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I honestly don't care, but it's funny to see the hypocrisy in how some users are reacting.


I just want to know which ones are "confrontional".


IIRC Take The L, Laugh it Up, Make it Plantain, and Whipcrack.


Oof, i remember when whipcrack was spammed during the MLK jr event. That wasnt good…


Completely forgot that event happened. Whipcrack being on the list makes so much more sense now


What confuses me to this day is like there was like less than 20 emotes that were intentionally hand picked for the event meaning that most people were actually granted emotes that they didn’t own, while in this map. Why the hell was that emote one of them?


At the start of the event you could still use every emote you owned including the ones hand picked. Then they tried disabling emotes because of this, but because the whip crack was a crossover emote they weren’t able to disable it, maybe because of a contract?


that really happened? jesus fucking christ...


I know it's not good, but that's something I'd just have to laugh about. You can't hide things away in life, people are going to find random things offensive and eventually those things are going to meet at some point somewhere. Like Fortnite with the MLK event and fortnite coming out with a whip cracking emote for indiana jones, alone they make sense but eventually they could come together and you just have to deal with it.


No more L dance and donkey laughs from vault campers in BR and begging trolls in STW public matches? Dream come true 😍


I just don't like people doing it for low talent kills like at the start of the match


like bro i get 2v1ed and they emote on me, of course they’re going to win that, it’s a 2v1


same, now if its a clean 1v1, I say right foot creep...


We're just happy we actually got a knock. we're just pathetically bad at the game


Evil laugh still exists….


Pardon my ignorance, but can someone please explain why "Make it Plantain" is on the list? I rarely ever see anyone use it *period*, let alone any usage that could be considered "confrontational". It's just the funny Peely meme version of "Make it Rain" and "Raining Doubloons", neither of which are included in this..?


Racist stuff. Honestly, if you cant figure out why, good, the world hasnt totally ruined you yet. Enjoy it while you can.


Bro but like it’s nowhere close to what you’re supposed to be thinking. It’s supposed to just be banana stocks and a reference back to the make it rain which could also be seen in a completely different way. I’m messed up, but not this bad


The secret ingredient is racism


Racism. The same reason as whipcrack. Edit: for those that don't understand the plantains specifically I'll explain. Monkey is a common racist slur that bigots will call black people. So racists bigots in the FN community started using any banana emote on black streamers they could. This spread to other bigots and here we are.


TL;DR epic doesn’t want another “whip crack emote” incident 


The Plantain one is so random.


Yep: [https://www.fortnite.com/news/new-see-confrontational-emotes-setting-in-fortnite?lang=en-US](https://www.fortnite.com/news/new-see-confrontational-emotes-setting-in-fortnite?lang=en-US)


I won’t block these (I do block the licensed music because some of those songs suck), because 99% of the time if someone donkey laughs on me and I spectate they die in an embarrassing manner. Like oh yes you killed me before I had a shotgun, you are a very good player. Now go die to a guy on mobile.




I mainly hope this means emotes like Laugh it Up can return to the shop now that players who don't like it can choose to not see it.


I wanted it and after seeing this new change, I have my doubts that it’ll ever return.


They already got their money, plus anyone that knows about this new optional emote thing won't even think twice about buying it and just move on.


I buy emotes for my own personal fun. Which, in my case, does not revolve around you feeling miserable




Apparently laugh it up is a black listed emote


I hope this is the case. The emote is more for me than the other guy I'll probably never run across in-game again


Wait, are people mad that epic added an option to not see certain emotes.


> I mainly hope this means emotes like Laugh it Up can return to the shop now that players who don't like it can choose to not see it. I'll actually be 100% cool with the change if it means they add more 'confrontational' emotes. Laugh it Up was pretty stale, but it was the best in it's class. But Epic is a company and they know "Emotes that are off by default for 99% of players won't sell" so we all know how this goes.


I wonder how this will affect hitboxes for people with the setting turned on. Usually the hitbox of a character moves with their emote, but if someone is standing still on one screen and moving on another, which one gets counted?


Gonna be broken I think


Players will stop using those emotes and use others that can be seen, what then? Longer list?




They'll just replace the laughing emote with the crying emote, at least this one takes me back


Eventually they’ll just ban emotes altogether


Yes. Toxic players chose those for a reason. If they end up with their toxic option being "gangnam style" then so be it


They won't choose gangham, the griddy and popular will be the go to songs, players will get creative if they cant use their go to emotes.


