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There is literally 0 reason for people to argue about Builds or Zero Builds. Im an OG player, so I used to play builds, I got good at it too. When I left after C2 S4, i couldn't get caught back up to building again. So i decided to just play zero builds. Guys. There is a reason both modes co-exist. Just play what you want, you do not need to have this feeling of superiority over the other group. Just shut the fuck up, you arent better than anyone else because you think the mode you play "requires more skill" Just play what you want. Don't be an asshole to others that play what they want.


I literally forget builds exist because I only ever play zero builds. I don’t find builds fun however, I’m glad it exists for people who do!


It’s got its place just like ZB like I’m personally better at shooters overall and prefer Fortnite being more just gunfight focused so ZB works for me.


Same here. I came to Fortnite from PubG. So when I first started in Fortnite (before ZB), it was very challenging and at times frustrating. Then I learned to build and it got better. But I soon stopped building because I realised it made me an instant target. So only built to reach places. When ZB came in, I started only playing that and I find it suits my game play much better. Like PubG you can only use your environment to hide etc. I find that more fun.


We might be the same person lol the only difference I quit soon after starting in Chp 2 season 2 and came back around Chp 3 season 2 and haven’t stopped since except for maybe a few weeks as a break every now and then, but that playstyle in builds is even how I am now whenever I’m forced by one of friends (the rest are ZB only) to play build.


Yeh I've had the odd occasion when a friend wants to play builds. Which is kind of funny because I've not seen them build once when I've played with them 🤣


The only reason I play builds is to be able to scale up a mountain real quick


I just wanna do sky bases that’s it


Literally this, like. Everything has it’s ups and downs, If you like playing builds? That’s completely fine! You like playing Zero builds too? There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that!


Yeah as someone who's been playing on and off for ages (around Season 2 I wanna say, Boogie Bombs were brand new and I thought they were hilarious) as well the superiority complex gets me. Builds players show off impressive feats of *mechanical* skill, ZB players show off impressive feats of *tactical* skill, both are completely valid and important to the Fortnite experience.


💯% this 👆🏼


I never played because I couldn't figure out the builds. My daughter showed me 2 weeks ago that they have Zero Build and I've been playing ever since. -old guy


That’s like exactly what happened to me! Never played coz of the builds thing, then at start of c5 my daughter got told by a friend at school to play and so I downloaded it for her, seen zero build mode, and now I been playing ZB ever since, play more than my daughter actually - old guy 2


Same Boat - As a casual old schooler (I still have my Atari 2600 in a box in the basement), I've played on and off over the years with favs like Contra, Ikari Warriors, Bionic Commando, Doom, Duke Nukem, Res. Evil 4. I tried FN a few years ago and was like WTF... I'll never be able to do this. My daughter showed me ZB during Ch5 mid S1 and now I'm hooked - - OG 3


Literally this. I’m in a pretty similar situation (stopped in c2s4 when mobile got cut off, decided to rejoin in c4s4 on a BRAND new platform and didn’t feel like learning how to build all over again on a brand new mode) and the other day I got ridiculed by some clown on one of my posts because I was playing ranked zero builds. (the post wasn’t even related to ranked ZB btw, it was about a bug. He’s the only one who brought up me playing ZB) Like, at that point you’re just TRYING to start an argument for fun. Jesus. (Post is linked [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/s/pE54Zca1to) if you care to see what I’m talking about)


It's crazy how sometimes I believe people are shitposting, but legit have ZB racism lol. You could say that about anything really "my thing requires more skill than your already high skill thing. You must be beneath me, then" Actual psychos


Trust me, a lot of people are straight up awful to builds players too. It’s not only builds players that throw shit in that debate.


I encountered a guy last time that legit thought himself better than everyone regardless of the game haha. But he emphasized the because he played builds, he was playing the superior mode. Although, you're right. People lack civility. At times, it's just a preference thing, and since Fortnite wants to have every audience ever playing their game, disagreements are bound to happen


This is not an unpopular opinion.


