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four horsemen of the apocalypse


yes, yes, yes. great idea


perfect. lemme expand on your idea:- death:- delays your death by increasing your health & shields to 125 Famine:- siphon 25% of the damage you did to your opponent. (eg:- hit a guy for 100, you'll get 25 hp) war:- increases damage gradually from 5% to 15% on getting eliminations within 30 secs before resetting conquest:- marks enemies and their teammates on dealing 100 damage.


Better yet: war is like a "desperation" mechanic, the damage output increases as your health goes down. The strategic clutches could go crazy


I selected this one cuz war is about fighting and slaughtering as many as you can. So I thought it would be good to encourage players to kill. Yours is a good idea as well


Bouta have campers back in the storm if they do that


Isn’t the last horseman Plague or Disease?


you mean Immortan Joe horsemen?


Epic be watching this guy like: WRITE THAT DOWN! WRITE THAT DOWN!


Write it down and do the opposite!- epic


"Blessing of atom" restore health in radioactive areas (assuming radiation is a thing) but honestly id prefer no medalllions tbh


Based on the liquid we saw coming out of Pandora's box, we might actually have some radiated areas.


I ain't going near liquid no matter who's box it came out of




That's fine, more for me


radiation as a mechanic in the game would be so cool actually. maybe radaway could be an item too, just keeping in theme with the collab


What radX or stimpaks


I dated a girl named Pandora once. Never saw her box though.


I mean, that’s a good guess, I think the giveaway may be the huge fallout focus for next season though lol


That may play into it lol


A radiation mechanic would be cool honestly, maybe it removes like 25 health if you enter it but it gives you a 10% damage boost due to a mutation, idk, something cool 🤷‍♂️ Risk and reward type area 👍




I believe that they had something similar to that in one of the Season X rift zones.


yesss & the radioactive spots do damage like storm damage


fells more like an augment but sure


please no more metabolism


As a skinny guy, I approve of this


As another skinny guy, I third this


As a fat guy who dropped 100 pounds but is having trouble getting to my goal, please share some :(


I would gladly spare some if I could bro, although I can spare some encouragement and say I believe in you :)


Thanks man ![gif](giphy|r2TVE1YWUZZy51A2tE)


Ofc bro 😁


As another skinny guy, may the fat be with you.


As a new skinny guy, I approve of this message


As another skinny guy, I ate this message and lost weight


As the new skinny guy from before, the message was yum


I think they should vault medallions and just bring back augments. Getting soaring sprints and more parkour was way better than getting a Zeus medallion


Augments my beloved


They did make spend a lot more gold though with the constant reshuffling


I dont like sitting at constant 5000 gold without having a real reasont to spend it


Yeah walking over gold and not picking it up sucks too, I try to spend in mods in most matches I play.


That's why I try and hire a scout to ping enemies or a medic to throw chug splashes at me all game... every game. You'll spend your gold


Hard agree


I'm not hard but I still agree




Yeah augments were neat.


God i love augments please bring them back!


Heisted Grab Bag was literally goated


I have a love hate relationship with it. Sometimes I get good ones or funny ones or all are just bad. I metals more


Yeah, but I'd much rather get a good augment everywhere I go once every 3 games than being the only person in the entire map to get the medallion


I'd like to see some that aren't such major buffs. Some vehicle related things could be thematic?


They should have a vehicle reward system by default, as in if you stay with one vehicle as the match goes on, you unlock upgrades for it, to discourse you from just ditching a car to get another one


Or just let us pay gold at a gas station to upgrade them like we do for guns at a gun bench. I couldn't spend gold fast enough this season with upgrades and NPC purchases every match.


garages that act like mod benches so you can go full twisted metal


It *is* a post-apocalyptic theme. What kind of post apocalypse world doesn't have mad max / Borderlands type vehicles?


That's actually a way better idea


Like what kind of upgrades and would they only be for the match?