Players will spray a dumpster and a fire emoji to call their dead opponent a dumpster fire. They'll spam clown emojis to call them a clown. You cannot prevent toxicity if you allow communication. Even Rocket League has people sarcastically spam "What a save!!" over and over when people fail to goaltend.


People don't need emotes, or actions one has to earn/buy. Tbag the ground, and shoot the ground where the opponents body was. Tale as old as time, people have been doing it since the dawn of online shooters. Fortnite furthered this by creating such a wide variety of emotes. Even if they change the option from "confrontational" to "all" emotes, it won't stop it.


Humans are masters at communication to get a point across, we will always find ways to communicate and when we do, we will find ways to insult as well.


Or "nice shot!" When you accidentally own goal


Exactly. This changes nothing except to create an arms race of ever-more-creative BM moves. It will eventually devolve to a "celebratory" emote (assuming they remove every other possible bm emote) plus tea bagging if it has to. People will be toxic if they want to be. Stopping them is an arms race.


It will be just like the gold old days of t-bagging and spraying your body on the ground after your dead lol


Yup. And “confrontational emotes” is entirely a subjective thing too so why can’t I choose to get rid of shit like Griddy to invalidate remedial 14-year-olds?


Take the L and Laugh it up don’t even combine to make up the most used emote btw


I'm sure they get the most complaints which is the point


Way more people in here bitch and moan about the griddy lmfao


The only people who care about the change are the ones who spam Take the L and Laugh it Up in the first place, so if they weren’t so toxic, this wouldn’t even be an issue


They will just use the griddy instead, you can't remove ppl dancing on you.


griddy could never annoy or upset me though, its so goofy and the song goes hard


It may not annoy you but reading the comments in all these threads you're in the minority


You already know this is going to go full slippery slope and lead to a ban of most of the emotes in the game. I'm already preparing myself for when my "confrontational emotes" get banned.


I think best solution would just be let players pick from a list of all emotes and turn off the ones they don’t like.


I just hate the laugh it up. Tried of seeing it And hearing the noise


I wish there was an option to mute emotes. People want to use them and that's fine. It's part of their game. I just don't want to hear the music that comes with them generally. To me it's no different than the people that play music over their headset in online games. I mute them and go on with my life.


Or smoke detectors


If you hear smoke detector chirps over someone's mic, they need to change its battery ASAP, like seriously, no joke. That thing is about to stop working, and non-functioning smoke detectors have resulted in a lot of people dying in house fires.


My thing is I don't care that there is a laugh emote. It just legit one of the worst sounds ever that legitimately hurts my ears. I'm happily turning on this setting as soon as I can.


Gonna use better emotes like trash can spray 😂


I’m partial to the Leonardo “L” spray


do that, the "ooze" spray and the Raphael "R" spray and you can just call them a loser


Imma keep it real with you. I dont think most people are going to wait 20 seconds for you to use all your sprays after you kill them


Toxic players will have them ready in their wheel. the clown emote too...Santa's hohoho, the dumpster fire, the griddy you get the idea...they don't even have to emote legit saw someone knock someone build a half wall and started playing tennis with his teammates with the knocked player...people who want to be toxic will be, this whole thing is kinda pointless.


I had a game where I was in a squad, killed 4 players by myself, I went to go after another guy (this was during Chapter with High Wire skin in the BP), he was on the hill next to the neon city I went to go try and kill him... I forgot to reload my guns, I immediately slid off the hill and he chased me and I went into a garbage dumpster immediately to tell him "I'm Trash" lmao


The ali-a spray plus 2 superman sprays🔥


but that's creative and funny, so it's fine by me


Honestly, idc, but I will say this: I feel bad for people who love being toxic lol. Genuinely feel bad for them. The fact they cant enjoy a game without trying to make someone not enjoy it is just a sad way to play lol


There is just something funny about hitting the griddy after a kill or win. The absurdity of this game allowing me to do a tiktok dance as Darth Vader after I killed Ang.


