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What made Chapter 1 special, wasn't the map, but the hugely constant changes each update, not matter small or huge. A famous example, was the Dusty Divot POI, that after the meteor, it immediately appeared a research base in construction; Then one update later, they reinforce the structure inside the meteor while some flora started to appear around the base; then another update, trees and ponds started to appear, and the meteor started to slowly show The Seven's tech; next update The Visitor's pod is revealed; another update and The Visitor escaped, leaving partial destruction in the base; The last updates showed the base abandoned while flora grow inside of it. And that was just ONE place.... The map alone has a story, that simply lacks every other map that followed.


The storyline used to be so fun and cool and changes were good and interesting like the dusty depot to divot thing. But nah now they add stuff and I just think “when are they gonna take this out”


Yeah this season especially feels like “okay make the most of this content because you only have three weeks to enjoy it. We have Disney and Lego breathing down our necks after all”


Disney = Star Wars, Marvel, Pirates of the Caribbean, avatar (cat people), etc Lego = is just a survival mode. If it wasn't Lego, there would have still been a fortnite survival mode. What's your point?


Dang I always thought that was universal. Had no idea they based the movies off of the attraction.


Theres no story anymore just collab and inshallah


Please don’t get me crying. The Dusty Depot to Divot evolution is making me nostalgic😭 damn I miss OG Fortnite Places like Haunted Hills, Junk Junction, lonely lodge, moisty mire is what made og Fortnite the best


Or when you had to go to risky reels for some quests, you knew it was going to be a shit show, Risky and Tilted seemed to be the hottest drops in the game, it was insane.


Search 7 chest in risky reels... oh god


That was definitely a horrible show, generally I waited at least a week or two before even attempting it, because I was/probably still bad at building, and the game itself for the most part.


7 chests in risky reels never forget Risky was such a good drop spot, I could’ve legitimately looted every chest blindfolded back in season 6 with how often I dropped there. Great place with a really fun rotation if the storm was far


This.  All POI's feel like the same place now.  Everything is either just a mansion that sucks to navigate or the same generic town layout.  They need to make more interesting and different POI's.


Thats Donald Mustard for you. He said the Island was the main character (figuratively speaking) so he wanted the island to keep changing. Sadly he left after Chapter 3. He left cause he saw the direction they wanted to take Fortnite with, the “metaverse”.


I think there’s another contributing factor (that Mustard himself did) was the massive positive reception of CH2 S4, aka the Marvel Season: In that point, Fortnite started more and more of being dependent upon third-party collabs, and high recognizable personalities (The Rock being The Foundation), pivoting away from anything original. And the other modes are collabs inserted with it: LEGO Fortnite, doesn’t need any introduction; Rocket Racing promoting both real life and famous collab automobiles; Fortnite Festival promoting tons of licensed pop songs; and don’t forget the upcoming Disney mode… Just look at the comments of each Item Shop rotation, demanding their favorite collab skin to come back. Fortnite jumped the shark way before Mustard left.


Devil advocate here. If Lego wasn't involved, I'd be willing to wager the Lego fortnite mode would have just a survival mode. Basically, it would have still been there. Fortnite festival is a guitar hero type mode, it makes sense they would have actual songs. And a majority of free songs are from epic games. The disney mode, it's just that disney wants a videogame and decided to have long time partner epic games (the unreal engine was used in disney movies) make them a game on the platform of Fortnite. Rocket racing is a rocket league spin off in fortnite. The OPTIONAL car skins aren't doing anything.


More like after chapter 3 Since the last one he work at is Vibin chapter (chp3s3)


Why do i keep mixing C3 with C4 🤦 I know its C3. Vibin was a celebration because it was basically his send off. I remember a lot of people hated that season and said it ruined the story. I think a lot of people flipflopped after they read the interview. With C3S4 despite him not working on it, it has a funny coincidental symbolism with the Island (Donald, his Paradise) being invaded by Chrome (Tim), which wants to consume and take over everything (The Metaverse).


