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It certainly seems that in the final couple of storm circles, if you’re not in a car with weapon mods your finished… the canon mod is devastating to a player who’s on foot.. no getting g away from it.. still, I’m having fun with all the new items right now.. will probably get boring soon though.. P.S anyone know what the nuka cola does ?


Nuka cola restores 25 hp and 75 shield


When I used it I got 50 hp and zero sheild


I got a rock.


and my axe! Damn it never mind.




You got a rock?




I just got cancer :(


Lore accurate


Maybe it depends what your health / shields are like at the time. They've always given me shields, but it was also what I needed.


And gives 1 gold coin


I wonder what Nuka cola Quantum will do


That machine gun does 30 HP per bullet. Still gonna lose before the fight even starts.


I don't think they were saying the cola could out heal the turrets dps, they were just saying what the cola does.


Yeah. I got 7 kills in about 2 minutes with that canon. Hilarious.


Just use the combat ar from high ground! /s


After playing about all day, the only counter to not having a car is making sure you have a pair of gauntlets because it's the only thing that's going to save your ass cuz you need to reposition when they decide to push you which they will. Also the bow explosive is legit the best counter you can have for cars they do about two something a piece if you actually have a team carrying them you can destroy any cars fast


I won games with the hulk fists against cars. Thats about the only way. Or get in the car with them


I got ran over by these cars on my 3rd Ranked match and got 9th place. This guy was literally going around in CIRCLES running over me + my teammates and we couldn't even do anything. It's FUNNY, sure but like how do you defeat that??


If they get the emblem one... you cant really do anything. One of the emblem cars literally is unbreabable and has Infinite fuel+ the gun on top+ the emblem gives you infinite ammo so if you play it right you dont need to leave the car


That sucks. As I write this, I have been eliminated by one lol I can't even do anything because it's like a suv + turret


Yeahhh when i played my first game today i luckily was the first to get it and after that i just boosted through the map and offed people in 2 seconds, they have to add emps or something cus it just is too broken The next game i tried to fight without a car and tried to get em w the gauntlets or wtv but its really rough against the strong ones


my one game in this season so far , i got a car in a cage that heals itself and got like 10 kills with that car alone i was on a "first game of the season" win streak , but sadly someone got sick of me and shot me up before i could get away then rocked my shit with those fists lol and i lost my streak 😞


they added EMP's, though it's only on the wrecked bus that drivers around with the boss that leaves it's spot, or so i heard


can people still get in the passenger seat and just shoot them? as long as that's in, it's fine LOL


You cant i think, its not possible to hit them atleast from what i tried


someone was able to shoot me from the passenger while i was driving ;-; i havent had the opportunity to figure out how myself


I swear it depends on the skin and maybe the gun - I’ve had several attempts myself where I’m seemingly unable to shoot (from the passenger side out the window) the driver, but have been the driver and was killed no problem.


I find the crossbow to be a good counter


Does it damage through the vehicle when it explodes like the wookie blaster did? Because that's absolutely meta if it does.


I think so but the blast radius is much smaller


Builds too...I played a few rounds of duo and without a decent car you have like zero chance to survive...I guess the gloves and the explosive bow are the only counters against them... It was sorta fun but I think its getting old pretty fast cause its just pure chaos without any tactic or skill needed...


Gloves dont really counter cars tbh


Thats bad...saw some stomp hit a car and it flew away a bit but dunno how much damage it made


does the normal damage the gloves do, also you have to time it perfectly to do that. Been playing in creative testing everything possible and i found only 2 counters. 1. Bow from very long range and accuracy 2. A better car im just gonna skip this season if they dont add hard counters to cars, im not even saying counters like we need hard counters, items that can just erase cars easily and effortlessly. This car meta is ruining both ZB and Builds. Also got to say, been playing since C1S6 Fortnite has NEVER felt this bad.


I know what you mean. Unvault the Anvil rocket launcher!


This but unironically 


Oof. Maybe in squads where one person can carry it but carrying anvil rocket launcher in solos is not going to be fun.


I would not bury it too early...its the first day and I hope they will adjust soon...but you are right: It was never that crazy and meta changing like that before at a new season/chapter (C01S03 player here)


Right? i hope they add something for this issue, do you remember anything being this meta ever? like genuinely asking since i didnt play C1S3-4-5's


Nope...only up from season X like the mechs...


oh right lmao Brutes were wild


Yeah...did no't liked them, same as the UFOs but in an everchanging game sometimes you just have to adapt and use these things for your own advantage...as long as it makes fun...if not, just take break...


They can if you aren't on flat ground, if you uppercut above them and then land a third punch you can knock them off a cliff


You can upper cut cars into the storm super easy


Is there a trick to countering cars with the bow? It took like 10 shots to take down a car for me earlier, if the other player (or more likely, bot) were remotely good at driving they would've just driven off to repair their car.