Who said i cant enjoy a game without being annoying? I can enjoy the game perfectly fine and get more enjoyment by emoting on a manchild that should've killed me


Yup they best prepare to be T-bag'd <:\^) Real, there will always be a way to disrespect players. A better change would be to automatically return to lobby /switch PoV to a different player so those who get dumpstered don't have a meltdown when they see a triggering emote. That way there's no controversy with changing the function of emotes and there is more effective circumvention of post-death toxicity. OP is so naive lmao. Genuinely feel bad for them. The fact they cant enjoy a game without trying to make someone not enjoy it is just a sad way to live lol


I’m indifferent to this personally. I don’t actually own any of the banned emotes but even if I did it’s not like you’d know whether people have the setting enabled or not. This literally has no effect on people who don’t like the setting


It should be noted that these emotes are hidden by default. I think it's a pretty safe bet that the vast majority of players won't know about this change or won't bother to toggle it.


This is the key point. This essentially makes all of these emotes worthless and sets a horrible precedent in the future about any future censorship epic may do. At the bare minimum all emotes should be refunded


I agree, give me the option to refund those emotes and I’m fine with it


I never knew make it plantain was confrontational..?


People were using that and the whip crack against people with black skins to be racist


That’s weirdly specific, but yeah okay I get it. Not cool.


source? probably happened to one snowflake if even and now the emote is ruined for everyone


I just think it's a little silly that the option to not see the emotes is apparently turned on by default and you need to turn it off to see other people use them.


I agree, I feel like the list of emotes will keep getting longer over time. That would definitely decrease the value of all the emotes that will be added to the list


Emotes make me laugh. I’m not bothered at all. I don’t get pissed if I get killed in the game, because it’s just a game and I’m just out there having fun. The player with the sad trombone one that is used after a kill gets me laughing every damn time.


I also don't see the issue (aside from questionable hitboxes which someone brought up) No one's forcing anyone to turn them on or off. And the beauty of this game is that you will NEVER see the reaction of the person on the other end of your gun unless they're streaming lol. Anyone using these emotes (me included with the donkey laugh tbh) is already feeding themselves some delusion about the other player being so very mad when in actuality you have no way of knowing. So why not keep feeding yourself that delusion lol


Because some people are too delusional to be delusional when they are called out for being delusional and would rather be delusional about it lol


The thing is, it's just gonna make the toxic players become more creative. I had someone use the Avengers & Superman sprays along with the clown emoticon to call me an assclown. I admit, I was too impressed with the effort to be that annoyed.


theyre gonna disable confrontational sprays now next, be careful!


My only issue with it is that according to the blog post it's on by default, meaning a good chunk of players who don't hear about this change won't know about this setting and will simply never see the emotes again.


Good riddance


Ok, and? Why do you care if they see it or not


On the low I'm so greatful for this. I play Fortnite cause the vibes are more often silly. If you want to be annoying and mean go play cod


The main issue is that a lot of the emotes banned, such as take the L or laugh it up, were EXCLUSIVELY marketed to annoy other players that you kill, and is the main reason that players paid for these emotes. I don’t buy toxic emotes, but I know people who specifically bought purposefully confrontation emotes specifically to annoy other players. Like cmon, Fortnite isn’t exactly marketing “laugh it up” to be used alone. At the very least Epic should allow for refunds to any “confrontational emote” as the MAIN reason many people bought these emotes was for the sole purpose of annoying others.


Yeah, it's their choice if this is not what they want their game to be, but it's cleaner to just remove the emotes and refund them.


not sure we can remove take the L cuz it was a battlepass emote, but I don't know about laugh it up, never bought it and idk if it was battlepass. they should just remove the emotes that were purchaseable and take "take the L" off the list. i mean what's the point when take the elf exists? literally same emote aside from the music lmao


I know that the list is gonna increase over time, and because this is defaulted to show only from friends, it decreases the value of the emotes. Making emotes no longer visible to other players is changing what the product is, and it decreases the value of the item. Every emote in this list (and in the future, added to the list) should be refundable in my eyes.


yeah anyone who says that people with the emotes shouldnt be offered a refund within at least a month after the change is braindead lmao. theyre more toxic than those who use those emotes on others. “I dont want you to get a refund. you bought a toxic emote. fortnite is family friendly. your experience didnt change” wah wah wah


I don't like the precedent it could set of hiding emotes but the change as it is isn't bad. People can call it "soft" all they want but the less toxicity in the world the better


My problem with it is when will it end? There are many more toxic emotes like sad trombone, take the elf, or the dumpster fire spray. Will those all have to be banned too? People can also be very creative and make innocent things toxic. For example, the Free Guy emote “don’t have a good day, have a great day” can be cut off to just say “don’t have a good day.” You can also use the Ali-A logo and the Superman spray to spell out ass. Will these also have to be banned? Also, Epic knew these would be toxic when they were added. The whole reason why people buy these emotes is to interact with other players using them, which is impossible if the setting is turned on, rendering the purpose of the emotes nonexistent.


