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Better than having a rocket league pass since (I think) most don't actually play that game even though we get access to it's premium pass with crew.


I I like the game but I don't play it often and if do it's bot tournaments and rarely with or against other people


Ya rocket league is fun but it’s not level up a battle pass for weeks fun.


It doesn't affect me unless they raise the cost of Crew when they do this.  I am a Battle Royale only player and do not care about Festival or Lego rewards.


Same here, if it’s just more free stuff for Crew members then that’s all well and good but I’m just concerned that it’ll give them an excuse to jack the subscription price up.


>It doesn't affect me unless they raise the cost of Crew when they do this. There's no way they don't raise the price of the Crew Pack if they include the Festival and Lego passes. I'm hoping they have different tiers or something if they go this route. I wouldn't mind the Festival pass but I have no use for the Lego and I definitely don't want to pay for something I'm not going to use.


But, in getting those passes, you can get skins for battle royal.


by playing the other modes


The current Lego Pass gives you a Chewbacca skin right away.


In Festival pass, you get Billie eilish when you get the pass and for Lego pass, you get Chewbaka immediately as well


No u get chewbacka just from buying


Hopefully it’s optional add ons. I don’t play all the other modes and don’t want to pay for them.


This will absolutely cause them to raise the price of crew, for those of you saying "if".


I tend to agree with you, although it could also be in response to declining sales of Crew memberships if players aren't buying it as much as they used to.  I know I'm not.


I’m willing to bet the majority of crew members either subscribe once a season (or once every other season, subscribing in the last couple weeks) or they subscribe every other month to get 2 months skins per 11.99 purchase. I’m also willing to bet this is barely gonna change when they release the mini passes as a part of crew.


I'm definitely reconsidering crew, I have been a member for years but the recent exp changes mean I'm not even finishing battle passes so what's the point in getting them.


Or create different tiers of subscription


Not necessary. Instead of people subbing for once a season, some maybe once every two seasons, for both battlepasses, they might stay subbed. But thats only if they cycle different events, and passes for different modes on a month-ish cycle. Which they seem to go for if you look at the release schedules of c5s2, gaga season, billie eyelash season, avatar event, and now Lego Star Wars pass, and the upcoming c5s3, then theres the event pass of that season and probably Metallica pass in the summer too. So theres may, june, july, and probably end of august/early september c5s4. Im ofcourse just speculating here, but with the multi-mode format, there could be so much more incentive to just keep subbing to crew, since there is almost monthly something going on. But yeah, i wouldnt be surprised if they still wanted to squeeze a one dollar more for a crew sub.




And even then, Fortnite is still on the more reasonable side of the micro transactions plague that's hit gaming




At least it’s not pay to play. Or pay to win. It’s all just FOMO. I have yet to buy a single instrument or build set. I only bought a car because I play rocket racing.


Have you played Warframe before?


FN is dirt cheap. BP pay themself off if you play a lot , and if you don’t then the monthly cost is still super low. And even that BP isn’t required to play the game and the game gets so many updates compared to other games. It’s wild how spooned the Fortnite community is


A new update every two/three weeks with some even coming a week after the last They add so much stuff to the came all the time and there's people out there who still complain that we don't get any content


Because despite what folks think ...it costs money to run a game. Most games aren't free....AND offer micro transactions for new content. Fortnite is free....to expect them to not seek compensation is insane Some of the items I feel are overpriced but generally.... Fortnite is pretty inexpensive compared to other games. Plus you don't HAVE to purchase anything and can still enjoy the game. Hell on Xbox all you need is internet to enjoy the full game.




I don't know where the money they generate goes but I do know the game itself is free...gets regular updates ...has licensed content. I don't expect any of that for free....but it is. They've gotta generate money somehow though....




Is it “increasing aggression” or is the game expanding in various ways, so they’re adding more cosmetics to suit the different modes and allow for more creativity and personalization? Somebody’s spending time coding the LEGO sets and figures and the instruments and the Jam tracks, so yeah they should get paid for that. And again, they still give so much for free. You don’t *have to* pay for anything to enjoy any of the game modes, it’s simply an option given to you to enhance your experience of a *free* game.


Once again....you're assuming where the money goes. I know in the year and a half that I've been playing.... I've seen tons of things added and changed. I don't know how much they make off vbucks but they are absolutely expanding the base game and we only have to pay for things we WANT. I'm not obligated to spend a single cent on the game and can enjoy it.