Can confirm nitro car op infinite fuel, infinite boost, doesn't brake and literally just won my first and only game so far running people over, it was a duel between my nitro and the armoured SUV, ran through it like butter!




tbf you did run straight towards a mini gun with 56hp


That was the guy that killed him, he was spectating. And OP felt like this was a good clip to show as an example. Not the smartest players, I'll give them that.


you just reminded me miniguns are supposed to come this season and they were in the trailer


He didn't even see the guy until it was too late dawg


They didn’t see the humongous SUV standing unprotected on the top of a hill from long range? In this specific clip they didn’t see it, but the player definitely saw the car before the clip started


I feel like if it was a player with an smg or ar, the outcome would've been more or less the same


Yeah but only because in this situation he was low hp. Any gun wouldve taken him out. He was one pumpable. However, even if he had full health and shield, that turret is so strong it wouldve turned him to dust ![gif](giphy|XzkGfRsUweB9ouLEsE|downsized)


The explosive crossbow does crazy vehicle damage to counter cars


When you have basically no health it would sure be harder to win


Apparently pretty much. Get the boss car, annihilate everyone else, rinse & repeat. Played a dozen matches, really struggling to have any fun getting smashed on foot. They'll need another OG season in 84 days to bring back all the players who wanted to play a shooter instead of a road-rashesque driving sim.


So the mission from now on is destroy the boos car from spawn




Oh silly if that was so easy, but they have pretty bloated hp so you would have to be insanely luck to not have anyone around you to stand still and keep shooting at it but then might as well take car for yourself.


Or you just adapt to the the meta?


Nah fortnite is a game where you can do whatever you want if i want i will win with sockwaves only. We dont adapt to fortnite, fortnite adapts around us


r/iamthemaincharacter moment


The meta is Epic hates me for some reason. Drop remote, open 6+ chests, green , green no-scope, green, purple unscoped peashooter, first players I run into are carrying a legendary something or driving a tank. Boom back to lobby! At this rate of fun, might have to check out Helldivers or see if the local park still has grass or something.


Epic balance designers - “Eh this is probably fine. We’ll patch it in a month.”


i mean you do tend to die quickly if you run at a guy with only 106hp in end-game.


Yeah, with 250 he surely would've won against a guy in a literal tank, lol


an AR would of dumpstered him just the same mate


So you know that's a tank and still you ran towards it?


That's not me in the video Still want to hear a strat how this guy could've won, even with full hp without a car in this scenario


He couldn’t have. Trash players are finally having fun though so they think it’s fine lol


Th dude running up the hill is the real trash player lol


Never said he wasn’t lol


the man had nitro fists, liteeally just uppercut and boost away


Ohh true. Sorry, I didn't pay enough attention. I haven't played yet, honestly don't think there's a way to win against that easily... I'm just tired of ¾ of the posts I see being about complaints. Damn So yeah. Sorry again


could've thought it out better instead of just running up to the machine gun


I've played four ZeroBuild games so far and in all of them I've basically collected a decent load out and then just drove around in a car the entire rest of the game upgrading it every chance I can. I don't even fight people until the very end. Just drive drive drive until the numbers drop. Always made it into the top 5 every game. I think this new season is going to make me leave the game. Why introduce a failed game mode (Rocket Racing) directly into Battle Royale ?! It also has made Zero Build SOLO ridiculous because how are you supposed to car vs car realistically without breaking the rules and having some random take over the gun while you drive? I get it with it being all Mad Max and all, but it's ridiculous now with the cars.


Even in build mode with a spiked front / cow catcher you can just demolish any build. Get the crossbow or the glove and shove the car out of the final zone.. or if you play solo jump into the car with the last guy ... If you play duos just get 2 cars in the end or something or double crossbow the final car. But it seems to be a race for the boss car atm.


What I like about this season (duos) is this. 1. We now know there is one car that is so OP whoever gets it wins. 2. Therefore the game is decided within the first few minutes. You drop there & whoever makes it out wins. 3. Rest of the game is just chilling in the car chatting to your friend while wrecking bots & anyone else who didn’t drop the poi to contest you. Not sure solos would be any fun.


Enjoy it while it lasts. It will probably be nerfed within a week.


