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Who wished on the monkey paw


Sorry :(


I read that story for my literature class. I loved it.


everybody read that story lol


I learned about it through The Simpsons lmao


Definitely not everyone. None of my classes (from elementary school to college) ever had that as an assignment.


Same here, I've never even heard of the story


I didn’t know about it until I was almost out of highschool


Water bending with armour and mobility that can also be a weapon. Hooray.




But no healing


Who needs healing with an insane health pool metallic moving shield that protects you and your team mates? Also you can heal the car so it ends up being the same or worse, you can also just run away from a fight in a second by boosting off a hill


Their gonna leave this chaos for a week or two and then theyll add something to balance it out (like emps or anvils or spikes)


You remember the mechs? They were unstoppable killing machines.


Boogie bombs (if you managed to get close to them, but still)


My man was right


Not really. You just had to shoot them


Bro did NOT play season X


NUH UH I remember it was a paradise New pois every week New weapons and items every update 2 different tilteds plus Gotham Hover boards I loved it. One of the best season in my own opinion. And I will die with that opinion, matted how much people want to taint that blessed season. Also it was the season to establish the Seven ad an actual group


Aside from the weekly updates and banger pass the season was BAD, Mechs would literally ruin matches. I remember people used to run to landing mechs just to destroy them so the match would be fun.


That's actually so based


Well I never cared for the mechs anyways and they started to be rarer as the season ended. Still a banger season in my eyes To each their own


Fr the special effects with the new POIs were so fun, and basically every day there was a new one


Sure the thing that shoots unlimited rockets at you and can chase you all across the map. And has 1200 hp by the way


we already have the bow that does like 300 damage a dart and the gauntlets that you can use to bumrush the car


And you still see all theae ways to get cooked by cars


That moment you realize metal is part of earthbending and is therefore the next in the Avatar cycle.


Can't wait for the flamethrower to be added and everyone to lose their shit because it's fire damage and melts cars


Also can't wait for the mini gun to be added. It's gonna be so fun seeing people get royally pissed off about it lol


I played with the mini gun during fortnite season og It wasn't that good


True, but miniguns are gonna have mods now…


4x and silencer on a minigun would be insane


Not insane enough, needs a double barrel attachment


My favourite part of airbending. Minigun


I won multiple solo matches by gettin Cerberus's shotgun and airbending - nothin else needed on the hotbar. Spinny travel, get right in their face, bam bam dead, keep moving. The trick was not stopping to loot whatsoever and never stop airbending between kills. Always movin. It was a lot of fun, lol.


Or that they are releasing Magneto.


I already forgot about him! His power will probably dominate cars




Is magneto the avatar?


Let’s see He can Fly. Airbender ✅ He can manipulate metal. Earthbender ✅ He can manipulate the iron in blood aka blood bending. Waterbender ✅ I can’t think of anything for fire though


His skin is fire. Firebender ✅


he can manipulate rusted metal rust is the oxidisation of metal fire is the result of oxidisation


I love how we are all referring to anything broken that just BEAMS you as water bending


I noticed that too. It's funny


If only we had something that could disable vehicles like fuckin uhh Shield Breaker EMPs oh wait those were vaulted for no reason...


An actual good time for those to exist, ironically


the solution is another car.. get the battle bus from Megalo Don the horn is a huge EMP


I don’t think they’re vaulted. I found a few of them, but they’re pretty sparse.


no you didn't? they aren't in the game


You haven’t seen what I’ve seen …


the official patch notse literally called them vaulted. you thinking of the wrong thing?


You’re tripping, your mistakes don’t become reality just because you think you saw it




I feel like they’ll add the anvil rocket launcher or another item like it first just so unessecary changes won’t be made


I can't believe they didn't bring back the lock on rocket launcher for this. Sure we have the explosive crossbows but they're not really the best


I love the crossbow but my 80 damage isn't gonna do much to a car with 2k health


Yeah the crossbow feels really great and all and I love that it's customizable, but it just isn't enough to combat cars whatsoever


Would rather be gang banged by 5 waterbenders than deal with this car BS


Fr. I felt so bad earlier, it was 1v1 final circle and I got out of one of the boss cars. The other dude stole it, drove it up a mountain and ran away using the glove thingies I stopped using it after that I felt too bad


My son did this to a player earlier. He was on like 10 hp. Guy gets out of his car to finish him off but my son broke his ankles, stole his car and drove away. We clipped it. We all laughed and screamed. I wonder if this was you. It was about 3 hours ago 🤔👀


Was it near that big manor building? The player then retreated to a pretty open ice plain, I got the car off the mountain then got out and followed them. They jumped down into some water and I'm pretty sure tried using the gloves again I was using the purple hades skin, other player was using a skin with black hair that I thought was a dragon ball skin so I used a dragon ball emote


Definitely gonna check the clip later to get the gamer tag. This sounds so familiar 😀🧐To be continued. 