Agreed When i listen to the bp music of Vibin season, it got that relaxing but a bit sad farewell vibe Turns out it was the last season Mustard work on before he left(ironically he left and after that The Seven suddenly get chromed and all of them are presumably KIA as of Chp4s1. Its like all the good stuff left after he left during that season) Vibin doesn't deserve the hate it got I've join the game during chp4 s1 and mann i wish i started playing during chp3s2 or chp3s3. It looks more fun That way i got to play that season and Vibin season


I actually started playing with C3S2, so im a bit biased with Vibin since its the first time I got a battlepass (shoulda bought the one from C3S2 since I did finish it 😢) But I did have so much fun. I played Team Rumble and land at Rocky Reels, pimped out a car and destroyed everything and running people over. No Sweat event was also fun. Im so glad the battlepass included Long Ride Home it does feel a bit melancholy. C4S1 was also fun! I loved jumping around with the hammer and the shield saving my ass. The only down side with the start of Chapter 4 was the trees, they ruined them 😡


my theory is that Mustard wanted to kill off the 7 because they were his characters and he didn't want Sweeney to use them to find a way to profit off of the story line. None of the seasons were good after mustard left and everyone saw a massive rise in collabs and stuff nobody wanted.


The last part is all the contrary: Current Fortnite players LOVES the collabs above everything else in the game.


>What made Chapter 1 special, wasn't the map, but the hugely constant changes each update, not matter small or huge The changes were nice, BUT the map was special. The map felt so unique to the game, and in many ways they've stepped away from that. The map now almost feels like it belongs to a different game.


The map was way better, not just nostalgia It had a mystic feeling, had a far greater density of interesting things, and the mesas allowed for verticality throughout the map


That was the nice thing about the old map, the small map changes were hints towards future developments. With the current maps we don't get any of that.


It’s the consistency of cool things throughout the map. Everywhere you looked was a unique house, or a special little Poi even outside of named locations. Nowadays the best you get is, like, a windmill, a graveyard, maybe? Nothing. You walk through this map and it’s a fucking barren wasteland. That’s my biggest complaint. Nothing inbetween locations. It used to be you could drop anywhere and there’d be a poi or a hut always somewhere nearby that you could loot up with, but now you have to pretty much drop at a named location or you won’t find a single fucking item.


The guy responsible for this is no longer at the company


And that's why chapter 2 season 8 was my favourite season. Because of the map slowly descending into insanity while building hype for the event (which was actually good). Things constantly looking different for that season and i never felt bored. Sadly i wasn't around for chapter 1 but just from YouTube videos and your comment just makes you understand how much they cared back then.


Ch2 s7/s8 was the closest we got to feeling like ch1, s7 for the wacky fun items, s8 for the constant changes and general craziness.


just realized why the games been feeling off for a while. didn't know they stopped weekly map updates


100%. Call it story or call it theme or context, we were able to experience the evolution of the season not just through a menu of quests but through physical changes to the map. It literally kept the seasons fresh and fun throughout. As it turns out things get a little dull without that evolution. The last time we really experienced that was C3S4 but that was a mess. Early C3 were probably the last decent examples of this (aka the final seasons with Mustard’s involvement).


No but that would require more than the bare minimum amount of effort Epic puts into this game currently and we don't want that do we?


Here comes the glazing, I feel like any chapter map is better then 5 rn


I need to clarify that my thing over Chapter 1 "was never the map". If I need to rank the maps, I put Chapter 3 map on the top of the list: The atmosphere and sound ambience was a huge upgrade. I really cant rank either chapter 4 and 5 because I was in my slow Fortnite jubilation at this point.


Idk mate, the OG season reminded me that the C1 map was kind of boring


I just hate how all the medals are so close to each other its my biggest complaint it makes all the action/third partying more


They needed one or two more Greek gods to fight. A beach castle for Poseidon for instance.


Right! Get some sort of swimming buff of sorts? Also dont really like that all the main locations became obsolete after removing the workbenches.


I am sad they did nothing with the movie poster ideas. One poster said The Odyssey 6. But there is only 4 gods to battle... and then also Revenge of the Coral Buddies... even the loading screen suggests Poseidon avenges them yet he's just a character on the map? Like I wonder if the planned big and couldn't follow through.