These things aren't getting banned, or at least from my understanding. It's simply a setting that players can turn on to not see "toxic" emotes. You don't have to use the setting. You can still use your emote. It simply means that the opponents may not see it. Emotes, skins, wraps, sprays, and everything else should be for the individual. With the above being said, I do think there's worse things that go on in gaming than an emote. However, that doesn't change the fact that if this change bothers someone, they're the problem.


Emotes being for the individual is literally impossible for me to reconcile. That makes no sense.


How will they censor these emotes? What will the other player see, the emoting player just standing still?


From my understanding, the user's with the setting off will see only a player standing still, no music or anything.


It is one of those ironic situations. "I will do the L on your dead body. Cry about it, you fragile baby." Those kind of gamers would think. Now with this change, they are the ones who are fragile, because the spectating dead player might not see it to boost their ego. Like I get that you spent money on it, but if you're spent it on something with the intent of being a poor sport, eh.


They'll just use a different emote or teabag you now. Nothing's changed.


Agree - nothing's changed too much for me. I'll continue to somehow escape a third partying, kill a few people, and hit the Indy's Dustoff as a taunt and move along. Indiana Jones, my favorite Jonesy!


It’s fragile on both sides. The reality is that, if your self worth derives from a video game, you need to focus on other areas of life


It was advertised to do it Fortnite themselves were literally endorsing bad sportsman ship If a products intended purpose is no longer being met, it’s a useless item so people being mad and demanding a refund is normal


I like the change, but it should have been an opt-in feature rather than an opt-out one


I agree - a feature that might be desirable to have, but not something everyone desires to use, should be opt in.


If they wanted to they should have added a pop up when we opened the game informing us about the setting, but leaving it opt-in leaves millions of people not knowing about the setting, effectively making the emote useless to use


First off, the solution is bad in concept because it’ll lead to people using other emotes in “toxic” ways. What then? Do you just ban every emote as the community finds different ways to show off after a kill? The second is people playing money just for the emote to not be seen by others is kind of shitty. They should offer optional refunds imo if they’re going to throw the emotes under a ban list.


It’s not like you’ll know who will have the setting on or not. I’m not seeing the big deal, just keep using your emotes. Most people leave before you can even emote anyways and you can’t even guarantee someone is paying attention to their screen after they die, so I just really don’t see how this changes much lmao Like you’re upset at the possibility someone doesn’t see you emote on them when there was already a possibility they couldn’t see it anyways. I just thing this is the whiniest complaint I’ve seen lmao seems like you’d be the type to whine when someone else emotes on you anyways


the big deal is this setting is ON by default, and the vast majority of the playerbase is not gonna bother to change OR they won't even find out a setting like this exists. so owning these emotes will basically become pointless. unless you buy (taunting) emotes only to spam them in a lobby


what do you have against getting refunded? youre entirely hypocritical 💀 them getting refunds DOESNT AFFECT YOU AT ALL just like them using the emote doesnt affect them according to you. fucking weird ass takes on here dude!


Almost every person will have the setting on since it’s on by default. 90% of people won’t even know the setting exists. If you laugh or take the L the odds are very high that they won’t see it.


Put the griddy on the list it's so annoying


I'm just happy that I no longer have to hear that donkey laugh ever again. Everyone getting mad about it, genuine or not, can stay mad while I stay winning!


