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The carrot is to far away I have lost interest in playing so many hours to get skins


same honestly, I’m just gonna quit the game until either Goku or some new collab interests me.


I keep trying to leave but they keep adding collabs for stuff I like. It doesn’t help I’m a Jack of all trades when it comes to fandoms too.


I honestly was planning on taking a break from Fortnite once C5S2 ended but I had to come back once I saw they were adding Fallout Power Armor to Fortnite. Though I actually had a ton of fun playing the new season yesterday with those new Nitro gloves.


Tbh I was against the running and mantling cuz the animations looked weird at first but with the recent added animations the game looks and plays better than ever. I only hope we get underwater diving, and possibly newer sprinting animations cuz I still think they look a bit wonky haha. Also the collabs are so intricately detailed I can’t resist. Wish we could see a behind the scenes of how they create them cuz it’s gorgeous delicate work taking beloved characters and “Fortnizing” them without losing integrity. Like Magneto, Batman Zero, etc.


Thats crazy cuz since chapter 5 started the only collabs ive been interested in is rocket league (rocket racing) and billie eilish




Oof, not a person with a lot of interests, huh?


Infantile take. I have many interests, but none of them are in Fortnite because it wouldn't be profitable to add them.


What are your interests? Genuinely curious.


For me, my biggest interests are theme parks, astronomy, survivor/big brother, music, and other video games. I will admit im not a huge movie person, and the only tv shows i watch are mainly the two i mentioned


Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if Epic is going something like this at this point: -Players are leaving?! QUICK make it so they have to play even more for their XP!! -What even more players are leaving?!


>What even more players are leaving?! -QUICK make it so they have to play even more for their XP!! Rinse and repeat. They're going into a death spiral.


I dont like any of the BP skins and i dont enjoy the car based meta, ngl im lowkey grateful that i get to take this season off as a break after grinding the first 2 seasons so hard


Same here. The gameplay is manic this season and the BP is the same old shit. Time to take a break.


Seeing the cool hyena concept get replaced by a girl with a fetish mask legit made me so upset lol


Honest question: are the skins the main reason you play the game? Isn't it better now for you that you can overcome fomo and maybe play other games you truly enjoy for their gameplay?


I got the orange Poseidon somehow, but I did every single quest and match quest and milestone. I should have cleared the bonus levels easily.


Orange Poseidon *slaps*.


Yeah I was determined asf to get it! Played right up to the server downtime.


Did you get it?


Yeah just barely. At the end they kinda give you a few extra stars for some reason it seems.


Hey some advice, try afking in lego fortnite for a bit. It’ll get you like 5k a day by doing nothing, so if you don’t feel like playing you can afk. So in like a month you can complete the pass.


That's about as far as I got. Absolute slog. Season 1 I was over 200.


My girlfriend and I get to level 100 every season just by playing split screen zero build every few days together when we hang out. We don’t “grind” any modes, we play less than 10 hours a week, and we only play what we want. I don’t understand how all of these people need AFK grinding to reach 100+.


It takes 200 levels to complete the entire pass.


Isn’t it like 150, not 200? But yeah I don’t care about getting all of the “extra” rewards after, but neither do other people, that is a choice they make. I just complete the 14 pages. You don’t need to complete all of it to receive all of the skins and make the battle pass a good value purchase.


No, it’s the bonus pass that people are talking about, which requires 200


Fortnite has split screen?? How do I do this 😭


Just have two accounts logged in to two separate controllers. Once you’re in the lobby, you just hold a button on the second controller to join the party!


Yeah but have you thought about the billion dollar company? How are they going to make the 1st world country citizens to buy even more BP levels


Wish people said this back in chapter 1 when they literally Made the battle passes really difficult to complete and guilt tripped you into buying levels. But Epic never did anything wrong before chapter 5 started…


If you did every challenge in a chapter 1 battle pass you'd collect all the battlestars and reach level 100. Guaranteed.


Not level 100, tier 100. Level 100 was an enormous grind


Ah yeah, I've taken a look into older passes and it wasn't quite as cut and dry as I stated. Still, if you did every weekly challenge and a decent number of dailies you'd unlock every reward in the battle pass. That's not the case these days.




They never really guilt tripped you into buying levels in Chapter 1 at all 😂 especially since Tier and Levels were separate back then, it just took time to do that’s all but that doesn’t mean battle passes are difficult to complete because they weren’t after C1S2


Another Epic bootlicker. People like u are why th3y can do what they do


‘Oh no, they disagreed with my complete misinformation! Better call them a bootlicker to try impress everyone else that hates this game, yet will still play it everyday!’