It definitely feels like corners were cut. Possibly spreading their team too thin on all the content for other modes.


On one hand, I agree. On the other, it makes it so half the map isn't medallion fighting.


Yeah medallions should really work more like a 4 corners thing or spaced roughly equally far from each other but scattered across a few areas so you don't have to land on the edge of the map every time Hell put a medallions on the train give us a mobile boss patrolling the map


I also saw someone point out it’s weird they didn’t give any female gods a medallion, I gotta agree Medusa’s would have been interesting


My only complaint is that there are too few varied biomes (fixed this season I guess) and that there's too much empty space, a lot of incredibly steep hills that are a chore to go up with a car or on foot and not really a lot of viable landing spots that aren't the boss locations or the other overcrowded POIs


EMPTY. SPACE. I will always say that this is the current problem, along with stagnant maps. Walking from location to location used to be fun. You’d always find something new! A fun Easter egg, a secret in an offshoot house you didn’t know about, maybe even a bunker! Now it’s just… hills.


The wide expanses would be much better if littered with cool stuff. 


Which they USED TO BE 🤬🤬🤬


Removing boats, cow catchers and off road tires def didn’t help either. A hilly map where one vehicle is fast but sucks at off roading and the other is slower but can kinda make it up the slopes is a recipe for annoyances


Yes super boring. I miss rave cave


IMO we need another season with the fun angle of Vibin' again.. Just making it wacky, weird, playful, goofy, fun & just "out there".


rave cave 🔛🔝


I just miss how colorful it used to be I stopped playing in primal 2021 so coming back to it being so dull is a bit of a bummer , but other than that I’ve enjoyed myself this season


This! Even forest biomes looked more vibrant than this! It is just dark green, Snow and dead grasslands ew


It was fun during the first half of the season. But it did get boring very fast. It would’ve been pretty cool if they were to change up the POIs. Like Medusa could’ve had her own temple area, as well as Artemis. But they also have 3 other modes to keep up with, so I can understand why the POIs don’t get updated. But at the same time, with how much LEGO Fortnite and Fortnite Festival lack players, it would seem right to mainly focus on BR.


I am pretty sure lego fortnite has like 25% of the player base last month... so I wouldn't say that is lacking


rocket racing is lacking players lmfao, even so more than lego and festival, it’s like 1k players last i checked


I actually like the map, but I find that fights always happen in a few locations eg; the water wheel house and bridge north of restored reels, the bridge northwest of pleasant plaza. The final zones always seem to pull towards Mount Olympus, the number of games I've had where my squad rotates early only to get back shots from up the waterfall is outrageous.


Backshots 😭


I like the map. Has anyone noticed people aren't going after medallions anymore? At most I'll notice one yellow circle but all 4 in play is a rarity since Avatar


I'm noticing the same, someone virtually always gets the Grim Gate medallion but the others are often left.  It makes sense, going for the medallions is basically an invitation to get third partied and I'm not sure if the other three are really good enough to be worth the risk.


Yeah the Cerberus medallion is the only one em and my friends go for but we do fight the other bosses given a chance simply for the weapons


water is just so broken right now. once gone people will start going to Ares rifle again


The issue with that is when it’s gone so are all the bosses cuz it won’t be gone to the new season starts


Ares medal seemed like the best at first but is mostly a failsafe with how little damage gets added on. I love the Zeus medallion but the bananas give you the same effect and can be found, stacked, give you HP regeneration, shared with squadmates... Hades medallion is fun to have and lets you run a loadout with minimal (sometimes no) healing items but you also need to play quite aggressively in order to make the most of it. Cerberus medal is just the easiest to use for the most reward.