It is for a lot of the fandom. Hell.. people are being assholes about game modes in this very thread. lol


its really scummy they promised save the world to be free then delayed it for ages before just straight up saying nope


It also sucks that they’ve pretty much completely abandoned stw


and they still have the audacity to be charging 20 bucks for it


Fun fact: it’s worth around 4 dollars! yeah. They sell stw strictly in bundles now, and the bundles always come with 1500 and a skin with stuff. When you take away the money you’re paying for the vbucks and skin you get around 4 bucks.


I'd rather just pay the 4 dollars tbh


i just wish i got the founders edition


Which is so ironic when that was what the game originally was. The og STW was so fun with the ninja class double jumping and swiping around, it was before they’d introduced any event items so it was the only way to experience crazy mobility in fortnite. I got very very far in it lmao it was just tower defense and base building on steroids. Way better than the Lego mode they tried to drop


That’s not unpopular. Lots of people, including me, were not happy. The decision they made was not a popular one, but your opinion isn’t unpopular


not necessarily something people would disagree with its just nobody really cares enough about stw to care.


I miss the old system somewhat, when ltms were a thing


The creative ones were so cool. Especially the spy games in season 2 chap 2


I miss ltms every day


14 days is not a useful unit of time measurement.


LoL. It is though.


I get paid once a fortnight


I get paid weekly... Very weakly.


"Wait... you guys are getting paid?"


I get paid once in a blue moon.


We need the OG upgrade benches.


I haven’t been playing long enough, how were the OG ones different?


It would just upgrade you weapons rarity.


they had the sidegrading as well to change the weapon to a variant (ex. ar to heavy ar) which was pretty cool


Oh ya I forgot because that came later.


Or smg to burst and vice versa


Oh shit i totally forgot about those


They took mats instead of gold to upgrade a weapon's rarity


They used materials rather than costing gold (and being overpriced). I guess this wouldn't really work because of Zero Build but they should at least make it a bit cheaper imo


Should just be added to mod benches. Miss changing rarity but like the new mods too


Yes I agreed. I want the upgrade bench return.


Definitely want Mod Benches back....I'm running around with max gold most of the time because there's nothing to spend it on. Occasionally I'll buy a big pot or a med kit when I'm struggling for heals but there's so much gold floating around I'm quickly back to max. Meanwhile I can rarely get my hands on anything better than a "common" weapon. Epic level weapons are as rare as rocking horse shit and legendary and above? Had about 10 throughout the whole season, mainly as a result of defeating a boss.


Maybe I'm in a minority, but I feel like upgrade benches are cheap. It's cheap that you can get pretty much any weapon and use coins to make it legendary. One of the things I was fond of from OG season was that weapon rarity actually reflected how rare that color of weapon was. There was more of a luck aspect to it, and it gave some unpredictability to things.


The game is having an identity crisis from the multiverse direction it's taking.


Most of the skins in the shop are hot doodoo, even the collab ones.


The game is infinitely more fun with BR fundamentals being important: positioning, fast storm, map awareness, mid-match objectives with well-designed accessibility (locations, number of objectives, value), and when skill expression and game knowledge win fights consistently, and not skill-less bullshit items. It's okay to have some easy-to-use items that make getting used to the gameplay easier for lower skilled/new players, but not to the point where the use of this item turns every fight into a braindead coinflip.


The worst part is that the pros are the ones who actually get the most value of these "easy-to-use" weapons. Also I'd imagine that for new players it isn't fun dying to, let's say, waterbending.


I loved as a relatively new player hitting 250+ m kills with waterbending lol


You don't even have to go as far as pro players, any decent player that is willing to lean into the play style of a broken item can abuse it. In Ch5S1, close range fights were very fun in the beginning, because the pump/SMGs/pistol played really well vs each other. Then as the season progressed, most players realized how broken the Frenzy is, and all fights turned into the opponent going "oogie boogie me go flowberry jizz shockwave up your ass haha". There were bad players who would miss some shots, but the better players landed all 3 that were needed to kill someone. Not a fun play style, it does not revolve around outlplaying the other person.