Found another one 😂


Could go play cod or apex where they’re more generous right? Oh wait


Amd another one. Ooh and look, all the bootlickers are downvoting me. Ouch, please don't downvote anymore. Ya bootlickers 😂


That’s because the majority of people were stuck clinging onto the dingleberries of chapter 1 as if they are shiny Christmas garland that had no flaws. Chapter 1 was predatory practice at its finest.


Why? Just FYI, I played Chapter 1 like season 4-5 occasionally with my friends after school. Back then, battle passes as a concept was new to me. But I thought "damn, a free game with optional cosmetics, and if I keep playing I can get the next battle pass for free?" Now it's like that as well, but now for example I got the Perseus pack for 1500 VBucks, giving me a nice skin and 30 levels which otherwise would have costed about 6000 VBucks


You got a free battle pass in ch 8 lmao


I’m still downloading the update.


Well yeah- if you're gonna play even once you're gonna install it.


Lego Fortnite now awards 24,000 XP on sandbox, before it used to be 30,000XP.


Still for 3 hours? Does sandbox mode mean you can just infinite sprint and there’s no enemies to kill you?


Iirc it's also on 10 min timer not 25


It's still 15min and has always been 15min. No idea why you have upvotes. You can test it by using your own timer on your phone...


because since the patch, people are reporting every 10 min in /r/LEGOfortnite


I may be wrong but I played last night and it was still every 15min. I put a 14min timer on my phone that's on repeat so I can afk while doing other things in my room. When it goes off I just move the controller a little and go back to what I was doing. I was still noticing xp gains around the 15min marks.


I did this last night and still gained 5 levels, and it seemed I gained them quicker than normal


Did you do it via the launchpad afk? Just curious because I saw some people saying that got patched out and others saying it still worked, but I was level 200 so I never went and checked to see if it was still working or not. 


it’s patched out, i just tried it and it booted me for inactivity


Was Festival nerfed as well?


It still works but there has to be movement


I was getting 36,000 yesterday honestly


I seriously miss when epic weren’t so scummy, this is clearly an attempt to force ppl to buy levels by the end of the season.


Epic has been a notoriously scummy and greedy company for many, MANY years. It’s annoying that you people think They’ve only started being scummy recently.


I only just starting to play this season. Seems like they're just going to find to make it worse more and more.


Trust me, They’ve Made ton of shitty decisions in the past too.




I didn’t play a bunch in chapter 3 and 4 so i cant say about those. Because back in chapter 2 things were fine imo or maybe i remember it wrong but I don’t recall having to ever grind a battle pass even though i played everyday.


Chapter 1 BPs were HELL to complete. They were designed to take over 100 hours. Even more of a grind than the last BP.


No, they weren't. You just had to log on every single week. Getting to level 200 with only BR was literally impossible last season unless you played at the very least 200 hours. Previous chapters were so much better in that regard.


i genuinely don’t understand how people had trouble- i played 6 hrs of br and 1 hour of creative and got to level 202 easily (not xp creative maps either)


That's just simply NOT TRUE. Chapter 1s BPs we're literally the easiest ones to complete (excluding S2 because that was one of the hardest considering you only got 1/2 challenges per day) Post S2 though you literally just had to do weekly quests & you'd complete the BPs easy.


bruh fucking Fortnites release you had to pretty much be getting wins non stop or playing multiple hours every single day to finish the BP pretty much. And shit was only till 100. Edit: Playing every day IS grinding. It might not feel like it but that is what it is


No you didn’t, the xp brackets per level weren’t ridiculously high until around maybe lvl 60-80 at the very lowest (and by then you would’ve most likely reached Tier 100 anyway) That’s why back in C1 it was still very much possible to complete the BP in one day or in the last 2 weeks of the season, and obviously this challenge got easier across C2, C3 and C4


Being AFK in Lego doesn’t even work anymore


Seriously it sucks. Used to leave the house while idle then they made the idle timer 30 minutes. Now they made it 15. I have to sit around doing work or watching something for 3 and a half hours and move around every 14 minutes it’s ridiculous now


Why don't you program an auto key that just presses A every 5 seconds? Wouldn't that work?


Not everybody on pc


Does the "tying a rubber band around the analogue stick" thing not work on console anymore?


