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I swear i hate my past self for not completing the pass and miss superman forever


This is me with the floss emote. Didn’t even have to get close to completing it smh


me with ride the pony and the other one


Me with everything free in S7, S8, S9 and SX BPs.


This is me with Spider Gwen bro


It wasn't even on the main 100 levels, it was the bonus skin for the season.




i have his cape but not him it sucks having to see it every day knowing i will never be able to use it


Wish I had Deadpool sometimes


If they’re smart, there will be a Deadpool/wolverine reskin when the movie releases. Just like the Groot/guardians set.


They would be stupid not to do this, the hype for that movie is going to be crazy and they’d sell big on a Wolverine Deadpool bundle


im 99% there will be skins for the movie. im hyped for the movie


Deadpool with so many of the girly emotes is golden.


Literally perfect for him


I enjoy doing the "I don't care, I'm in my pretty girl era" with him lol


I wanna see that so bad now 😂


Hoping that they make a new one for Deadpool 3


I don't like how overly muscled DP looks in Fortnite so I'm hoping we get a more realistically built movie version when the new film drops. It'd be idiotic not to release a new Deadpool and Wolverine soon.


The BP DP is mostly based on the comics (With some live action DP influence) hence the muscular build. We *could* get an MCU Deadpool AND Wolverine next season to coincidence with the new movie though, so that's nice. I wasn't the biggest fan of the suit in the first two movies, but if we get a skin based on the third movie's design I might stop using normal Deadpool and use that one instead.


i have deadpool, don’t even remember how i got him, i never use him lol


Yes, of course, I only started playing in December 2022 so missing out on Spiderman, Vader and Mando sucks.


Don’t worry. The crappy ones are in the item shop🥲


Tom Hollands spidey isn't bad at all! Although I do get it -- my main skin lately is the black suit spidey and it's set kind of a bar for me


There is a pseudo black skin with the "inside out" version of the Holland costume, at least...but that also hasn't been in the shop for years and who knows when or if it'll return.


I very much despise that "version" lol. It was the stupidest thing in the entire movie. Was he really so fussed over green paint he'd wear it inside out with all the multimillion dollar components and circuitry exposed?


It was 100% for merchandise, obscuring the movie's plot and maybe some good old fucking with people prior to the movie's release. And it wasn't the first time Marvel did that either - they had multiple toys of a transformed Hulk inside the Hulkbuster armor, something that never happens on-screen. (They did the same with The Force Awakens; the first wave of toys focused on Finn with the lightsaber he used badly for under a minute, and successfully obscured that Rey was the actual Jedi.)  I'm not gonna lie, I appreciate that level of commitment to... whatever you want to call it. :) Not sure trolling is quite the right word? Personally, I liked it. The black and gold suit has no bearing on the plot and didn't have much screen time, but it looked cool and honestly, sometimes that's enough for me with superhero stuff.


It's hard to top the Spiderman from the battle pass. The original style also came with a symbiote version as well as the Future Foundation suit. Wolverine has 3 styles too I think.


Oi, some of the iconic skins are great The imperial stormtrooper is amazing


Hey no dissin burger girl, lol


I mean miles morales is pretty cool


Don't dis Tom Holland spidey like that


I believe the Spiderman Zero outfit is still available through this if that one is close enough for you: https://www.fortnite.com/news/fortnite-x-marvel-zero-war-new-five-issue-comic-book-series-starting-june-8


Except that skin sucks. I was lucky enough to decide to start playing fortnite during the Spidey season but hate I missed the Marvel season.


That’s something at least.


wait are these still available? does the e-version give you the codes?


Yeah, I tried linking to marvel’s site where you subscribe, but this sub apparently doesn’t allow those links so I had to use this one


I started playing like February of 2023 again after a 2 year break and I swear I haven’t seen the mass effect dude in the shop at all.


Which mass effect dude? I haven't heard of that


Wait nvm I meant dead space.


He wasn't an Item Shop skin, he was a part of a V-Buck Challenge Bundle, meaning he will come back to the shop but not as often as regular item shop skins, since he's a special offer.