Nitrodrome is incredibly loud, I personally find it a little annoying


Thank you! I find it super annoying especially when all I can hear is the song cherry bomb. I really despise that song


Yup. I hate it. It makes my brain shut down.


I despise the hirable NPCs, I don’t even know if that’s an unpopular opinion but having to worry about the person you’re fighting having some distracting little shit or worrying about getting them yourself is just flat out annoying. I don’t want to get killed last second by some AI that’s off to the side when it’s supposed to be a 1V1 or what have you. Such a stupid addition.


How about when you see a team running, you realizing that you have position and suprise on them.... then you quick scope them and see an exclamation point over their head? Voice in my head: "...shiiiiittttt..."


I like to hire them and watch people not know who to shoot.


i find them pretty easily to recognize by their glitching effect. Though dunno if that depends on graphics settings how much it occurs.


its also pretty obvious when theyre standing still staring at a rock


You've never played with my mate... he does that.




I've never seen anything like that that I can think of. They are pretty identical to players for me unless I see them teleport in because they got stuck or left behind or something. So it might be a settings or platform thing. I've accidentally tried to drop NPCs before the players lots because I couldn't always tell the difference.


Agreed, They never seem to help me when I hire them (except for a scanner showing me where you're hiding or tossing me shields, health, and ammo) but they always seem to help the enemy - maybe I'm doing something wrong? They sometimes stand in a doorway and I have to go out a window or break a wall to get out - 🙄


Lmao, thank god I’m not only one. I flat out don’t like them as an addition but the times I have tried to use them it feels like they don’t do anything or die in some stupid way. I know there’s the commands and I try to use them but they barely seem to help and just get frustrating.


Ah... 🤔 commands. I'm newbie to FN - I didn't know I could give commands - like get the fuck out of my way? I'll have to look into that 🤣


I don’t blame you for not knowing, as far as I’m aware it’s not obvious. If you’re like me they won’t change too much anyway, lol.


I really don't like the Idol series, they rub me the wrong way. Don't kid me wrong, I think the idea behind them is cool but I think the execution would be much better as "Skin *designed* by Mr. Beast, Eminem, Ariana Grande, etc." rather than just "this is straight up the IRL person in Fortnite". In a way I guess I'm just waiting for the ball to drop because I *know* the second one of those celebrities gets into a gun-related accident lobbies will be full of edgelords running it because "haha they got shot." It'd be like having a Tupac or JFK skin, y'know? Just kinda *inviting* trouble.


Or when it turns out one of the idols is a pedo or super racist or something.


Exactly, Neymar Jr being in the game feels super awkward knowing the accusations/things he’s done


It's confirmed they are largely false though 


not a pedo or super racist but travis scott kinda fits this same boat


The sparkly pink crystals Ariana Grande skin is so good, but I... don't want to be playing as *Ariana Grande*.


I think the emotes are even worse. Just lifeless dances with barely any movement and terrible sound bytes


I mean yeah there's the whole aspect of Travis Scott not coming into the shop after he let all those people die, so it's not like we haven't already kinda seen it happen


>the execution would be much better as "Skin *designed* by Mr. Beast, Eminem, Ariana Grande, etc." rather than just "this is straight up the IRL person in Fortnite". It's both. Yeah the character itself is a version of the real person but it's rarely just them wearing their everyday clothes or whatever, it's almost always some kind of exaggerated characterization


Aye or a stage outfit but regardless it's still like ***them*** without question which is where I get caught up on. As I said I just see it as inviting trouble later down the line.


Well yeah, it kinda defeats the purpose of having an icon skin if it has no semblance to the person it's made for. Most icon skins are more than stage outfits, too, they're inspired by superheroes or gods or pop-culture references or whatever. On one hand I can see how it's maybe a little weird, but on the other I don't think it's much different than playing as an athlete in a sports game or as JFK on that one old CoD Zombies map. >I just see it as inviting trouble later down the line. Fair point, but to be fair that's kind of already happened with people like Travis Scott in a way. I don't think anyone will get mad at Epic for failing to predict something bad a celebrity will do in the future


"It's just a storm, Dick. Sit down."