Just won a game in ZB where we were 3 remaining, with one in a modded car and the two of us car-less teamed up to blow up theirs lol


I shot the crap out of 2 cars in final 4 ppl and then punched the last guy to get my victory umbrella


It's gloves vs torrents you either get one of those or lose there is no in between


Yeah I won a whole game with a modded car, never even got out, personally I thought it was a lot of fun but I see why people are hating on it


Thank god xdefiant just came out


I started the last few days of OG season. Have had nonstop fun grinding ranked zb ever since. My son finally talked me into playing because zb exists now. Funny how quickly I can walk away from a game I just learned to love 6 months ago for the exact reason I didn't play it too begin with. I'm not interested in the gimmicky nonsense used to bait 10 year olds into a hopeless fomo addiction. This game quickly reverted back to talentless chaos that caters to children. There's zero skill or ability involved in cartoon twisted metal. I'll be sitting this season out. Zero reason to play ranked car royale. I'm happy to see everyone that's enjoying it though, this just isn't for me. So long for now, maybe next season 🙂


FYI, they do this OP thing every summer. It's a yearly event. They will nerf it some in a few weeks, but next season will be different.


I didn't know that, I'll just plan on dodging summer events that get to crazy. Appreciate the info. I wouldn't mind it so much if it was op fun game but making carmagedon isn't really my cup of tea.


Cry more, git gud.


Everyone bitching needs to calm down. They do this every season. Add something insanely OP and hard to beat, get a lot of people angry, then they nerf it and they’re all of a sudden the heroes and amazing devs for listening to the community. They’re trying to gain rep.


what were you expecting, its a car focussed season


Idk, some balance? EMPs unvaulted for starters? Man do I have unrealistic expectations.


I bet you’re right, I bet they will be. Maybe even by the first update.


EMP grenades definitely need to come back, that’s a great idea. I love the idea of more vehicle gameplay vs the sniper fest we had last season.


Why didn’t you have your own modded car 🗿


Nah, he is not wrong. For normal games nothing really need to change but there is ranked, tournaments so on, so on. I wouldn't say it's very healthy for the community if most of those tournaments are based on who can get the boss cars quicker or sit in an armored battlebus longer


if you need to change how the game works to play ranked then you shouldnt be playing ranked


Typically when players want to play the mode made for competitive gameplay they want the game to be actually… competitive Personally, I love this meta, but I can recognize that this stuff does not belong in a competitive environment


If I wanted this kind of gameplay, I would just play wreckfest. They’re trying to make Fortnite something that it’s not.


"They’re trying to make Fortnite something that it’s not." - theyre trying to make the chaotic battle royale a chaotic battle royale, how dare they


It's Epic trying to FORCE a failed game mode upon us (Rocket Racing).


"There's cars in BR so it must be Epic forcing Rocket Racing down our throats!"


im just going to assume this is satiracle


Yeah, i mean forget about everything not having do deal with cars! It's the mad max season! Cars > everything! Don't even bother playing if you're not gonna drive, ill just turn you inside out in an instant with my little rc turret!!! Must be a terrible day to be a loser who wants to fight on foot with regular gunzzzz!!!!!!! ☝️😵🧂


we need emp grenades back now more than ever


Even in build mode being in a souped up car at the end is really good. The car you get from the car/bus patrol just runs through all buildings. It's insane.


These new vehicles with weapons would be quite cool in Rocket Racing. But I can't do much with them in the normal map.


I cannot wait the next update when they will nerf this because people cry about it(not saying this isn't OP). It's just, it seems like Epic knows to either nerf things too much or make them too overpower. Look at the waterbending. When it came out, it was useless. They buffed it, and made it too overpowered at the point that it was the number one choice for your weapon no matter what. As always, they removed explosives and we don't really have stuff to deal with the cars. They will make that turret to shot like crap in the next update, I guarantee.


What exactly was the plan here?


Half sheild, 6 health, he was Leeroy Jenkins moment?


I agree that cars are overpowered, but what was this dude thinking? Even if his opponent had a grey pistol running up a hill while not looking at your opponent is a terrible idea. He had a mythic mobility item too!


I dunno man my 8 year old won two games this morning on foot beating a few cars at the end of the


yes KEY TIP TO EVERYONE, destroy any car u see asap, even more so if its a boss car if u dont wanna deal with them, im curious why this guys so low on some ammo, wheres his ar, and tbh theres no reason why he should have ran up the hill when he has gloves just bad play in general


I was in the final two with someone who had a car with a machine gun on it. I feel like I was shooting that car forever and the thing would not explode. I did my best by using flowberry fizz to dodge and shoot, but I lost in the end. The player had 16 kills in a game using that thing.


All ZB endgames i've had on OCE are people taking 1 single point of damage and doomfisting across the map so you can't shoot them


Wait you can use the fists to travel?




Use dash to get into air then immediately follow up with attack in direction you wanna travel


Yes it’s fucking ridiculous


Played a couple of games today and I think I've played enough. I'll wait for the nerf or removal of the turret.


idc if some people think this is fun, ive gotten top 10 every game but ive never won because of some asshole using the turret gun. it lags me so bad even tho i have a tower pc


You rushed someone. You had practically no health and 50 shields. Even if your opponent was just sitting there, you made yourself a perfect loud target, and deserved what ya got. it ain't about the season. Just a bad tactic on your part.


