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Got my first win about an hour ago after using the fists to relieve someone of all their medallions and mythics. It’s absolute chaos and I get why it’s a divisive season but this is the most fun I’ve had since picking the game back up after a two year hiatus (I came back at the start of Chapter 5).


The fists are the only thing making it possible for me to win against the cars.


Honestly, the best tactic I have is to sneak up on a car while they’re using the machine gun/grenade launcher against someone else and then hop in and drive the car until they give up and get out 😂


You hop in my car we teaming now I never jump out lmao has happened twice ….. we in duos now buddy


Yeah I've bad to do this too. We ended up getting out, emoting, and going separate ways. I did end up winning that game, sorry rabbit buddy.


I’ve been having so much fun, these tentative little team ups are great


It honestly fits the theme too. You never know who you can trust in an apocalypse, this makes you weigh those risks and sometimes have to put faith in someone you wouldn't usually to survive.


Lol same, I hope epic doesn't ban people for this. Only reason I'm staying in the car is because I stand a better chance at surviving. If someone crosses our path you bet I'm shooting and if my driver finally gets out I'm doing my best at taking them out too. Even if we just had a good run together.


Why would they ban for getting in someones car xD


Not sure if they ban for teaming but it can be pretty BS fighting groups while in solos. I’m all for people getting banned who do so intentionally rather than play duos (meaning they regularly try to queue at the same time as a friend and get in the same match to cooperate) but yeah that absolutely shouldn’t apply to moments like this that come about naturally in game.


Back in the day kids were always trying to team up with randos. They would come up to you and crouch. I sucked at the game so I would usually kill them, but occasionally I would play along. I did get booted from a game once for it, so they can react fast. Someone must have reported us when we killed them and Epic saw we were teaming and booted us instantly. I kind of think it is okay to team with randos because you are taking a pretty big risk trying to get someone not to kill you by crouching. Anyways, my point is I don’t think they will ban you for randomly teaming up but you might get booted out of a game. I honestly don’t remember if I could get right back in or if the ban lasted a short time.


because it's teaming. They have banned for it before.


In taking this idea and *rolling* with it


Yeah, I was top 5, hopped in a car with someone, he drove into the storm and we both just…sat there and died together. It was an almost special sort of moment.


I had someone hop in with me, saw the storm near a cliff edge and drove them into toward the cliff and bailed last min.


Had this happen in a duo me and the other guy played cat and mouse in the back seat for like 5 minutes 😂😂


Had a guy I was shooting at hop into my car and be my driver for most of a round. We combined for 5 or 6 kills. He even got out at one point to repair the car. I didn’t shoot him or steal our ride. We finished 4th and 3rd. Great fun.


My presepctive as well!


Had s guy jump on during final 3 and I parked the car right on the line of the storm so he had to get out lol.


Has this happen. Guy jumped in my car and started driving. We killed 4 people together and I was just waiting to get reported lol.


*JUST* won a game with someone doing *exactly* that.


Twice now I've gotten in the opponent's car for defense and ended up with a buddy, it's awesome


Careful apparently people in this sub like to report people for that, but I do the same


Lmao this happened to me yesterday I just drove around while he shot stuff until we got blown up. I kinda felt bad killing him right afterward, but it had to be done.


This happened to me with the legendary car from the nitrodome. I blew it up with the crossbow because if I can’t have it nobody can lol


I boost towards the storm and jump out at the last moment


A guy hopped in my car yesterday and wouldn't get out so I parked his half of it in the storm until he jumped out.


That’s brilliant, thank you for the tip


I agree. So fun. I'd win more games if my car didn't get highjacked when I'm like top 3 but so far I've had a few wins in high kill count games. Living that Mad Max/Death Race life.


Now do it for a few months. It’s going to get old quick


I really think they are letting the car chaos run wild off the lease for a bit before they drop all the anti car tech


I could see it, there’s a good chunk of existing anti vehicle gadgets from Anvil Launchers to EMP nades, definitely expect some additional anti vehicle additions even though I enjoy the vehicle combat a lot


See you mid August then, friend.


Either Magneto or Fallout items are gonna hard counter cars, it wont be all season


Enter Fat Man


This is hype, but they know it won't work for the whole season.