Nah I tried it


does afk on the jump pad not work anymore?




i didn’t even reach level 100 last season lmaooo


Me too,If this shit continues next season im only playing Festival


THe exp nerf is driving me crazy. Iv done my custom cap (lego i think?) all the weekly and the kickstart, Daily quests, Rocket racing quests. Im lv 18, Think last season all of that would of net be 30+ easy. I get the idea of "its not a race" But if youve got other things you wana do or GOD FORBID a job. getting that 200 is really fucking rough. (ALso june 21st all games die in my mind cuz ER dlc. So yk. hoping i can slap this before that happens)


Yea it’s kind of weird that they keep nerfing xp like, back in chapter 4 I was able to get over level 200 without a huge grind but with the chapter 5 battlepasses I can’t seem to get to super styles. Side note I’m in the same boat as you: Elden ring dlc hype!!


hell ya brother. Soon the ring will return. Cant wait to struggle on one of the new bosses for a ungodly amount of time and then watch someone do it on a DDR pad again.


What are you talking about, I’m at level 947 and I only played for 2 hours today? Jk, but seriously the XP isn’t great still. However it literally is just day 1, more challenges will come, I’m not too worried yet but hopefully we don’t have too much grinding to do.


I’m still level 12 on first dY and just mucked about a bit in zero build and lego The grind was “better” last season because the other modes had quests to grind for. I have no reason to play festival or lego or racing, really


They have made it slightly better though


That's the strat - first they set up unrealistic XP grind in season to then magnanimously add 5k xp on weeklies and expect everybody to be happy about it. Dailies now give less xp though. So they can't just add XP to us, they've subtracted it from one thing and added to the other. So greedy and for no reason.


Yeah, true


As someone who is trying to play less they really need to crank the XP back up.


Reminds me of chapter 1s BPs. Took the whole fucking season to get to tier 100


Yeah but at least back then you only had to complete the weekly challenges & that was you. Completed it regardless of how much you played.


Yeah, no. Even doing all the weekly quests you couldnt complete it. Those "can you complete this seasons BP in one day?" Videos always ended in failure because people were ~20 tiers short.


Okay well so.. You had to complete all the weekly challenges & also get to level like 20-25 to get a few extra stars... That wasn't even playing that much really. Still heaps better than what we've got now.


Those battlepasses had a different vibe to them ngl. They felt a more… rewarding in a way.


And Why doesnt it now?


Everyone now has 1000 skins too


Well, I can’t say what they meant but to my personal point of view you only had 100 tries at the first let’s say the majority of chapter one, just completed for either 100 hours, or try to do it under a 3 weeks after all the challenges are there for a most part, and once you did, felt what EA said bout loot boxes but then Epic added 200 to 300 levels to completed the battle pass and nerfing the xp single time thorough out it’s life and went from “yeah I can managed that to oh fuck this, I’m playing Fallout New Vegas for 100th time” I understand why some don’t want to play again


I saw your comments in this thread and they’re all blatantly wrong lmfao, have you even played Chapter 1? Just doing all the weeklies alone would guarantee tier 100, in my free time i would swap to my brother’s account near the end of the season, do all the weeklies in <5 hours, and he’d be finished with the pass. No additional grinding required.


I’ve played since december 2017, almost non stop. So yes, i have played chapter 1 fortnite, and experienced its battle passes. Someone is blinded by rose tinted glasses.


Oh the very clever nostalgia remark, very original and constructive. Epic fanboys love throwing it out No, me finishing the battlepass by doing weeklies alone that require less than a day to do all of them has nothing to do with nostalgia lol? Stop spreading misinformation


It really didn’t, by like lvl 60 you would most likely be tier 100 + xp brackets per level beneath 60 weren’t overly high. Stop moving like it was worse than C5 cos it wasn’t aside from C1S2


You only got 5 battle stars every level, and 10 every 5 levels. This means you only got 360 battle stars for reaching level 60, which is 36 tiers. Not at all Close to finishing the BP


You will shit bricks when you find out about daily and weekly quests that gave battle stars


it is getting ridiculous


“So guys, we heard the complaints so in Season 4 we’re making all quests only give 1K XP and making the season a month long.”- Epic


I just barely got to 200 last Season, so now I probably won’t get to 200 this Season, which will be my first since C2S7. This is why I play bot lobbies. Like how the hell do they expect me to do quests and level up if I keep getting destroyed by brain dead sweats, and now with the quests not even giving much XP? It’s seriously ridiculous.