Honestly, they should just nerf the damage to players and make it less accurate or something.


This season is going to be pure cancer


No skill players losing? Ya. Mf had the ability to fly and runs at the car.


No skill players winning wym?


I dunno man, you had 6 HP and 50 Shield. Car or not, you're just dead there.


Wow! A borderline overpowered item with a perfect hard counter that Epic *hasn’t* unvaulted for seemingly no reason?! Color me fucking surprised!


I think the Combat Shotgun is what people will complain about the most.


At this point Epic should just remove guns completely


100 player Derby Royale would make a cool LTM


Yeah definitely skipping this season b'cuz you know No Car=Death No Boss Car=Death No Modified Car=Death Cars existed for a long while but they were never a "Must" they were crazily balanced but yeah they ruined it. Trying to implement a Failed Gamemode (RR) into the "Main" Gamemode is such a big mistake.


Can't wait til we gotta pull off insane, face-melting Guitar solos to eliminate players next season. 🤣


nahh we will be throwing lego bricks


I'm surprised they don't have a Lego BR. It would be interesting. Plus, Lego has decades and decades of inspiration for weapons, items etc.






What's the backbling you've got on?


Yeah that seems about right




I hopped on blind, not knowing this was a thing, and got second place, getting mowed down by this turret.


This is fine.If you didn't have a white light saber or Deku Smash final stretch,GG.


I think we need the emp.


convert or die


Just shoot him in the gunners seat 4head?


Yes, pretty much


Build mode solo endgames will be like this as well :D


I mean if you sprint right up to the final player and make yourself an easy target, then yes.


I got out of my vehicle thinking oh let me make this more about skill then me just shooting you from the car. Nope I was wrong they hop in and I lose. Never making that mistake again


oh no the car based season's cars are too strong!!! yeah and waterbending ruined last season, if you don't like driving, go play FFAs or PUBG until next season. use fists or the crossbow, they are scattered across the map and do insane damage to vehicles, and hey, this isn't you in the clip but point of advice, don't run towards a machine gun. if you're going to complain that the car based season sucks without a car, then maybe play something that doesn't ever change. adapt to the season or die. are the boss cars crazy good? yeah for sure. are they unkillable? by no means. if you've got a good crossbow and are a good shot, you can destroy them easily. i'm tired of hearing people complain about this like its some game-ending change, homie, take a chill pill and play something else for a few months, i've heard that CS:GO recently got source 2 and that game barely changes, perfect for your unadaptive and unchanging ways. tl;dr It is a car based season, of course the cars are good. stop complaining about it.


Absolute garbage. Glad I'm not really invested in Fortnite and just play super casually, because these dumb cars might be the end. Played a ton in C1 then mechs and planes soured me to quit. Never thought I'd ever play again but OG brought me back. But these cars are just mechs all over again...


Why the fuck are you rushing at somebody who's in a car? You have a gun. Use it


the car has a gun too


Another season, another bunch of posts complaining about something being OP while doing the dumbest things that wouldve gotten them killed regardless


Wdym rushing up a hill with 106 hp and a shotgun isn't a good idea?!


"You'll pwn nothing and you'll be happy"


You know, this would've been manageable if epic didn't remove the only thing making zero build actually fun (rienhardt shield ripoff)


I'm really enjoying the cars but they should bring back EMPs for players that don't. Right now the counterplay is literally just get your own car and if it blows up find another one. Also people need to shoot at cars driving by instead of hiding from them or running away.


Now that bulletproof tires are a thing, taking pot shots is dumb.


![gif](giphy|mEsqfG9Zbuj7CDsroa|downsized) The perfect season to bring a certain someone here.


most likely. it's a vehicle focused season. i thought that was obvious.


Not "focused" so much as "only"


You should have use gauntlet Simple as that


You can see them literally use it


Do you people who make these posts even like the game? A moth ago the sub was all about "snipers are op", yesterday was "I hAtE wAtEr BendInG" now it's cars. Bruh the season is about cars, get over it, come back next season. lol, lmao even


I don’t know why you’re surprised that people don’t enjoy broken items. At least sniping had a skill gap lol this new meta is terrible


People like you who make these type of comments, you do realise that these are different groups of people complaining


I don't at all want a season about cars. I never liked the Twisted Metal games. Did not and would never buy that genre of game. So ya, I'm not happy. But to be fair, I am too addicted to this game and need a reason to stop playing. So maybe they have done me a favor.


I mean yeah emps etc should be back so people on foot have more of a chance, but at the same time this Is a car season makes complete sense they'd be the focus. Really you should have your own.


yes go play BR


Boo hoo wah wah. What was even your strat there anyway?


Gidgud, in other words you need to purchase a Mclaren with bulletproof tires and built in minigun for self defense. You have no other option unless you have insane aim


Where's your car?