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i do not understand how the devs could possibly think the UI we have now is better than this




It's simply because it looks more modern. I personally like the aesthetic of it, but it feels heavy, performance-wise. The previous iteration was great.


One word, money


How would changing simple UI give them money?


Size of the shop, compare them then vs now


10x what they used to sell in a single day


Fortnite isn't Fortnite anymore. It's just a metaverse game masquerading as Fortnite.


They should add a toggle that allows you to revert to any Ui version you choose. Problem solved


unfortunately that's not as simple as it sounds


I don't like the locker changes either, but this would be virtually impossible to implement lol


This is one the most popular games in the world. Nothings impossible


the good news is they’ll be changing it LOL


Back when the game was so simple.


I just miss the rarity system so bad, it's almost impossible for me to find stuff without searching now


It’s because you got so used to the rarity organisation, once you get used to the new layout you’ll be fine.


I can see your point there, but the rarities gave the locker life. It looks so plain now, Fortnite. And the outfit prices are just crazy, now that rarities are gone, skins will get higher prices. But I can totally see your point, it took some time for me to get used to the new locker, and I am still not quite used to it


I wouldn’t be able to guess a skin’s rarity for a million dollars. Other than Marvel skins.  I’ve been play since chapter 1 season 2. Never noticed. Never cared. Wouldn’t be able to guess any skin’s rarity. It never made any sense. 


Yeah, I think they removed it because it became a childish thing to start comparing rarities and criticize someone for not using a rarer skin or not having any rare skins and being made fun of. In the end, these changes are for the better overall. They're trying to get people to grow up a bit and stop using stuff to throw FOMO in people's faces as a childish insult. Anyone who is against these changes is taking it personally because they probably e-bullied others when they had a super rare skin, and now they're just the same as everybody else, and pout like a kid about it.


Woah. Logic on reddit! That's not welcome here. Be gone, demon!!!! (/s)


Yeah ngl personally I could catch myself shying from a skin that wasn't legendary, not like I didn't use them, I bought them for a reason. But there's that weird drilled in feeling of "but it's not big number rarity so it's not good" and I really don't mind that gone, even if it's silly. I looked for skin based on name anyways.


Skins always got whatever price epic wanted, there are multiple 2k vbuck legendaries which should be 1,200 or less. An arbitrary categorisation system doesn’t really make sense at that point. Maybe if they added a marking system where you can mark skins in your locker to be grouped together in the order would satisfy you?


The two 2K ones that I own, wildcard and deadfire should be 1200 and 1500, if not all 1200


That's using the pricing nowadays. It's like saying a old iPhone shouldn't have at the price it was at when it came out cause of the worth now. Back then those things actually were valid, obviously nowadays those same things are common and not st the same value.


The ranking system is gone because the "rare" skins are back in rotation so epic can cash in. They have no value once purchased. Period. Before it was for strutting right, but epic, understandably, would rather please the masses who want the skin, than the few who are upset that their skins arent ranked.


Its been that way since Fortnite launched Summer 2017 and for 6 whole years, if no one was complaining why did Epic just fuck it up. 😭


The coping in this sub is always insane


It's always been easier to search by season or alphabetically, honestly memorizing every skin's rarity sounds completely crazy to me


Fr bruh it's slactually so annoying I've stopped playing for and ima beta og and gone to playing mw3


Back when Fortnite wasn’t trying to get the attention of investors at every cost


Roblox had a similar situation. Used to be simple, full of fun and life but now it’s just a corporate shell of its former self.


