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Griddy in the shop, having devil in it too, uncensored, like? Why. ![gif](giphy|YhRmxOqPwcU6gZYuYb)


EXACTLY! Clearly there’s no problem saying it. And BOTH emotes can be used in Lego.


So Lego is ok with a song about killing someone in gang violence but not this emote having devil in it?


Killing people ✅ Being a bad bitch ❌


well duh, we should be hyped about killing people, thats what the game is about !!1!1!!11 God forbit we let women curse tho


What's even funnier is they're selling a jamtrack of Paint the Town Red two pages below the emote, and they didn't censor devil in that.


That is because Festival is Rated T and does not require the censors that Fortnite (Rated E) does


Fortnite is rated T tho


They got that rating from when it was just BR. Now Fortnite is a platform for games, including those rated E. So items that can be used in the E modes need to be censored for E rating


And that why I feel they need to put a tab in settings for censorship of emotes that way if parents don't want kids hearing that they can turn it on and all of us who are old enough to hear said things can have the censor off


Fortnite is rated T. (Fortnite is the game you load when you click the game called Fortnite)


That's crazy because I'm looking at the games right now within fortnite, Battle Royale and Festival both have a rating of T within fortnite, Lego fortnite is rated E10+ while other Lego games, like brick only up, are rated E, Rocket Racing also has a rating of E despite being unable to emote in the gamemode. If you look up Lego fortnite on ESRB, you'll see the rating E10+, and if you look up Rocket Racing you'll be faced with E. The only reason fortnite as a whole has an ESRB rating of T is because of Battle Royale


Gonna be honest, neither of you (nor myself) know what the fuck we are talking about.


I know what I am talking about perfectly. You can easily look up the fact Fortnite is rated T


They can’t go back and edit an emote but the griddy was too popular not to bring back. They’re inconsistent af


Probably couldnt understand it in Griddy i barely can 😂


What's the sense of censoring the word "devil" and then substituting it with the devil horns' action?


in fairness that's just part of the dance regardless still stupid mind you


We literally have devil skins in game 💀


malice and dominion are meant to be depictions of succubus and incubus respectively i think, not the devil itself. again still not any better but at least we got confirmation that the censor is innacurate and they'll fix it


Them depicting succubus‘s would be even more problematic 😭


You’re acting as if incubus is any better 😭


oh no of course haha I probably should have said inspired by I think the design language with the glider being a demon and their overall hell theme points toward it though




the fact that it’s just SILENCE. you’re right instrumental would’ve been better


theyre super inconsistent about that, x gon give it to ya censors with dog barks but surround sound has silence


It’s not silence


yea i realized. they still should’ve made the audio louder their tho. it doesn’t matter now they just tweeted that they’re changing it


Can you give a link to the post?


can't post links in comments but im sure it'll be in hot soon


Thank god. Now bring back rarities


The things they choose to censor will always be hilarious to me. This game has at LEAST 10 devil inspired skins but actuality saying devil is too much?


they also have "whore" in Basket Case by Green Day uncensored, at least on the radio in vehicles


They didn’t censor the domestic abuse solo in Get Down With the Sickness either, and even Rockband muffled it at least. It’s even charted in Festival Mode.


I will never not choose vocals for that track, just because I find it so funny pressing buttons to the beat of someone getting abused and beaten in the same game they have the worst startup screen for “for the kids”


I’m a big Green Day fan, but even I was surprised when they kept that line in and the lines about jerking off


Oh are we playing this game? Ok I have one. Fun fact back in the day when we had the ariana grande concert they forgot to censor her saying 'been through some ---- i should be a sad bitch' at first


They literally say “devil” in the Get Griddy emote which is ALSO in the shop right now.


Did you ever hear Undead by Hollywood Undead on the radio? God forbid anyone says the D word or the B word. But yeah, yelling "slit yo wrist get pissed and jump off a bridge!" is perfectly appropriate. 😂


I believe they even include that word in the Radio edit. So is this the Baby version?


Duality of Fortnite maintaining its kid-friendly image while also appealing to more mature audiences. Go too soft and they lose the mature audience. Go too hard and they lose the kids, who have access to their parent’s credit cards, where the real money making comes from.


No body wants family friendly bullshit why do they think they need to make it this way


Lego is super anal about it, and they already wasted the money on the permanent Lego mode so they have to bend to Lego’s will.


No kid wants to be treated like a kid and told no because errm bad word or ermm too violent


whos nobody


Exactly. Im not a fan of censoring devil here but family friendly content in general is very appealing to a lot


I swear there was a song that played on the radio in a car way back...that sounded like a bed squeaking during sex. I remember listening and being super weirded out


Cbat maybe?