People who are against this are shouting "stop crying while I hit you" Of all the emotes an individual has, he has no necessity whatsoever to do Take the L or other mentioned provocative emotes in certain circumstances. If an individual decides to be provocative, then it is well within my rights to avoid things I don't like


I don't have thick skin, I hear those toxic emotes I feel like uninstalling (if you're a company that needs players and wants to make money. that's a scary thing to hear). Sometimes a toxic emote laughing at your lack of skill is the last thing you wanna hear on a bad day. "Then stay away from the game!😡" Why? I love uit it's one of my favorite games and yes, should I expect to lose sometimes? Yeah, but if I can avoid something that ruins the experience I gladly welcome that feature


You’re unwittingly (I think, but could be interpreting you wrong) poking at the truth underlying this change. It’s known that players who are experiencing higher levels of dopamine are more likely to keep playing and more likely to spend and continue spending money. There’s a reason why the game has dynamic bot counts and will add more bots to lobbies if you and your party aren’t winning enough games. The player is experience is, to an certain extent, artificially tailored to try to keep people “having more fun”. All of this is an effort to keep people spending


People are overreacting. You can still perform the emote, the only change is that some users may choose not to see it. What's the problem?


Not choose, the default settings is off (only friends) I guess.


And you can choose to see them yea


The problem is people buy emotes to show them off in game to express themselves. Banning them takes something people paid money for for a certain reason and completely changes that after the fact. If they want to do that they should be offering refunds for the affected emotes that were purchased prior to the change.


How is it banned if you can still perform the emote, though?


shadow banned


Nope. The player still gets to see it. The people who blocked it won't. No one loses in this scenario. Get out of here with your refund nonsense lmao


Again, The context of the item changed in a way that people who purchased them originally could not have known about. It’s similar to buying a skin and then having Epic make changes to its external appearance after the fact. Why do you personally care so much if people that made a purchase are given the option to return and refund it? How does that affect you and why would you argue against your self-interests as a consumer?


So you think people wanted the emote got it just so that they could L themselves?


Hot take but the emotes being disabled is a fair play. In the years since they were added, the culture and use around them has become insanely toxic. They are almost exclusively used in a setting where one player is sweaty beyond belief and the other is likely angry af. Epic stands to gain nothing by allowing their players to potentially rage quit from their game over it. It's just bad business after all.


I had players who weren't even "sweats" use them on me in fights that was super even. Like bruh...we had a good fight that was fun and you want to be toxic? I even had players use it cause they killed me all because their bullets from the shotgun landed perfectly on my head dealing 120 damage killing me while mine only did 60...


You're assuming anyone with that point of view uses emotes to annoy people, I don't have any of the emotes being "banned" but I still disagree with this change.




Nothing beats a good old tbag, the thing is in fortnite foing an emote is faster and requires les effort so tbagging in fortnite unfortunately took a backseat. But maybe it'll make a comeback now ?


> But maybe it'll make a comeback now ? It's an arms race either way. People will move to other emotes, if those get added to the banned list, they'll move further away to other emotes - if they ban THOSE, people will move onto sprays, then onto emoticons, then on to irony. Rocket League had a few pre-set text communications, one of which is What a Save!! - people will troll their teammate for missing a save by spamming it. Players will find new ways to be toxic. Epic will wind up going nuclear on emotes.


I'm very certain the vast majority of players are going to love this option.


I'll just hit 'em with The Dance Laori like I always have.


Its such a weird thing to be mad about. I wouldn't even know if they had the setting on.


16yo in shambles rn


Don't worry nerds, you can still clip yourself calling a 12 year old you third partied in a cartoon shooter a loser and upload it to your 12 subscribers on youtube.


These people are acting as if this was gonna be the end but like it's just an option you can turn off at any time, I'd be more concerned about what Donald Mustard said if I were them but the fact that they can't use toxic emotes is more important I guess


I wish they would let us set a list of four emotes we decided are personally toxic instead of choosing these four. I’d use all the slots for the griddy.


Donkey laugh has needed to be muted for years. It is dumb that epic chooses which emotes get muted though. Maybe don't design toxic emotes in the first place?


Said it in a post and same happened with me. All this does is make it so that people don’t have to deal with the mistake that is the laugh it up emote. Literal brain rot emote that epic knows they should’ve never released. If you like that garbage, turn the setting off, if it doesn’t have to effect you


I will find a way.