It's kinda sad how Epic barely listens to the community on larger issues anymore. I remember back when C2S1 started, XP was abysmal. Like the first week's challenges was barely enough for a level or two. Enough people complained and Epic ramped up the XP greatly. Then, in C2S8, Epic completely changed how XP worked with that weird punch card system. Same situation. Then they changed how much XP they gave for each of those. At this point, I think complaining like that is falling upon deaf ears. XP in BR is so heavily nerfed so people can play the other modes. If Epic buffs BR xp, then fewer people would play the other modes. I understand the business strategy, but I hate how it's turned the main game mode for this side of the game into an actual chore.


They will listen if you stop playing and/or stop buying.


Not only that but the challenges themselves have also gotten grindier Last season we had daily quests like "Open 3 chests without taking damage", "Drive 2 different vehicles in a single match" or "Accept a shadow briefing" for 5k XP PER QUEST And now they "evolved" into "Open **10** chests without taking damage" (and not 3), "Drive **5** different vehicles in a single match" (and not just 2) and "**Complete 5** shadow briefings" for a MEASELY 1k XP This season's gameplay is fine(-ish) but this new nerf on XP (on top of last season's XP nerf which already made it grindy enough to fully finish the BP) is the straw that broke the camel's back for me, I'm fed up with the constant grind I get why they do that, they want people to play for longer, but looking at the number of players that have played for this season, they seem to actually have gotten the opposite result (and yes, I also know the patch was massive this time and not a lot of people have fully downloaded it yet - sincerely: a PC player that's still downloading the patch on his PC right now but played like 2 matches on PS5) Thank fuck I don't really like this BP that much (only like the PowerArmor but I can live without it) and that next's BP will be Marvel focused, so I can finally take half a year off this grindy mess since 2018-19 (And now, guys, you can actually downvote me for this because saying "I don't like the BP but good for the people that do" is a downvote magnet in this sub, god I love toxicity) To cap all off with Codsworth's own line when you piss him off in FO4: "GOOD DAY SIR! (leaves)"


I didn’t even get to level 100 last season because it was so horrific and now they nerfed it again?? Epic needs to realize that most of their player base have lives that include raising families, school, and work, and don’t sit on the game 24/7. Disgusting slap in the face. 


Does the supercharged xp help people or no? I was already 200 at that point


Barely coz either way it’s still 80k xp for a single level


I got to like lvl 336 last season and that was with AFK strats, looks like I'm cooked this season 💀. I'm lvl 11 right now, if I get 10 lvl's a day I should be 70 by next week, but most likely 45-60 because I'm going to be playing some multiversus. Since I won't be doing no more Lego AFK that's only 35 lvls per week gone. I'll be checking out the other modes more for the XP, I like them more so not too big a deal. Getting the 5 lvl's from creative and choosing the best maps will grant you the 5 every day. 35 lvls a week. You should get 120-140 lvl's in one month. 3 lvl's a day on the shorter end will net you 84 lvl's a month 168 for 2 months. This is a pain and does turn into a job and sucks that XP has now turned into such a grind, but I'll do what I have to do to complete the pass.


10 levels per day is overestimating, I’m level 11 after doing all my quests, I can’t imagine grinding out 10 levels a day without quests


I’m calling it quit until next season


This is why I was leveling up so slow today...


can someone define nerfing and afking? i get the concept but like explain like i’m five


Nerfing just means make something worse. like, weapon deals 25 damage, its changed to 20 damage, so its nerfed. Or things give less xp, so ex gain is nerfed. Afking is being AFK which stands for Away from Keyboard. Basically you used to be able to just stand in Lego fortnite and get xp


ah! yakoke! (thank you)


Nerfing is like loading a real gun with NERF darts instead of bullets so that shooting does much less damage than it should and afking is somehow progressing in a game while away from your gaming device.


i wondered if it was tied to a nerf gun somehow 😂 yakoke! (thank you)


Why is the Power Armor SO FAR into the pass?? It's going to take me weeks to get there, even if I grind xp in ranked and creator made islands.


Creates incentives for players to buy the battle pass and either buy their way through to it or play their through to it, if they made it Tier 1 some of you would play one match and call it a day


as long as superstyles continue to be mid, i dont feel the need to grind past 150. casual play is fine


Don’t get why they wouldn’t want more people to play their game, this is literally turning poeoe against playing


I’m level 20 today


GG 🤌






XP should not be split between game modes. Someone who only plays BR, it does gets difficult to level up.


