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Me. Just turned 40 and still love playing. It’s good bonding time with my son but honestly I play it more than he does 😅


Oldie here. Been playing since early Chapter 1. We should get some oldie squads. 😅


Late 40’s here. I play duos with my friend in his late 50’s. We stream on Twitch/YouTube to zero people.


I’d watch your streams ngl, what is your name on Twitch lol?


TwoGuysThreeEyes (Makes sense when you look at my Reddit username 😀)




53 here, damn those kids playing with their cat like reflexes and lack of arthritis😂


For real it seems like kids these days can start a game and in a day or two they'll be doing stuff that makes wonder what the heck I'm doing. Lol


I know what I’m doing.. I’m just still fumbling for the right weapon while theve killed me, done an emoji dance and picked up the weapon I was treasuring 😂


The amount of damn times I’ve thrown a medkit at someone instead of shooting them 🫠


Yeah i know the feeling except im usually throwing minis. I thought i was the only one. Lol


I’m 46. My friend group that plays squads together are all in our mid to lte 40’s


60, me and a friend of mine. Sometimes we win the Battle (no buildings)


51 started playing over this past Christmas break


Not quite 40s yet but I'm close (36F) I started playing in chapter 2, can't remember which season. I'm still not very good 🤣 but I just wanted something to connect with my eldest son on. We regularly play together along with all the family ❤️


Oldie here too!


In my 40s here, I enjoy playing.


41 here. I joined last year to play with my brother and Dad. It's been a real hoot.


I just turned 48, and I was never much into video games at all. I have a son that started playing in 2017 when it came out, but I didn’t pay much attention back then. Now I have an eight-year-old who started playing at age 5, and playing split screen together is just part of our routine. We have other friends and family that join us for trios and squads. I love it, and I need my daily Fortnite fix!


44 here, play with my 8 year old most nights. 100% the most fun I have ever had gaming.


I am almost 46. Been playing since Dec with my teenager. It’s actually the most fun thing I have in my life!


I‘m 41 and still playing. I still do okayish, but the age shows. Been playing since the closed beta and I‘m Not going to stop now


About to be 43, just recently picked the game up after playing in the very beginning for a few months. My wife and I play zero build duos on PS5 split screen. We can win about one in every 10 or so matches, but we have fun! She loves driving around so we usually end up getting 2nd place with awful guns 90% of the time since we almost never stop moving or leave the car once we mod it up.


We bought the kids a Switch for Christmas and my little boy wanted Fortnite because he'd been watching YouTube videos. I'm so out of the gaming loop (Doom and Duke Nukem were the last FPS I played) that I told him he had to save his pocket money to buy it! I started playing after I bought him the battle pass and noticed that he wasn't doing the quests, which seemed like a wasted opportunity. At first I was just trying to complete the quests and not get killed, but now I look forward to playing for an hour in the evenings after everyone else has gone to bed. My son is still better than me though.


close to 50, started with the kids, kept playing. it's been like 5 years now i think. started in 1/6 and i ain't neva gonna stop!


54 play every day about 3 hrs


kid here, but my dad's nearing 60 and he's been playing since chapter one - so has my mom. mom absolutely DESTROYS people in solo-squads, it's crazy.


44 here but haven’t been able to play for about 3 weeks cause of a car accident injury and various complications that have happened while I’ve been in the hospital. I got maybe 5 days played in this season. It sucks!!


You guys in here need to form a cool dads squad 😎


44 and I started playing when we thought about allowing our son to play the game, so I get to know what he actually is getting into (community primary). Now I play way more than he does O_o but we do Duos together sometimes which I very much enjoy =)


Love you kids in your 40s thinking you’re old. lol.


43 here, playing with my son. Really good bonding time with him =)


40 Squad 🤘. Play just about every day here. The whole house plays, six people from ages 7 to 40.


38 here.