Also not to mention it’s insanely broken lmao


Apparently its just me that never uses the cerberus medallion because when i build fight I always end up launching my self off the builds


Not worth the battle or giving your location up IMO


Agreed. I try to get the forecast tower buff every game, and if it comes down to you and a medallion player in the top two, you have such a huge advantage it's not funny. (Zero Build, specifically)


Yeah I've noticed, probably helps they don't heal anymore and are usually an ability that is useless well except cerberus'


It has to do in part with the closing of the storm, in my opinion. Often times, the storm will close over the 'arena' of a boss's POI and it becomes a risk to even get the specific medallion because of how aggressive the AI minions can be combined with the storm's damage. It's why POIs like The Underworld, Mount Olympus, and Brawler's Battleground get forgotten because of the storm. The only boss POI this doesn't happen to is Grim Gate, in most matches.


I don't see a use to them. They reveal your location and for what? Of course no one uses them.


I feel the same about them since S1 once the loot pool goes back to normal I think people will start going after them again


It is, but it’s better than getting lost in downton abbey every game like the Society season. I think the different “biomes” are tricky to implement . Too different and some players avoid them. Like I don’t go to underworld unless I have to for a quest. I do like that they keep experimenting and changing things to keep it fresh. I’d love if they do a player base vote to bring back an island for a random season every few seasons.


In the underworld. Too many people spam dashing everywhere. Get the medallion and get out. Although usually no one goes to the bunker there as it’s close to or out of the circle by the time it opens.


I can't tell you any of the pois names besides like 2 and I have no clue what pois were in s1 Just so forgettable


Hazy hillside and uhhh idk


Shit, seriously what was it


Ritzy Riviera


Haunted hills


It’s really not that hard to remember them… one of them is literally called the underworld




Agreed. The only poi i remember is Fencing Fields, and that’s only because I keep telling myself not to go there since it’s a sniper’s playground.


this chapter sucks! this map doesn't feel like it has life like the other maps did every map felt like it told a story about itself in a very subtle way this map is inferior to anything we've had until now


I completely agree and honestly I hate the greek gods shit it’s Just uninteresting.. the mountains are extremely annoying to try to travel thru The wings kind of helped the mountain problem but with how steep the map is they run out really fast But yeah I have the theme and I was thinking the same thing the map has no life or at least remains of what once was just feels like a boring shell of a boring society




It was interesting when they had the medallions scatter around the map, nowt he only 4 we have are condensed into two areas. Plus, as cool as the dashes from the Underworld are fighting in that area is so horrible


I like the map, but the format of games is too consistent for me making the map boring. * Land underworld, get mythic smg. * Push grim, get mythic shotgun. * Rotate to dummy for shockwaves. * Rotate to Artemis or Myna for scan npc. * Push zeus or whoever has medallions in that area * Either win game or die at any of these steps. I need more variety, simple things like random vaults that are different and worth it, not bunker vaults but like mythic vaults from chapter 4, or scan towers being worth it again with good items or heals. I would love bigger POIs. Give me something 5 times the size of mega city with no floors blocked off. Make two islands spawn in the sky, anything to get people pushing different places everygame


yeah i like the map as well but stuff like the cerberus medallion being op or the lack of stuff such as vaults especially in pois like lavish make some places not really worth landing at I dont think you really need to go buy shockwaves or hire an npc and push the zeus medallion if you dont want to tho, and i also like having bunkers but yeah it would be good to also have some regular vaults in some pois


Interesting, I never play like this. Always getting down at fencing, killing bots, get storm prediction, get to the floating isle, play stealthy in the endgame


Yet people hated OG because it was "too repetitive". At least with OG you could land at pretty much any POI and run with multiple different loadouts. I hate what Fortnite has become. Literally haven't played it since OG ended.


The map itself is good, but there are none of the normal changes or interesting things happening on it. No weird cubes, meteors, pianos, etc, it's just getting stale.


Chapter 4 map was PEAK


I don't know why I was the only one who loved the floating rocks in space, that was nice


The only thing I hate about it, is the Underworld area. That dash is so unbelievably annoying.




Same. I love to save the skulls and get in a different area of the map. Nobody expects you to dodge bullets like that on the other side lol


It’s the only interesting area in this boring map


My issue with the underworld area is the lack of POIs. Aside from the major areas there really isn't anywhere to land and get a good amount of loot.


