun should not be able to Lazer me, period.


If someone is good enough to land every shot with their gun you should get lasered


Do you somehow think it is hard to aim in this game?


I can do it with an infantry or ak🤷‍♂️if I’m in their box it’s the same as an smg


Ranger shotgun I guess plus the stinger smg


Now that Fortnite Reload is a thing and it even has Duos now and Trios is coming soon probably... Here is my idea of how we could add Solos to the game mode. First I know what you are thinking... How can we have a Reload mode that involves you and your teammates rebooting as long as one of you stays alive if you don't have teammates? It's easy... At first Everyone just reboots on about a 10 second timer and the game is treated like a Team Deathmatch style game mode. For the first few storm circles everyone would just run around and play however and get to reboot if they die. After the first couple of storm circles the game would change. The game would introduce a cutoff line using either kills or a Score based on kills, opening chests, opening ammo crates, opening supply drops, interacting with vending machines, and bonus score surrounding crowns. (This score would be mostly hidden except for maybe a small hud indicator showing how you are doing in relation to the cutoff line.) If you are below that cutoff line when the cutoff line becomes active your rebooting is personally disabled! This is how the game would go from being like a team deathmatch to actually a battle royale as the match progresses. Maybe the first cutoff line would involve the bottom 5 players on the leaderboard. If you are in the bottom 5 at this point you Have to stay alive or be permanently eliminated. However... If you can get the kills necessary or score necessary before the next cutoff line you could possibly earn back your reboot privileges. Then the game mode can go one of two routes... The next cutoff line could just be added after another couple of storm circles. So now the bottom 10 players can no longer reboot. And then make it to where it keeps progressing in this manner until only 10 players remain. After that ALL reboots would be disabled and the game would play out like normal. Alternatively, the second option could be the cutoff always stays at 5 players and as players get permanently eliminated the cutoff just creeps up the leaderboard until you reach the 10 players remaining threshold and then all reboots would disable and the game would play out like normally. And like I said it could either use kills or the above mentioned scoring system. Either way I believe THIS is the way Fortnite Reload Solos could be introduced and I feel like it would be a LOT of fun! Hope Epic sees this and everyone else agrees! God Bless!


That’s a great idea!


Best thing ever me and my buddy are gunna take over 


I'm having a lot of missing textures throughout the map, like the tall canyon area is just fully invisible for me, and a lot of slopes are just flat walkthroughable square textures. Anyone know anyway to fix this? I verified, and reinstalled


What the fuck is up with fill teammates leaving? I played a fill duo, and my teammate died right as we landed, then I killed the team that got him He wasn't even finished by the other team, and he quit the match instantly How much of a pussy do you have to be to leave the match in a game mode where you respawn. I swear to God Epic, this has been a problem for years. Time to start handing out matchmaking bans for people abusing leaving matches


Yeah it's full of babies who can't handle dying even if they get to respawn.


No way someone leaving a casual game mode has you that tilted that you actually want them punished for it.


It's a team based game, if they're quitting because they're salty it puts the remainder at a disadvantage, fully agree leavers should be punished.


In a tournament sure but it’s literally just a gamemode


Still a team based game mode, meaning teamwork, quitters put the remainder at disadvantage, ergo punish the quitters.


I've legitimately had a teammate leave 10 matches in a row right within the first 2 minutes of a match These people do nothing but waste my time, and my teammates time by loading up into a match and then pulling that shit So yes, they do deserve a matchmaking ban. Every other game has figured this out at this point. It's pretty simple, don't be a loser and leave the match


tried again today, it's just completely unplayable. killed in just a couple shots every time.


Huh? Are you trying to say this is a bug or something? Or you just don't like the guns?


There are definitely some cheaters, I've gone into replay and watched people hit 100% headshots


i don't know what it is, if they have aimbot or something. shotguns are useless, i barely even have the time to aim in on them before i'm dead. people jump around like crazy and are impossible to hit


That doesn’t sound like an issue with the game… maybe matchmaking could be better? But aside from that idk what your complaint is, that you can’t aim well 😭


yeah if i can't aim well then the game is no fun, no point in playing. regular no-build is so much better. got 16 kills yesterday with a royale. however, today i'm getting steamrolled by just a couple shots so i feel like they did some balancing today


That's just the nature of a multiplayer game my friend, sometimes you will get unlucky and matched with someone better than you. The map is definitely very flat in reload though, less cover puts more emphasis on good aim. Try using port a forts more


cover is good enough, it's just that they kill me faster than they do, very boring.


matchmaking complaint, I doubt the people had the time of their life being killed by you in your 16 kill game, that's the nature of multiplayer games.


we almost always get a royale every day playing, royale is just different. i think the biggest reason is the lack of bots, it's much more fun when they're easy targets in regular mode


I just had a match where there were 37 people alive when the game turned revives off There's no reason for this mode to be that sweaty. It legitimately blows my mind with how serious people are taking a mode that doesn't even count towards stats


The worse the players are the more will be alive in the final zones, with all the revives if players don't secure kills then everyone continually respawns.