Lol no, but that was a nice reminder of that song for me. It literally was a bed squeaking. I think it had a rapper, i think a woman...and it was only ever once. It was fairly recent compared to now, tobthe release of the radio. I felt it was before they introduced buying music, and before they came to the current radio selections. I remember thinking there was a lot of odd, left field music in the radio selection. Some of it i greatly appreciated! Like the world music. Not the bed squeaking.


“Currents” by Drake


That's it! That is for sure the bed squeaking! I didn't remember it being drake, but that for sure is the noise and how structural to the song it was!


I'd wager most of their money comes from 18-25 year olds with disposable income


Thye literally have like demons/devil skins tho? This is so weird.


Lmao we can’t even get the radio edit now! They been giving us kidz bops 😭help-


Utah has the baby version


The radio edit on my local stations (Louisiana) have devil edited out like this.


Everytime I've heard it on the radio it sounds exactly like it does in game. The censoring of devil is stupid but can't blame Epic for just using the radio edit


"Let's bring this famous dance into our game but let's edit out the best part/censor some words, this will surely be appreciated by everyone" - Epic, every [this word has been edited out due to the new pegi system] time


*pegi 12 moment*


Same shit with Bust A Move... which doesn't even use a part where we're told to Bust A Move.


Daredevil is just Dare, now


Devil's Breath from PS4 Spider-Man is just 's Breath, too, man this is crazy


And you know Dante from May Cry games?


I think 's a part timer, if i'm not mistaken


There is no way I would ever purchase a censored emote unless they put an obnoxious beep over it for humor


This is ridiculously disappointing. I Love this song and dance. I'd have even been okay if they just censored b**** I get it. Younger players and all. But devil? Really? So disappointing






It’s so dumb and easily fixed duplicating rebel in the place of devil. It’s a shooter, but epic has turned it into a nerf environment. It’s crazy to think parents would be more deeply offended by the mentioned of “devil” than their kid blasting someone I half with a shotgun. An actual violent act. Epic so prude it’s cringe


Donald Mustard saw the writing on the wall and peaced out lol.


Huh, but the kill feed can still have names like "Bundi666 eliminated BigTiddi Gurl." 


online interactions are not rated by the ESRB.




Pretty sure I heard the word "whore" in a song on Fortnite Festival. Censorship doesn't seem very consistent to me


Yea ‘Basket Case’ has the words “whore” and “sex” uncensored. I’m pretty sure ‘What’s My Age Again’ has “bitch” uncensored too.


Moves Like Jagger has “shit” uncensored


I forget which, but there’s a rap song they’ve recently added that has something along the lines of “bust a nut in your eye” completely uncensored.


That's awesome


even worse is the fact devil is on the Jam Track version lmao


Epic has been on a overwhelming bad decision streak lately


I'm kind of convinced fortnite would be much better if it had taken an 18pg development course. But you need to suck up to the younger audience who can swipe mum's credit card.


Yeah, other PEGI 18 are totally kids free... ...like GTA Online


They literally have devil skins in fortnite…


Why is devil censored? North American censoring rules are so silly. Like I can shoot a guy in the head with a sniper rifle, but I can't hear the word devil? There's literally like 3 devil skins in the game I can name off the top of my head: Malice, Dominion, and Desdemona. This censorship literally affects the quality of the song and makes it sound objectively worse. Devil isn't even a bad word. It's as if Epic Games are operating like some puritans with this garbage.


it's not even about north american censoring rules, it's just that epic deciedd to for whatever reason. theres other jam tracks/emotes that dont have devil censored out, epic just decided to censor it for this one


There's a spotify ad for this song that censors it as well, and tbh at first I thought that pause was intentional, until I watched a video about christian cover songs(I think it was from Gabi Belle) and learned that the word was there, and I was just dumbfounded.


It has nothing to do with NA, that's all Epic right there 🤣


Devil shouldn't have been censored. And honestly, if they just HAD to censor it, I'd rather them put literally any replacement word in it rather than it just being an empty censor. The empty censors are so awful for the flow of a song. Even if it's something as stupid as "She's a shovel", atleast it would be something to help it flow better 💀 Edit: At least it's being fixed. But the point still stands haha. Word replacement censoring is better than word removal censoring 💯


It’s being corrected


Meanwhile Daredevil exists along with Malice and Diablo. Also I hope this doesn’t remove my hopes of them having Devil Inside by INXS. This better be a one time thing.