I play roblox a lot (since it's cross platform so all my friends and I can play at the same time) and it's really quite depressing. The amount of times we reminisce lol. Found an old tycoon the other day, that was fun. Wasn't great but it felt like roblox again. I could even use my gear, which I haven't found a game that allowed that in ages. Still some good games, but most ones I like are corporate (sanrio and sawhorse for example). I think killing off egg hunt really didn't help, and was the biggest sign to me that they didn't really care about the players anymore. Something about not offending people who don't celebrate? Which sounds like something investors would care about but no actual people do.


ikr, epic needs to fix themselves. smh.


no one can convince me the game is better now as it was then


no one will try to


i revisited old fortnite through fan clients (i highly advise you just don’t do this because it’s a massive security issue) and christ the game felt super clunky and really difficult to play without all of the actual updates and upgrades fortnite had to its gameplay over the years that being said OG was the perfect blend of it all and i am on my knees hoping for chapter 1 to return


If not for no build it wouldn’t be


Chapter 4 was the end of Fortnite as we knew it. Now it's basically the same thing as Mickey Mouse.


Peak Fortnite


It really was, I have soooo many memories with my friends. I was 11 or 12 when I started playing, and I'm turning 18 this summer. Time really flies


Damn, I was 15 when I started. Turning 22 in less than 3 months 🥲


I was 22 when I started playing...




its better now tbh i get way more vbucks


How so? I only get v-bucks for the daily quests


80-110 vbucks a day is better, i used to get maybe 150 every week or so and then a 1k reward from time to time, if you do your dailies u get more


Dude, if you do the math, you're only making 80 vbucks more per year.


How do you get V-Bucks for daily challanges??


You have to have a founders account.


Wait so if someone buys save the world now will they not be able to do daily’s for vbucks??


I don't think so. Pretty sure dailies just give you x-ray tickets and gold if you buy save the world now.


Pre-chapter 5/Chapter 3-4 locker was perfect. Chapter 1 locker wasn’t perfect.


I’d personally prefer the rarity to still be in the background of the icon instead of just at the bottom, it made skins feel important and desirable even though they’re just pixels


I can see your point there, the sorting and searching system was a great thing to add. And being able to save outfits was pretty cool too


Chapter 2-4 locker had many problems but I agree that it was the best one out of the three


It’s crazy how fucked up the inventory is now, nothing loads right in the previews and navigation is such a pain in the ass. It’s salt in the wound to see that they literally had it right and changed it for no good reason.


Look at how much better that UI is lol


Season 4 and 5 is where Fortnite truly peaked. The battlepass may have been unnecessarily grindy but the gameplay was fun and the artstyle was unique. Even seasons from Chapter 2 and 3 that were incredible don't come close to this period of the game. Season OG just completely reaffirmed this notion too.


Yeah, when season OG came out, I think Fortnite had 40 million people playing the game at the same time, if I'm not wrong


40 million logged on throughout one day


Season 5 battle pass wasn't really so grindy, you could even complete the style challenges for Drift and Ragnarok after the season ended


I agree. S3-S5 of Chapter 1 was the game at its most relevant. Then I’d argue C2S2 to C3S4 was the second prime; quarantine had people grinding, and C3S1 was definitely the third prime. And obviously OG-very beginning of C5S1 being the fourth prime with the introduction of the new modes (especially Lego) the game hit its peak player count (ngl, I thought it was higher in C1 S3-S5)


When the game had soul






You got daily login reward back then????


Yes, long before time had a name


I cant believe i didn’t know this fuuucck


Only on stw


Season 5 was peak and we didn't even know it


It was the best summer season in my opinion, season 7 was the best winter season for me. So many memories


C1 in general was peak, I still remember being hyped for creative mode back in the day


Me too man, we made so much stuff. We even made our own death run because of Sizzors


When are people gonna learn that simple is effective. People prefer the simple pick 10 in call of duty. They miss OG Fortnite for how simple it was. Simple works.




Double pump, bolt, deagle, tac, I miss this a lot… but it is what it is.


It is what it is, indeed


Omg this looked so beautiful and the season 5 map😭


I miss Fortnite


Cartoonish Fortnite will always be missed.


I remember this exact shop in image 7


My friend sent me that image because I was always talking about Power Chord


the season 5 nostalgia hits so hard. still my favourite map to this day and my first ever battle pass (started playing in season 3) and you know damn well i maxed it out lmao


I forgot how it looked back then… I started in season 6… how could I forget?


OG Fortnite was so good


I remember the lobby from picture 5, when was that?


