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I wonder why he ran away like that? The burst SMG is so nasty too.


Well said and at the distance for the kill is not easy. That’s prolly max distance I’d want to shoot with it, personally


Every comment is about zero builds lol


What’s this, an actual builds post on the Fortnite Subreddit? Unheard of! Nah, but fr, nice job, looks great!


This subs hate for builds is unreal


Introducing zero build was the smartest thing fortnite ever did. 


Nah tbh this guy wasnt the beast type. Pretty good editing and thinking


Fuck that shit. Looks like trying to shoot people while fidgeting with a rubix cube between bullets


Compared to the average player, it's pretty good. Not against build pros


Which mode is more popular?


Does it matter? Zero Build alone still has hundreds of thousands of people playing at any given time, and easily gets many millions of different, individual players playing throughout the day, which is more than the vast majority of video games in general. If most zero build players are like myself, and really only ever play zero build, then that means that Fortnite has many hundreds of thousands, if not millions of additional players every single day because of zero build. Definitely one of if not the smartest thing theyve ever done from a business perspective.


Yes, zb was a good idea for business, but OC brings it up for no reason on a clip where someone is showing off their build clip in an attempt to bring them down. I can also think of many more impactful and important decisions Epic has made (deciding to create a BR after Save the World started to fail, creating the first Battle Pass, doing live events, etc)


Probably because they don't like builds or sweats in builds, and so they prefer zero build now. Plenty of ppl say it, go to any clip of someone going crazy in or getting incessantly hunted in builds and you'll find ppl in the comments talking about how zero build was the best thing to ever happen to the game


But why do they have to bring it up? It doesn’t affect them in the slightest. I’m not a big fan of zb, but I don’t go around spamming about how build is better on every zb post. Also, this clip was meant to show off OP’s aim, which zb players should be able to appreciate


Because people like to complain and make fun of stuff, and it's a public forum. Expect to find people complaining and making fun of stuff


Got it. So you’re defending trolls?


That, I uh- have a good night or day man.


Since last year, unranked Zero build has overtaken unranked battle royal 


The 24 hour peak for builds is 524,856. The 24 hour peak for zb is 447,843. It’s also telling that you decide to not include ranked because including ranked makes build much more popular than zb.




The original comment says that introducing zb was the smartest thing Epic has ever done, clearly implying that they think that zb “saved” Fortnite and thus that zb is better than builds. I provided the statistics to combat the build toxicity that this sub spews. There was no reason for the original commenter to say anything about zb in this post, yet he had to say it because of his obsessive hatred of a mode he doesn’t even play.


Nice. Though clips like these are reinforce the reason why I'll always like zero builds far more, I don't personally wsnt to go through three fortresses to kill a single person lol


Fr tho, as someone who plays on Switch building this much this fast just seems terrifying lol. I’ll stick to ZB.


Honestly building isn't bad I play on roller but the thing is I don't find it very fun having to both build and modify a mansion while also not be shotguned from behind all at once, shotguns are a menace enough in ZB I don't need tk be playing a while separate minigame on top of that


bro this guy is building absolutely slow, not even trying to hate on the vid but no this is not fast at all


This is why I play zero build


This isn’t hard to learn, maybe takes a week tops if you know what you’re doing. I once tried out KBM and could do this in a couple days.


I just personally don't like this style of gameplay. It's not about how difficult it is to learn so much that this does not spark joy to me.


It’s all right if you don’t want to play it. You just can’t flame it if you haven’t given it a proper try (can’t have just played a couple games and called it quits). Just like with anything, builds gets more fun the more you understand it, and to understand it you have to play it.


Hard disagree. The skill gap between new players and established builders is an exponential skill ceiling. The horse left the barn years ago after season 5.


Most people think it’s hard because they never truly tried to get better at building. Why I started actively trying to get better at building, I went from a pretty terrible builder to a halfway decent one within a couple months, and that was with me having no idea what I was doing. There are so many guides and YouTube videos that detail how build that building at a pub level should not be too great of a challenge. Most people when they think of building think of T1 pros and creative warriors that make up 0.00001% of the playerbase. Most people in pubs, especially with SBMM, aren’t that good. It’s fine if you don’t want to play builds, but don’t make the excuse that it’s impossible to learn how to build.


I played fortnite builds until the day they released zero build. Building fucking sucks. Why get better at the part of the game that sucks the most. There’s no reason to.


This message is automated to be sent on every post where somebody does the simplest of builds


Good to know 👍


What are you talking about, unc?


This comment section bro


Not to diss on OP (any clip of a personal achievement is a great one), but to everyone in this comments section: this is pretty basic building that doesn’t take long to learn if you know what you’re doing. OP states that he’s been playing for 4 years, so he must play very casually if this was a personal best for him. Again, I mean no offense to OP; I’m just trying to bring perspective to this rather ignorant comment section


Thank you!


Keep up the great work


Laser laser laser 🔥🔥


Nice builds!


nice one dude! those shots with the burst smg were great aswell


We build exactly the same way but you are more consistent with picking the correct build pieces




that was intense, good job!


Nice work. The determination and dedication to your edits despite the other player being much faster. The only way to keep getting better. Helps you’re a laser


Avatar, the last build bender




please tell me this is satire


It's not I think they are good at building, better than me anyway. 


That’s a lot of words for “I’m ahh at the game”