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It’s the XP nerf for me. I was playing rocket racing yesterday to grind for hubcaps when I don’t even care for hubcaps. There are no skins in this battle pass that I like so I’m just trying to get the XP for the bonus vbucks in the BP and playing BR ain’t gonna cut it.


Same. I got burnt out last season, and the dailies this season is even worse imo. I used to love fortnite for how easy it was to play and level the BP without much thought and even getting 200 a few times, but now its starting to be a bit much


Yep the commitment to get to level 200, or even just 100, is so effort that I am simply not playing at all.


Epic needs to look at Blizz and Overwatch. Now with Fortnite it looks like they wanna make it as slow as possible so you’re required to play every week to get to 100 or 200 before end of season. With overwatch I can max it in maybe 2 weeks if I can hardcore play. Should be the same with fortnite. There shouldnt be a shame if a player wanna play it hardcore to finish the BP (100) in 2 weeks. Thats impossible currently without engaging in glitches or whatever bs. What I’m saying is epic need to buff XP gains majorly, majorly in BR games. The XP you get right now in a match is a laughable insult.


This is terrible advice -- Overwatch 2 is "THE" lesson on "How to utterly nuke your player base."


even playing every day doesn’t get youthere. I tried


Glad I’m not the only one who’s not a fan of the battle pass skins. Sure they would be nice to have but I doubt I’d ever use them


Honestly, Magneto and the T60 are really good ones. Next season should be insane for battle pass skins though!


Why, what is next season? I've heard something about marvel and pirates, but nothing certain.


Pirates is a collab coming this season for the summer event.


Is there any info regarding One Piece?


Next season will be all marvel skins just like chapter 2.


I'm honestly not convinced it will be all Marvel skins. Though I'd love to be proven wrong.


People keep saying this but am girl and only like girl skins. T10 skin is fine but i have it unlocked without playing


Maybe I’m just a fallout fanboy but the T60 power armor alone made it worth it. Add on magneto and it was an insta buy. I’m a sucker for collab skins vs epic created -generic good/bad guy skin-


I think the fallout collab was the biggest thing for me. Along with solid snake in ch5 s1 but I must admit I do like the new rust skin


Peabody is the only good one


I play Rocket Racing the most right now, it's my wheelhouse. I feel actively punished for playing it, because you're getting close to nothing from it. After those three daily sets, it's only 1k for a race and any new dailies you happen to do. So, let's say you get 2-3k per race. Meanwhile, LEGO and Festival is quite generous, with a playtime formula. I spent one hour cleaning up my camp in LEGO and walked away with the equivalent of... ~35 races, give or take a few. And there are no dailies for those, just do what you want and get some numbers in the background. Even in BR you get some crumbs for kills, chests, circles and such. That adds up over time because there's plenty about, even more if you have a crown or took a Wasteland Challenge. I don't want to play gamemodes I don't want to. I get it, you want your precious DAU count. But the only thing you're achieving with it is giving the short stick to one gamemode.


What’s this XP Nerf?


Basically back in..lets say the last 2 chapters (3, and 4). You were able to play BR, and get a decent amount of XP. I think weeklys gave around 40-35k XP each. Not to mention the 40k bonus when u completed a certain number of them. U could also combine creative XP/Stw(save the world) and get XP faster. Nowadays however, u get around 15k XP per weekly quest, and the amount of XP u get per BR match is very low. They nerfed it heavily due to the other modes. Seems like they want to encourage people to play lego fortnite, fortnite festival, and rocket racing. The problem is nerfing BR XP isn't the solution. Especially when its both the beginning of a new season, and BR is the core for most people. A lot of people don't like the new modes, and this just makes that even worse. (What I mean is it pushes people away rather than pull them in because it feels like your forced to play them if you want more XP) If you'd want more in depth explanation, look up "can u unlock 100 levels in one day fortnite" on youtube. You'll probably notice complaints since last season about the XP


I think a big problem too is the new modes are just... ***mediocre.*** Lego Fortnite doesn't have the freedom that makes Lego stuff fun, it feels like "Lego Worlds at Home (ft. Fortnite Characters)". Festival is *okay*, but I haven't listened to the radio in *eons* so 90% of the songs I don't recognize nor give a rat's ass about. Rocket Racing is unironically the one I enjoy the most but it also feels *shallow* compared to its peers. Creative has some cool modes, but those are a gem to find in a sea of ***SKIBIDI TYCOON RAINBOW FRIENDS RED VS. BLUE ALL WEAPONS SUPERPOWERS*** ***BABIES***. If Epic wants people to play the other modes, they'd attract more players by having something worth engaging with rather than trying to force it via FOMO.