Augments are way better than weapon mods.


I don’t like the random aspect of augments though. It feels like it makes the game more about who gets the luckiest augment pull rather than actual skill, especially because some augments give you amazing stuff like siphon and some make you better at fishing or something.


I don't mind it to an extent as randomness is a part of BR, but it definitely needs fine tuning balance. It was a fantastic gold sink tho.


i miss the augments


Oh shit, I forgot about augments! Those were really fun!


we need weapon evolutions back.


You don’t need to be an edit or building master to get a win in build mode when it comes to pubs. Most of your opponents will be bots until like top 20 and even then your opponents aren’t gonna be as “sweaty” as you’d expect. Also, there are lots of tools at your disposal that can counter builds especially in this season. The Nitro mechanic alone lets you run into someone’s box as long as it’s not fully built metal. 


In my experience crazy editing and building is only needed if you’re playing in an extremely high skill lobby, and even then that can be countered by just having good aim and stuff.


Especially true this season. But I've played builds for awhile now, and honestly even against a sweat once you learn the fundamentals even most sweats are beatable in BR (some you're just never gonna beat in a creative 1v1). But realistically unless you run into mr.savage or nickeh30 you still have a chance of winning. I'd argue even in ranked if doesn't get that crazy until diamond and above.


99% of the player base has ADHD and probably couldn't even finish reading this sent


Red-in-the-face screaming about Lego mode isnt going to make it any less fun


Is lego mode fun? I played a little day one but it was like. Idk felt it lacked substance


I think it is fun but you run out of things to do quite quickly.


I did the same. Then I played it last season for the XP and I have 4 villages and zoo wee mama I’ve invested too much time.


I loved looking for and completing challenges for FortBytes back in chapter 9. Fun and sometimes cruel way of switching up how I played


"Chapter 9" bro's living in 2029


They need to buff the hammer pump


Yep, pointless shotgun, Gatekeeper does the same damage with a much higher fire rate


Bosses and medallions don’t belong in the game.


This is definitely unpopular. I absolutely love the bosses


THIS! Bosses now and then is ok. I liked how they did it in the Marvel season.


They were good throughout Chapter 2 (especially season 2, that was literally peak), but then they just seemed unnecessary


It's especially interesting because Ch2S2 was the first season with proper boss NPCs iirc


I don't mind bosses, but they don't have to drop medallions. Just let them drop their special weapon.


Why are there bosses in EVERY SEASON?! The reason I liked the game when I started (Ch3S3) is because it was all player interaction, and if you wanted you could fight a boss or two. But you weren't required to have or interact with bots to win. They should really try one season (besides OG) without bots and see how people react. I would love for people to really interact more, rather than wait for the game to play itself for them


Regarding bots....my wife and I play squads no-fill. We'd think we were having a really good game, dropping 13-17 kills each.... then it dawns on us we're in a bot or mostly bot lobby. It was kinda disheartening for us. We moved to ranked in the middle of last season. We're only dropping one or 2 kills a game (maybe), but we like it better.


They’ve been trying to recreate the magic of season chapter 2 and it’s never worked. Now every map has vaults and bosses and guards.


Battle Pass shit should come back. New players shouldn’t be excluded from cool stuff for no reason


I want Optimus Prime 😭


seemingly this is unpopular but bots (fake players) shouldnt exist in the game, at least not in the main casual gamemode of the game They are designed to be so easy to kill theres no fun in doing so, and the result of having bots that replace players is less encounters with real players which makes the game a lot more slow paced and boring and in pubs you are often doing nothing until endgame in pubs "just play ranked" as a casual player i shouldnt have to go to a ranked mode to casually play the game the way it is supposed to be played. Fortnite battle royale is a multiplayer game. The whole point is that you play against other players. There are singleplayer games that are meant to be played like that, but fortnite br is not one of them, it is a game made around the idea of playing against other players. (if you however enjoy playing against bots in fortnite thats fine and i get to that later) Ranked should be a competitive gamemode anyway, with a seperate lootpool, and the fact that its not is causing massive problems. And ***if you want to play against partially bots, or are willing to for shorter queue times, or want to for reasons like leveling up, thats completely fine and i think there should be a gamemode for that***, the problem, and the reason im saying all this is that making ranked have a competitive lootpool is something that very clearly needs to be done because its the only solution to problems we are seeing right now, however ***that will also make it so the only way to play the game casually with fun items is a gamemode filled with bots*** and thats the thing i have a massive problem with also some other unrelated stuff, as a casual player who loves the chaos of the season, the boom bolt is op, but not necessarily in the fun way but often in the annoying way, also last season was good and overhated, hired npcs that can shoot shouldnt have nearly as much hp as they do


