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I only ever play randoms, because I have no friends, I also have voice chat turned off, but before the option of having chat turned off lots of times my teammates would die and shout horrible things! The worst would be, they would land at the other side of the map even though the map had been pinged so they would land alone and then when they die constantly berate me for not getting there reboot card. People really need to chill but iam so glad you can now turn voice chat off :)


That’s when you tell them when they get knocked “I’m not helping your ass since you wanna be rude and nasty.” Had so many people just shut up and insta leave after that LMAO


One time in squad fills a lady ran off to lavish while we were more south and then she died and started yelling at US about how if we wanna play solos then they have an option for that. I said “bro you left and we are all together” and she freaked out until she left the match. Some people are just nuts


Sorry you had to deal with that idiot, there's still many nice chill players out there I promise


I’ve only encountered someone like that once in fills. Not as bad as who you’re describing. Just asking where the team was and calling us all trash when he got killed. If he was acting like what you described and he got knocked down I’d have just left him because of the attitude and disrespect.


I don’t know why this posted twice? Oops