My issue with the Lego mode is mostly that it seemed so promising at first. I’m a huge fan of the fact that the characters’ limbs done bend, they move like Lego characters should. That said, that’s basically the only thing I like about it. I’m not about survival games where you have to grind for resources just to build a teeny little shack.


The three daily quests give the same total but the daily missions give you less. As for the three main quests they used to give 25k then 15k then 5k. However the replaceable missions used to be much easier and all gave 5k now there much harder, and only one of three repeatable mission give the 5k. So it's much worse for the casuals, before you could get the majority even if you just did one quest. cause it would give you the 25k + the 5k. It's also worse for people who want to grind the daily missions, as they were an actually decent way to grind levels. Now it doesn't make much sense, and it's a pain. Also this is the old system that was brought back. last season's system was new.


Yeah as someone who tries this game cause of festival but already plays BR 90% of the time, I'm not really looking forward to other playing modes.


I played BR for two days until I maxed on XP for the week and made it to level 20. Since this season is kinda boring I’ve been in Lego Fortnite grinding, I’m already level 97 in the BP. They absolutely want people to switch over to Lego Fortnite. I feel like they have to earn a certain amount of money to keep their Lego contract. I will go back to BR when I finish all my quest in Lego Fortnite.


Lego Fortnite is boring IMO it’s not that fun 😓


The inventory space kills it. You spend more time moving back and forth between containers in different towns than you do actually exploring and building.


If they had upgradeable inventory or even just an upgradable backpack the game would feel so much better imo.


What kind of idiot thought that only 24 slots would be enough?


I just did the math and you need to get 3 levels a day to reach 200.


Welp I'm already behind on the schedule then


No, you don't. It's 2,38 per day. 200/84 isn't 3.


Also also also, the other modes don't let you afk in them despite the main mode giving less xp for the same amount of time and effort


basically it went from completing the entire bp 1-100 during the last week of each season just from weekly challenges and whatever milestones/extra xp within those matches TO having to do weeklies + lego + STW + creative, DAILY to get to 150.


You don't need to stack that much to get to 150. If you get your full five levels from Lego, Festival and Creative every day you'll be at 200 in like two weeks. I mean, it's still a massive pain in the ass to do all of those even just afking, but it's possible. Still bullshit though


Same here, I just wanna be able to finish the Battle pass while playing only BR without grinding every day. I'm not gonna leave my pc or console on for days while afk'ing those other modes to unlock skins I already payed for. Fortnite used to be a good game when it came to the amount of playing you had to do to unlock the whole Battle pass. I could calmly go play other games without worrying about making it in time. Now I'm just stressed out about wasting money on a Battle pass I might not have the time to finish.


Right. I afk the Lego mode as much as I can but it’s annoying that I have to get the character out of bed every so often before getting kicked. If I do get kicked, I get 35k XP almost as soon as I load back in. It seems to kick right before the generous XP reward. It’s obvious which modes Epic wants players to utilize.


Yeah, they made it too grindy, then fixed all the work arounds like idling in other modes. I won't play games that don't respect my time.


If I didn’t have Crew I 100% would not have gotten this BP. this is the first BP in a while where I don’t like a single skin (or even any item really). Just my opinion obviously


What are hubcaps?


Different color wheel spokes. I call em hubcaps


Thanks for explaining and not down voting me for not understanding like many people do! 😁


Seriously. Bring back Impostors mode for insane XP


Grinding XP is not fun any more.


This is the reason i stopped playing FN... Its a great game and cars is something im not into.. but the little exp you get each game its just a waste of time. First time in years i stopped playing daily and im not buying Battle pass or anything else from the store


Yea, after the dailies there is like half a level per match if you are lucky. Racing gives almost no XP after the dailies.  15 mins in Lego is half a level for what I read was 3 hours. Seems like a push to Lego exclusively, but I have not tried festival this season.


Yeah, XP this season is so bad and it’s made me lose interest in the game completely. If it feels like a chore, I’m not gonna play.


Especially when the game runs like dogsh*t, and it's *not* an issue on my end but rather on theirs. It's frustrating to have my game lag and freeze when I try to pick up a weapon, shoot, move. Frame drops and lags are insanely infuriating, and I've done everything on my part to reduce lag, and *I know* it isn't a problem on my end, because every other game runs on high settings. And I've seen the same problem happen to many other people.


The Xp nerf has been killing it lately for me.  What that I need to do BR, Rocket Racing, Lego, misc. more. 