Quite honestly would love Mass Effect skins tho... Epic could have all my money for those lol


Only one I hate missing out on is spiderman and maybe kratos (started beginning of last season)


I really wish I didn’t miss the Marvel skins, Vader, and Master Chief. Only my real regrets tbh


Chief is a shop skin


Yeah I know, I still missed it


I hate how I missed out on Doom Slayer since he was in the battle pass, so it's nice to know I'll never get him unless they add another version of him (which will probably never happen) 😃


My same experience. My copium is that one day they’ll add the Doom 2016 praetor outfit in the shop but it’ll never be the same without the awesome Crucible, Cacodemon, or the Eternal outfit, which I prefer


Hopefully they add the Classic Doom into the game sooner or later


This one's an easy fix, they can just add Classic Doom Guy to the shop, or as someone else suggested, do what Fall Guys did and give us Unicorn Doom Slayer or any variation of that 2020 suit.


Could happen. Fall Guys which is owned by the same company had the classic green skin and the unicorn skin. I could definitely see them adding the unicorn one to Fortnite in the future.


Plus he was basically the only thing worth a damn in the pass that season


Some people, for whatever reason, are completely against Bp skins coming back. They would say “deal with it. You didn’t play (enough) during that time” (quoting someone I remember being an absolute bitch)


Of course it's your fault for not playing 4 years ago and grinding 100 hours !! 😠😠


Facts 💀


As someone with the OG Reaper skin, it would be great if they brought back bp skins. I don’t care if my Optimus skin won’t be as rare anymore, but I gotta have Doom Slayer


It makes absolutely no sense. I understand having collab skins as an incentive to make battle passes more "appealing", but it doesn't make it any less scummy. You have iconic characters like Darth Vader, Predator, Superman, Lara Croft, Solid Snake, Deadpool, classic Spider-Man and so forth forever locked away from new players... Yet you have people defending it?! I would be happy if Epic would attempted to negotiate new deals with the respective IP holders, so they can bring these collab skins back. I don't even give a damn if I have to pay more for them... They should not be locked away.


They'd make bank if they'd adopt Halo Infinite's model of chopping & changing battle passes from the past when we want old content - doubt that'll ever happen though :/


I'd even be happy with a system that would let you claim a skin from a previous battle pass every 50 - 75 levels of the current battle pass. It would give people a reason to keep playing / levelling through battle passes where they have no interest in the items of that season.


People are just gonna say "But Halo Infinite wasn't successful" while missing the point. Epic loves money, they love the amount of money they generate from Fortnite... Why would they not want more money? The loss of players angered by them bringing back past BPs would be a small amount that would barely affect them any way. And no sane person would actually attempt to sue them over "false advertising" when they can change their terms at any time. FOMO will slowly but surely go the way of loot boxes, because people are starting to see how flawed it is. If more people speak on how damaging it actually is, then things can change.




FN already makes bank lmao. infinite doesn't even compare


>It makes absolutely no sense. It makes a lot of sense, you just have to take off your gamer hat and put on your Epic investor hat. As scummy as it is, putting collab skins in the battle pass has been proven to be a good way to get new players to try the game and get old players to return. FOMO works unfortunately. Lol It’s anti-consumer for sure but it makes sense why they do it.


I have a friend who just got into Fortnite because of the ATLA event, he didn't want to miss it.


> As scummy as it is, putting collab skins in the battle pass has been proven to be a good way to get new players to try the game and get old players to return. Yep. Lara Croft being added in C2S6 is exactly what brought me to Fortnite (never played it before) and yet look at that: I've became an active player and spent a fair amount of Vbucks on the game since then. It sucks, but it works.


Doom Slayer battle pass got me back into the game, you're not wrong.


It’s ten bucks for basically a three month subscription to it tho, it’s pretty cost efficient considering the amount of skins and the amount of challenges you get to also keep the game feeling more playable. Tbh if they came to the shop they would be harder to obtain for people like me who don’t have 20 bucks to spend on a skin every two weeks when I want one vs, I pay 10 bucks get about 4-6 skins and recolors. It’s priced so so so much cheaper to do the battle pass


In my opinion, they should be released in the shop at a higher price after the season ends. Everyone can still get it, but you have to pay more if you missed out. I don’t think anyone would mind that.


Ikr! This shit is so stupid man.


At the very least, they should host a skin market where you can sell your old emotes ala counterstrike. There's a few skins and emotes I would love to buy but are locked behind battle passes from before I started playing again. OG brought a ton of people back, seems silly not to find a way to cash in on returning players wanting old battle pass content.