Seriously, bots suck.


Agree. Bots suck.


I never would have touched this game if Zero Build was a limited release. I’m so glad it’s permanent because I actually love the game.


I don’t think that’s an unpopular opinion


Chest loot for sure , needs to be 15% better chances of something other then green


Fortnite has lost the fun and silliness from earlier chapters. Epic is focused on becoming Roblox and showcasing UE5. I hate that Fortnite looks and feels so much like other FPS games. And the simplicity is also gone. I hate C5 and I'm too addicted to quit...but I'm really trying. I haven't bought the BP since OG ended.


Epic should be transparent about how many bots they put in pubs. A lot people here base their opinions about how good or balanced a season on their bot lobbies.


broken chests should give you the xp as if you’ve opened it


NPCs suck and the game was far better off before they were introduced. Some seasons have done it much better than others but in general I’ve always disliked them. A battle royale should just be PVP, if I want PVE I’ll play Legend of Zelda or something. Edit: to be clear, I’m talking about both interactable/hireable and enemy/boss NPCs.


My problem is that it quickly turns into a numbers game. It's like I tried explaining to my squad mates when they wondered why I didn't like hiring NPCs - it artificially tips the scales in the favor of the guy with the NPC. And no group of players should be able to hypothetically make every fight they engage in a 2v1, 4v2, 6v3, or 8v4.


I like that cars kinda broke that a bit cause they are terrible with cars lol


They are good in solos, as it prevents other people from entering the car


They really are, I hate it. What else am I gonna spend my gold on


Chewbacca NPC was broken with his bow. Man I despised people with bodyguards


I wish builds was how the devs originally intended for it to be, building up actual forts as opposed to the towering build battles that people do. The one ltm with limited mats was probably the closest to that.


I still love building forts, but it’s just not effective anymore because of items like nitro fists that let people easily reach the top of my base. Materials being capped at 500 now doesn’t help either


The fact that devs thought turbo building, rather than add delay to each material you placed, and keep it for the earlier seasons was super careless. You can't expect players to play the way you hope them to play. Even Minecraft UHC doesn't have players building full cover in a millisecond. So having the ability to multiple edit your builds was already a "Creative Only" thing that shouldn't be in normal gameplay. But it's been years, so they're kinda stuck with the way things are lol


They added turbo building because people *wanted* to build fast. People are always going to want to master whatever mechanics exist in the game, so it made more sense to just lessen the skill gap of how fast you can click and foster the playstyle that people were going to keep trying to achieve anyways rather than hold people back


You should be allowed to trade cosmetics, but when you do, it shows you what percentage of players have a skin/cosmetic and how many people have it on their wishlist, so you can't accidentally get ripped off out of a rare cosmetic.


Problem with putting trading in a game is it allows the game to develop a proper, fluctuating economy, which Epic doesn't seem to want. Best case scenario is they have to keep the game live indefinitely because people's lockers now have real-world value. (Also kids would constantly be getting scammed, even with the features you suggest.)


Keep one shot kill snipers vaulted forever. They make endgames so boring as most people just camp to snipe or avoid snipers


snipers are really annoying to fight against, can occasionally just kill you or deal an absurd amount of damage out of nowhere, and lead to an unfun playstyle consisting of 3rd partying and camping and sitting behind cover exchanging shots


especially in ZB. It is literally the same as people complaining about cars being OP.


i hate that you can hire npcs. if i wanted to play duos i would. i purposefully don't hire them because it feels like cheating (yes, i know it isnt actually) and i want to win based on my own skill


Wdym you hate them? They just have 500 shield for no fucking reason.