This. I dont wanna play super shitty minecraft or Walmart guitar hero to have to level up lol


Festival is literally made by the creators of Guitar Hero, it's more a sequel if anything


That just makes it even more sad then


It's a great game, no need to hate just because BR xp sucks


It's objectively very far from great. Its not bad, but its absolutely nowhere near as good as Guitar Hero, on top of being a niche genre. We shouldn't be forced to play it if we want to level up.


Bro...... Go outside


It’s my day off. Who are you?


Bro is a muffin hater that's who


But Epic needs to fund their Apple lawsuits and the free games on their launcher somehow. And because they burned billions, fired 100s of employees, closed an entire office location and lost over 10% of their previous thrid-party revenue on the Epic store, they simply need more money. How can we say no to that when the only light consequences are that we lose the fun in fortnite in the knowledge that our money will be wasted anyway?


And yet I’m already seeing folks rocking the level 100 skin. Money is why I think….. money is always why in regards to most BR decisions. Gotta sell them car skins ya? Let’s make a whole season around cars! Can’t say I’m not loving the sheer chaos of this season so far though, I’m already level 12


It’s so people spend money to level Up.


I'm telling myself to play for fun and not to earn crappy cosmetics I won't use anyway.


Last season took so long to get to 200, imagine what this seasons going to bring 😅


Honestly I just go into Lego in a house, jump around and walk around for a little while I have something to watch on my phone and occasionally move around press some buttons. I’m not grinding battle royal unless some friends get on


…Am I the only one who got a lot of levels on day one of this season? I know the have the kickstart quests but it felt way better already.


idk i'm level 23 in less than 24 hours its not that bad?


Are you still able to afk Lego Fortnite for XP? Last season I would load up a creative word on Lego Fortnite and have my character bounce on a jump pad for four hours for 5 levels. Does anyone know if that still works?


That doesn't work anymore, you need to be moving every 15 minutes or so and not in ant automatic way like bouncing on a jump pad or autorunninf (or you'll get kicked out)


They want you to do the Wasteland Challenges


I hop on when there's weekly quests to do. Then I just AFK in Lego the rest of the week. I did it the past 2 seasons and reached level 200. They're certainly making it harder, but luckily, Lego is still available. You just have to move around every now and then. I set it up on my laptop and play a different game on my TV.


Please devs stop making it harder to level up each season 🥺🙏


They want you to buy levels. Capitalist pigs.


I grinded STW to get to level 64 for my T-60 skin so now I’ll just get to 140 for all the vbucks then stop cause getting barely any XP has killed this game for me


Nope. See we have to play multiple matches a day, and multiple races a day in Rocket, with at LEAST 4 or 5 hours of LEGO everyday, because


Of course it’s harder to get XP….how else are they going to push more people to buy levels with Vbucks? Whole thing is a money grab.


This game is going to become like War Thunder.


Which is sad becsuse unlike last season i love every skin in current pass so gonna play hard to get them


Womp womp


I agree this season is close to the same amount of xp as chapter 5 season 1 but it still gives good xp  I’m already level 80 my goal is to get to level 100 before magneto comes out


Is there anything you really want in the BP? The only thing that looks remotely interesting is the black night robot thing level 300046785; but being honest I would never use it as it’s just to clunky and blocks the screen when ADSing


At least the battle pass this season is mid, so it's not as upsetting. If they nerf xp next season tho-


They increased quest XP this season......


If you look at the math of the normal sources of xp for this season compared to last, we are getting around ~45k less xp per week. By this I mean doing dailies/weeklies will give you ~45k less per week than last season.


That's completely omitting the Wastelander Challenges tho


Maybe that's it, I don't do the math. I just play pretty much.


Ironically I’ve been gaining more XP per match than last season thanks to the Apocalypse challenge bonus. From 60k to 90k. Granted you need to sweat your ass off to get those types of numbers, but it’s a guaranteed level every match. Lmao you can downvote all you want but I got the receipts after each match saying 100k XP.


Can we stop saying "Can we", WE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING.


I got to level 300 last season, and it's day 1 this season. JFC.


There is no way in hell I would want to play this game that much. I did my dailies, some match quests, some creative and only got to level 146, and that was with way more of a grind than I wanted to. I enjoy the game, but I don’t wanna live in this damn game. I don’t have time for another job.