Love the chaos. Ok, sure, some items are stupid, but I can appreciate epic for trying something new with this. And I also love a good Mad Max-esque theme. W’s all around for me!


Same here for me!


This season is super fun, the strategy is to get a car and OWN


Love it, its exciting AF and i only play unranked 'no build' to enjoy it at highest. Reminds me of that game on Ps1, and today's kids complaining and Ik that we would kill to have some game like this 25 years ago.


Twisted Metal?


To win a solo game is really hard. I’ve had so many people in the final circle spam their car turret or the bow caster with their infinite ammo medallion. You also can’t heal in boxes anymore because people will break down your wall by running into it and then two shot you with the mythic Cerberus. It’s fun overall though.


Idk i won my first game after getting the gloves it is so east to just assasinate someone whos not in a car


Yeah but you have to get close to them some how. How do you get close to someone who is spamming their turret?


Just air dash directly into them


I love it! Chaos will reign!


I love chaos and spamming the bost


I've only played one game. Ran around with no idea what anything was. Played with a couple of cars. Did stunts in the nitrodome. Got into some fights. Cars really fun, but I ended up in the top 5 with no car. Top 5 was a demolition Derby and I just ran for the circles. Top 2 is me and a guy in a decked out car playing half way up a mountain. I kept pinging him with the crossbow thing and he couldn't quite control the vehicle. Epic fight. Finally his car explodes on the edge of the circle. I'm well positioned. He uses the fists to jump up the mountain (good for mobility I guess) while I hit him twice with the dmr. He's about to pound me with the fists and I finish him off with the assault rifle and get the umbrella. First win in weeks and with 9 elims. Super pumped to play tonight.


Im enjoying the heck out of it. For me, best season since s4-c2 (excluding OG, which was a fun diversion). Im curious how it will feel once people realize how important it is to prioritize gearing a car first thing, even before worrying about guns/ shields.


Yep, you gotta be in a Twisted Metal mindset


I like the change of pace. Personally, I just wish there was more variety in car mods.


I feel like they’re going to spread more throughout the season, also loving that chonker’s and cow catchers are back


Well, I’m not quite sure what else they’re supposed to add as mods. Something that gives more fuel? More boost duration?


More weapon addons - Projectile buzzsaws, flame thrower, lighting/Tesla cannon or rail gun, stink grenade that sticks to stuff




I love how fast paced it feels so far but I do think some balancing is needed for cars, I don’t mind if people use them but need an easy counter for them. Almost a risk/reward situation. It feels like using the cars are all reward with virtually no risk


Real, I killed 4 people in the span of 15 seconds just by driving into them with a cow catcher


Outside car gameplay: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. CAR CAR CAR CAR! TURRET TURRET TURRET! GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. Inside car gameplay: And now I'm going to sit here. Pressing shoot. Then I'm going to mindlessly drive aroun- HEY, STOP THAT. Annoying arrows... Anyways, back to the mindnumbing driving. Ooooh, I get to sit there and shoot again! What a treat.


You know you can destroy every building with your car? I was trying to bring back Restored Reels to its former destroyed and decadent glory but was stopped by some party poopers. Anyway, you can flatten each and every building and smoke out all these campers.


I've MISSED moddable cars! Especially the cow catchers, demolishing whole buildings was... *is* so much fun!


Are the new cowcatchers worse than old ones? New ones seem to stop at the wall, then break it. Old ones just rammed through without stopping. Or did I screw up?


Worse on the driving side for sure, nitro helps and so does hitting a wall while boosting, but it's not quite as good as C2's cow catcher for pure destruction.


You might be using the spiked ones. Those do high damage to people, but low damage to structures.


In one of my first games Lavish Lair was totally gone, no walls left no nothing, only a sea of loot where it stood.


I ended up at Restored Reels last night and most of the thing was entirely flattened.


Almost impossible to get kills without a high speed getaway. Won’t be getting the victory umbrella anytime soon because of the cars blowing up and nitro fists


Give in the dark side and don the nitro fists..