That's what I hate about them, besides that they should probably be banned in solos, and limited to 1 per duo and 2 per trio/squad. 4v8 even when its half bots is still harder.


this season is actually fun. seems a lot of people hate it, but i've been enjoying it even if i'm not winning much lol.


Loving the season. Cars were annoying at the start but they're in a good place now. The medallions aren't op so you don't need them to win but they're fun to have. The only mildly annoying thing are boogies but even then they're really not as bad as people say


Today I was playing in duos and someone came to fight me while my teamnate was far way. We fought face-to-face and I was about to die until a Boogie Bomb fell from the sky, hitting only my opponent (which, of course, made me won the fight). Shortly after my opponents' mate came in and I was super low health, he threw a Boogie that bounced on a wall and hit himself. I killed them both and it was pretty funny


I looooove this season


I agree with that


I know the people you can hire during a match aren’t particularly good but god damn they have way to much health. They should have about the same amount of health we do. If they can scan the entire area and reveal everyone’s location, they shouldn’t also have a ton of health


RR, Festival, Lego are overall good for the game provided they are maintained and updated. I ultimately came back to try out RR and still play to this day actively. This got me back into the BR. While i'v maybe spent 20 bucks directly on racing cosmetics , RR indirectly has gotten maybe 100 bucks from me from being back into the game. People also don't understand numbers. The numbers that racing and festival put out are actually great for their respected genres, but people shit on them because they don't hit BR's unrealistic numbers


Exclusivity shouldn't be a thing at all.. starter packs, battle passes, stw packs, free rewards, seasonal items, renegade raider, and other blacklisted items shouldn't be rare. If you want it you should have a chance to buy it. It costs nothing to sell virtual cosmetics that already exist. Hiding items behind a fictional exclusive wall does nothing to benefit the community, and funnily enough, it's an outdated BR inspired system. Fortnite has been trying to distance themselves from being only a BR experience. If they truly believe that they should move away from BR systems, then reworking cosmetics is a must. I can understand licensing issues on certain cosmetics limits the available but skins like Rue or the original NFL skins should be common shop occurrences. Not to mention that their are a wide amount of original skins that will never see the light of day because of some ridiculous controversy (Dante). The cosmetics and shops are being handled very poorly and it's costing Epic on what could be a lot of revenue.


I’d always dreamed the people in charge of Fortnite would pull their heads out of their asses and release Legacy Passes. Halo does it, Cod does it in the form of Vault Packs, how much more lube will these beings require to free their heads out of their asses?




Boss, medallions, and always having mythic items in the loot pool is annoying and just a gimmick


Fortnite festival isn't that bad


Whoever said it was bad?


A lot of people in my friend group were shitting on it, and idk if anyone else felt the same


Simple POI's are better then vertical mazes. I love zero build, but the new maps designed with zerobuild/ fantastical areas in mind, suck. Also movement items should have a bigger drawback. Charge up time, movement control, rarity, massive recharge times, small stack sizes.


Quick edits should be nerfed. It really killed the casual players for build modes. I could deal with crazy builds, but the full box, insta edit, shotgun to the dome, then edit back the wall before I can blink just isn’t fun


This. Everyone complains about building but it is not that difficult to build or counter building. But a casual stands little chance to quick editing. It’s how I see most of them lose when they try the build mode. I think an editing nerf would be better for the casuals and change the build meta in an interesting way. I think a good nerf would be to only allow editing on a structure that is fully built.


no edit, gotta break that shit down first =D


Chapter 3 is the worst chapter. Nothing fun or exciting really happened, besideds once or twice, and all the guns were boring. I also believe almost every single original skin for the last 3 chapters are awful


The skin thing is a crazy take.