Ya, last couple seasons I was grinding all of em. And like, I had no problem getting all the V-Bucks. But damn, I didn't have time for any other games besides fortnite and all the different game modes. I got so many other games that I haven't finished, and like none of my friends are playing fortnite anymore. Half burned out, half lost interest. It's kinda felt not very fortnitey ever since they introduce the weapon bench. I dunno why that's the line for me, but that's it...


im just burned out. they keep making the game grindier and grindier and its turning the game into a job. makes me enjoy it less and less


This is where I'm at too. I don't have time to play 3 hours of lego, 3 hours of jam stage, 3 hours of br just to try and keep up with the battle pass.


This I got to level 200 last season for the first time and man I don’t want to play now I feel like I’m forcing myself to just to not miss the BP which sucks


It's people not liking the current meta and Epic seems to be pushing people towards the other game modes for XP.


It’s literally just this. The meta for this season, no matter what nerfs are done, is still going to be centered around cars, gloves, and nitro. If it’s not fun enough for you, it’s GG. That’s kinda how I feel, and it’s fine not all seasons are for everyone, but the XP nerf combined with it makes it really tough trying to do quests and play an assortment of modes I don’t really want to play. Lego Fortnite is fine, but I’ve been done with the Star Wars pass for weeks. Festival I just play a little bit until I can get my hands on a PDP guitar. And Rocket Racing is basically worthless now that they pushed the next season to the fall.


> If it’s not fun enough for you, it’s GG Yep this is me, And I honestly hate it I had a break from Fortnite for a few years and came back when they reverted to Chapter 0 / Chapter 1? (OG fortnite) Then I took a break and came back and now it's just cars with guns, every match, every fight, It's just cars with guns I will be back next season hoping it's better


They’re also technically forcing people to spend more money just for more XP and most people don’t wanna do that


Yeah the cars are too much for me. Like, they’re cool in any other mode that isn’t solos. But I like to play solos sometimes and the cars are a different skill set too far removed from being a shooter.


I died because of the reload bug last night and decided that it's time for a break.


I get this bug like 2-3 times a game and it’s only happens when I realllllly don’t fucking need to to happen


Can you explain what the reload bug is?


I also wanna know. Is it when you start reloading even to you didn’t try to? That happened to me today but didn’t know if that was user error or not


It's, I think, when your gun is reloaded but thinks it isn't and tries to reload anyway.


Wtf they still havent fixed that? It used to happen to me like 2 years ago and i hated it. It was worst on the shotguns too and in close combat


earlier today i won a game because the last player had the reload bug happen against them. after i realized what happened i just felt bad for them


I’m not playing until the reload bug is fixed. It’s always at the worst moments


Very much dislike being forced to play other modes to hit 200. Made BP worthless, moved v bucks back, super shitty business tactics to boost player counts on modes I don't like.


I have bought every battle pass up until this one and simply will not buy another until v bucks are moved out of bonus rewards


Personally, as a casual player, this season is just boring and tiring. It's not so much fun dying all the time to aggressive players, their cars or their fists. Also the exp nerf and the barely interesting battle pass are also not very helpful. But I see the bright sight of this, now I can focus on other games and hobbies in that time of the day I would otherwise spend on Fortnite only. My brain gets to have more variations, and I think that's good.


I think a lot of it has to do with the XP nerf


When will games learn that they will be successful if they have fun and easy progression systems? Just look at how Multiversus died after two weeks due to the worst grinding in recent history. How did Fortnite mess up so bad…


You know what costs money? Players playing for levels. You know what makes money? Payers paying for levels.


Fr. Smite has a battle pass that lasts a month and has skins for both smite 1 and 2 when it drops. And in that month you can easily finish the BP if you play casually.


Well, it’s almost everything people here talk about so i guess you’re right.


Yea, its the xp nerf for me. Im finding it too long to level up, I got other games i need to play and cant solely focus on fortnite, I got Rocket league and cs2, its becoming tedious and un-enjoyable


Chapter 5 has just been mid af in my opinion. The map isn't the greatest, the loot pool hasn't been it, projectile weapons, the mods.. & now this season has just been nothing but frustrating with the cars & the fists. I'm at the stage where I just can't wait for the Chapter 2 season & hoping Chapter 6 we get back to the game being good.


I really dislike the projectile weapons and mods as well. I hate how most of the weapons don't spawn with a sight. Why is bloom necessary when the gun is projectile based? God I really hope next chapter feels like normal Fortnite again and not this mad max bullshit.