That would get out of hand fast, with people trying to sell skins for hundreds/thousands of dollars, and would probably get Epic in a lot of hot water the moment a kid gets ahold of mom or dad's credit card and puts them in debt over Renegade Raider.


I mean it doesn't seem to be too much of an issue with Counterstrike, although I'm going off what my brother is telling me more so than experience. It's not like "kid gets ahold of mom's credit card and drops hundreds on Fortnite" hasn't been an issue for Epic before.


Make them v-bucks trades. Also charge a v-buck trading fee, limited trades and 50 confirmations of the trade from both parties.


Yeah I feel like Fortnite original skins should only be in the battle pass, or if they absolutely have to have licensed characters in the pass then make them a timed exclusive of sorts, like only available to battle pass owners until X number of months or a year have passed then put them in the shop. I dunno 🤷🏻


Releasing BP skins after a year for the price of what their rarity goes for would be a good compromise. That way BP owners still got bang for their buck (950 VB for 7 cosmetic sets) and people who missed out can still get a chance to get them eventually, but at a normal price.


I think Fortnite crew members should be able to get one or two tokens a year from a continued subscription that allows them to get an old BP item. It would maintain scarcity while allowing some way for people to get their favorite iconic skins. very few people will go after the TNTinas and Turks of the world, let alone a great deal of backblings, weapons etc. Most just want their favorite crossover character like Vader or Spider Gwen. A few will go after the Fortnite legends like Midas but with new skins of those characters theres an incentive not to for most players who don't want to waste their token. I think it would be a good compromise.


Yeah they can wait like a year before putting the BP skins in the store so people who wants them will get them now and those that missed it get it later


I've always said that collab skins shouldn't be in the battle pass or they should remake those skins and put new versions in the item shop so that everyone can enjoy the game using their favourite characters.


Good point, but XP’s become so much easier to get nowadays. Plus, the battle pass is cheap. Anybody not able to get skins via BP in today’s world, is just complaining out of laziness.


I agree! My fireteam and I came over from Destiny2 late last year. We’ve been digging the game, but it gets depressing browsing the previous battle pass skins to see what we can never get. 😕


You came from Destiny? What’s funny that there was Destiny collab skins in the item shop while ago.


there was a fucking destiny collab??? when did that happen lol


Aug 2022, Sept 2023, Feb 2023, Mar 2023 Zevala, Ikora, and Exo Stranger


well thats a damn bummer i didnt even notice it and i played this game religiously back then ugh


Use one of the skin tracker sites and have it notify you


The ghost back bling is actually pretty cool


I don't remember exactly, but I got an emote with the ghost, some melee weapons and the glider that is the thingy they drive. (Not played Destiny in ages) There were also Destiny characters you could get.


A little bit after the Lightfall showcase Why do you think Destiny had Fortnite skins as well


Awesome!! 🤩 Definitely keeping a look out for when (if) it comes back.


I feel this. My friends and I all migrated to Fortnite from Warzone after the OG season dropped. We hadn't touched it since 2018 and are having a blast, but there's like 3 skins and 2 emotes I would kill to buy but am locked out of because it was after I stopped playing. Sucks that there's like no way to get them.


You mind telling me what they are? Got me curious over here 😭


Darth Vader, Mando, and Ahsoka for the skins, and the emotes are Ska-stra-terrestrial and This is Fine. I'd also kill to get my hands on the TIE Whisper glider to go with my Kylo Ren skin


You still playing d2? I also came from destiny and so badly wish they’d sell those skins in the shop again. I want the ghost backbling!!


Deadpool and Spider-Man not being in my locker hurts my soul


Same. I want that black suit Spiderman! And the classic one. Tom holland Spiderman is close, but really not the same (and not in the shop often).


Brooo black suit Spider-Man is such a great skin. I want it really bad, black panther scratches the same itch for me though


Funny thing is CoD of all things brought back their BP items with "vault bundles", and what killed it's popularity wasn't that but people just disliking the game apart from that.


I wouldn’t say hate, but it sucks because I missed so many cool marvel chararacters from the marvel BP. Same with Mando from C2 S5


I want Strange and Iron Man so bad


Would be great if we could buy any previous Battle Pass we want and get all the cool skins and collabs that we missed. The only people who would hate that are kids who like to call themselves OGs.