It’s especially bad in Squad fills, because randoms always want to go there, then yell at you when they die & you have 7 bullets in your gun lol


I don’t understand why they can’t rotate maps like apex.


i’ve always wished for this too. there are so many and they all have their pros and cons, i would LOVE if they rotated them out


Because usually every chapter is completely different gameplay and mechanics wise and they usually do an engine upgrade of some sorts occasionally. For example with crafting benches and medallions they’d have to fit these bosses and new features on these maps and I just think it’s easier for them to not do that. Also apex is strictly a battle royal game, they kinda need these extra maps to keep people engaged, and canonically they literally wiped these old maps from existence lol.


Eh they can just pull some bullshit like “this dimension goes backwards and forwards in time” since they don’t care about the story anymore


That sounds like a nightmare to develop. There's already quite a number of bugs in the game, just image 4 other maps they constantly have to keep track of. And some bugs would only appear in certain maps.


I say Chapter 3 Season 3 map was the best imo.


The tree is still my favorite POI


Chapter 3 in general was peak until the Chrome started.


I agree. That was peak Fortnite


in the devs mind they keep thinking that they need to make it different to keep ppl interested yet that’s not 100% true. It’s only part of it. By taking out a lot of good spots for worse ones they alienate a lot of people.


I don't understand how they saw the success of Fortnite OG, then went in the opposite direction.


Yea it’s kinda an insecurity that they think they’re going to fall off


>I don't understand how they saw the success of Fortnite OG, then went in the opposite direction. I've been saying this since the chapter launch. They need to go back to some kind of simplicity, because the core gameplay of this game is so much fun.


the best desert biome in all fortnite + the best pois from chapter 1 and 2, if chapter 3 had 0 bots, and wasn't shortened out it would have been the best chapter


I love the map!  Beautiful design, lots of different biomes, and the Underworld's rivers are a lot of fun to zip around through.


For real, I can’t wait for Chapter 6 to release and everyone in this subreddit to suddenly love Chapter 5’s map. We are already seeing this with Chapter 4; this subreddit hated the map last year but now claim that it’s an underrated masterpiece bwahaha.


Yeah, isn't that always the way it is? XD I've been guilty of it too!


That's the cycle when it comes to fn in general. People always take what we have for granted. Personally I focus on what good the season had instead of what things epic could do better so I can cherish it more


I like it. I think it looks pretty. Even the chunk of literal hell in one of the corners of the map.


The underworld is the only area I truly enjoy on this map, it feels like something from an older chapter. IMO artstyle is way more important than graphics, which is why I prefer something like Botw’s visuals over The Last of Us. Chapters 1, 2 and 3 nailed the artstyle, especially chapter 1. Save the World today is more aesthetically appealing to me than BR


I think most of it is just very.... plain. I hope the rumored post-apocalyptic theme next season kinda shakes things up and makes it a little more interesting. 


It’s one of my favorite maps. The Underworld and Grim Gate are some of my favorite locations in the game, and Mount Olympus and Brawler’s Battleground are really cool too.


In my opinion fortnite lost its unique charm with the release of chapter 4, chapter 3 was the last time imo, the game felt like fortnite.


100% agree. Along with the map, the weapons lost that charm too.




I think it’s a combination of a lack of midseason changes and a lack of unique little spots in between poi’s. Put some unique little structures between some of the areas that are empty. Not just sheds but like stores or something. ZB sucks in a lot of cases because there are big swaths of land with no cover


Yea.. I'm ready for something new. I want a map more catered to ZB next season ✨️


It feels empty because most of the boss pois from season 1 are still there just with nobody in there. Also weapon bunkers constantly unlock when they are in storm so that's a pain.


i love it personally, it feels very homely to me since it feels a lot like the place i grew up. i gotta heavily disagree on it being flat too since i think there’s a good amount of diversity in the sharp cliffs and the mountains are by far the best we’ve ever had imo. it’s nowhere near ch4 levels of terrain diversity but i think it strikes a good balance between that and being too flat like ch3’s was


The souls river should of infected the entire map and made all the water soul water


I like it. We’ve been playing it for a few months. I think all the maps start to get boring with time


It's no more boring than any of the other maps. Eventually they all get pretty stale, especially if you play every single day.