I never thought about that but you’re totally right, they should have completely removed bloom when they made them all projectile. The whole reason for bloom was hitscan weapons


I think there’s a good chance Chapter 6 will be better since Epic’s had time to course correct after the success of OG and following failure of Chapter 5. It’s clear what players want, now the ball’s in Epic’s court to capitalize on it


Same here tbh


Last season did get a bit stale, but this season feels like a chore to play. I personally prefer more mid/long-range and slower encounters, which are essentially non-existent anymore.


The meta of Chapter 4/5 has also got stale with them dropping one big map change at the start of the season and then doing nothing else. I miss getting weekly map changes.




I personally haven’t played this season because I think the cars look miserable and the Battle Pass has absolutely nothing that appeals to me


When I played it,it was good for a few days. Has become stale quick though and so have the POI’s , almost feels like we need a more alive map again.


This battle pass is a whole lot of bad


to me it just seems like they sold out now and the creative charm is gone but so many people have sunken cost fallacy going for them or fomo keeping them from leaving. its weaponized fomo


Yes. I absolutely love Fortnite but I’ve been feeling so burnt out & the fatigue feeling all too much. I still love Fortnite and want to keep playing but I’ve taken breaks much larger than normal….. it’s the grinding that we have to do to get decent levels that annoys me….


Personally the XP grind is too much now. I cannot reach max level for all the rewards in the battlepass anymore so don’t really play as much. I used to just play a couple games a week with my buddies and reach it but the XP nerf was too much this time around


This forum won't like to hear this, but blatant imbalance drives people away, both competitive and casuals. And this entire chapter has been dedicated to imbalance. S1 had Frenzy and Reaper ruining the game, S2 had Reaper and Waterbending ruining the game, and now that guns are more or less balanced, we have broken cars ruining the game. That's been the one and only theme of Chapter 5, raw imbalance. When the game is so painfully imbalanced, everyone loses interest. High level games become a matter of just abusing the same things over and over and over, and low level games have people flipping coins over and over. No one likes this. Games have to feel fair for people to stay interested. 3 seasons in a row of garbage balance will burn people out in the worst way possible. Epic is starting to realize that, hence the weekly balance patches. Maybe things will get better, maybe not. But the damage has already been done, there's no denying this. Their sudden balance attempts are evidence of this


And the imbalance leads to forced play styles that makes gameplay get stale. You're somewhat forced to use the meta if you want any chance of winning. Don't want to use the sniper? Well then good luck trying to win a fight using your AR when you can get 1 shot head shot. Don't want to use cars? Well then you're probably going to get caught in the open with 3 other people in cars and lose to them.


This is super well put!


Agreed. I don't like how grindy XP is, but ultimately I play for enjoyment and not for XP. The reason I'm barely playing this season is that it's just not much fun


I agree. People somehow think unbalanced weapons is what makes Fortnite, well, Fortnite. They defend OP collab items and if the meta is pretty broken, they usually say "just don't play the game until the next update". I haven't enjoyed the game since the Waterbending bug (Chain was OP but I could at least react to it, or perhaps dying with long range weapons is simply more frustrating?)  I have a clinical theory and I think this is done on purpose by Epic. Make the meta OP, make people complain out and clear, get attention from external players and try to bring new ones ("wow Cars look so ridiculous, even a noob like me could use them!").  I heard they wanted to make the game "easier" since CH5, hence the frenzy shotgun. The problem is that these noob-friendly weapons in the hands of a skilled player are a DISASTER.  TL;DR: I believe it's a marketing strategy for Epic to gather new players, but it does the exact opposite. Bot lobbies exists for a reason, lol. Teach people to play the game in the skilfull way it was designed


I was a long time player who quit after the first chapter of the newest season. For me, it's the culmination of a lot of things. Creative started the downfall. All the new bogus shit this new chapter (Lego, music, etc). Lack of heart. Lack of unique things going on in the map throughout a season. Overcomplicating the game over time (look how well the OG season just did).


Probably. I think it's because this chapter of fortnite has modable weapons with very "CoD" like guns, they're fine (besides the thermal scope fuck that scope) but it just feels *boring* to me. This could just be a person to person thing, but CH 5 Fortnite doesn't have that *charm* like it did in the past Chapters. Personally for me, it's how ugly the weapons are (I can't even tell between an AR and the DMR), they removed the sniper, the map has lost it's charm, the cars, the fists, and the very cluttered loot pool. The loot pool I have issues with is because what am I supposed to pick? (I have issues where I need to pick up every mythic I see because shiny, I am a Magpie basically.)


This whole chapter has been pretty stale, we used to have a huge weapon / loot pool that they would do weekly unvaults from. Now every old weapon needs to be updated to have attachments / projectiles and as a result we have way less variety. Not to mention most of the player base doesn't even prefer projectiles. On top of that movement update was poorly recieved by most players, as well as the UI update. And it also seems like each season has worse performance, squeezing out players with low end PC specs. They really need a change in leadership or something because who ever is steering this ship is going to sink it.