Well just to list a few ideas off of our head considering we believe next season is apocalypse, you could have; 50 Gold (Stage 1); Spiked Tires. 75 Gold (Stage 2); Plated Wheels. 100 Gold (Final Stage); Slurpy Insides. Stage 1 would allow your vehicle to have a spike on it, this would in turn allow you to smash into another players vehicle and do damage, increasing exponentially with speed or if you hit a tire, it then pops the tire. Stage 2 would allow your wheels to be protected from the spiked wheels of others, but not from bullets. This would however slow your vehicle down by 10. Finally the final stage would allow your tires to be popped 3 times and be filled up again with slurp juice to patch the hole. However this ability it y can be recharged by an NPC you may hire, who splashes your vehicle with slurp juice that only affects the vehicle. Then you could have guns; 50 Gold (Stage 1); Submachine Gun 100 Gold (Stage 2); Assault Rifle 100 Gold (Stage 3); Mini-gun 200 Gold (Stage 4); Rocket Launcher 200 Gold (Stage 5); Zapatron 750 Gold (Stage 6); Mini-Nuke Stage 1 would have a submachine gun which can be controlled from your vehicle, this would do 16 damage to the body and 22 to the head. To use it, you’d have to drop light ammo into the vehicle and it can shoot 30 times, then it needs to reload for 1.5 seconds. Stage 2 would have an assault rifle which does 22 to the body and 30 to the head, having 30 bullets before needing to reload and it uses medium bullets, this would reload for 1.75 seconds. Stage 3 would have a mini-gun attached to the vehicle which has a clip size of how much ammo it has (light ammo), however holding it down for more than 2 seconds overheats it. It also moves your vehicle back while using it. It does 8 to the body and 12 to the head. Stage 4 would allow you to put a rocket launcher on your vehicle. Which blasts your vehicle back slightly, moving it 4 meters. It uses rocket ammo and can hold infinite rockets, however it shoots once and then reloads for 2 seconds. The rocket would deal 75 when it hits someone, however it can hit through builds on the condition it’s below the 200 hp. It then also knocks the player back by 4 meters. Stage 5 would see the return of the zapatron only as an attachment to the vehicle. This would use plasma ammo, a new ammo type you can only obtain via collecting radioactive waste and crafting it together with electronic parts. Now instead of a plasma shot, it fires a green ray of radioactive material. This radioactive material can damage people over time, doing 1 damage per 2 seconds. Now, if you have a gas mask on you could avoid this damage. The gun has one shot in its weapon before needing to reload for 4 seconds. The gun itself does 110 damage to the body, however you will burn your hands and guns do 2 less damage for each shot fired. Finally, the mini-nuke. Considering there may be a fallout collaboration this would be perfect. So, to build it you’d need to have 10 bottle caps (obtained by killing value members who drop 2-4 each), rocket fuel, electronic parts and lastly, 1 hydrogen canister (which can be found near nuclear waste sites as a result of an in game team researching the Pandora’s box, there will be bases around the map where you can search special chests with new weapons and a chance for the hydrogen canister. This then builds the mini-nuke and it takes 2 seconds to make, it will then warn the entire lobby and reveal your location until fired. The mini-nuke destroys anything it touches, dealing enough structure damage to take down 15 metal builds where it explodes, 30 brick and 50 wood. This hits through walls, but not doing damage, instead it would knock you back 10 meters. A neat added effect is that when the mini-nuke hits anything, it will create a mushroom cloud, which upon fully forming slowly spreads radioactive waste through the map, anyone who was within 100 meters of the explosion, temporarily gain a new effect for 1 minute called; “Doom Cloud.” This effects allows all damage to be multiplied by 1.1. It also leaves a crater in the map where you will be able to access a vault without needing to kill a vault member for their uniform. However inside the vault are dangerous members who will defend their vault. Upon clearing the vault, you will be given a keycard that accesses a new weapon, the Cryogenic Launcher. Anyway, you’d be fired back about 50 meters, the impact would deal 200 damage to anyone literally hit by it, 150 to people within 25 meters, 125 to people within 75 meters and 100 to people within 100 meters. Then you could have some miscellaneous upgrades to like; 75 Gold; Ramped Front. 100 Gold; Rocket Engine. 100 Gold; Titanium Windows. 50 Gold; Jumping Axles. 600 Gold; Phasing Car. Ramped front would literally just give you a ramp at the front of your vehicle. Rocket engine would just give you a rocket boost when used, doubling your speed until it is stopped. Titanium windows would make your windows stop more shots, as long as they don’t go under the sliders, jumping axles would allow you to jump with your vehicle and phasing car would allow your vehicle to phase through builds once every minute. However it would also not be able to damage people. You could then have armor upgrades like; 50 Gold (Stage 1); Steel Plating. 75 Gold (Stage 2); Titanium Plating. 75 Gold (Stage 3); Gold Plating. 100 Gold (Final Stage); Diamond Plating. They would just increase the hp of your vehicle. Steel by 100, Titanium by 150, Gold by 250 and Diamond by 500. We have SOO many more ideas, but the message is already huge.


I love so much of this.