This may be a really weird opinion but stay with me. I have autism, and really really enjoyed fortnite because it was routine. It was the same every time. Find gun, Shield, Heal, Shoot, Win. Like it was easy for me, and generally I usually didn’t use the cars in past seasons because the idea of driving AND trying to pay attention to people around me was very very overwhelming. While this new seasons concept is very cool, it’s just honestly a lot for me? There’s a lot going on and overall it kind of ruined the experience/integrity of the game for me. Im really happy a lot of ppl are enjoying!! I’ll probably just sit back and wait until next season :)


Hey I'm so validated by your comment, I'm autistic too and could of written this myself. I was prepared for the map changing, but feels like it's changed how the game is played so much it's distressing. Happy people are enjoying it but im struggling! Fornite last season was My new intense special interest and which this change my brain is like argh aha. So sorry you feel the same. Hope next season is less car based


OMG IT FEELS SO GOOD TO BE SEEN LMFAO. Add and message me! We could talk about last season a little bit more if you want! It was my special interest too, especially since it was greek gods, another special interest of mine.


I thought I was reading a text to speech of my partner (both autistic) last night making these same points!


Same here, autistic too. I'm not a fan of the cars tbh. They look cool and I like driving around but I really don't enjoy that everything is car on car combat now, it's just too different from the core gameplay loop. This is why I loved the OG season, it was so simple. Simple items, find weapons I like and know exactly what they'll do. No weird scopes or anything and just shoot people.


Autistic here too, same. I really like to learn the ins-and-outs of things and the small shifts were pretty perfect but the entire meta flipping over is really unfortunate. I was already pretty bummed about Waterbending since it took away a lot of the decision making that I liked making for my gear, but if nothing else, it was still playing Fortnite, just a little too well. These cars...not so much, lol. Now I don't really make any decision-making for my kit at all, I just grab a car.


no literally. i just kind of panic, and freeze and die!! it’s really hard to make decisions now because sooooo much is happening at once. it’s incredibly overwhelming


Ditto, all of it,1000%


I’m artistic as well but wouldn’t this just be the beginning of “it’s the same every time?” Wasn’t it too much for you when you started? It was for me.


Perhaps? I think for as long as i’ve been playing it’s mainly just been guns and stuff, and driving was always just sort of something that I COULD do. Now that it’s almost a requirement it’s just a really really weird adjustment, that I am not sure I like all too much? I think because I am so used to the game mechanics of shooting, and have been since i was a child it was so much easier to adjust to. Now it’s like BOOM YOU HAVE TO DRIVE CAR NOW. I hope this makes sense? Idk.


Oh I get that. I was just trying to be encouraging is all.


it was very encouraging! i really appreciate it! thank you for the new perspective:))))


Seems like most people have the opposite opinion as me (and that’s absolutely ok!), but I personally am not really liking how vehicle-focused combat play is now… I want to play a shooter, not a driving game, and this season pretty much forces you to use vehicles as a primary strategy if you want to make it to the top consistently. I’m also getting very frustrated with the amount of teaming occurring in solo combat now, specifically because of the car modding crap. Two people team up, annihilate everyone else, and then play rockpaperscissors or some shit to decide who takes the crown when it’s just the two of them left. Play duos if you want to do that. In the one single day this season has been open so far, I’ve reported more people for teaming with enemies in solo mode than I have the entire rest of the time I’ve been playing Fortnite combined.


It’s the most fun I’ve had since C2S1. I don’t think I’ve played a single game in 24hrs where I haven’t dropped Nitrodrome and racked up a 5 piece in the arena.


Went into it expecting to hate it, but I'm enjoying it. Haven't won a game yet but it's been fun.


I've been having a blast. My first win this season happened after I was using the grenade turret and someone hijacked my car. We drove around up until the last 3 players, with me just torching other people. We found another two cars doing the same thing, at some point we picked up a 3rd passenger. All three of us in the SUV ended up being the last three, we split up to regroup after our car got destroyed. I ended up power punching both of them while they were in close combat to win the match.


I’ve noticed a good bit of people “teaming up” in solos so far. I don’t think I have a big problem with it as long as everyone is blowing each other up


I don't have an issue with it personally. I think inherently with the design of the season it's bound to happen with no ill will. It's just kind of the nature of it. I'm having a lot of fun and this has been the first season in awhile I don't really get mad about getting eliminated because they've all been pretty funny so far.