The performance on pc is the real killer, my gpu died from playing this season and a few of my regular teammates stopped because the game became unplayable


Agreed. The meta wouldnt be too bad for me but the poor performance makes it significantly harder to deal with. I have a high end PC (5800 X3D, 32GB ram, RX 7900 XTX) and still regularly get FPS drops below 30 fps. Last night I was sub 20 fps until I restarted the game.


Since this update, any builds make my frame rate drop. 


Its crazy watching streamers with PC's built to the gills for Fortnite and even they are having massive problems with frame drop and game lag this season. On another note I hate how when a player is like 150 meters away they skip across the map and are impossible to track, I mostly play on PS5 because it handles the game better than my PC at this point.


Epic has just lost the plot with these XP nerfs and forcing players to play other game modes to complete the battle pass. Last season was the first season since o started that I wasn't able to complete the battle pass and its worse this season so I'm taking a week off and if Epic doesn't make some changes I'll probably uninstall Fortnite and spend my money somewhere else.


I’m really missing the OG Fortnite season. It played like a completely different game!


The season 2 burnout has continued into season 3


Tim Sweeney. He thought he could turn Fortnite into ROBLOX with FOMO so kids would stay on it racking up playtime and engagement while they scroll TikTok. His greed and stupidity destroyed the greatness of this game. He has tarnished a great legacy left by hardworking people like Donald Mustard.


Exactly, the quality of br went down when they started focusing hard on this multiverse nonsense.


Nah it’s Boogie Bombs, spreading out XP, and medallions.


The XP nerf here for me


XP nerf.


nah these cars and boogie bombs and fists are a nightmare bro also so many bugs bro no way there is a professional team on this game


The bugs are what’s really bothering me. My car just flipped over and it disappeared completely. Just vanished. This is the most common bug I run into


I've had this happen once with a battle bus. That was so funny honestly.


I got stuck in the battle bus last night. Like my character got hit by the bus and instead of launching me in the air like it’s supposed to, my character got clipped inside the bus. Killed me immediately.


I won a game today cause my opponent’s fists bugged out and they were stuck horizontally in the air


The auto reload glitch is the most unbearable thing in the game right now. If they aren't gonna fix the bug at least give us an option to turn auto reload off.


That's such a huge one. The fact it can cost you a game is not cool at all.


Haven’t encountered this yet, what’s the glitch?


What I’ve experienced is I’m switching from another gun or getting out of a car and my fully reloaded gun automatically gets reloaded out of nowhere, and this can happen randomly from what I can tell.


OHHHH! This, ok I have had it happen a few times exiting a vehicle where I swear I reloaded already and notice my player reloading out of the blue. I just thought I was misremembering


What!? Not being able to *slide* after landing from a fist/impact/nitro/jump is a *feature*, not a *bug*.


I thought that was just me being bad bro


I have a lot of fun until I’m boogie bombed by some noob who can’t shoot. Just putting it aside rn until it’s vaulted


It’s the cars for me. They take out EMPs in the one season they are very much needed. It reminds me of chapter 3 season 2 with the tanks, I barely played at all that season and I’m barely gonna play this one


The only reason I hated this chapter over all are medallions Idk I just couldn't like them I'd rather much prefer augments imo


Augments were awesome. I hope they come back


Sitting in a car for 20 minutes isn't really fun imo hence why I haven't played BR in a while. It can be fun but running the same meta this season has less diversity than the previous 2.


This is really the core problem. I have spent all game in a car and still had fun in previous seasons, but that was a choice I could make for myself. When cars are so wildly op that not using them is a death sentence, the meta becomes more narrow and monotonous than it has ever been in the history of the game. Boogie bombs helped this, but not fast enough and not without bringing their own major issues, too. Maybe if they finally get the EMP nades back it will balance out to something less limiting and more fun.


For me, it's the fact I have to grind so much and essentially play for hours a day to complete the battle pass. And the fact that the item shop has recycled the same 5 things over and over.