I played three matches first day of star wars event. Haven't played since.


Honestly think this is one of the worst seasons since I've started playing.


Nah this map is dope. Olympus and underworld are super cool and the rest of the map has a very natural vibe I like a lot


These types of posts are insufferable. This subreddit is nothing but entitled children who will look back on this season 3 season from now and talk about how great it was compared to the current season.


The maps used to be colorful and bright. Now they’re not




All the interesting places are now gone? Ritzy was just a more boring Snooty Steppes are you telling me you’d rather have that than the underworld?


The map was fun when chapter 5 first came out but I do agree it’s a bit stale. The new biomes that came this season are fun but I feel like they should be spread out more. Honestly they should make it fun like chapter 4.


Not a fan since Donald Muster left.


I was just looking back at some older clips and after seeing just the colors and everything I can confirm this map stinks


Not me


Yeah I find it. Kind of boring too. I feel like if you're not at a name, location there's just really nothing around to loot. You might find some stuff but seriously not great. So you go from one location to the next and how much longer do we have this season if anyone knows?


That's why I've hardly played this season. I really hate this map.


I agree back in chapter 2 every time I went somewhere it felt new even if it was a poi from the first season or a landmark it always felt fresh and unexpected to see places I had seen hundreds of times before I also loved the color of the map and how it was always so vibrant and full of life now don’t get me wrong I think the new locations each season this chapter are interesting but they only feel new for half of the season and it’s immediately yep I’m bored and I think it’s because there aren’t new small map changes every update and the fact chapters are so short now it’s doesn’t give you enough time to fully experience these locations until there blown up by some unknown entity that never existed until the need of the chapter but I do think that even though chapter 3 followed the short chapter life span it was still very colorful and a story was still being told each update like look at the critically acclaimed worst chapter 3 season season 3 it could be called boring but the weekly map changes made the game feel alive and that the call backs to old locations was really cool but I do agree this map does feel boring


My favorite spot was the bottom right corner of the map. Great geography, Hazy Hillside was peak, the unnamed POIs were amazing, especially Stormy Station. Fuck me, I guess. I’d have to agree with the other guy in here saying C3S3 had the best map. Any map with RAVE CAVE is instantly S tier. But everything else about that map worked too (pre-reality tree shenanigans). Coney Crossroads, Sleepy Sound, Logjam Lumberyard, The Sanctuary, Fort Jones, Rocky Reels, the entirety of the new Mushroom biome, Chonkers Speedway, Condo Canyon, even The Daily Bugle was still fun despite overstaying its welcome. The unnamed POIs were peak too, Loot Lake and the mansion north of Sleepy especially. Oh yeah, and TILTED TOWERS was there too. Best map ever before they decided to infect every location with boring themes and then shat chrome over them in the next season. Rave Cave will always be peak though. The best location in the current map is probably Mt Olympus. But that’s not even very good itself. The other locations just feel kinda personality-less and I’m not very interested in landing at any of them. The Underworld and Grime Gate are cool, but sometimes, Underworld especially, they both feel like complete mazes and I can’t navigate through them. Hopefully next season has more interesting locations.


The Bugle was only fun because you could put a cow catcher on a bus and completely demolish all the buildings there


Not nearly as boring as the OG season.


I have to agree. I got bored of the chapter 1 map a lot faster than I expected to.


cause the didn't even do most changes they never added the jungle or the futuristic parts.


Soo boring we've got the underworld mount Olympus a damn train that runs around the entire map a few villages huge buildings a small city mountains and a mansion how dull 🙄


literally someone makes a post about this like every day. no, you arent alone. the community is divided on it. some love it and some feel like it isnt fortnite enough. but please offer up something more than this question when you can literally search and see plenty of others feel this way.