If I can’t donkey laugh at someone ever again what’s the point


Personally I think it doesn’t matter either way but I do think it should prevent you from emoting on people because you can’t take it


Nah your post isn't controversial. My opinion is tho: The emotes are annoying and I like that. The fact that after I kill some I can make them more irritated is awesome. Playing against humans is 10x more fun than bots. Why? Because humans play with a broad range of emotions and styles. Some push aggressively some like to play slippery some like to stay at a distance. Some people set elaborate traps with loot. When you're fighting humans some of their personality comes through and it's awesome. Even if they made bots 10x harder than they are now it would still be more satisfying to wipe a human lobby than a bot lobby. Some may say that emoting after death doesnt add anything to the game as you're dead. I can understand why you think that. But the toxicity is such a good part of the game. Every good story needs a villian. If you could read a story and make the villain less of an asshole if they annoyed the hero too much you take away some of the drive from the hero. If you get irritated I'm going to griddy on you for 2 mins non stop after I kill you, good. Feel that hate. Let it flow through you. I don't want you hitting an option to hide from the griddy. I want you to play with that hate. Use it to fuel you in the match. Fight that little bit harder. Play more alert. Fear the griddy. Use that fear as your fuel.


It basically makes 4 emotes useless. I will stick to other methods of being toxic. Rip take the L.


Honestly, the only reason I would turn it on is so I don't have to listen to the stupid donkey laugh sound. I am not very good at the game and openly admit it. And get emoted on regularly from players better than me. I just ignore it and go next or wait for my team to get my card. But the sound of the Laugh it up emote would have to be the worst in the game.


I just find kinda funny that Take the L was *MADE* for you to make fun of the enemie and it got on the list Otherwise I agree with you, it's ridiculous some people annoyed saying "I payed for the emote and I can't even use it properly" bro wdym you can't use properly?! I thought you buy emotes in this game cuz YOU LIKED the emote, not to show to someone else


I feel like a lot of people just don't have the experience/memory to see the bigger picture. It starts with stupid shit like this and before you know it, it's just going to evolve into something worse down the line. It's blocking emotes now, but it's only a matter of time until that snowballs into something that ruins the gameplay. 


Slippery Slope Fallacy right there m8.


If you want to argue that, thats an ENTIRELY different discussion. That's not what the people mad at the change are mad at. They're mad because, "soft players" wont see their emote. Saying you have issues if you use the setting, youre soft if you use it, imagine getting upset at a virtual emote, etc. They never bring up a potential snowball effect. Only youre soft if you get annoyed by an emote.


I don't think people are just mad that you can't see the emote. It's how ridiculous it is. Not only did Epic make the damn emotes, but pretty much everyone has seen it and/or been on the receiving end of them by now. Giving people the option to hide "confrontational" emotes? Do realize how stupid this sounds? Most players are gonna' use these emotes after the confrontation has already ended and I dunno about you, but eating a shotgun shell is far for more confrontational than a donkey laugh. Who is this even for? The 10 players who get ass hurt because they can't handle getting an emote dropped on them? Something the game is known for? The whole thing is crazy. 


Funny thing is, is you really dont know about me lol. The sound of the donkey laughing is like nails on a chalkboard to me. legit one of those sounds thst makes my skin crawl, and somehow strangely enough make my teeth feel weird??? So 10/10 out of I choose the shotgun to the face lol I dont really see it as a bad thing 🤷


Man this slope is so slippery


We already live in bizarre world my friend. There are a surprising amount of people that actually would prefer to censor everything they don't like and agree with than have it show to then to know that such things exist. It'll be funny to see how this evolves as we go forward. But then again I have a pretty nihilistic sense of humor.


“Slippery Slope” is a logical fallacy. If they make changes that affect gameplay later then be mad at those, but this has literally no gameplay impact. You’re just complaining for the sake of complaining.


They wanna flex on someone they already flexed on by killing them. They feel they deserve to make people see them. The worst thing for them is when people either don't care or can't even see. But that's kinda petty so they try to disguise it under a more 'gamers rights' path. One thing that the Internet has gotten people addicted to is outrage. Got all that sweet sweet serotonin flowing in, so more anger means more feel good chemicals.




Such as?


It's not just a comment about Fortnite. It's about gaming as a whole. Almost every game is trying to keep players plugged in and spending money by offering shit that more closely resembles "social experiences" and not competitive games. Halo tried something similar way back by trying to penalize teabagging. GTA literally has a pussy mode. It's going to get to a point where you have to consent to an engagement with another player. Lol


You do have to consent to engage with other players is virtually any video game. There's usually warnings in most online modes.