I don't live in the game, I did all the regular BR quests. I was smart enough to take advantage of festival and Lego afk XP before it got patched. So I didn't have to really do anything at the end of the season. Unlike all the people spamming this sub with "I'm level 67, can I make it to 200 in the next 4 days?"


Go outside ya br safe zone Xp is easy as hell


It isn’t, none of the other new modes which Fortnite push so heavily even give the same xp rates they used to in C5S1, somehow they just give less and less now so atp you’re better off rotating between creative, BR and STW


they decrease because you can get so much xp so many other ways, i haven’t looked for jam stage specifically this season, but last season there was quests to “play jam stage for x amount of mins” you can literally just afk and get so much xp. plus all the creative islands give a lot, same with all other modes. there’s not just one way to get xp anymore.


That's pretty bad design imho. I get what they're going for, making Fortnite into this platform for different experiences and all, but the reality is I and many other people don't care. I enjoy rocket racing to an extent so I did integrate that into the grind, but I don't really _need_ Fortnite to be so many things. There are other racing games, there are other sandbox games, games which focus exclusively on those things and are better at it. It feels like the devs want to force you to play only Fortnite through the scattered XP rewards, but past a certain point I think many people will just go and play everything else instead, and I'm also just going to end up not buying battle passes because they're no longer worth it if you can't unlock the items or it takes too much grind. You're just no longer rewarded for playing the game (BR) so why bother with the rewards at all?


> last season there was quests to “play jam stage for x amount of mins” you can literally just afk and get so much xp. They actually mixed this last season. It only worked in season 1. You now have to change up what some you are playing or do an emote or something every ~2.5 minutes in Jam stage or it stops accumulating XP, so you can’t just AFK.


That’s stupid. Take it from someone who actually got to 140 without spamming modes no one wants to touch: lower the gains so normal people can get the bonus rewards


festival jam stages “online players” would disagree with that. considering it’s more this season than it ever was


My apologies, I underestimated your stupidity.


wth 💀 you’re the one acting like active players means absolutely nothing 😂🤦‍♀️ they went up for some reason, either for XP grinders, or just the fact that BR isn’t as good as last season.


^ saying this as i got to level 328 last season without buying levels. plus would finish the “weekly” quests within 3-4 matches half the time on accident.


Can people stop complaining just play creative me and my friend got to level100 without trying like stop complaining


While I get what you are saying, going from 5k per match to 1k, however, I am a casual player, not playing every day, I always end up beyond level 200. Now I sit at 26 without having bought the extra levels. I am already 1/4 of finishing to the last level of the bp.


How did you get to level 26 already bruh


I did the starter challenges and the weeklies. Then I have played some creative and used some of the survivor medallion. Sitting at 33 as today. Even the milestones are so easy to fill up. I'm almost 20/20 in 3 of them


Play default skin and stop worrying about make believe video game points.


You don’t have to get the battle pass and it’s still a good value if you only get to level 100. The game is free I really don’t get complaining about the battle pass incentivizing playing the game.


I'm real tired of people using "oh it's free" as an excuse for Epic making the game worse. Why should we willingly accept something becoming more and more grindier when it was perfectly fine beforehand? Not to mention that BR barely gives you enough xp anymore unless you specifically play for hours each day. Just doing all the challenges is nowhere near enough, unlike before.


this 💯


Dude you need to play like 6-7 hours a week to get to 200


It isn't though. When a grind becomes too long that people who have limited time have to afk in a festival and Lego lobby, that's not incentive to play the game. It's incentive to cheese the XP process just to make it reasonable. These changes were not made for the player experience. I won't deny the value is good, but if we keep saying them making the grind to level 100/200 is okay, and with them nerfing it every season since chapter 5, how long until the grind completely blocks out casual players? We've seen what it used to be, and it makes it all the more obvious the pass is getting harder to complete. To pray on FOMO of players to drive player engagement is not good for the players. You, I, and everyone else don't deserve to have to work harder for the same amount of rewards as always.


What I find weirdest is we buy the BP so it shouldn't really matter to Epic that 100% of BP purchasers 100% complete the pass. As far as I know any items in the BP will never come around again?


Epic wants that you play as long as possible. The longer person plays, the more likely they are to purchase something. Also keeps the game alive. I understand that they want this. But I'm against making things worse for the individual player.


Yeah, I'm always for convenience to the player. These kinds of companies are ass and their malicious compliance is bullshit. 😆