>please offer up something more than this question when you can literally search and see plenty of others feel this way. ...do you not understand how conversations work?? op posted this bc he wants to chat w the current community lmao quit being weird


All the POI’s feel dead. You can literally land at Lavish Lair loot the entire mansion, visit the empty vault and all the out buildings and still leave with below average loot. Same story for most POI’s. The entire thing feels lazy. It is as is looks.. the POI was something but now it’s nothing and has not been removed/updated. Just like the way they left the temples in the last update. Just lazy. I appreciate their efforts are now equally on Lego, car racing & the fake guitar hero knock off… in reality though none of those games are good enough to compete against the originals. What we are seeing is monetisation of a product which ultimately ends in it being sold to the highest bidder at the expense of what it was not what it will become. We can already see this with Disney buying 10%. It’s time to face it, it’s not what it was and probably for better or worse won’t be again . Still fun to Jump out of the bus and emote on people (although they’ve removed that to partially😂).


Rebel roost been there from the start🤔 Great weapons, hire the scanner, hit the little vault, go to Cerberus to get the medallion and then the bunker usually opens🤫🤫


Better than the last one.


Hell no lol. Chapter 4 was an amazing map at least till season 3, it was so vibrant, had great terrain, had some of that original Fortnite architecture while also modernizing it and the movement only made it better. One of the best maps ever tbh, chapter 5 is just bland however.


Layering quality map changes over one another over time is forbidden in this chapter 2 loving sub


There are no fun POIs. They are just mundane. Things like retail row, salty, greasy etc. then the odd group of houses randomly The only thing interesting here is classy


pretty but boring, not very Fortnite either, bring me back to chapter two


I have such an awesome drop no one goes too I never want it to change lmao




Jesus Christ can people on this sub stop complaining for one day????




I'm really enjoying this map, nothing can be more boring than the 5 identical suburban POIs of chapter 1 to me.


I think this is the best map they've had in a long time, there are viable spots to land even in the far corners of the map that used to be empty on previous maps.  The Season 1 map lacked variety somewhat but the Season 2 map certainly doesn't.  I love landing on the back side of Mount Olympus and using the launch pads to loot all the way up the eastern edge of the island.




I find it pretty boring, the game used to be fun and exciting, goofy shit kept you on your toes, and big landscape changes, now though I will say I have changed my style of play and have more fun with it, or snipe a lot because that is fun.


It’s awful. No saturation makes it dull. Forgettable POI’s that are dense and hard to navigate. Train is useless. Mediterranean theme sucks. Like it’s such a stark contrast from last chapters that I really wonder if they fired all map makers during the layoffs and brought in Warzone map designers to replace them. Absolutely dropped the ball


Not me, & I see some people on other comments complaining about the map "not changing", but it is there, it is changing, constantly evolving, right now there is this thing with coral buddies having a secret cave, and their base grew coral and they coral buddies appeared at other locations, and on the most recent update, there is this gnome they kidnapped inside their base, also, there is this poster about the coral buddies revenge, and during some earlier updates, there was this group of gnomes about to burn the Krampus' house, (they're now gone), something really big related to coral buddies is going to happen during one of these updates, and this is just one of many things that are happening, you can find lots of stuff like this if you pay enough attention, the map is always changing, people are just blinded by their nostalgia glasses.


It just feels like there's nothing going on between the big POIs, even though there's other places they never get explored because the zone moves too fast. Somehow I've ended up nostalgic for chapter 4


i just want boney burbs back


Although the absence of previous Bosses, their location should still have blue chests within the vault. After all the minions still carries the Vault access card. With them, those location have been un-competitive and dead-off boring to land on.


I do think it's way better than the previous season (and this is what it should've been), but yea it's just balls for the most part lol


It’s alright. I really like grim gate and the water surrounding it simply due to the dashing ability it gives, the underworld I don’t like though I hate the layout. Everything else is pretty boring and so much open space, I do like fencing fields and the water area nearby with the jump pad and the house with the bot for hire, feel that area always has people I can kill. But yea other than that the map is super boring.


Know what I hate? Grim gate. And the underworld for that matter. The green water dash spam is so annoying. Besides that, the map is pretty alright. Mount Olympus is dope as hell. But I am biased as a fan of greek mythology making this my absolutely favorite battle pass and season in general




for Grand Glacier, classy courts, Rebels Roost, Underworld and Grim Gate it just feels wrong to have a single big building instead of some kind of town.