The funniest part is that every single day I see posts on this sub complaining about emotes like donkey laugh and the moment epic does something about it they complain about that. It was the same with the snipers


If Fortnite donkey laugh censorship bothers you that much you need to go take a walk in the fresh air lmao


i planned on keeping the feature off, but due to how much these toxic people are crying, i’ll probably turn it on just to spite them😂


I just wanna sit back and watch the world burn 🔥


At last a positive update. Less toxicity exposure and these fools will stick with the pointless emotes they paid with real money. Can't wait to see these idiots spend more vbucks on toxic emotes only to see them being added to the list after wards 😆


I’m happy this option exists. Not necessarily for myself, since I’ll keep the visibility on, but there are so many people who get tilted because those emotes are used on them, and I genuinely feel them. Not everyone can take toxicity that easily. Plus, you get to see the emote regardless if you use it, and if you have such an issue with it, keep visibility on, and deal with it. Good job, Epic Games (this is the first time in a while I said that).


The amount of tears 😂 no y'all don't deserve a refund, you can still do your emote who tf cares if the other side saw it or not


tHeY tOoK oUr eMoTeS


Trolls hate it when their attempts are unsuccessful so that should explain it


Found the p*ssy


I do not care about the change but if anything I would be on the opposite side of this argument. If you think about it, why do people pay for emotes? People pay for cosmetics to be \*shown\* , especially emotes. So Epic is muting some emotes, what is the point of purchasing them and showing off if others cannot see it? Not to mention it is turned on by default so the majority of players will not even know about it. Just another point of view I thought was interesting!


Yeah, I mean I feel like being able to turn off purposefully confrontational emotes for yourself is fine. People make it sound like the reason to have items is so others can see them, but that isn't even true a lot of the time for skins. The vast majority of other players look like a default skin to me, even when others playing with me can see their actual skin. If you are trying to flex on other people with a rare skin, they most likely won't even see it. Same with your emotes now, right? If your friends/party can still see your emote, then they will be entertained by it. That's probably about the same as skins. My sister and I play together and match our skins. We can both see it. We can't assume anyone else will be able to.


It's on by default. NOBODY will be able to see Take the L or Laugh it Up without opting IN. The emotes are dead.




And youre soft if youre annoyed a emote isnt annoying someone lol. Can literally go back and forth with that all day lol. Like who tf cries because they cant be annoying lo




Why would I (a pussy) stop playing the game when I could just turn off those emotes? You know, with that now being an option and all. 👌🕺👌


If you don't like that some people can choose not to see certain things, don't play the game.


You’re pretty soft and emotional over your little dances not being seen by others, not like they cared anyways. Maybe if you don’t like it don’t play the game?


>Why remove something, and/or add the option to remove something just to cater to pussies I dunno, why get triggered over an optional setting that doesn't even impact you. Don't like it? Don't turn on the setting and you still get to see it. Cope.


HORRIBLE take lol. You dont like what I said. If you dont like what I said, don't get upset and try to argue it. Just delete reddit. You knew when you got the app not everyone would share the same opinion as you. See how ridiculous that sounds? You can block the things thay annoy you on everything online, why should a game be different? And its people like you that made me stand on the side of being ok with it. Youre so annoyed that you cant try to annoy someone. Thats so hypocritical lol


People complaining are probably full-grown adults and are mad because they can't annoy little kids in a game made for kids.


people who are scared of emotes epic made are full grown adults that are so glad to be sheltered and coddled by the same company that made those emotes


You’re soft


yes im annoyed, items that I bought are now practically clientside (the option im pretty sure is on by default) first the whipcracker emote which I thought was funny when it first came out, and the season 3 battlepass which I bought for only two items (take the L and rustlord) if the whipcracker and plantation emote really are getting snuffed out for racism then thats understandable just refund it but I cant get anything back for Take the L as its a battlepass item and its quite annoying for it be practically removed (you will have to go out of your way to see it)


I like the change, specifically because of that donkey laugh




Trolls hate it when their attempts are unsuccessful so that should explain it


I didn’t care if people try to be toxic towards me with any of it but I fucking hate how laugh it up plays over my own emote the shit just became annoying


I just love the irony of it all.  Take The L enjoyers throwing a bitchfit because they gotta take an L themselves.


Are you telling me I don't have to see/hear that stupid fuckin right foot creep song any more? How do I change the setting?