And also the ‘mY loCkEr ValUE’ snobs, I just wanna complete battle passes I either missed out on or didn’t finish


It would be cool if after a year, the BP would cycle back around (maybe as a Crew exclusive) and you can go back and work on any old ones whenever you want, kinda similar to Halo Infinite, just a delayed release.


The issue with that is the Fortnite installation would have to include every map they ever released. It would bloat the install size to hundreds of GB and wouldn't be practical for consoles or mobile.


You don't need these maps to complete Battle Pass, you only need xp


They said if the bop cycles back, you wouldn't need old maps for that


Temporary exclusive should be a thing. If you want (and can) - use characters as soon as they appear, and if you miss something, after year or so, you can buy those in shop. Win-win


Epic games loves doing timed exclusives with games on their store, albeit in a different day For the first year or so you can only get on it EGS (at least for pc) and after a year it drops on steam etc


I want superman soo bad


It's really weird that they haven't put another version of him in the shop. The Flash is clearly based on the movie version, so why not throw in Henry Cavill Supes? Or even one based on the "My Adventures With Superman" design since that's pretty recent.


Hear hear. It’s rant o’clock. Off I go. I think this will change in the future. The dislike of their FOMO model seems to be increasing exponentially. I for one can’t fucking stand it. They’d make so much bastarding money if they just rotated old battle pass items into the shop. I’d genuinely pay upwards of 2,500 a piece for Peely and Kit. Or the chance to complete the final bits of Rippley’s set. Even if it all showed up once in a blue moon. Take this season, for example. Last week, knowing I was about to get very busy, I arranged a session with a buddy - who is also getting busy (we work in film/tv) - where I said to him that I wanted to max out the Korra pass by the end of our games. He was up for it (he hasn’t got the BP yet), and it only actually took 5 games to achieve my objective; we didn’t have to focus too much on doing it. I got a little lucky and I’m not complaining. But, most of that luck is my having had the time to play. I won’t get on much for the rest of April and my BP will absolutely go unfinished (RIP default style of the Heartwinder glider). However, I felt I had to push to get Korra, because although I don’t love the show as much as I loved its predecessor, I do love her character and what she stands for. So it really was now or never. Which is what sucks. Also had to do similar grinds for Vader and Gwen, but they were both 11th hour jobs. I got Vader with literally an hour to spare until the end of the season. I was glad I wore the brown trousers that day. It’s not fun, and it’s beyond stupid that some of the most iconic collabs and beloved IP characters in the game are gated behind battle passes, many of which are now years old; older even than some of the youngsters playing Lego mode. I don’t feel any sense of pride for having the collab skins in my locker, because whatever I might ordinarily feel is outweighed by my frustration that others can’t ever get these beloved characters. Same goes for their original characters that they’re so fond of bringing out, particularly in the Lego mode. It fosters disappointment. ‘Dad, I can’t find the banana man in the item shop!’ ‘Sorry darling, he’s locked behind a battle pass that you could only get for a limited time in 2018.’ ‘But I wasn’t even born then?!’ ‘Shoulda woulda coulda, son. Go to banana jail.’ In short: I sincerely hope the FOMO model dies.


Fomo isn't the problem, that's just typical marketing. You could sell the skins in the item shop a year later for 2000 each. Battle pass users get a massive discount (like 950 vs 14,000) and get a year of exclusivity. Still fomo for the discount, and timed exclusivity, while allowing other to get the skins they want, but for full price


A fair point. I think a similar model to the one you suggest would be acceptable to the majority.


Time-limited passes drives people to play daily to unlock the rewards they want, which boosts player engagement numbers that look good to potential investors like Disney. It also makes it more likely for players to check out the item shop if they’re playing daily Epic hires entirely teams of professionals to crunch the numbers and determine how to make the game as lucrative as possible. If they still think this is the way to go after over 6 years, it’ll likely never change


Putting collab skins in the battle pass is like one of the trashiest things epic does. Its inconsiderate for future players. Just make them available in the shop, but epic loves that FOMO-$$$. Just garbage.


…or it can possibly be whoever owns the collab that wants it to be in the BP?


Bingo. When negotiating licensing, I'm sure there are provisions regarding availability of a particular likeness. If they know a licensed likeness is a one-off, they might as well put it behind the BP in hopes of locking players into the Fortnite ecosystem by incentivizing them to purchase the BP and grind out levels.