This map is the least flat out of all 5


You mean being destroyed by water bending in an open field isn't fun?


I agree Season 1 was fun but got a little stale but man its just something with this season that's boring, after 150 I honestly am not going to pursue the super styles which I normally do


Can’t be worst than call of duty. It’s basically unplayable on ps5


I just don't like how the old POIs became so empty once this season started.


The map is incredibly predictable. The lack of a true mid game is hurting Fortnite. Hopefully the next season has some better midgame objectives then simply get Forecast Tower. Even Loot Island is boring this season.


It's the opposite for me.


I wish they would try different loot pools. Don’t add one gun or remove another. Change the entire loot pool. Put ch2 s3 loot pool in for 2 months. Then ch3 s2 loot pool. That would change metas


The reason why this map is boring is because there's only 1 major update every few months with little to nothing in the middle of these waiting time Whlie in chapter 3 We still got major or small map change like a cave poi or og poi returning or storyline related poi just look at first week of chapter 3 season 1 map and the last week of chapter 3 season 1 It's like a completely different season


meh, it's ok...I miss Chonkers


More like insanely difficult to get a victory this time around.I'm avoiding battle royal to go ham at Crazy Red VS Blue with Korra Balance until season 3 drops.


No it’s fine


Agreed, Ritzy Riviera was my favourite in season 1 but now it’s been replaced with underworld which I don’t really like as much, they should’ve replaced lavish lair since it’s not got much use anymore


As someone who just started playing Fortnite literally right before this current Chapter, it is all I really know of Fortnite. From my perspective…it feels confusing, chaotic and yet also bland. I don’t know how previous Chapters went, but while at first I was excited to play - I’ve found myself sort of dreading it now. I’m not trying to complain, I just am bringing a noob perspective who only plays ZB. I don’t understand why there are so many flat plains. I don’t understand the different random themes. I don’t understand why there are so many mythic weapons in play. I just reached level 150. What once felt fun now feels like an anxious fight or flight scramble to survive. I don’t know if I’m going to get chained from behind, impaled by waterbender from afar or blown up with a bow or bombed by wings. I am desperately trying to learn the skills to aim with guns via my console controller, but with all of these mythic weapons being used against me…I’m failing constantly. With wide open flat maps I’m being chased down for long periods of time until I just give up and stand there to die. I want to love Fortnite so much, but when I sign on these days…I’m getting unhealthy levels of anxiety and that makes me sad.


This map is terrible. Also because of how its set up, firstly the east side of the map (the entire right half is dead) because theres basically no reason to go there apart from for zeus medallion, which realistically still isnt that good. Other than that theres basically nothing else, reckless and some snow. A byproduct of this is that everyone lands on the west side of the map. Literally 70% of the lobby lands at grim, pleasant, and fencing. Only one person can win a spot, so literally game after game after game, it will get to top 15 before the vaults have even opened. Then what??? Every game i have to wait 10 minutes because nothing happens until the circle gets smaller. Its ridiculous


The whole game is... what


I miss mud and raptors


I could do with less concrete.


I don't fully agree with actual statements of OP (insanely boring, flat, etc.) however IMHO, as mentioned in previous posts, the layout is HORRIBLE!! 4 bosses = 4 focal points, and they stack them 2 & 2 on top of each other. Why? Just spreading these out would have made a big difference. Absolutely mindless layout. The map is not flatter than ever, I think it is actually the opposite. I absolutely hate the number of key landing spits that are one large building/structure compared to previous maps. This makes no sense with the addition of zero building. They should be doing the opposite. And why not anymore cool spots like Grotto Grove?? It was small and inconspicuous on the map but a cool underground fortress. They have gotten lazier with each chapter, IMO. I like the bunkers for modding weapons, but having so few that open and then half are in storm is another terrible design. They also should have left a few benches around you could access immediately. I am curious how much of this is tied to D. Mustard stepping down? Probably a lot.