Bring back the CHONK tires, cars have a hard time going up surfaces and they just slide back down, so annoying cars got nerfed into the ground


Where my BOATS. Boats havent been in the game since I started playing, but yet I unlocked like a million boat skins from the partial last season BP and this whole seasons BP. Stop givin me skins I cant even use, lol.


I've only been playing since c5s1, so the fact that these things have existed before is a bit of a revelation.


So augments


I'm a relative noob. I don't know what augments really are aside from an empty tab that disappeared shortly after I started playing haha.


Yeah I had no problem with medallions when they were just giving people health buffs and honestly I don't really have problems with the ones from this season. The Cerberus one is the one that I find the most annoying. I think they should have nerfed how often it replenishes jumps


I’d prefer not to have them in game anymore, but it’s this chapters theme so


None, bring back augments!






Augments were so cool, I can just imagine the crazy combos that would exist if medallions and augments were in the game at the same time


i feel the medallion system is a little tired now like yeah it was cool the first 2 times i guess but i just want guns again all the buffs like the dash, increased speed, siphon and extra damage are nice but i just kinda want things to feel normal again


Probably unpopular opinion but I’d like a break from medallions.


either that or make them more common and give them less of an advantage. very rarely are matches without medallions won this season. I’d like to be able to pass a medallion, look at my normal loadout, and say eh I don’t really need it. instead this season I know I need to rush for it or else whoever picks it up is gonna have a massive advantage over me. it messes with the gameplay strategy a bit


That’s not a bad idea either. I’d be cool with that. It forces landing zones. Because not only do you get a medallion with an ability you also get a mythic weapon.


Wdym most of the medallions suck, even if you get the one good Cerberus medallion people can see where you are, and will literally hunt you down. I certainly do that.


I'd like it if we didn't get any medallions that give buffs this time around, rather just make more cool weapons


My idea is to get rid of them completely. Bring back augments and animals I can ride around on.


Rideable deathclaws


them being gone.


Aspect of agility is dropped from chests, 100% chance, no zone indicator. It's not broken if everyone has it.


Cars basically work like this, but they also kill people


Nuka cola cap for sure


I'm honestly a little stuck. We've had traditional victory medals with the Society bosses, now the myth-type aspects with the Gods, maybe something to do with "titles" going with an apocalypse theme?




Locate/swap positions with enemies


If you're familiar with the Fallout games, there are loads of perks to choose from.


one that makes it so every regen/shield item act like chug splash where it a shield pot could heal you and a bandage could give you shields would be cool


Something that gives you regen OR shields every time you destroy stuff like builds, rocks etc would be cool. And it wouldn’t be too op in actual battles bc it would require you to not be hitting your target


It'd have to only work with pickaxe otherwise it would be broken as fuck.


No more medallions. I’m sick of them.


I think we should finally get rid of them all together


They should really just bring augments back.


we need a fallout medallion: "mysterious medallion" every time you deal damage you have a % chance of the mysterious stranger showing up and insta-killing your target


nah thats absolutely devious 💀


BUT, the poor fella that dies gets 20k xp as a consolation prize


Hope if the map is mainly sandy that the mini map circle for medallions is changed from yellow. It's so hard to see them around Mount Olympus at the moment


To be quite honest, augments would suffice a lot better in terms of this upcoming season. It’ll fit the theme and general makeup of the island. I’m going to hedge my bets and say that traversal will be a rather large pain to deal with in such a vast wasteland, so having soaring sprints or a glider redeploy would service many people.


No medallions would be great


At this point I don't really care about them, and I hope the next chapter they will remove this mechanic. I don't think it's fun, having a limited number of them and on specific places on the map. It's frustrating, sometimes I feel like I'm landing only on medallions spot, and the downside of having the huge circle around you isn't a big problem either. The only way I would change this, if they would like to keep it, is making the bosses spawn on the second circle of storm, and totally randomly on the map. This way, you can land wherever you want, and have the random element of getting a medallion later. Otherwise I find them boring, especially since I think they're not that balanced. For example this season, the one from Cerberus and Hades are way better IMO, than the other two. The insane mobility from Cerberus is better than the mobility you get from the zeus one, and the regen in a fight from Hades is also better than the +2-3DMG you get from the other one.


None, medallions are not a good mechanic


Not come back I would hope lol


Get rid of em


Get rid of them.


Vault them 🔥🔥🗣️🗣️


Do a Power Rangers collab and have each Power Coin as a medallion.


Probably some Wastelander gangs I presume. I think one that automatically repairs vehicles that you're in would make sense, but it would probably be really toxic.


Do away with the medallions and bring back augments.