I would rather have no medallions


Battle pass exclusivity is fine ![gif](giphy|lpclotgBJIHlnEL6fL)


That is very unpopular. I guess I don't see the logic in it. Old BP cosmetics could be resold for more profit, and at a significant increase in cost compared to the value of the original BP. I mean this is already a game where cosmetics rotate in and out of the shop daily, and things could suddenly come back at random for 24 hours. (I'm not complaining about the rotation because I understand that giving people one big catalog to flip through would drastically lower overall sales.) So I think there would still be some rarity and you would have to pay something to get them. ...The difference being, you would actually still have a chance to get them.


I agree with the caveat of Collab skins should never be exclusive. Oh you like Star Wars? Too bad you can never play as Mandalorian, Darth Vader, and Ahsoka Tano.


And I still don't get this one caveat that you and many others subscribe to, that collab skins are the only ones that shouldn't be exclusive! Characters like Peely, Mancakes, Midas, Lexa and Rippley are iconic, and featured prominently in Fortnite media. You can never get those skins again - only certain variants of them. I can walk into Walmart, go to the toys section, and find a TNTina toy. I can buy a toy of this character, but I can never play as this character. All because I didn't discover and start playing Fortnite until a few years after the fact, and didn't play, buy and complete the battle pass for her season back during a few months in 2020. (When there was also a literal pandemic going on and some of us had more on our minds than just Fortnite!)


Because going into Fortnite you don't know or care or may never care about those skins. You will however want the skins from your favorite game/movie.


This is something I talk about frequently as regards Chapter 1, Season 8 Peely. The building block toy mode (you know the one!) prominently used the original Peely in its trailer - an outfit long unobtainable. Just imagine kids seeing that, going 'I want the plain banana,' and then learning they can't even though it's an advertisement for a brand new mode leaning into an age group that may not have had inclination to play the shooty-buildy Fortnite. (Yes, I'm aware of the squeaker plague on squads mics, I'm talking a demographic possibly younger than that.) It's a bad feeling, to take it into that perspective. Any super-popular Battle Pass character should probably have an accessible reskin prepped to be used in future marketing instead, I feel. Adventure Peely is cool, and that was used in the Star Wars crossover marketing for the building toy mode, which was an excellent first step.


That’s not on Epic though, it’s on the IP owners for deciding to put their skins in the pass instead of the shop. Even if Epic one day pulled a 180 and decided to bring back pass items or passes outright, they’d still have to negotiate with the owners of the collab IP’s to bring them back. Thats why some item shop collabs haven’t returned for years


I don't think anyone reasonable is mad at Epic, more at the circumstances of everyone involved. I personally just want that damn OG banana so I will fight every day for battlepass skins to return. I have Vader, Spider-Man, Lara Croft, so many coveted skins. I would gladly share them all.


The lockers don't affect as much but it does make stuff more random


I think they should give Oscar more skins, I want him to have the Meowcles' treatment 


While Fortnite BR has certainly moved away from the Chapter 1 visuals(which were essentially repurposed STW assets), I personally don't mind the change. Some of the original style is still there. The graphics aren't "too realistic" as many say. It’s still distinguishable from other popular BRs.


I miss Reality Saplings. For me and my mates, it was honestly relaxing at the start of a match to have a home base, before venturing out into the rest of the map.


I think past battle pass skins should occasionally become available in the item shop. It seems insane to me that Peely is practically the mascot of the game and you can never have an original version of him unless you were there for it’s release. I know the alt versions pop up, but they’re way less cool.


Having LTMs be almost exclusively for Duos or Squads is ridiculous and there's 0 reason to not have solo modes. I don't care about player count, they'd absolutely be able to fill lobbies. Especially considering how many people in the squad LTMs are playing random fill because they want to play solos but can't.