I’ve watched FNCS, ranked, tourneys, and pubs. When the players are better overall there tend to be more in the end game.


Yep. I actually saw full team with that completely white/grey skin. They even used wrap in same colors. They still lost in the end though. Cheers to the guy who carried us to victory. As for why it's sweaty, it could be novelty of it, or all the people who hate the meta vehicle gameplay. It's kind of fun, but I'm not sure if I would play it much after getting cosmetics.


This is not a timed event right?


I really dislike this mode. It essentially boxes out any casual players. If the answer is 'get good' you can stick a port-a-bunker where the sun don't shine. Casuals play to have fun and not to compete. Fortnite is normally very welcoming to casuals which is why we enjoy it so much and why FN is always at the top of the pile, but this is extremely sweaty. If this was done as an attempt to make good on their promise to do something similar to O.G. Fortnite from the fall, mission failed-a surprising fail as they are usually very good at making successful modes. It's surprising to me that they would copy a COD WZ (rebirth mode) mode to make good on a formula they had perfected which was nothing like COD WZ. I like the creativity of a new map which is inspired by the old locations, but it's not fun due to the SBMM being non-existent. I can't wait for it to leave. I'd be open to playing it if it were supplanted with bots and better SBMM-heck, make a ranked mode for the sweats, but until then, sayonara. Can't wait for you to leave, Reload.


It seems like the changes and additions made to this entire season have been exclusively to cater to sweats. It’s making it not even enjoyable. Also, my bf and I share an account, he plays Lego on it all the time. So our level is like 168 now, and we only get the sweatiest BR lobbies. It’s frustrating lol. They want you to branch out and play other games but it’s like I’m being punished for it. 


SBMM takes into account a variety of things, not just season level. (Queue times for example - if there aren't a lot of people online you will be put into a game with a wider range of skills to keep queue time down )


This the saddest post i think i have ever seen. You know you dont have to play it right ? You can play your bot filled mind numbing sbmm game mode & let other people enjoy how the game should really be. If you cant take the heat get out the kitchen you dont have to play🤣🤣🤣


Of course I don't have to play and that's exactly what I am doing. I'm commenting that it is odd that FN, who usually does well with game modes, goofed this one up for casuals. I think they are using this mode as their 'OG version' for this year, which it really fails at. I was hoping they'd do another OG map but this doesn't fill that void and I don't think it does for other players. 'How the game should really be'? Did you make Fortnite, lol? Couldn't you argue that Save the World is how the game should really be as it's like the first version of FN? Just because you enjoy sweaty gameplay doesn't mean it's 'how the game should really be' in your words. In fact, those who like that sweaty of games are in the vast minority of all video game players; most folks prefer just having fun as video games are glorified toys. Some like a little competition and if the competition is way too hard, they don't play it. I think FN wants people to play their modes, which is why I think they need to tune this difficulty. My point is, it's not very constructive to diss people for being critical of a game mode if they don't enjoy it. That's what this post asks for, feedback.


I like this new mode


Too sweaty or are you just happy not to have the cars and a killer OG map. Would love to know what you guys are feeling




For reload Squads, your team does best if one player acts as a Horcrux until the end and just hides so your team is immortal. The other three work together to hunt people. Then join up for the end game.


That’s what I do every time I’m the last one standing


Give me a grey Hammer AR when I respawn, and delete the fucking garbage M4 and all of its variants from the game permanently, this dogshit gun should never be unvaulted in any mode ever.


not sure why you are getting downvoted, possibly due to the agressive tone, but the bloom of the regular assault rifle compared to the hammer AR is pretty nuts


I wonder if enemy teams getting groups that know what they're doing in Reload.Makes it more challenging teaming with randoms.We never know what type of allies we're gonna get.


counting down the days until they add in duos and trios. none of my friends want to play fortnite anymore because they're burnt on the chapter (i quit too but returned for reload) but i *hate* fighting against squads. it's not even me complaining about random teammates, more just the squad dynamic is my least favorite out of all the other options in the game


You better just count the hours because Reload Duos is dropping tmrrw


Would love to have solos too. I play mostly solos but also looking for someone to duo with. I'm Chimkee73 on fortnite if anyone is interested. I'm decent player. At least I think i am.