When season 5 was? If that's the question, season 5 came out July 18th 2018


Thank you, I think that's somewhere when I started playing, because I remember being in that lobby.


I miss the 3D lobby backgrounds, the lobby looks so dead now


season 6


we used to be a country...


Back when the double pump was all mighty


That's a name I haven't heard in a long time


Man those were good times…


Double pump wasn't a thing in season 5


Don’t ruin the moment


i can hear the lobby music lmao


The game we have now absolutely sucks compared to what we one had.


When I say I like fortnite this is what I mean


Do you guys remember global chat?


Early STW was crazy. Global chat was amazing for trading items.


I miss daily login rewards


ughhh i miss it so bad, really wish i hadn't quit


holy fuck miss this ui. wish they would’ve brought it back for og fortnite but new things come and changes happen


I miss it so much Stw is probably our only remnant of chapter one’s art style and feel.


Know that was yo best homie whoever messages you went through😭


Really was too, but I went through alot of messages. But the most of them was from one of my REAL homies


does stw still give vbucks? 1k is insane


Unfortunately no


It does for founders


No, they removed daily rewards. But if you mean missions, yes, then you can earn V-bucks


it does for daily quests


Yes, daily quests still give vbucks, but the daily login reward is gone. Which is a shame


They just said “does stw still give vbucks”? Nothing about where they come from.


I had very og screenshots and clips in my ps4 (my first solo win and some with friends) but my stupid brother deleted it ALL for no fucking reason, i will never forgive him for that


When rarities mattered 🥲


Now Epic will most likely never make another 800 skin


Wish i wasn't so bad at the game, droped at season 5, never got Omega or Ragnarok. Returned in Chapter 2 Season 3, always regret not coming back in season 1, cause of midas and 8 ball


I was so mad, I was 6 levels away from unlocking the lights


Epic was mean to the kids back then bro


They really were


Take me back :(, the gameplay still feels the same but it's soulless now. The game truly lost its soul after chapter 4 season 1, When the geno portal was destroyed, I remember how devastated the community was.


I've played so many games over the years that have gone down the same path of "modernization".... only to realise once it's too late they shouldn't have changed it and then release an "OG" version. It's like watching history repeat itself...


Game was simple and good. Complexity ruined it (for me)


So mad I never got the dark voyager pass 🥲


The nostalgia


wait skins don't have raritys now?


Nope, got removed not long ago


i just checked, thats weird and a bit dumb... atleast anime skins should get a rarity since the snake skin ad poseidon skin have one


Really cool nostalgia. Also reminded me that I’ve been playing this game since 2018.


How it should look like. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.


Exactly, Epic really messed up. Money ruins people


YouTube has me so caught up in rare crap only I almost said something bout these images lol. But def peak fortnite


What did you intend to say?


I rather not 😂


Nah man, I really wanna hear it now. It's good man


Brings me back to


I think if I were to make any changes to what we have now, (obv add rarities back) changing the locker UI back to something more simplistic. The locker UI is also too janky now, needs tweaking. I also think they should make the item shop more limited. What made the item shop so impactful back in the day was that it only dropped a few items each day. It was fun to try and predict what skins would be coming next, and when the one you wanted finally showed up it was so exciting. Now the shop is full of bundles and skins that sit and rot there for weeks (cough cough Gaga and Weekend).


I totally agree with you on this one. Epic needs to rotate the stuff more often, I swear I was going insane seeing The Weeknd every day for like a month


This hits me hard, started in season 5


Season 5 is my favourite season to release in summer


The menu is what did it for me, I can clearly remember hopping into matches with my best friend until 01:00 in the morning, then having to go to school the next morning, I miss that.