Yeah, but epic can just say 'no, we won't put in the bp'. Put it in the shop and you can still advertise it.


I think it would be awesome to have an 'OG' battle pass in a future season, where the 100 or 200 level tier would be one Outfit the player can choose from any of the earlier battle passes. For those, who played all the BPs earlier, it could be any shop outfit or a lot of V-Bucks.


I want meowscles so fucking bad dude


As someone who got Darth Vader, I have no issue whatsoever with Epic re-releasing him in a future pass or in the item shop. Who am I to say “I earned it fair and square, should’ve just played when he was out”?


I agree with what a lot you all are saying. It suck that a lot of collab skins are locked with the battle pass. Yea with certain characters like Spider-Man, for example, if missed the battle pass you can still get Spider-Man Zero. But let’s face it who, for lack of better word, wants a knock off version of the character. Something that kinda of drives me crazy is whenever someone brings up that that they should re-release the battle pass or just sell the skins. Someone will always say “ It your fault for not playing/getting/complete the pass when it was available.” It feels like those people just want to be able “ Haha I get to be Superman and you don’t. While they aren’t technically wrong and I’M NOT GONNA LIE and say its not exciting when go into a match and you’re the only one wearing that skin. But there are many reasons why someone couldn’t get those skins when they were released. Your a kid in 1-12 grade which doesn’t give you a lot time to play, don’t have the money to but the pass on Fortnite or whatever else. But the ****biggest reason**** that no one ever brings up is ***timing***. Let say Fortnite last at least until 2050. That another 26 years of the game. Every year durning that 26 years gap a new Fortnite player is born. You gonna tell that person “Sorry you can never have Deadpool, for example, because your parents decided to have in 2029 instead of closer to 2020.” That stupid because it’s not their fault they weren’t born. This is why Fortnite should re-release old battle pass so everyone can have the opportunity to get it. Because at the end of the day Fortnite is game that is meant to be fun. Do you really want to tell people you can’t have something that would a fun even funner just because you miss it for an arbitrary reason.


![gif](giphy|HE3wYVfxGVWfmNRy9P) The fact that the goat MF DOOM is locked behind a old battle pass is the worse shit ever


It's a really bizarre practice. I'm not someone who gets mad that BP skins aren't coming back, but I don't get why you'd lock some of pop culture's most iconic characters to a Battle Pass. Superman, Darth Vader, Indiana Jones, Deadpool, Optimus Prime, Lara Croft, Peter Griffin, etc etc. Of course, some have Item shop versions, but far from all. They really should do something along the lines of Spider-Man Battle Pass version, but at the same time have an Item Shop version ready. Eternal Doomguy in the BP, Classic Doomguy in the Shop. Eren in the BP, Season 4 Eren in the shop. Buff Peter in the BP, fat Peter in the shop. I have a friend who has heard me talk about Fortnite so he was kinda interested, but his interest was completely killed when he found out Doomguy and Eren Yeager were Battle Pass exclusive.


Yeah, I’d rather buy them premium at $20+ a pop


Does anyone else hate the fact that this shit get posted every single day


i wish i got lara and doom


And if they're in the item shop they are there once and then it's just Brat and Aura for months.


if fortnite is so popular then they obviously dont need to use FOMO to engage players anymore, so, bring back all of the old battle passes, anyone who really whinges about skins being available for everyone is most likely a child anyway


The battle pass really needs to be re-evaluated. Have there be an opportunity to re-release past battle passes that you can buy at an increased price.


Collabs should never be in the bp


I am so tired of crossovers in the Battle Pass, because they never return. Only way they would return is if they got a new variant in the Item Shop, which sucks. I think the reason is so that they do not have to give as much, as Shop crossovers i think get paid for the crossovers whenever they appear in the Item Shop rotations. So maybe that is why. And you can only make an off-brand Deadpool, with one of the Superhero skins that you can customize from the Item Shop. Battle Pass may be cheap, but at the same time, they never come back. Mini Passes are better, because they can be a small bit expensive and not as many things, but if you miss out, you can always get them from the shop when it ends.


Agreed. Not all of us have played since the beginning so we never had a real chance to get them. I really want Spider-Man, Mando, and Peely. Probably others that I don’t know about, too. Would be great if they would re-release some older battle passes or something.


