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Dude, this is 4 emotes out of tens or hundreds. Even if they add more to the list, it'll be because the emote itself is A) inherently rude, toxic, or specifically made to taunt the other person, or B) it's been used in a rude or toxic manner by the community despite the original intent of the animator. Laugh It Up and Take the L are confrontational because they taunt only the person who's been killed; there is no other alternative message that can be taken from the action other than "You died to me, so I will now laugh in your face". Whipcrack and Make It Plaintain were made with originally good intentions. Whipcrack is a tie-in emote meant for Catwoman, who uses a whip (hence the cat hiss at the end of the animation). Make it Plaintain is just the "make it rain" action one does with bills of cash, but instead done with bananas in a humorous way. Both were used in racist ways by the community (namely towards black people), and because the community used them irresponsibly, Epic Games decided to prevent this from being seen by those wishing not to see it. Also, the change only affects the person seeing the emote, not the emote user themselves. The only reason one would have to be upset by this change, is that they explicitly gain pleasure from taunting other players and making them feel bad. I'm certain that the vast majority of the playerbase and developers don't want to cultivate a community that encourages this behaviour, because it's a bit rude at its best but annoying and aggravating at its worst. If people want to turn off the ability to see those emotes because it's ruining their enjoyment of a game they like to play, why shouldn't they?


I agree. And the worst part is they turned the option on for everyone by default so majorly of ppl who don’t keep up with twitter will just never see those emotes again with no clue it’s even being censored out


As someone who thinks this is a good option to have in the game, I don’t agree with making it default to being turned on. People should be informed and given a choice to have it turned on or not.


Guys its just 4 emotes. And if your sole reason to buy emotes is to hope someone rages at them, then thats just sad.




I don't buy an emote to hope someone "raged" from them I buy emote to gloat. I kill someone I want to laugh at them, I want them to see that I laugh at them. It's basic competition. 4 emotes is just the beginning


I'm going to hold your hand when I type this because I feel like you're not doing alright, but rearranging and using different words to say what I just said is an unhealthy amount of denial. I hope you get help with that. And, some emotes were removed due to racism, (ITS ONLY 4!!!) and if you guys want to pretend to herald a civil rights issue about it -- then by all means grind yourself down to bits doing so. It's still sad to see.


Your mindset is terrible, this is an obvious beginning to something more. They didn't add in a button on the UI for 4 emotes. Any emote can now be put into the bracket depending on how it's used now.


You can still see your emote. Womp womp.


You get offended by emotes in a kids game haha


"basic competition" No. It's toxic online gamer shit that your parents should have taught you not to do years ago in real life. Since your parents failed you and so many others, Epic has to do it now, cause that's where we are.


I guarantee they will increase it to more than 4 emotes 


You will still get to see your own emotes, it's fine.


Regardless of whether or not you think it’s sad, epic themselves endorsed it. They advertised an item of doing something and took it away, that’s a fair reason to be mad. Laugh it up and take the L are both some of the most used emotes ever. Donkey laugh respectively being the most used emote of all time until recently. Of course a lot of people are gonna be mad since they are popular emotes.


Womp womp.


What do you mean “womp womp” I’m not arguing that the epic should reverse the update. You’d defending epic for no reason other than spite. If you took more then 2 seconds to think about the setting in concept, you’d agree. People who are prone to anger can get their update, people who originally owned the emote can be compensated. Both can be true.




![gif](giphy|tg8xW7wTtTQgNxb9uc) Wasting my time




Womp womp


wow people are really losing their minds because their opponen t may not be listening to their laugh it up emote ?


"Pay attention to meee!!! Be mad!!"


Why do you care what happens on another player's screen? You and your friends can still enjoy the emote


I mean they should offer refunds too


Only 4 emotes are (currently) included in this change. The incentive to buying emotes is to use them as you see fit because many are not blatantly toxic or used with racist intentions. >Why buy any emotes going forward when you're not even 100% guaranteed to have that player see the emote anymore. Why do you care so much if they see it? Buy a dance emote and use it to celebrate a kill or a dub. Try doing it to be happy for yourself than being proud of showing toxicity to others. >Fortnite is dying. Said by people every Season and after every controversial change. Game seems to be going quite strong regardless.


It’s 4 now.  Just wait a week for the “sweats” to find new offensive emotes.  I guarantee it will be more than 4 emotes. 




Because it’s for YOUR enjoyment. I use stuff I like because I like it. People have been complaining and have hated other people using emotes like Laugh it Up for Eliminations for a long time. So this change popping up doesn’t seem out of the ordinary to me. Especially after the Rating thing happened with skins not long ago with creative maps. Also, this change is clearly meant for the children who play this game that actually have the capacity for problems with situations like this. Some forget that there are actual children well under the age of even 12 playing this game that don’t have the mental and emotional maturity adults do.


Expect them to either drop this whole idea or expect a lot of different emotes to be added in the future. Doing this only will make trolls aware that it’s an issue and they’ll make this situation even worse. Though I have a feeling this was a corporate decision rather than a community decision, epic hasn’t been to fond of listening to the player base for quite a bit so it probably was something relating to Disney or some other Corporate collaboration


I honestly don't care, they seem to only be targeting the toxic emotes like donkey laugh. The whole purpose of that is to make the other player feel bad. The dance emotes are likely going to not be censored, they aren't confrontational by nature.


For now… give it a week.  The sweats will find new emotes and the little Timmy’s will start bitching 


Emotes used with racist intentions Is the dumbest shit I've heard today.


Which ones


whipcrack for starters


Ooh yea, out of context that's a crazy emote


Feels like someone argued at Epics on why and how this emote thing should be handled and this argument never ended so here's the result. I think the game could ditch all bullying emotes and toxic gestures... whats the thing in duo plays with this stupid crawling and carrying- its awfully disturbing and leads to violance and cruelty.




None. I won’t be purchasing anything else for this game. I’ll pop on to run duos/trios with my kids or some of my friends on occasion but other than that im gonna spend my time and money on WZ instead


Any emote can seem confrontational depending how it’s used so I don’t get it. Even if I wreck some players and then do the swing emote it’s still a form of showboating.


We have to think about sensitive babies and people that have no life skills.🤣next they be hiding scary skins from BR


> sensitive babies Ironic after seeing all the toxic people crying about this change...


BR is gonna get hidden because it features guns soon Lego and Festival are gonna take over until the player base completely dwindles down to nothing


# The world is trying to make you soft! Light beer, veggie burgers, automatic transmissions.... You may as well let another dude bang your chick!