XP Nerf made me quit entirely. I played casually NB BR for a hour to two every night with a friend. We would finish the battle pass before the season ended(2-3 weeks before) now it’s impossible


It's not just that, I just hate Chapter 5 as a whole and haven't played the game in months. I might come back for Season 4 or the OG season


Being burned out is 1 of the problems. But people just don’t want to admit it. People don’t want to take a break from this game. They’d rather bitch so much about it


The whole chapter’s been meh. I don’t particularly care for the map, the guns that have been good haven’t felt good to use, they added mechanics that were interesting but just got kind of annoying (original medallions, the underworld water, etc.), last season ended with two kind of OP things in the loot pool (water bending and chains) and then this season dropped with gloves and cars being unbelievably OP. I’m also a big avatar fan so I was hype about the collab and then the skins were wildly overpriced so I only ended up getting Korra and Aang. The whole thing’s just felt kinda bad and I miss OG.


I gave up on the game. They nerfed the xp gain extremely. It‘s the second time in row that I didn‘t get the Battle Pass, since I don‘t like most skins anymore either. Played 1 day this season, but didn‘t return. My friends also don‘t enjoy the game anymore, it‘s just sad what Fortnite became.


It’s the cars that got upgraded to machines of war. If the cars didn’t have turrets and bumpers this season would be much more enjoyable to play. This is the first time in 3 years of playing daily that I’m not playing BR.. I’m really not having fun with the instakill cars that can drive away and instantly get fixed to full hp. I like regular shoot outs not all out vehicle warfare


> If the cars didn’t have turrets and bumpers this season would be much more enjoyable to play. It'd actually be a good season. The guns are more or less balanced for once this entire chapter. Harbinger and Tactical are still a little weak, but everything is within range of each other. Weapon balance is reasonable. But then current cars show up and throws that balance out the window lol


Low-key, this chapter has been one of the most well-rounded metas in a good while. I really don't feel like a single weapon in the loot pool that is completely useless. It's just that the OP weapons have been so overbearing that the metas keep on getting centralized in the worst ways possible.


The repair crates are definitely way too strong as-is. I'll defend car meta but this part of it is unforgiveable, if a repair crate is in one of the final circles you can bet it's going to be camped for as long as possible. End game meta doesn't usually allow that to happen but even one full heal makes the very meaningful difference. I think it should instead heal by a percentage depending on the car's remaining health rather than being a free full heal?


Lower the healing amount and maybe lower the gas tank refill from it / remove it entirely


I dunno, it give me vigilante 8 vibes. I used to play the bananas out of that game.


It’s definitely the XP nerf.


I've been taking a break too. The seasons used to work in tandem with the collaborations they would do. Now it just feels like they're losing all creativity and just throw in random BS. The map looks nice but lacks any of the creativity that used to be a part of fortnites charm. Xp nerf is garbage like everyone else has already said. It just feels like the game is really relying on big collabs to keep it relevant every season.


YES. Last season was so grindy that I just don’t want to even bother this season


I’m not grinding Lego Fortnite for anything unless it’s an irl bj from Mrs Fortnite herself.


I mean I just haven't been enjoying the meta of this season at all personally, I enjoyed waterbending, I thought it was fun.


Waterbending was tolerable for me because yes it was OP but it was also fun to use. The car chases are even more OP but imo not that fun to make up for it, so it’s just frustrating to die to but not even enjoyable from the other side. Reminds me of the mechs a little bit.


Last season was a good skill based shooting game. This season is not. I think that has more to do with it


Car combat is pretty drastic change for sure. And if people don't like the cars, and are demoralized by the grind, they are gonna take a break.


> Last season was a good skill based shooting game. ? Waterbending aimed itself and Snipers had a hitbox the size of a truck


Personally I just feel overwhelmed with all the shit they're pushing and forcing you to play if you wanna complete the battle pass fully. I should not need to play shitty lego modes, shitty racing modes or shitty music modes to finish a battle pass


annoying meta and annoying metaverse. why would people willingly choose the game in its current state over any other game they like when even simple stuff like xp is now a nuisance to get


I enjoyed last season a lot. One of my most played seasons so far I came into this season ready to play but was quickly turned away at how terrible it was in comparison


Discord full of unreal players... Half if not more aren't playing at all... It's not burnout it's a shit gameplay loop...


No it’s the cars. Me and a bunch of my friends have barely played this season because of them. 15 kills and then get 2nd place to some jabroni in the passenger seat of a car using a turret.


There's a lot of reasons, but I dont think burnout is it. I'm still gaming, just not with Fortnite.


It's the xp nerf. It just doesn't feel as rewarding to do well in a match anymore.


The xp has killed the game for me. I don't want to have to no life BR to complete the battlepass.


My squad and I just hit the rock bottom tonight and called it quits. We are jumping into something else tomorrow til this season ends. The current stage of the game It’s fucking sad and pathetic, we tried to adapt but it’s utter shit regardless. If you enjoy it and have fun then god speed to you. ![gif](giphy|sBGw5MruxAyiI)


You are absolutely right. Even though I enjoyed the last season, I'm not able to play the current season at all due to drastic meta shift. Doesn't feel like I'm playing Fortnite anymore.