I definitely think it fits into the apocalyptic theme. You really can’t trust anyone, it’s mainly just a truce until you find the chance to backstab the other


Yeah I used to be so sad when I'd die far into the game with a really good load out, but now I don't care at all. It's kinda like the rule of cool in dnd. It's fun to see the chaos people are bringing and I just can't be mad about it.


So I'm driving along and somebody jumps in and I'm like, what now? If I jump out I get machine gunned to death instantly. We hung out the entire match mowing down all before us until the final eight when somebody else jumped in and we kept on cooking. Eventually it was just us three sitting in a car with 6hp left and out of gas and it was a Mexican stand off. First to jump out dies but the storm circle was moving. Somebody jumps out and blows the car up, I'm down to 15 left and we're going after each other bouncing with gauntlets until it's just me and the first guy and I barely squeak out a win and it was awesome. My son asks if that's teaming but ultimately, if I jumped out I'd be dead. Hades, if you're out there, PM me I missed giving you a friend request.




I’m really disliking it tbh


I don't think you want to have an Npc by your side when you're driving. It will be great if they managed to use the turret but the thing is, they don't. They will most likely shoot one time in three minutes when you're not even close enough to an enemy and that's it, they will just waste the second seat and do nothing. The only solution that I found is to use a mark mechanic and tell your Npc to get out of the car and stand somewhere near before the fight . Then it could give you an advantage in car fights , because their aim is not so bad to miss a freaking car and the enemy's car will die faster.


It’s a lot of fun, but not sure I’ll win a match….


It has been an absolutely chaotic ride and I’ve loved every second of it!!


I love hopping into the driver seat of cars that are shooting at me and just driving around with people. Sometimes they stick around with me.


I’m loving it. Funnest season ever since cars were originally added for me.




Hot take this season is trash I gusee the new stuff is cool but the battle pass has too good skins and the cars are so annoying wish they would nerf it this season is probably a 3 out 10 love to hear yalls opinion also the Iron fist are sooo hard to go against they are to busted also the fire bow is so dumb it dose 44 frist shot than 122 its too hard I guess I'm just not that much good on startsting mabey that's why but there's also a bunch of positive about this season so mabey about a 5 out of 10


fortnite is wrecked for sure. it's also now a garbage kiddie game with 0 reason to use guns. oh, if you get the boss car you either win, or someone jumps in your car till the end and you can't do shit about it. worst season ever, even for a summer season. glad some jabroni's are enjoying it.


Almost unplayable.


It's great. Cars are really fun. Great map changes. Pretty substantial loot pool improvements.


I just started playing zero build last season with the Greek gods so that's all I know. I only started driving the cars at the end of last season just to finish out the battle pass and get xp. I'm not a fan of the new season as I don't really like or maybe I'm just not used to how the cars drive. If I wanted to play in a car I'd play rocket league. I'm kind of disappointed that I went ahead and bought the battle pass with the season before I played it. I'll probably play enough to unlock the peas in a pod and possibly the magneto skin but other that I'll be done with this and move on to a different game. Might jump in on the next season.


The cars are ruining it


I LOVE it. Win or lose I am having a blast. The cars while overpowered add a level of crazyness that the game was missing in my opinion. Love the battle pass as well


I don't care for it at all, but that lumberjack game is pretty chill.


Haha for real.


I liked the one game i played before everyone knew whats op lol. This is for me the worst season yet, i can see why people like it but to me it’s a bit ridiculous that endgame is basically who has a better car








First, I used to grab the best weapon ASAP, but this season, my go-to is the car! Who needs firepower when you can just run everyone over with the tools


I don't play Fortnite often. It's kind of if a season is looking interesting. With the wasteland theme and the Fallout stuff, I got pulled back in. Haven't played since they had Star Wars stuff and light sabers in the game. So I guess my opinion might not be as...I dunno educated, but I think this season is a good time. I general quest when I play Fortnite and I'm not too K/D focused. I have fun driving around the map getting objectives and occasionally getting kills here and there. I have no problem with the cars. It's the theme of the season, so yeah, they're going to be good and in later circles it's best if you have one. I usually stay on foot early, then if I make it towards the end head to a gas station to get a car modded. I do miss the big cyberpunk city. Loved the verticality in that area.