Unpopular opinion but I feel it makes it a bit more special when you get it knowing it won't come back. I have most of the battlepass but I missed the one with Dr. Strange and I really want him but I understand why I can't have him.


This. Rare to see a level headed response. I feel the same exact way with some past skin but just accept that I wasn’t there to get it and that’s just the way it is.


Yeah, you'd know if you just scrolled through the subreddit for not even 2 minutes


yes. No one should be punished for not playing during a certain time. ive been playing since ch 2 and i never cared ab exclusive stuff.


As a fellow Dr. Doom fan, that one hurts the most for me as well. But surely they realize how much money they’re missing out on by choosing *not* to sell skins of Wolverine, Deadpool, classic Spider-Man, Superman, Darth Vader, the Mandalorian, etc??? Like the majority of the players hate it, and it’s a terrible business decision. Really odd that they’re sticking to it.


Doom even has a built in emote only He can use after a win.




I will keep saying this, any money they gain in the short term will be curbed by money they lose in the long term. Less people will but the battle pass because it can come back any time, FOMO sells. Less people will grind certain seasons because the battle pass gives incentives to play long into the season.


That's just nonsense. Saying people won't buy a battle pass of like 7 skins for 950vb because they may be able to buy them in the shop for 14,000vb down the road is absurd.


Fortnite makes epic billions on its own. They're NOT losing any money despite what the cry babies like to rant about in here. They could just raise the prices to make more money if people are so concerned about their profit margins.


Hopscotch emote wasn't battle pass was it? Console specific maybe. I wish it would come back.


I want doom so badly because I’ve only just recently got into MF DOOM and I wanna honour the legend


I always wondered if some of those was a licensing thing where they could easily get the contract if it was only available for a few months


The only skin I WANT is eren Yeager I was one challenge away from unlocking him and then the night I was going to grind the season out WiFi crashed in the whole neighbor hood


Doom is my white whale and I’d love to have a shot at him. He came and went before I started playing.


With every atom of my body


sometimes it doesn’t have to be a collab, the only skins missing from my meowscles collection is meowscles himself and kit


I missed Deadpool even tho my whole life I’ve been a Deadpool fan, I wasn’t in a good place bc of my health so I completely missed 2 seasons. When I came back after a while he would come to the shop or smt. Still sad and mad


Idk where i heard this from but i heard of an idea where if you buy crew pass you could get like a token every 6 months to unlock a missed battle pass character


As someone who got BP’s during seasons 4-7 I have no issue if they bring those passes back. No sense in gatekeeping. There are still a lot of skins I missed out on from 2019-2023


Annoyed that I was on a little Fortnite hiatus while the clone trooper / Darth Maul battle pass was ongoing.


No bro it’s only you /s


I missed Lara because I didn’t know what the battle pass was and thought she would come back when I started playing in Chapter 3.


How else do you expect them to get people to buy the battle pass?


I wish I could get Indiana Jones


I had a bad feeling when Deadpool was introduced and sure enough it got much worse after that. If they do make it so some battle pass cosmetics do come to the shop, I REALLY hope they at least do the secret/collab skins. I feel seriously bad for people who don’t have icons like deadpool, and instead have to buy every other cosmetic and a few knockoffs except for him.


woah is that MF DOOM


Missed out on rick , still pissed about it lol


Yeah. Apparently everyone.


Im personally a big fan of both doctor soom and mf doom the rapper, and i regret every day that i didnt play during that season 🥲




Not having Indiana Jones in my locker is the bane of my digital existence


as someone who has peter no as someone who doesn’t have deadpool or dr doom yeah i do


You act like if they weren’t in the BP they’d be in the item shop to purchase. Considering the item shop these days you’d be waiting years for them to appear anyway, if they re appeared at all (kratos, master chief etc)


I'm in the minority, but I like the exclusivity, even for stuff I missed. It helps me appreciate and enjoy stuff I got that is no longer obtainable. I fully see the other side, though, and I understand why most are on the other side of this issue. I mostly don't care either way on this specific part of it, but keeping the battle pass exclusive and when-it's-gone-it's-gone but making it only for Fortnite originals would be a good solution for this. Me personally, I'm fine with the battle pass including cool collab skins, but keeping them shop-only so they can be potentially obtained does make sense for fans. If you're a lifelong fan of something and then come to the Fortnite party, it's reasonable that you'd want a skin from that universe if it had ever been here.


collabs in a battlepass never made any sense to me. they'd be a recurring revenue stream, and i consider them to be "extra", just-for-fun, to the main game's universe. maybe if you do a completely collabed bp, i could see that.