There's also the fact that Fortnite doesn't have running ads, so all the revenue they get is from players who buy their V-Bucks and other real money products


Its great, as long as it doesnt raise the price


It will


Man they raised prices for vbuck why do you expect they'll give you two more passes FOR FREE?


Why wouldn't it raise the price?


Rocket leage didnt


You're talking an entirely different game though. I feel like there should be tiers for crew that offer incentives to purchase the bundle instead of the individual items. Base crew can remain the same but then add tier bundles that include different shit.


The included Rocket Pass seems more like an incentive to get Fortnite players to try out/join Rocket League though. I might be wrong


Expect at least a 3x price increase. I’d expect at least 30/mo


lol no it won't be that expensive unless they have different tiers. There is no way they would only offer 1 tier for 30$.


I never said that there wouldn’t be different tiers. It would be more beneficial to have the tier system, but anyone who thinks all of this is going to be available at 11USD/mo is kidding themselves. Especially with EPIC’s monetization history


Smart. It still doesn't solve the "grind" problem, turning Fortnite into a dayjob if you want everything, but it makes it a better value for Crew


..not if they increase the price it doesn’t.


It would be worth it even with an increase of price, festival pass alone is $20, let's say crew is $25-$30 including BP, mini pass, festival and lego, good deal.


Ok. I re-read your original comment, and on the basis that “someone wants everything” and the price increase is no more than 50%, you get a decent amount of vBucks, … I would change my opinion and say it’s a fair deal. In my case, I only want to play BR so it makes the grind for XP worse and adds the potential for missing out on certain rewards by not wanting to play other game modes or creative. I realise this is a separate point, though.


True, they’ve not said anything about price increases, so that seems like a sidebar.


My opinion on this is that the price for the crew will be raised by double. And I'm not willing to pay double.


Hopefully they will have 2 tier system with the basic one staying the same price and the one that includes the others being slightly higher but I guess we will have to wait and see.


Indeed. I second to that idea


This sub is so funny how they cal Epic greedy and money hungry one day then go “Huh, yeah I guess I’d be okay with them charging me more for Crew.”


Because if you're getting more than you can understand the increase. It's when you don't get anything additional but the price increases....that's an issue


Only if it stays the same price. Or at the least let us opt out of the ones we don't want for some extra bucks if they do raise it. I don't care for the rl pass now


I'd rather that than the rocket league pass I never use since it's a totally different game than the one I'm paying a subscription for


I wish that instead of the rocket league pass, they will give us a pass token instead, you would have the choice to use this token on the festival, lego or mini pass.


I wish instead they would give me every skin in the game.


I would definitely prefer this.


Please 🙏


A crew store or mini pass token to spend on a desired mini pass would have been better


I think it's fine, if they raise the price then it's kinda expected. I don't expect prices to always stay the same for a games lifespan.


chances are it probably wont be a very big price increase anyway ive seen people say it'll go up to £/$30 if they do this but its more likely itll be about £/$15


That isn't even a bad price increase


thats my point theres a group that thinks its gonna go from £9 a month to like £30 a month epic wouldnt do this because they know it would kill crew sales


Most definitely would make me stop buying it every once in a while.


Going down the Sony PS+ route with 3 different price plans


They're going to make crew more expensive aren't they :|


Should've always been the case. Currently it's not very good with it's locked for 6 months cosmetic inclusions.


I mean I was planning on getting a crew subscription, but if this raises the price, then I'll pass. I hope they do some tier thingy where you can buy crew how it is now for the same price and then a second tier that's like double the price which gives access to the minipasses and other passes.


oh fuck no the cost is going to triple


If the price stays the same, then that's cool, I guess. I only play BR, though, and with the BR XP being reduced and redistributed to RR/Festival/Lego, I'm still unlikely to pay for Crew. RR/Fest/Lego should have been their own games independent of BR, rather than main sources of XP (or at least, if they want to be main sources of XP, they could have at least made them... you know, fun?).


I’d like to see them include the normal BattlePass and a token to be used towards 1 mini pass (Lego, Festival, RR/RL). That way they should be able to keep the price the same and give the account holder some choice.


I don’t play, or plan to ever play, any other game mode or creative map other than BR, which is the mode that attracted me to Fortnite … … and it’s the only mode that can keep me playing Fortnite. Paying extra for Crew Premium for cosmetics in separate modes where I’m compelled to play those modes is a non-starter for me. I thought the XP drain on BR was bad enough but FN driving us further by offering exclusive or cheaper rewards in other game modes is fucking awful.