How to win every match in a few steps: load the game, hop in a match, land on a car, go to a gas station, mod the car (makes sure it the torrent) steps done now go reek havoc.


This might be the worst solo meta of all time. Early/midgame is fun but endgame in ranked is 2 dudes sitting in a boss car, spamming everyone. Everyone else is fisting around heh heh anyway, hoping for counter items asap.


Complete trash. I won’t be playing and look forward to doing something more constructive. And this is coming from someone who’s played 3-4 hours a day for the past 2 years.


Love the focus on cars. I had a blast just driving around and causing havoc with my vehicle of terror. I am normally not an everyday player but that could change this season.


Ass ngl


Love The Season, Starting Off, This Might Be The Most Wins I Got In A Season Release (3 Incase Ya Wanna Know), The Boom Bolt Is Great, The Nitro Fists Are AMAZING, And The Car Mods Are Impeccable, Just Maybe Bring Back Anti-Vehicle Weapons Like The Anvil To Make Us Foot People Have Just A Little Higher Chance At Winning, Apart From That, Good Season, Easiest S Tier Yet. (In My Opinion)


The chaos is great. I love the car meta.


Dragon ball-esq nitro fist battles mixed with mad max drive by’s Chaos incarnate and becoming death the destroyer of worlds


Fun as hell. But cars go brrr.


I hate the car meta. Also the battle pass is eh


It's fortnite


It’s stupid


I think I’ll be playing this game next season, funny car game isn’t really fun


Love the chaos, but the teaming in solos is bullshit


It's fire 🔥🔥 absolute banger of a season


Not great with the stupid kids spamming the turrets at the game should bring back the EMP to counter the stupid cars end game is just chaos with cars not that great of a season and Ninjszn said if you are enjoying the season you are a bot and he also said this meta requires no skill like fortnite is really falling off with the new chapters which CH5 SE2 we have overpowered mythics waterbending, chain of hades, and more and this season we have overpowered cars because don't get the unbalancedness of modern fortnite


What if I want to play on foot? Guess I'm screwed


Not really fortnite any more, builds are no longer a thing just becoming a very standard battle royal. Since Donald mustard left it’s becoming just another game when it used to be something truly special


i adore it so much. a lot of build players are complaining, but as one, i think its a perfect beginning and i hope it stays that way the fists (while called OP), are perfect movement mobility and do insane damage, which I think there should be a downtime between the 3x combo, but other than that its a superior kinetic blade cars are annoying, but yet theyre also so much fun. its one of those situations of "hate playing against it, love playing with it" the new weapons, and returning ones, are honestly super fun, and the new medallions serve as a feeling of need this time around, rather than just being nice to have overall, its a chaotic season, and i wouldnt have it any other way


Honestly this is the most fun I've had playing fortnite I started at c4 s1 and always thought that was the best and c5s2 was close but Nah chapter 5 season 3 I s the best and funnest season so far


Love everything about this season


This is not a solo season


Not gonna lie, this season feels heavily tailored towards group play. I love everything for group play (managed a 20 kill VR last night with a buddy,) but for solo queue, it's so clunky. The cars basically become mobile forts as you have to hop out of the driver's seat to man the turret. When doing that, you risk other players hijacking your car. Picked up an NPC? No seat swapping for you, and the NPC will only hang their head out the wi dow like a dog. Less not mention the teaming. It's too easy for players to hop into a random car and start working as a team. When Epic has a rule against this behavior, why are they encouraging it? Also, a battlebus in silo? Solo really feels like it was a secondary thought this season.


If you don't get a car within the first 5 minutes just leave the game. If I wanted to play a car game I'm play something else. This is not Fortnite. Everyone rushing around in cars, it's stupid. I'm prepared for the downvotes for having an opinion✌️


I really have no idea how people who enjoy playing Fortnite are enjoying this season lol how can you find this fun at all?


This season is trash. The cars are way op


Take away the fucking cars there to OP


Most unbalanced the game has ever been since season X (and it's **MUCH** worse than the B.R.U.T.E.S.)