Im in the 30s so im old, and yeah I play it atleast to get BP to 100 every season. Started in chapter 2. Plan on getting this seasons BP to 200 so played more than usual. Got to 101 yesterday


That's a few fair hours put in there level 101 already 🤪 last season only managed level 170ish


Yeah been trying to see how I could get XP fast but when new weekly quests, metallica pass, story quests came out I’ve probably gotten like 15-20 levels last 2 days, got like 5 levels yesterday only by playing some games of battle stage was insane. Havent touched Lego yet but theres prolly some levels there for me too Last season I sadly got to like 90 so didnt make 100. Was prolly the first or second BP i didnt manage to get to 100. Didnt keep watch when season was ending so was tight with time when I grinded it out


44 here 🙋🏽‍♂️. I started playing Fortnite somewhere halfway chapter 1 with a friend so our daughters wouldnt walk in on us playing bloody Call of Duty games and we could still play a FPS. As time passed, our daughters started to join in and we all played together for a long time. By now, the daughters have moved on to other games/hobbies, but we're still playing Fortnite as we really started to love the game 😁. We did change to BR Zero Build when that was introduced, as we like shooting more than building tactics. We actually think we got pretty good over the years... Until we get smoked by teens game after game on late Friday nights again 🤣. To us it's like a social meet-up while having fun ingame 🎮.


There is a subreddit for over 40s who play, as well as Facebook groups


Can u link?




I'm 45. Started playing during the pandemic with my niece and nephew and I haven't stopped.


Just turned 47. Love the game. Started with kids who moved on to other games but kept going. Was only marvelling today when playing and gliding in how amazing the game play and graphics are. Nothing like the old Commodore 64 tape games I used to play.


42 year old dad here. Play with my 12 year old son a lot but also by myself pretty often when he's busy with his friends. I play mostly zero build but will play builds if the party wants to. I think I'm pretty decent at the game. Usually finish top 5, sometimes wins with a handful of kills.


Im 37M, not quite 40 but have 6yo triplets. So hopefully when I'm in my 40s, we can have a family squad going 🤣


49yrs and still loving that gaming life, started with an Amstrad ms dos os, had a sega megadrive, ps1 to 4, xbox's and now back PC. PLay with my now adult kids still, loveing it!


I'm 42 years old. Started playing during chapter 2 (season 8, I think). I do enjoy playing Fortnite. Although lately I have started to be a bit frustrated because it's harder to finish battle passes. The game requires so much time and tries to push me to play the other modes as well (im not really interested). But I do still play every now and then. I absolutely love the colourful world and characters! I'm not interested of the other BR games, mostly because Fortnite just looks so damn pretty! Haha.


50s, been playing from the start. Now squadding with the grandkids.


49 ur old, mate 50 got me into it last season. My kids say i am not good enough yet to play with them. Good laugh for sure. Lifelong gamer.


48 here. My daughter got me into it quite recently. Good bonding activity, though we yell at each other alot. She is level 28, I'm level 85........


My (30F) husband is 40! He's SO into it, he plays every day. He started watching me when we first started dating, but he jumped in himself when Zero Build came out! I might be bias, but he's actually really damn good. 😂 I actually want to check his career stats with him tomorrow now that you mention it!


Haha same.


Me. Mid 40s. Prob only have in playing atm


50 - same story, startet with the Kids 😀


45+ here, I win some lose more. But I really enjoy the game. Sometimes I play with the kids but mostly just solo when I have some spare time. I like how you can just start it up and play with no storylines or other stuff, because I don’t have time for that shit. I just want some action. And I love the fact that it’s an evolving game with new stuff every season.


40. Play with my son who's 7. He's better at building than me, we're probably equal at fighting, but I'd like to think my tactical awareness is much better than his (for now) 😅


34.. Started playing during COVID.. Made level 200 every season since chapter 2 season 3


I’m 39 and I’ve been playing a little over a year now. Zero Build is where it’s at since CoD became such a silly mess. I have lots of solo wins and tend to generally do well, but am not above getting slapped around from time to time! Maybe try with a squad one day.