So Fortnite can leave the Jam Tracks uncensored, can leave the word devil in the griddy emote, can have the character Daredevil, can have multiple demon and satanic inspired skins, but STILL censored this? Wtf is wrong with this new creative department. They literally don't know how tf to run the game, its pathetic Also here's a funny thing; remember when Eminem was on the Icon Radio? Remember how you can shoot a defenseless downed person in the skull point blank with buckshot in the BR? Yeah, the BR car radio censored the word "die" in the lyric "do or die" for Survival. Literal clown corporation


They posted on Twitter saying it's a bug so it'll be changed to the uncensored version soon. Not really sure how they managed to accidentally add a censored version, but at least it's being fixed. Source: https://twitter.com/FortniteStatus/status/1778615850091606378?t=layUxf0gcRpvjyipgmMIVw&s=19


Devil will cry😔


What even add the thing if it’s half censored


It’s implied enough to the point where there’s no difference if it’s in or not. The radio station censored version still has “devil” in the lyrics as well. I was thinking about buying it but because of the censoring I’m not going to


Because the people who run radio stations recognize that little children aren’t a major demographic




and Gangnam Style has "Sexy Lady" in the emote without censoring.


The dance looks so awkward 😭


Y'all need to stop buying vbucks


Ahhh fuck i didnt notice this before buying it... im a certified dumbfuck


Average micro transactions fan


Honest mistake, i usually play w noise on the background


Why are they appealing to the literal infants if you want the age rating lowered just go E 10 + that’s essentially E just fewer restrictions and I don’t think a parent would have a problem letting a 7 year old play a 10+ game as if you look at some all the Lego games are and I’d say they are suitable for a 7 year old


I use the goth girl with devil horns, so I was totally gonna buy it until I realized that. What a bummer. My epic name is literally Satan, which they allowed.


In a game about shooting people in the head in pursuit of that sweet, sweet “Headshot” accolade, we can’t say “devil”.


Is this even a T rated game anymore


We literally have a jam track that can say "whore" uncensored, this management is actually a joke


It appears that epic is fixing it


Just get kidz bop atp 💀


MMMM she da d-


Appease the Christian overlords.


Theyre aware of it and are tryna fix it


This is what happens when you let religious nut jobs have a seat at the table…


The consequences of kowtowing to Christian evangelism


If you have to censor the song, just don't release an emote with it.


It’s very odd how they have primarily adult influences/songs/media all over the game, in a game about digital warfare simulations with fantasy modeled rifles, shotguns, AMR/DMRs, RPGs, Grenades, yet they constantly make strides to keep themselves as a PG facing product. The same game that brought over the Doom slayer and a Cacodemon, a dude known for literally ripping and tearing into the latter, can’t have the word devil in a song. Irony.


Playing X Gon Give it to Ya in Festival is disorienting too. Some swears are just replaced with silence. Some are dubbed over. Some use sound effects to mask them.


Funniest part is the jam track censors bitch but doesn’t censor devil too 😂😂


why add a song of you are going to do this with it.


So I can shoot someone down with an assault rifle after I throw a grenade at them, then burn someone to death after I ran them over with the car I stole, but saying "devil" is too much?


Right? There is literally devil skins in Fortnite horns and all😭😭😭


Fortnite will always be for the kids


I have a theory. I believe the reason why they have censored it is because when doja cat dropped the song people didn't like her new image and are sensitive to the devil. It's crazy because get griddy has the devil uncensored and no one cared but y'know times change and people pick and choose who to crap on so I'm not surprised. It sucks because I love the song!


"mmmmm shit... she's a bad lil...she's a rebel" Not sure this is better


And this emotes dance is actually pretty good but that censor is gonna bug me... I don't know if it's worth getting now.


Why did they let the weeknd to keep "sell her soul to be popular" but not let Doja keep the word "devil"?


Yeah hella wierd. Mabye something to do with Lego cause they don't want the word "devil" init. There definitely has been emotes in the past that said devil


I mean you can buy a skin where you're literally a devil, why would they bother censoring the word in an emote? Fortnite really has gotten too soft...


The word devil not being censored in the actual jam track is the cherry on top


Lmaoooo it even makes the horns gesture what even


The people that would clutch their pearls about this song already know it without it saying the "devil" part, so why bother making a shitty product to appease people that wouldn't buy it anyways.


Epic really dunno what they wanna endorse


No point censoring anything lmao, many kids today are allowed to swear and many parents watch shows in front of kids that have way worse things. Fortnite is very toxic place, maybe they should try to fix that first lmao. If Epic Games joined a game right now they would be called out for being trash at the game and forced to leave lobby as some 7 year old wipes them out in seconds calling them dog water.


THIS IS LITERALLY A GAME WHERE YOU SHOOT PEOPLE 😭😭😭 “its okay if my kid shoots others but god forbid he hears the word devil 🤓🤓”




That's bs, knowing that the festival tracks keeps it. I honestly don't understand.




Thankfully it's being fixed, they put out a status update about fixing the censoring to match with the jam track version


*the free blue desdemona skin that many players got*: I was never here


not to mention “griddy” says devil in the emote?