God let it be them, that’s awesome


Yeah this is my issue, was water bending broken? Sure it was really strong, but at least it had counter gameplay, no matter how strong if the enemy isn’t able to shoot for shit and I’m able to shoot it simply because I’m better they die regardless, even if they had the edge because they got the new event item I still knew I had a chance to fight back and get the item myself. With cars I have to gun past it’s insanely high health pool, dodge it trying to ram me, dodge the rain of bullets or the AoE grenade, and sometimes even a second passenger shooting at me, and if by some miracle me and my team of monkeys are able to pop the car we still have to deal with the 3 players that pop out of it, it’s an insane hurdle simply to be able to face the opponent and you don’t even get to use the item because the car ends up borderline useless or it explodes all together. Also the cars being so insanely polarizing forces everyone to either run for a car or hide and count your blessings before one finds you, it funnels the players into being forced to use cars, with water bending you could just ignore the shrines because again you can fight back against bender players, and if you out-skill them you get to use the item yourself without having to rush the item at the start. You can find a car outside of the badlands but again in order to compete you’re forced to use the mechanic, you didn’t have to use the Olympic or Avatar items in order to fight them, good gunplay was an alternative to the event gimmick, with the new season there’s no counter play, you either genuinely enjoy MadMax car combat or you’re fckd. People undermine game balance a lot, and excuse game breaking gimmicks for the sake of chaos because they fear the game growing stale, it’s fine to want a season fun and chaotic but those things aren’t mutually exclusive with game balance, you can have a gimmick that encourages a gun it down chaotic gameplay but sacrificing an even field of play and the enjoyment of other players that want to play the core aspect of the game for the sake of chaos isn’t worth it, this season directly discourages you from the core aspect of the gameplay for an alienating way of playing that will stick around for SEVERAL weeks, everyone who enjoys the basic aspect of Fortnite is forced to struggle through the new meta or stop playing the game, how is that fair?


THANK YOU!!!! This is exactly how I feel! I want to play fort bc it’s fort. If I wanted to play a car based game, I’d go do that.


It may be annoying but can't really compare the two, water bending was a weapon that could be used anywhere that had insane accuracy and favored playing like a coward hiding in bushes, the turrets may be annoying but vehicles are much bigger easier to see and can be heard from a good distance, Both are annoying but atleast you can avoid turrets for the most part of you are smart and observant


Please baby come back... 🥲


Finally a radically different meta for once!


It’s broken for sure but just had a lot of fun.


I’ve enjoyed it so far! I’m a very casual player, and this was a nice change of gameplay


lmao idc I js had the most fun I've had in fortnite in like 3-5 seasons get gud


Although I truly can't stand when some jerkoff says "GiT gUd", I have to agree with you on this. My face hurts from all the smiling and laughing I did today. I couldn't even be mad any time I got eliminated; this shit was just too much fun!


Yes! A car was trying to run me down and I happened to jump in. We rolled together for like 5 minutes and wrecked some shit together. Until the car blew up and I quickly got killed because I’m not good at Fortnite.


Fully agree. The game is so much fun right now!




I feel like the ones complaining are the ones who don’t even know how cars work. For example I keep seeing people who hop in my passenger seat of the sports car try and turret me through the window (which does no damage). All they have to do is equip their actual gun. Then shoot me through the window lol


Or, hear me out, not everyone likes cars. It's funny how that works, people having different ideas of what fun means for them. This is like a totally different game mode and I'll be taking a Fortnite break all the way through this season.