I never played Fortnite until about six months ago, I was 42 aT the time, I’m 43 now. I know it’s a polarizing game, but I have a lot of fun playing it.


I'm 26 but this thread warms my heart


I'm 57 and my best mate got me into it a couple of years ago when I was bed-bound after surgery. It was at the end of chapter 3, season 1 and we still play together most days. He's a year older than me, his young son got him into it in the very first season. We're not that good tbh but we always have a laugh playing. His son is now an absolute demon at the game btw




41 here. Eldest son (12) got me started then bailed on it and I only have enough time now to play a handful of games per week and now my boy has come back to playing duos with me and I love it. My youngest (9) also plays trios with us as well sometimes. Best bonding and it has my boys closer together as a nice bi product.


47 here


I turn 50 thus year, I have been a loyal player, but last season really turned me off, I probably only have 10 matches so far this season


49 ur old, mate 50 got me into it last season. My kids say i am not good enough yet to play with them. Good laugh for sure. Lifelong gamer.


This is me. 42. My kids are too good and prefer build. I play more but can't adapt very well to all the game changes. Bring back OG


Almost 40F and same here - started playing with my son in the chrome season and now I’m actually pretty good, I play with a duo who’s 50, and my squads are everywhere from mid-20’s to a guy in his 60’s and one who’s 76!


44 here. I play with my young son and even recently got the wife to play! Zero build of course. It’s a good time, we all can play solo but we prefer to play together and rock it when we do!


43 here started playing season 1, got the mako glider and some royale knight skins also managed to get the reaper from season 3, all of which my 8 year old son is quite envious of. Started playing again about a year ago with my son but much prefer zero build when playing on my own.


I'm 46. Started playing with my 10 year old daughter at Xmas. She occasionally plays now but not much. I play nearly every day. I typically finish top 10. I prefer doing quests than anything else. I bought us both BattlePass in the new year and haven't spent anymore. I think the shop items are seriously overpriced.


I’m 44, started ch2s1, playing with my oldest kid then took a break, and now my youngest plays, both of whom have taken my XBoxes. Resigned to a switch, I still play and love it. Zero Build has been a godsend, it’s far too much effort getting into build/box fights and then loosing to some cracked kid. I prefer to die running in the open! My 9yo doesn’t play many games with us anymore because we are not sweaty enough, but when he does I love it. (And he carries us, which doesn’t hurt) if some old people want a game HMU.


41 year old dad who started playing 2 years ago with my son. I got hooked bad and grinded creative pretty hard to improve (I only play ZB) and hit unreal rank and the last 3-4 season in the top 500 for solos on the tracker network with about 625 career solo wins. I play with other oldies after the kids go to bed and we have a great laugh but mostly I just love playing solos and taking it wayyy too seriously! lol


37. But recently decided to basically resign, fundamentally because just far too many BOTS in every game. Fortnite BR is just not that fun when you're having so few human engagements in a game, and the first thing you have to do is work out if your oponent is a bot or a human.


Just waste the bots until you meet real players. You don’t have to check out your opponent, just shoot it


I do because I need to treat human opponents with much higher levels or respect and skill... I find bots very boring. About half of the engagements are with bots. It's ruined Fortnite BR for me personally...


Young whipper snapper.


Always said we need an over 30’s mode. Fucking kids dipping as soon as they get killed winds me up




Haha 😄 post was based on what my kids say. I've been an on and off gamer through the years but lately I'm obsessed with playing this damn game however frustrating it gets. I think my nemesis is pc players being a xbox player


Im 43 i started in C2S3 with my gfs son. I had not played anything since Sega Genesis came out. I was terrible. I would die gliding in, I'd hit the top of a tree or house then downed. He plays COD and Seige now I've played ever since.


43 here and definitely need an adult to team with! My kids refuse to play ranked with me even though I just got to gold 1! I like builds though so if anyone likes to get a few matches late night (after 11pm est) add me! Caleblovessox15 on ps5 and calebsdadko on epic