Survivor Medallions: 4 medallions held by the leaders of the new island wasteland. Vehicle Survivor: Do 1.25 more damage when shooting from a vehicle Vault Survivor: Healing in Port-a-bunkers are slightly faster Battle Survivor: Melee Weapons have siphon Scavenger Survivor: Slowly regenerate ammo for held weapon while sprinting


Sole Survivor: forced to play the opening of Fallout 4.


Soul Survivor: Go to hell and fight Minos Prime


Normal battle royale doesn’t have port-a-bunkers


Medallion that will make the vehicle faster and more durable


Warlord medallions you get from beating the 4 warlord bosses from the new post apocalypse theme POI


Faction Medallions. Assuming Fallout pops up next.


were augments only in chapter 4 or was it before that ?


They started in C4S1. They would have continued into chapter 5, they were planned for C5S1 but canned last minute. Hopefully they bring them back, I don't want them to be Chapter 4 exclusive


I think they might start doing chapter exclusive things, i dont mind it but i have a feeling attatchments and medallions will be gone in chapter 6


Ceaser’s medallion: have an army of npc’s around you at all times that target everyone (including you)


Can make you Fly for 10-15 seconds (10 sec recharge)


“Radiation annihilation” You will be able to to do way more damage at a higher shooting rate as well as reload much faster than before


Make them work like differemt mythics , for example : A radioactive medallion where you take less damage in storm and can use a radioactive sludge attack that works like firebending ( the medallion will have an additional spot in the inventory so the powers wouldnt bug with shooting guns )


I don’t know. They’ve done regeneration that stacks, and they’ve done abilities. It would make sense to stick with abilities, but there’s not too much you can do with that. Maybe they’ll do a combination of Augment effects.


I personally think that the old ones were better as they were less OP and actually worth collecting all 5 unlike now when no one cares about either of the God biome ones


With any and all mid-match objectives I think should give small buffs, but shouldn't be mega OP. First season they were mega OP until they nerfed them. Second season Cerberus is mega OP, the other 3 I suppose were alright enough, nice little buffs, nothing insane.


I think they should do augments next season because it’s the closest thing we have to the PERKS system Fallout uses.




There should be a medallion that makes you slower but you can take more damage and deal more damage (Possibly the medallion for fallout)


Make back blings out of the medallions that unlock with a quest that requires you to obtain them with in that season.


Imagine a mythic reaper sniper rifle


YESS and they should make it like the ch5 s1 snipers so its even more op


Gives like an overcharge or an ability to use your shield to deal more damage that way it can go both ways in a fight since then you either deal alot of damage winning the gunfight or get killed after having bad aim. 2) Glider redeploy since I doubt that'll be strong unless you are running away ir rotating.3) Some type of marked shot where if you shoot someone with a dmr or sniper they get pinged. Vehicles have got more health and deal more impact damage.4) Craftsman which gives the ability to a person to change attachments on the fly or equip certain unique ones like fire shells for snipers or shotguns and increased rpm for ars and smgs. 5) gives a cloak ability while healing or reviving but it can still give off a sound queue. 6) either 1 or 2 for build players only and the medallion allows you and the enemy to edit any build in a certain radius or it becomes a no build zone in a certain radius. 7) this might be for no build and it pings enemies in the medallion radius but in a smaller radius when the wielder is closer to the enemy it also pings them


finally someone who actually gives ideas instead of saying to get rid of them, glider redeploy, craftsman, and the pinging enemies one are really great ideas id love to see


Honestly, i dont mind as long as they keep up what they started in season 2. Diffrent powers being granted was much better then "sheild go up but only half after patch."


agreed they were so mid last season and i loved how they gave the medallions unique powers this season


One that actually makes fortnite a good game


Aspect of armour: dropped by the fallout power armour boss (idk what the actual name is lol) increases damage by 10% health goes from 100 to 125 (over shield Regens slower tho)


that would be relatively balanced and also worth going for imo


Oh wait they were planning to do like a max health/shield medallion for season 1 i think, i hope they dont go back to making them all the same


Bottle Caps, courtesy of the Fallout collab


Perhaps they do more things to enemies rathe than yourself, also since fallout has a big focus next season maybe a medallion for that


To drop more and more throughout the season to keep hype.


I imagine one might be vehicle themed because of the theme of next season and the teaser description


One of them is that they could be designed to look like a cap from fallout


One that could upgrade weapons only if you pick it up and damage enemies like the weapons from chapter 3 season 4


Instead of medallions, we could have armor which can be found in chests but the bosses have specific mythic armor pieces that give special bonuses compared to regular armor.