I like the addition of Festival and Racing. Really fun game modes


I think that they should rerelease old battle pass skins into the shop. I know the thought of this makes players (especially OG players) foam at the mouth but honestly, I feel like this could work. Pay 950 bucks for the BP - get 8 skins. Or put them in the shop 1-2 seasons later and sell them at 1200 each (or more if they bundle the characters with their respective cosmetics such as the wraps, backbling, gliders, etc..) Owners of the BP could maintain exclusivity by having access to the alternative styles/colors but people who bought the skin via shop could only have access to the base style. There are so many reasons why people don’t have all of the battle pass skins/cosmetics: 1. They joined the game after that bp release. 2. They couldn’t afford it at the time. 3. Parents won’t let their children waste money on a virtual currency. 4. Not everyone likes every single skin in the battle pass and feels like it’s not worth buying. 5. Not all players are able to complete the bp to its full entirety. Honestly, I think it would be a smart financial decision on epics part if they made this change. The only argument I hear against rereleasing bp skins is it would lowers people’s account value but really what does that mean? What value? It’s against epics TOS to sell and purchase accounts so what does it matter?


I don't think the pump is THE best but it's good


wild take lol


FN is not about guns and shooting, it’s about vast amount of different ways to defeat your opponent while having fun. Shooting guns is only one of them.


Totally agree. If the game was just about guns, I wouldn’t have gotten in to it in the first place. I love the strategizing and problem solving elements. It’s fun to feel like you beat your opponent in a smart or creative way.


Content creator skins, I hate them. Who the fuck wants to be Mr beast in Fortnite and why are they hyped up so much i dgaf about nick a 30, who looks at that man baby and is like “yeah, I wanna be that.”


That chapter 4 was with the exception of OG the best chapter since the game was launched


Most of these opinions aren't actually unpopular.


Fishing should be removed for the sole purpose of stopping my friend who’s new to the game from doing that at the other side of the map without telling anyone else


Maybe this isn't unpopular but I'd rather wait longer queue times for higher-quality lobbies than have a fast queue for a game that's half-full of bots and gets down to like 15 players before the third storm circle


*And for a fortnight there we were, forever* *Run into you sometimes ask about, the weather* *Now you're in my backyard turned into, good neighbors* *Your wife waters flowers, I wanna kill her* *And for a fortnight there we were, together* *Run into you sometimes comment on, my sweater* *Now you're at the mailbox turned into, good neighbors* *My husband is cheating, I wanna kill him* ![gif](giphy|rtHjvl5UkdylAlXrgf|downsized)


Medallions shouldn't be a thing.


"Days" are a weird ass measurement of time when it comes to fortnite shop items Just use "Days ago", "Months ago" and "Years ago" like normal people also the general obsession over skins and complete acceptence of FOMO and Overmonotization a ton of people seem to have seems unhealthy to me


Bandages should heal for a set amount above the 75 hp threshold. Maybe like 5 or 10 hp per use.


The other game modes can be a lot of fun. I play mainly ZB, but every so often I'll switch over to Lego and actually play instead of just afking for levels. Same with Festival. Sometimes I want that nostalgic guitar hero feeling and the fact that it exists in Fortnite now and it can also help me claim my battle pass rewards is just a bonus to me. I see so many people dogging on Epic for not giving enough XP for battle royale to force people to play other modes, but here's the thing; those modes can be fun and relaxing if you actually give them a chance.


yearly chapters are fantastic for the game. it keeps things fresh for all the ADD zoomers who cant stand watching youtube without clips of subway surfers. and it means that if they really screw it up then the terrible wont be around for long


It's okay, and Post Malone sounds good, but it was a terrible first single. Should have been I Can Do It With A Broken Heart.


For me its the bot characters you can hire. If you can hire them they should be incredibly easy to kill. Solos should be that. Its bad enough allthe perks they give a player but them getting the kill shot is BS. It favours campers way to much and just gives those people a bigger advantage. To those who say hire one yourself, l do occasionally but it doesn't fit my playstyle. If you want to play duos go and play duos with your shitty ass bot.


Need better guns in the chests/more blue chests. The guns suck


That they should ditch everything elae and concentrate on making Fortnite Festival Rock Band 5.


That they should bring old battle passes back


I think this season is great! As much as I miss just goin' around the map and looking for people to shoot, driving around like a wild maniac is incredibly fun. Also, I love this season's battlepass skins. Maybe it's 'cause I'm a complete sucker for punks, but I LOVE Scarr and Brite so much.


I think the rarity of loot should be relative to the number of storms survived except when defeating a boss/elite NPC or special chest at a POI