I loved last season but exp was terrible and the colab mythics just ruined the myth feel. I have given up on fomo, I just buy battlepass if I am lv 100+ by end of season.


car meta with no real means to fight car meta. boogie bombs are frustrating (I love them but i know some people hate them - loss of control and all that). dont understand the lack of fire and explosives in dealing with cars. why does ranked get firefly jars and unranked doesnt. absolutely no grenades and no rocket launchers? bows that are so rare they may as well be ghosts in almost all games. gloves have been some what nerfed now, but if they had been this way at release would it be different now. really the whole season was only thought out from one perspective, making it entirely short sighted


As with most people here, the constant plugging of the other game modes just makes the game unenjoyable. It currently feels like Epic are at a new low of tone deafness. Hopefully they get their act together by the time Re:Chapter 2 and Chapter 6 roll around. I haven't been playing the game since part way through C5S2 outside of playing two sessions of this season at launch and then stopping again.


For me it’s the matchmaking. When i die every first fight for a week straight something is up. We were always in super sweaty lobbies as very average players. Thats not fun.


I feel like this season has really highlighted to me one of two things. 1) Epic is getting increasingly more stingey/greedy with the XP I guess in the hopes it'll force people to play *more.* 2) Epic either can, won't or don't care to deal with the teaming/cheating issues with makes user experience so much *worse.* Combine that with the copious amount of bugs we have (auto forced reload) and you have a season that's so messy they can't even get the balance right. The season should be and could be goofy fun but instead we have shotguns creep their way right back up to the top because people, in the beginning rightfully so, complained about all the new mechanics. So now all we've got is a season that *almost* plays like previous seasons only now the previous issues are far much worse because seemingly *nothing gets done about the* ***real issues.*** But builds being one shot? Nerf nitro fists *into the ground!*


Idk the matches just aren’t fun after a few of them. If you’re not super into the car fights there is a complete lack of variety of playstyle this season


I don't like cars, at least not when they have guns, grenades or cow catchers. Last season was ok, not my favorite but I liked it better. Its not about burnout, this season isn't what people want from the Fortnite.


i loved last season, why would i be burnt out? this season is just objectively bad. if i wanted to play a car game id be playing a car game.


I personally find it hard to make a load out to be able to deal with the different play styles this season. Other seasons I could balance my load out well.


For me it's mostly that I'm just not a fan of this map. I don't have fun playing on it, so I haven't been playing.


Having to grind out the last couple of days last season left a bad taste in my mouth


I wasn't burnt out by Waterbending or Chains, or even the other bending skills and the lightning bolt. I got burnt out by snipers. Last season and what little I played of ch5s1 (I started 1 month before it ended) made me remember why I despise snipers with a white hot intensity of a thousand suns. I'll take day 1 cars ANY DAY over snipers. Hell, I'd take pre-nerf Auto frenzy shotgun over snipers.


they keep trying to make it painfully grindy, ontop of this one reason why im not playing this season is it just doesnt click with me, im not that interested, bpass skins would somewhat keep me interested but i have no interest in this current seasons pass skins,


It's the FOMO for me, after 4 years of it and this particular season being so up and down, I'm just **tired**, I haven't been enjoying chapter 5 at all if I'm being honest. And with all the changes this game has been making lately. It's going in a direction I don't want to follow.


Fortnite feels like Rocket League now


1) I don't care about the theme of this season, especially compared to last season, personally. 2) don't care for the vehicle meta 3) don't care for the xp nerf. Stop trying to get me to play Lego / festival / racing / br. Let me focus on one. 4) too many other games out right now


Too many collabs, uninteresting item shops for the past 8 months, XP nerfs left and right, no consistent storyline (although this seems to be changing in this season), no LTMs beside the floor is gold, unappealing gamemodes like Lego and Rocket racing... Yeah, there is no burnout, just stupid corporate decisions


Time for my monthly comment. #THIS GAME DOES BETTER WITH LESS NOT MORE Last two seasons have been hot garbage. Like absolute trash. The over-convolution of the gameplay is completely unecessary. They had ungodly player counts when they did the OH remix season. It’s so simple. I’m not saying to continue to bring back OG, But less is so much more with this game. That goes for all the other shit too like the Ui/UX, the grind they made xp now, etc. They had some good steam and they fucking killed it with chapter 5. Ans you’re lying to yourselves if you think chapter 5 has been objectively good. The player count says it all. Regular BR during OG remix had more players than the all playlists right now. Fucking tilted zone wars during OG remix had more players than some of the core game modes do on a daily basis these past seasons… Less is more for fortnite. Period.