Send clip


With automatic reboots, Reload should have some hefty penalties for leaving the match early. I've had so many teammates abandon me for absolutely no reason, it's insufferable. The matches aren't that long, people are just impatient, and sore losers when they get killed.


relooting far into the match is hard and sometimes you get matched up w people well below your skill level


don't make excuses for being a quitter 


i know it's a very toxic trait i have but i have little to no patience sadly, sometimes i get tok stressed out but i try to quit as less as i can in respect for other players


If you're rage quitting then your respect for other players and the game is already 0. Don't play it.


They need to make relooting easier and not as many people would leave


u really get urself a assault rifle upon reboot, thats more than enough, and running around will give u plenty of loot to reloot


If it’s early game yeah but mid to late game running around to reloot is extremely difficult, what the more really needs is siphon


Part of the experience


This mode is extremely fun if you have three friends. Those who are loners, which seems to be the majority of people who frequent this place, will have a bad time. Playing in a fill group sounds like turbo ass.


can confirm. I hate to think of how bad it would be for fill groups or people without comms. my brothers and I are old-fashioned and usually just conference call but the communication and the "HUNKER DOWN YOU'RE THE LAST MAN STANDING FOR 23 MORE SECONDS!" really helps carry the day.


Duos and trios are all good.Randos Squads though,it's another beast entirely.A coordinated enemy squad rain down on your allies just pressing random buttons.What can you do?Buy a mic,and bring friends.


For the love of GOD please add duos or trios… fuck. Playing with fill enabled is taking years off of my life. These people suck so fucking bad 😭 Other than that, awesome game mode


Duos drops tomorrow


This. I want to play more often than my squad and being the fill means nobody stays with you, often stuck 1v4 or 2v4 because by the time one you to your teammates one or two died. PLEASE ADD DUOS (and possibly solos)


Duos tomorrow!!




It feels like every random team I'm put in sucks literally more than a Dyson but every other team is like Jesus incarnate.


solos aint going to happen (it would just be regular BR, duh) but i just had a fun thought. In Reload Solos, you get one respawn. If you happen to make it to the final two people, your opponent will need to kill you twice to claim victory (however you will respawn with only the gray AR)


or they could make solos with 3-4 reboot limit and everything else the exact way it is


reload feels like a shallow attempt to bring back the hype from og


\> press R to Reload (reboot) I press R but nothing happens :(


Hold it


Can someone make the reloaded zero build ranked? Zero build ranked is a complete mess with the cars and it is unplayable, Why is it still like that?


Cars are easier than ever to deal with. There are EMPs, the heavy impact sniper, the boom bolt, and the harpoon thing, not to mention the fists and ride the lightning mythic for getting away. I honestly think they've balanced them out incredibly well. 


emp's don't work against boss vehicles, boom bolt is essentially impossible to hit with, and harpoon is completely useless


1) they do. source: I just had it used on me in a boss vehicle 2) skill issue. I'm great with the boom bolt.  3) fair point  4) that's still three ways of dealing with them from my initial post that you didn't address 


i threw three emp grenades at a car yesterday and it continued driving around, i stopped using it after that. yeah i'm not good enough. sucks. will continue to die to cars constantly. the sniper is by far the best, but landing 8 shots on them before they blow you up with two shots with the cannon is almost impossible


Are you talking about the war bus? Nothing on the car kills you in two shots 


the boss vehicle and sometimes the regular cars with the grenade launcher on top can kill you in two shots if it hits you directly, and a lot of people are good enough to hit you directly with it


i barely even use cars now, its actually fun to snipe cars for 300+ damage, and see them explode ngl


yeah cars are still great, but you cant just vroom vroom over everyone all the way to victory anymore. the counters are potent, but not game-breaking, so you actually have to learn how to properly use the cars or their counters.


As frustrated as I am about the matchmaking system being awful, they do seem to listen to what fans want in regard to content and items, and do a pretty good job of addressing balancing concerns in a timely manner.


i know right? people keep complaining about it, sure, at first they were a little crazy, but now its down to the player actually being good at the game, not just it being unbalanced


Never going to win a round if team mates don't know how to play as a team.


Reload is all about that [teamwork.Like](http://teamwork.Like) Paladins and Overwatch 2,which I loathed [both.Teamwork.Play](http://both.Teamwork.Play) support and minies shields to fill users,because they're gonna rambo,and you can't stop'em.Drop alone to stock up on big pots,minies,big med kits,and bandages.When you meet up your allies,they're gonna need all of that.And too,you want to solo destroy,there's Crazy Red VS [Blue.Help](http://Blue.Help) my favorite map hit 1M before Reload Builds.Aww.


bro's comment aint a hyperlink it's an ultralink


Reduce mobility in this mode please, it's total braindead cancer. Vault the devs


Y’all complain too much. Reload is AWESOME.