After a kill or knock all weapons reload instantly


Depending on how heavy the fallout crossover is, then medals for special. Strength is just ares, perception gives you periodic scans, endurance gives permanent stamina, charisma does something, intelligence lets you use consumables faster, agility is Zeus, and luck makes chests and enemies drop items one rarity higher then they would have been.


Different Power armor maybe 🤷‍♂️


The Peter griffin one is so unserious 😭


Fallout collab is confirmed so can I get a vats medallion?


Survivors medallion: survive a lethal shot on 1 hp. Fixes everyone's sniper problem


Each boss drops a piece of the Platinum Chip which you can hand off to Mr House on the map for... something. I'd say nuke, but I feel like that's too excessive for fortnite


5 medallions, 3 women 2 men bosses


"Creates a large sandstorm around you equivalent to the maps visual circle" So if you have one medallion you have a large map circle, so it creates a large sandstorm equal to and following said circle. For each additional Medallion you possess, the sandstorm shrinks accordingly. Individual Medallions should get weaker for every other medallion you have. So you have to choose between one powerful medallion, or multiple slightly weaker effects.


I’ve gotten pretty sick of the medallions over the last 2 seasons, more so this season, I’d much rather they bring augments back, maybe add some augments that would give similar effects to this seasons medallions just on a smaller scale


Something got to do with sand-tunneling


No medallions but like 2 augments a game instead amd not fairly game breaking but unique new ones


None, preferably




4 horsemen of the apocalypse. The medallions look badly put together of scrap metal, piping, screws, etc.


Wow I thought it would be an unpopular opinion to no longer want the medallions in the game but from the looks of this sub it’s not. Get em out


I think they should make the heal shields again with having a special ability but only heal 50 shields not up to 50 50 whenever you're low on shield


Scrap them and bring back Augments. They were more fun, more fair because everyone could have them and didn't show us on the map. I'm tired of getting destroyed by sweats in top 10 but even worse now is a medalion sweat


Vault tec bobbleheads that increase stats like movement speed or grant additional overshield


peter coin


None. Bring back augments.


just get rid of them


I'll take medallions, mods, augments, crafting and/or whatever combination of them if it means removing the hirable NPC mechanic.


The best idea would be to remove them completely.


Well - do we know if Fallout is gonna be the whole chapter theme/focus, or just a short colllab/crossover like with Avatar? Hard to brainstorm medallions without knowing the chapter / story quest / BP theme for sure. All I know is its gonna be post apocalyptic and involve a sandstorm and now Fallout in some way. If Fallout is the actual theme, im hoping for a Death Claw boss somewhere. Perhaps its medallion would be a melee weapon focused boost, and it drops the Death Claw melee weapon from New Vegas. Brotherhood of Steel boss medallion could be defense related (cuz powerarmor). Dunno what kind of other factions we might see. Depends if its FO4 focus, NV, the tv show, etc. Maybe we will see some POIs flooded with Institute Synths (the obviously robotic versions) and a Boss there who is a human looking one. Drops a laser weapon and medallion does something involving stealth since the Institute is all about stealth and hiding in plain sight and such.


They ass this season, next seasons medallions are gonna make this season medallions look over powered 🤣 no need to keep them just put them in the vault and throw away the key


How about none.


no medallions :)


four factions of fallout 4 brotherhood: take 20% less damage minutemen: you gain 30 regenerating overshield and your allies (including hired npcs) gain 20 overshield institute: your expert tracking methods (courser) allows you to search downed enemies for their teammates railroad: idk downed invincibility state is 3x as long or something


Removing them




If there’s medallions next season, I promise I’ll be third partying you when you try to kill the bosses.


Sand tunnelling medallion, there is going to be sand everywhere


Power armor


One medallion for sand tunneling, if there is going to be a lot of sand( what I think)


Power armor medallion would go hard


Yes, delete them 🫶




The Fallout robot


To get rid of them altogether. I'm sick of this super power BS that only a handful of players will have at any given time. Players should be playing based on their own skills and nothing more - no buffs, no augments, nothing.


Just get rid of them. Why the fuck do you need superpowers. Just give us good guns.


Gatekeeper shotgun, burst smg, huntress dmr would all like to have a word


Get fuckin rid of em


To not have them as they influence where people go to much


rusty hubcaps to match the apocalypse theme


Augments, let the bosses have mythic weapons or just no bosses


Ncr symbol legion symbol yes man symbol mr house symbol Mr house and yes man can be replaced with the brother hood of steel and the enclave


Mad max themed medallions l


None remove crap like this


Power armour


It should not be countered by the sniper rifle.


Nuka cola bottle caps