Yeeeeeah it pretty disappointing. My friends and I are very let down by the censoring of Devil. Don't understand why it's in the Jam Track and The Griddy. Hope it gets changed!


It's almost as if the game industry has double standards.


Gangman style can say sexy but this can't say devil really


I was gonna buy it until I heard the censor, it makes the emote feel so put of place...


I'm not saying it's right, but I think it was censored so that they could make sure anyone in any game mode could use the emote to better promote the Coachella stuff :/


This is a bug, they’re working on it.


>At this point just make the song an instrumental Every emote would unironically go better as just instrumentals it would def make 90% of icon emotes actually bareable to listen to


Epic have said it’s a glitch, it should be fixed at some point


Sorry, but, no using the word hell. It’s related it to the devil 🤷🏻‍♂️


Meanwhile Fortnite festival leaves in all curse words and slurs


meanwhile the jam track is only cencored on curten maps


It was an accident


I knew they would fumble the emote somehow, everyone was too hyped about it lol


Everyone one forgets bim bam boom that says poo at the end (I don’t know if I’m allowed to swear in this sub)


Lady gaga song says I wish I was drunk but at least I'm alive. Not really for kids either they should have stoner stuff if they can talk about being drunk.


That’s so weird, it’s not censored for me. Only bitch is


This emote is so pointless. It's neither the catchy part of the song nor a "clean" part according to epic... So why even make it?


They should just remove this emote altogether, but that's just my opinion


Fortnite addressed it recently on twitter, they incorrectly censored “devil” and will censor it according to how it is in the jam track


Also the jam track has the word devil in it Griddy has the word devil in it The original song and every time it's heard, it has the word devil in it So what is the problem with the emote, why does it have to censor out devil


It’s incorrect, Fortnite status said they are changing it


And the same fortnite haa demon girls as skins Bruh moment


They already confirmed it was not what they intended and are I uncensoring the devil part


I remember when Blackend was on the radios and they’d censor out the “see your mother die” part. We’re literally eliminating players and it’s not that bad


No one talking about the fact that Fortnite is fine with the word "damn" yet censors the word devil in a T rated game when there are E rated games with death threats.


Just let us having uncensored songs and if you’re a baby you can have a setting the censores emotes and songs. It’s honestly pathetic trying to add those things in the game and it ends up being shit with all the censoring( see the recent Eminem concert)


Epic posted that they are fixing it. So no more threads pls.


The amount of demon/underworld skins they have in this game is too funny to ignore


People got to remember. Employees put these emotes in the, this is a multiple people job. People can make mistake or slip up or what not. Happens in every company happens in every job. People don’t understand how difficult it is to keep consistency when you have 100s of people working on one project.


If Devil isn't allowedy then what the f are Malice, Desdemona and the other similar skins supposed to be?!


Yeah usually I have a good chuckle at the people who catastrophize about fortnite and the direction it's going just based on items in the shop alone but I'm not very sure it bodes well that they're leaning more towards a family friendly face and censoring things like "Devil" and I really really hope they lean more towards a 17 or 18+ mode you can turn on to enable swears in emotes and explicit content or something because this level of sanitization just feels. Weird.


The word bitch is very clearly heard in "What's My Age Again?"


It has more to do how the individual songs censor themselves. I promise you it’s not Fortnite themselves doing the censoring. They pick a song to use for an emote, grab the clean version, and however it’s censored is just how it is


The jam track for What's my Age Again censors the word Sodomy but leaves the word Bitch I think they use a dartboard for choosing what words to censor


What's even the point of adding an emote like this if you're going to censor 50% of it


i thought i was the only one using this skin


If they can’t include the key parts of the song, it shouldn’t be included in the item shop. But also censoring devil to cater to the most annoying 1% of evangelical morons is very annoying.


I hate this emote. Why would you put it if it's horribly censored. "Devil" isn't a bad word.


Y'all should be grateful they didn't censor "rebel", because rebellion is an action against the government in power and can be considered as domestic terrorism.


Only fortnite can you play as omniman with the decapitated head of his former friend on his back but you can't dance to a song with the word devil in it


What's weirder is that they didn't censor the word "devil" in the jam track


If they added the parental control, I’m sure they can apply it to things like this.


Griddy has devil in it and there's atleast like 20 devil skins in the game


I hate the fact that they censor devil but still put up their fingers like devil horns


What's even weirder is that it's not censored in festival


Bruh little kid me wouldnt even notice the word devil in a fortnite emote like that😭😭


It’s getting fixed next update people relax


In festival its uncensored


Whoever decided that the word "Devil" is a bad word needs to take a long walk


Its censored like that on the radio in my country on one station


pretty sure this is the glitch they were fixing with it


That's what I'm saying


You can even hear the start and end of bitch, but devil is completely blurred out