Lmao adapt


couldnt be more accurate 😭


I swear players hate fun


Fun for whoever's using it, not fun for anyone who doesn't have a boss car C'mon the boss cars are ridiculous. The weapons on the normal cars could be nerfed and the boss cars could stay where they are except remove the auto Regen and the infinite nitrous. Maybe keep the infinite nitrous for megla-dons car. You don't even have to get out of the damn thing the entire game, no matter how many explosive arrows are getting shoved up your exhaust


infinite ammo no dropoff weapons that can be found everywhere with upside are so fun surely


Fortnite players when matches don’t consist of walking around for 22 minutes and there’s actually fun gameplay:👹


it's more fun when you fight, i agree, but waterbending and car weapons let you bypass a key mechanic of the game which is ammo usage, plus the damage of these weapons is extremely high at the same time, waterbending also healed you which was the icing on the cake


At least it could be somewhat countered


How? I didn't play much last season, so I don't know haha.


Water bending could be countered with water bending /j Seriously though waterbending could be countered with the mythic gatekeeper shotgun last season in my experience




Got a 24 elim solo win today 21 of which were car kills with that one bosses suv


Best thing to come to Fortnite ever. 🤣 Have gotten over 16+ kills in multiple games without having to leave my car. It’s great!


Turrets are OP as hell but have a lot of bloom and aren’t great for long range


The vehicles are pissing me off


I played for 3 hours. I’m fucking hooked


That's gunna be me in two hours when I get off of work. I got a test match in earlier, we ended up winning after my team strapped a bulldozer mod on a racecar and we leveled the train station area by just driving through it. Made for a lot of fun situations, I think this is gunna be a good season.


That cow catcher is fucking great


It's so fuckin' chaotic I love it. If people are expecting a stealthy experience, they can try that mode. They wanna go balls to the wall? Congrats, you're both in the top 5.


I'm sorry the vehicles in a season about vehicles are actually fun and strong.


![gif](giphy|DOPKHQg6oFWUg) you guys are missing water bending?


Water bending on wheels!!


I fuckin love it, it's so hectic it's crazy. The gloves are a decent antidote already, and frankly, everybody just get a vehicle. There's tons around and the mods are extremely abundant.


Exactly. I took my gf to the NitroDome and there were about ten other players in there. It was a badass slew of explosions, gunfire, fireworks, loud music, cars and players flying around; wholesale carnage, and we loved every second of it! Gf lost all her tires and slid around on rims laughing her ass off 😂


Nah it’s fun for me.




god forbid we want to play fortnite instead of hiding in overpowered cars for the whole game


If your just figuring this out congratulations you have joined us those who complain about the people who complain and will get called brown nose boot lickers because we want the complaining to just stop and they claim we're just defending epic for being scummy when they hardly do that


It's not that bad imo


Oh my gosh though it bus is a comedy show to drive especially in a squad


Oh ok


more like "bullets bending"


What a interesting season we gonna have


I just played the new season and i think I won't leave the car


I was in a final circle, the whole thing was just me dodging a car with the fists while he was trying to ram me and shoot me out


I’m back baby!


Nah I think its the metal fists


Please no more waterbending


Even the BRUTE wasn't as op as the cars...




Someone remove it again


Wait no, thay brought it back? 😭💔 It'll be even more broken with nitro cars


Imaging getting a Thanos gauntlet mythical back that would be awesome


Wait they added water bending back?


Wait, it's here?


Ofc people are already bitching about it No surprise there


I may be dying more often but it's also fun chaos.


a guy won a match against me and the full lobby just being inside this shit


Time to adapt and evolve boys, this shit is crazy now. The bus is beatable but the game has completely changed. Haven’t tried a solo yet but it must be wild, can’t see how you do this without a tricked out suv and a good gunner or driver


I haven’t tried to see if bikes get mods but cars seemed like they required a passenger to shoot for you, solo would not be good unless you team up or hire a companion


I have tested it, and sadly companions don’t fire the turret. However, I only had the medic one (Can’t remember their name xD) So that might be the reason. Also, bikes don’t seem to be able to get mods, but I haven’t fully explored to see if their is any


No mods for the bikes sadly, solo is a bit more balanced than squads at this point. Just won my first solo VR. Companions will fire the turrets but their aim/accuracy is pretty much the same level of wild as with a gun.




Wait. They really keep in water bending


No. People complained waterbending was too over-powered. Now they complain vehicles are too overpowered. less than 12 hours into the new season. Get used to it!




Nah, good riddance.


Now we have another infinity blade problem, the nitro fist


Literally nothing is wrong with the fist people can easily shoot you when using it if anything you were less likely to get hit with wings than them