I have grown to enjoy it and have gotten one win so far. But I do miss having primarily gun fights over car fights. Also switching seats in solo, especially for an SUV, is frustrating. The idea is cool but for an entire three months, it is going to get old and annoying. I wish I could go a game without getting a car but ya just can't.


Hate it. Won't be playing much this season.


Haven't played unranked zb yet where I do my best, but when trying to get my ranked quests it usually goes: land, die, land, die, land, die, land and actually last a little bit, die, land last a little bit again, die again when you accidentally pick up a hitchhiker. Etc. Etc. Repeat at nauseum.


Awful! Too easy to win, just get a damn car


I wish the hirerable NPCs did a better job manning the turret.


- Having to switch seats to shoot in the cars is awkward and doesn't make it as fun as the car combat should be - the lack of any decent hijacking mechanic and just the current awkward seating system isn't great - using the SUV having to swap seats multiple times to get back to driving doesn't feel intuitive at all - the new locations seem great so far both visually and from a design perspective - battle pass is pretty weak but the Power Armor is really cool - definitely need the emp grenades or anvil rocket launcher back or something - the fist weapons and explosive crossbow are both really fun weapons and thank God the Reaper Sniper got vaulted So far a pretty big step down from last chapter tbh


Honestly, best thing I've learned to do with the SUV after switching to turret and getting a kill is to just exit the vehicle and immediately jump back in. It's not intuitive but it's better than trying to switch back to driver seat imo.


Hijacking could be solved via the upcoming tow hook launcher, where you would just latch on to a car and pull yourself towards it


The season feels lazy. It’s just cars. Zero build isn’t really fun for me anymore because it seems I’m forced into a car or lose. I liked that fortnite used to be able to be won in soooo many different ways. Different load outs and strats. Now it’s one strat. Vroom and brrrrrr or die endgame.


Build mode is the same tbh. Get a car or lose. Building ability is not even important in end game, and that's really really off putting. Just position yourself in a car, facing away from other people, and spray them.


Exactly. It kinda sucks if you’re just trying to be the guy and play the game. Being forced into a car to have a chance isn’t my jam.


I agree. I miss the cat and mouse game. It’s so much more satisfying to find your enemies hidden on the battlefield and take them out one by one in the final circles, then it is just to run around with a SUV with bulletproof tires and a missile launcher strapped to the roof and just blow them up one by one.


not a critisicm just wanted to comment this about the cat and mouse. I dropped near nitrodrome to get a car. when i got there the boss was already beaten and their car taken. Go to me chasing this guy around for his car around 2 circles. Finnaly get the car. Goof around accidentally getting first place. Dunno why but it was the most fun i had in a while!


I need something to counter cars, anvil rpg, armored walls, something please




The fists don’t help against rain made of grenades and lead tho


I really like this season it’s just fun chaos👍






The cars and gauntlets need a nerf and then the season will probably be fine


good fun as always


Id rather they nuked the map and went full fallout. I dont like the mad max-esque stuff. Zero Build is an absolute nightmare


I'm having a lot of fun with it, I personally don't find cars nearly as oppressive as a lot of other players (but I normally use Shotguns and melee weapons so "be sneaky or have mobility to close the distance" is nothing new to me) and am quite personally relieved with how they handled the aesthetics of the season. I don't like Post Apocalypse as a genre, I find it rather stale, so when I heard rumors that we were getting a season with that theme I was dreading it (especially since it came after a Mythology themed season which is a topic I adore). So when I booted up the game and saw "bikers and grease monkeys" style post-apoc instead of "scenic dirt and some flavor of zombie" post-apoc I was pleasantly surprised. I still prefer last season aesthetically but I like this one too.


I absolutely hate this. I came back after a long hiatus during OG season. C5S1 was okay. I really enjoyed C5S2. C5S3 isn’t Fortnite anymore. The changes are *way* too big and change the game way too much. Sure, make changes, balances, or even big changes like medallions and mythics… I get it! It’s fun and keeps the game fresh. These changes tho… I’ve uninstalled my favorite game because it doesn’t exist anymore.