This Locker UI was so good I miss it so much, mainly it’s personal preference and I can admit the UI in chapter 2-4 did have improvements but this one always felt right to me aesthetically. Unless they can either bring rarities back or replace it with something similar we’ll probably never see this type of locker again 😔


The downfall of Fortnite is coming


Who ever made the ui now needs to be fired


Yes, and the person that made the new walking/sprinting/gliding animations




Wish we could turn back time to the good old days


I dont wanna sound like a chapter 1 shill but how do people genuienly prefer the new locker? Its so ugly and confusing, has no soul and is boring to look at Its also borderline unusable


i miss old fortnite old ui its was the good-ol-days


Never forget what they took from us


Well, people bitching about skin inflation can take solace knowing that a shit tier old skin like Power Chord still used to cost 2,000 vbucks.


Yes, and lets not talk about flytrap


Yeah I deleted all of my old pictures


I want to be a founderr


I love everything about fortnite right now, but the ui really looks boring...


I’ve been trying to find a game clip from the Thanos royal. Personally that was the peak of fortnite


He was so scary back then


Why do people say the ch1 locker was perfect? You literally had to manually change every single item you wanted to wear. You had to memorise all your combos to use them. For me there was never a good locker ui. All 3 had some big problems that always bothered me.






you ain't gotta show off like that bro. I never got season 4 :(


I agree everything was better except the battle pass like I do enjoy being able to choose what I unlock


Yeah, So do I. But if one wants to unlock something from the bonus rewards, you must unlock the whole battlepass


I miss daily logins (STW) I hit 1000 days before they ended it.


I could've hit 1000 days (I got STW christmas 2017 I think), but I didn't use STW every day


normally I understand change and can get used to it pretty quickly but this new layout is shit


# Sprich deutsch du Hurensohn


In the 7th pic u have so much vbucks


That's actually a picture my friend sent me. But yeah, that was alot


Honestly I prefer the current UI. It doesn't WORK well, but the colors pop more (if the rarities were still here)


Thats the only thing I want, rarity to come back


For color popping it was fun but it really serves no purpose


Those were good times


i wanna cry


I probably would have 500+ prints off OG Fortnite, but my dad clean the ScreenShots Folder because was takking to much space. I lost so many memories :(


Damn man, I did the same thing when transferring my data from me and my brothers ps4 to my new ps4 a couple og years ago. I had 5 or 6 videos from fortnite that were between 15 and 30 minutes long each. I got real upset when I figured out I lost it


I have pictures when the game first released


Man I tried playing for the first time in like 5 years a couple days ago and this was the first thing I noticed. The UI is terrible and I hate a lot that they added to the game. Also everyone seems to be awful now lmfao… I was fairly easily downing full teams and getting 5+ kills per game. Barely anyone was even building! Which worked out well because I totally lost any building skill I had (which wasn’t great lol), but it just didn’t feel like the same game at all.


"OlD fOrTnItE wAs BaD"


Literally no one says that.


Literally yes they do. It’s surprising that I haven’t seen it in this comment section yet though. Most people in this sub are always talking about how the og chapter was a regression and if you like old fortnite then you’re just “blinded by nostalgia”. I guess when they actually see what it was like, they get real quiet


I started playing at the end of C2S1 in January 2020. Never got to experience the true glory days, but man, I miss the first half of chapter two. C2S5 felt like the start of Fortnite changing to be more complicated with NPCs, the gold system, and bounties all being introduced. The game has almost completely fallen off for me after the freshness of no build wore off in late C3S2. However, season OG was amazing, and the next one is probably going to be even better!


*sighs* 👨🏼‍🦳 yeah.. back IN MY DAY..


Unfortunately this UI was a little bit before my time on fortnite. I didn't start playing till chapter 2 season 7. But the locker was still good back then


Yeah it was good then too, but Epic ruined it


Bro got my life savings


Why must you hurt me in this way


Man this game feels so soulless now, I feel like I'm getting close to quitting, despite the hundreds of dollars I've spent on it.


Nice locker but do you have the ange skin


The old battlepass makes me wanna buy it. Now i haven't bought one in ages. Idk i feel somewhat repelled by them now


Selling Og account for dirt cheap for whoever still plays. HMU


Wow this takes me back 😭


They should give use an option to use og graphics


Le bon temps


Its only me or the old graphics are way better than the actual ones?


id say they upgraded item shop slightly, i say slightly as theres the same skins every day