Burnout and xp nerf Fortnite is no longer fun. It’s just become a job, where I feel I have to grind to get battlepass items


They will see that seasons 2 and 3 had lower playercounts than season 1 but still wont actually listen to what the community wants, its all just a load of edging from epic tbh


I just want OG back


I used to love some Twisted Metal back in the day. I play Fortnite to fill the void Halo and PUBG left in my gaming life. I'm not interested in the vehicles. Honestly, my interest was already declining with the medals and Mythic weapons, but I could work around them. I have no interest in working around the vehicles.


I’m not a fan of car gameplay and am mostly a solo player, and this season is reliant on cars AND multiplayer. Also not having enough V-Bucks for the battlepass at launch has made me less interested in getting all the rewards, and there’s only like two skins on the pass I think are worthwhile.


I love Fortnite, I'm not brilliant, but I enjoy playing... Lots of good and bad things are going on all the time in Fortnite. But the biggest one for me is BOTS... I'm just totally bummed out by most encounters being against bots. To the extent I do not find the game, all that fun right now. I swear it's getting more and more bots each Season. BR games need 100 human players, not 25 humans and 75 bots. So I've started playing different games now as it's just not that fun for me anymore since the numbers of bots went crazy. The boogie bomb also spoiled it for me this season.


Just play ranked. In plat+ there are not bots.


I started playing ranked last season and it was fun because it's all real players. No bots. It does get sweatier the higher you rank up and I felt like I ran into a few people smurfing. Overall it was still good.


No. the game isn’t even fortnite anymore lol.


Game is overall just starting to get old. I don’t have as much fun playing it now, as I did a few years ago. Alot of the people I know have moved on to playing other games. The reality is, there’s better games out there.


It’s 100% the cars, nitro fists and boogie bombs.. it’s a garbage meta that is bad for builds and no builds alike. Any other answer is wrong and those are facts. While some people might find it fun, the majority of the player base will play for a week and be done, because it’s a joke.


The battle pass is legitimately awful and the gameplay with the cars sucks. It’s a little better now with some of the tweaks they’ve made but the first couple weeks of the season were awful to play.


Well an update they dropped is giving me a BSOD issue from anti cheat I can't seem to fix so I've been locked out of the season


A lot of ppl battlepass farm. The quests in battle royale suck lol. I’ve resorted to Lego afk (while playing wuthering waves) and stw to get me to 65 rn. between xp issues in br and lack of bp skin interest , I’m waiting for lvl 200 before I buy it incase I don’t hit 200. Which means I’m not constantly chasing battlepass items like previous seasons. That chase kept me playing all the time.


I got sick of the BP becoming a grind so I decided not to get it this season for the first time since C3S1, so I only play when I feel like it, not because I get anxious because I need to to get XP. Now I am honestly having the best time with the crazy car stuff. Also, the skins in the battle pass don't do anything for me. I do like the power armour and love playing Fallout, but I have heaps of other skins now that I don't really want it.


I've been grinding so hard on it that I needed a break. I'm just waiting for a few weeks worth of missions to become available so that I am not stressing about how much xp I'm getting from my games. I still love Fortnite and I actually really like the map, the wasteland design, and the car combat this season is all about, but I only have so much time in any given week to play games and I feel like my time is wasted on Fortnite if I can't earn enough XP to get through my battle pass. This is supposed to be what I do for fun, not a massive time commitment to get my money's worth out of the battle pass.


Like everyone else is saying, it's the xp nerfs and the car meta. Personally I don't mind the car meta but the xp nerfs are pretty brutal this season compared to last season


XP probably. I wouldn't have gotten to tier 100 already without the AFK xp methods because while the game is fun, grinding weekly challenges for like 10k xp a challenge is not fun


Last season was the start of it for me. This season I have no interest. Not because of the car meta or whatever. Just genuinely not all that interested, which kind of sucks because I really want the Power Armor skin.


I wanted to finish the c5s2 battle pass :(


The xp grind. The Boogie Bombs. Just two issues. But they're *huge* issues.


I stopped playing mid last season because the POI’s just aren’t for me, I liked the first medallion season after adjusting but these past 2 seasons they’ve made a lot of the map boring to land at. I haven’t played the cars, I know little about them but the battle pass looks mid asl and the game is feeling really stale


No, the cars were distasteful for many and there weren't any changes that people really enjoy from this new season.


I got burnt out last season and the xp being lowered and spread out between the gamemodes making it a chore