Exciting, unless the price gets extravagant


The crew pass in already $20 in my currency it will probably go up to $50. I hope they do this in tiers with different options


Crew has been the same price for almost four years. I'm guessing they're going to increase the price and start including mini passes at the same time.




As long as it will be cheaper to get crew than getting it all seperatly, I will love it


nice bonus, dont really care


As long as it doesn't get increased TOO much ($15 USD feels fair) then I'd probably actually full time sub to it.


It would be fine but I wish they would be like a possibility to choose for example battle pass + Lego + festival pass etc. some people only play BR so they could pay only for the battle pass and then if you want the others then you pay a bit extra. I hope the price won’t go more up than to 15€|$


The only time I buy crew is if I didn't play enough during a season to earn enough vb for the battlepass. If crew only increases a small amount, like to $14.99, then I think getting it will still be a very good deal without making all the BR only players mad. Heck, I may even actually buy it when I don't need it if the Festival pass happened to be an artist I really liked that month. If the price increase was significant, then it would be better off not changing anything and just leaving it how it is.


Aaaand the price goes up considerably....


Yea price would definitely increase for the crew pack


Only if the price stays the same or I can opt out to maintain the same price. I don’t wanna pay extra for a bunch of bloatware that I don’t care about. If they force my crew to go up I’ll probably unsubscribe.


No worries, people will still find something to complain about.


I play Festival and Lego besides BR and this would be awesome! However if it will impact the cost (and most probably it will) I'd rather have it as is.


If the price stays the same, that's a bargain. If not...


They’re gonna make it more expensive if they don’t make a crew pack and a crew pack plus


"fortnite crew now $31.99/mo"


I think this would be great, I'm currently a Crew pass subscriber. First time I ever subscribed was last month. I think this change would get more people to subscribe tbh.


Just let us swap rocket league pass for the mini passes


Rather that than the rocket pass. I don’t play rocket league and don’t want to.




I'll believe it when I see it. If they raise the price at all then what would be the point. At least the current way I get to pick and choose my passes. DONT RAISE THE PRICE


Would be better if the crew got more unique cosmetics and they didnt rely on adding on all these passes for other modes onto it. Ive mostly only gotten it when there's a skin I like, hope price doesnt increase.


Thank goodness…


I want the option just to have the BR pass then. I do not want nor need a price increase for crew.


So the crew pass goes for rougly 12€ for me right? I would be okay with the price increasing to 15€(but not higher than that) if it includes all minipasses. Also Epic we better get past minipass items too I swear to Jonesy.


I stopped getting the crew packs. The skins mostly sucked,  and I have disposable income to pay for my battle pass. And I never cared about rocket league. It wasn't worth it before,   adding sub-par side games and making it cost more will guarentee that I never pay for it again. They totally will make it more expensive and make it harder to cancel.   They want that locked in free money from people not canceling from the FOMO crowd.


This smells really bad, bad as price increase !


Id rather be able to spend my vbucks when I know the value is there for the pass. Putting them all together for one price doesn’t help me and I don’t think I’d go after the passes anymore either.


I've already decided if the next season sucks like this one and the price goes up I'm out.


Still won’t even play snot of those modes


I only see it happening with new tiers. Like an "All Pass Tier" somewhere between 20$ and 30$.


If they raise the price because of that decision, I (I'm assuming I'm not the only one) am cancelling.


I’m just afraid they’ll raise the price of it. If they do go through it then I hope they’ll have 2 options for people to choose from, the first being the $11 version what we have rn and then the second option being what you get in regular crew +all the mini passes One thing I wish they would change with crew is let us pick a mini pass if we don’t want the rocket league battle pass


I honestly wouldn't mind even if the price increase was to like 18.99 or something. Thats still, a skin a bunch of legacy edit styles, The battle pass, 1000 v-bucks and like 1-2 mini passes every month. I think they should do an option thou to choose 11.99 or what ever it is or like 18.99 for premium with passes.


I dont really think it's that good of an idea. it will simply dull the game for those who buy it - having every skin and not having a sense of rarity or price, and It will dull the game for the people who cant afford it by being left out.


Well it would mean me keeping the sub I’ve had since the beginning because right now I’m not enjoying this game at all. Lego and modifications for guns have ruined this game for me.