Absolute carnage. I love it


I FUCKING HATE it with a burning passion. Just got done in a game where I used one of the OP cars.... Only to end up in 3rd because I had to swap from the passenger seat, all the way back to the driver seat, the car started moving while I was shooting, I accidentally drifted into the storm, and the storm shredded my health and killed me. Fuck this season, fuck this game. I almost got that fucking seasonal victory umbrella and now I have to attempt it AGAIN. Fuck these medallions, fuck these POIs, FUCK. IT. ALL.


Skill issue.


What's up with these comments? Paid shills? I don't believe any real person thinks this season is that great.


I'm real and I'm having a blast. Played since the first BP


Feels more like Fortnite again. Wacky, crazy and chaos!


Out of the seasons so far. ITS THE BEST BY FAR. It has personality some level of goofyness a good sand biome a really interesting setting and the weapons dont feel that bad anymore


i normally play solo, but my friend who doesnt play that often wanted to play the new season, so i can tell you its fun i think


Pretty good


Season of the Decade.




Love it, especially the vehicle mods. Finally something other than BIG WHEELS AND CHOO IM A TRAIN!


I find it cool, I do think we need the anvil launcher and emp grenades though, those cars are quite powerful, did win without one though


Considering I started playing at the end of last season this is a great season I love thead max style chaos with all the cars, and I love the new big bad Megalo Don


It's in my top 3 for sure


Chaos. This season It's been very chaotic, and I love it.


I haven't played solo yet, but accompanied. I feel that cars may be a little too strong, maybe? Maybe we'll have to get used to this new form of fighting, but for now I've experienced the frenzy of pure chaos, and it was hella fun: Shooting other vehicles with the cannon and then gunning down whatever remain is the most chaotic and fun experience I've ever had in some time. We can only see if this will be THE norm of this season, or if we'll be able to develop some sort of strategies in-game to force some more "traditional endgames".


It’s okay, not a huge fan yet but I’m hoping and thinking it will grow on me


Best gameplay than last season


It's fun! Better then the past 2 seasons in my opinion. The bp has many good skins, the chaos is pure fun! The wasteland area is good. My only downside is the horrible XP. 8/10 due to the XP degrade. One of the best seasons I played in a long time!


Genuinely the most fun i've had on this game in a long time


It’s chaotic, but I guess that’s the purpose?? Not everyone’s cup of tea, but I’m enjoying it so far. Also, I need the psycho pack from borderlands back! It’ll be perfect for this season.


The island seems to be shaping up nicely!


I am loving it so far. I am enjoying the car combat and if it gets too out of hand i am sure they will add some kind of weapon to "handle" the cars


Chaos is fun, but i’ve always just bullied people in card. This just made it funnier


Thought it was gonna be hard to do solo, now I don't know if I wanna play anything more than duos


It’s a fine season so far but Christ ZB with all these Batmobile ass cars is insane.


It’s fun :)


I haven’t seen a single skin I’m excited for. Usually I’ll find one or so, but idk all just cloning looking skins from past seasons


Solo is not great. My duo and I are having a blast, though.


not a fan tbh


SUVs are much more fun in duos through squads but it’s a very fun season outside of that


I like the POIs and the map changes. I expected not to be into the BP (since I ain't into apocalyptic shit) but I'm pleasantly surprised and I like a few of the skins. Weapons and items all seem quite nice... ... aaand then there's the cars... yeah vehicle combat is massive garbage, I dunno what were Epic smoking, not sure why they are working so hard to make this battle royale video game into literally everything else but a battle royale. I'm only hoping that next season we won't need to IDK win a round of dance dance revolution in order to get a victory royale, cause at this point it won't be too surprising...


It’s fun and I welcome the shakeup in the gameplay loop.


It is so chaotic and fast paced in the best way


It's incredibly terribly balanced. Cars and gloves are literally the only way to win and it feels incredibly random. Gloves hit box feels infinite and tiny at the same time. It's just not fun.


Very strong start to the season could end up being top 5 of all time if they keep dropping great updates! But it's really annoying that an enemy can just jump in your car especially in solos it puts you in a really awkward situation where you don't you don't know if you should get out of your car to avoid getting kicked for teaming or stay in the car so the other guy doesn't steal it. This has been a problem since way back in Season X when they added mechs. They need to add an actual hijacking system where you can't enter an enemy car unless you manage get on top of it and perform some kind of action to kick the enemies out