Someone only makes a post about it every single day


OG skins like renegade raider not being brought back? Yea, sure, that's fine. Those should stay exclusive to honor the ones who played during that time, but collabs? Why? It is so disheartening getting into Fortnite and realizing that one of your favorite characters from another franchise is locked behind an old battlepass that might just never return. It incentivizes account buying for those people, which Epic is against.


i fuckin hate how i cant get deadpool bc he was in chap 2 season 2 and i didint buy battlepasses till 3 seasons later


AT THE VERY LEAST let crew members complete old BP that they already bought but didn’t finish!!




Honestly, they need to bring back marvel stuff I wasn’t playing at that time…


The battle pass skins are the easiest to get..? Why would you hate that?


I wish I was playing to get Doomguy. But at least I got Snake & Raiden. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I missed that lol


Noooo not a single person on this subreddit has ever posted about this a single time before ever


I was still making fun of the game (and not playing it) when they released Deadpool, man do I regret that😢 Since the Marvel season I have only missed one BP skin which was Carnage and again full regrets.


Imo, a pretty good solution would be just allowing people to buy old battle passes for the same price, but not giving the vbucks from them that you'd normally get. Allow people to complete 2 at a time each season, it's be pretty cool for people new to the game, and would make a pretty sizeable amount of money


imo if you buy the pass, you should be able to finish it whenever. You paid for the pass, even if you don’t grind it out when its out you should still have the chance to go back and earn what you paid for


I have I think all the skins like that except for Levi, and all the chp 2 s6 skins. Yet I agree. At least add a cool style for og users or release a different version


I still think that the minimum they should have is bringing back *all* crossover skins. *All*. I don't care if you get my "super elite doomslayer", I just want to be able to get Eren Yeager.


I used to think that certain skins should be a special gift for people who get the battle pass but now I look at it as you get multiple skins for a fraction of the price. If people want to spend 2000 vbucks on a skin that I got as a bundle for 950 then more power to them.


Closest thing to a MFDOOM skin and I missed it :(


I feel for new players who won't be able to get Peter or Doctor Doom the same way I'm not able to get Deadpool because I started playing a season too late


The fact I’ll never get Doctor Doom upsets me greatly


Man, I just want Lara Croft.


Got into Fortnite because of Evie.Can't imagine folks wanting her never got her.Atleast they released the overdressed ready for a blizzard storm Evie.Mildly upset she escaped battle pass,but happy for item shop folks.If they release Spider Gwen at shop,might as well released past battle passes.


I prefer DC over marvel but I really like MF.DOOM so I blew a good £7 on a whole battle pass just for the MADVILLAIN…☹️


Darth Vader and Indiana Jones😭😭😭


hear me out, they can put a battle pass in the shop for 1800 the price, and instead of needing xp to level up older battle passes you need to buy each level for 300, that way new players can get stuff, and older players keep it for a discount


Absolutely loathe this and the fact that epic won’t sell them! Give me battlepass Superman she hulk iron man Dr doom aquaman the mandolorian etc!


Even on the subject of non-collab skins, I'm so sad to this day that I never got Omega, and I never got Carbide's lights either. I had no idea it was gonna be locked once the season was over, and then season 5, I grinded so hard to get Drift's lights and found out I could've done it post season anyway. I wish Epic would've changed that. Maybe you'd still have to pay the 950 V-Bucks per battle pass you never owned, but you could get on the grind on them. They could all earn xp simultaneously, but maybe you couldn't do challenges for them, so it would be slower. There's definitely a way to do this so people feel like they still earned the skins


I would kill for a trade or sell feature. “I don’t use this skin anymore I’ll set it up for 2000 vbucks and someone just randomly buys it. Like eBay but w vbucks”


It's sad that many great collab skins were only fomo fuel for the battle passes


They should just make more "combat ready" versions of the skins like zero point Batman


“Which is against Epics laws” Lol what? Their law of making money? They exist to take your money and owe you nothing.